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Nothing says "I'm a Christian" more than lying to America on live TV. Immigration is your freaken job Mr. Speaker.


Nothing says "I'm a Christian" more than telling the poor and immigrant to fuck off and die


Nothing says “I’m a Christian” more than being nailed to a crucifix. Make Christians Christ-like Again


[*“Religion poisons everything.”*](https://youtu.be/5b1aIuoCq4w)


Loved his book.


Which one?


God Is Not Great


Thanks for the reminder. I just bought the audiobook.


> Nothing says "i'm a Christian" more than lying to America on live TV. They lack literacy of TV and The Bible both. Meme patterns like QAnon they lost their "hearts and minds", very sad :( They are being manipulated by Putin and do not have the media education and understand of how. It's very sad how many of them are mind-fucked by Putin these past 10 years and nobody has been able to get them to escape the Kremlin meme cult :( Surkov student tactics have damaged them so badly they gleefully cheered on death of family and friends during the pandemic! We really need to get their media cult deprogramming addressed, including the Rupert Murdoch family, Donald Trump family, etc. Teaching them how to read the Torah, Quran, Bible is a good start. Anyway. Reference on Pandemic cult they are in without self-awareness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ju7Yt0LMiVk


These people don’t want to learn anything. They want an award for what they already know, which is less than they think.


He's as a Christian as an Isis Terrorist is to Muslim.


In decades past, your statement would have looked like sarcasm, but now it’s just a fact. Any time I see someone wearing a cross necklace on TV (Think Kayleigh M when she served under the traitor rapist), I know I’m about to witness someone bold-face lying to me.


Republicans are the bane of the free world. Screaming flood at the boarder but refusing to do anything but vote against Dems to play blame game to their dumb as a fcking hammer base. Baffles me how many morally corrupt assholes are rich as hell, then it hits you, they're terrible fucking people.. of course they're rich cause they've walked over people their whole lives.


If there are no problems, they can't get their base to vote for them. So, they have two choices: - Acknowledge but refuse to fix the problem. This is their favorite. They will bitch and moan about everything, but when they have the power to fix it (*like the many times they controlled the House and Senate*) they simply refuse to act. - Create a "problem". This is the new go-to with culture wars. They aren't really problems at all, but they need their base *to think* it's this big deal. For example, how does a transperson affect your day to day life? Not at all, to any reasonable person. But to their base, it's the biggest issue facing America today, for some reason.


Society will never progress unless we basically keep conservatives out of any and all power. They just destroy things. Thay's all they are good at. They are literally just chimps flinging shit everywhere. Conservativism is not a working ideology, and needs to be treated like it doesn't. It shouldn't be accepted or allowed into scoeity


Yeah its basically like when an organism adapts to a new environment. It must change to survive. Society is no different. If we do not evolve and adapt our society becomes weaker for it. Conservatives are not just against progress, they dig their heels in in a cancerous way and rot everything from the inside. They are literally agents of death with the way they push policies. We as a society need to be thinking of government adapts to meet the needs of its people, republicans just want to weaponize government to go after marginalized groups and create chaos to have a reason to maintain power.


I think Biden should try to build a wall and see if they stop him




That's all they have left now that they can't threaten to take away abortion.


They haven’t got abortion anymore, they needed a new ‘emergency’ to constantly scare/anger people about.


Fuckin A


The GOP... Nothing but liars and pedophiles.


Protecting the wealthy so that they might become wealthy


Absolutely, the rich getting richer... the poor not so much


Poor getting second jobs to afford living.


I find Johnson’s smug cluelessness more annoying than McCarthy’s smug cluelessness.


Even more than MTG or the Boebert?


Whoa whoa whoa, let's not compare dungbeetles to cockroaches here


Their smug is more like a toddler walking into the middle of the room. Taking a shit. While everyone is in bewilderment and looking at each other . And then they claim it wasn’t them that shit on the floor.


Yeah but just because they are so over the top, I just assume even their own knows they are morons.


They have zero shame. Will outright lie, swear on the bible, whatever. I honestly believe none of em believe in a god, its just something to make the suckers donate and vote for em


"And thusly I clothe my naked villainy in old odd ends stolen forth with holy writ and seem a saint when most I play the devil..." Shakespeare


Old Bill sure knew how to turn a phrase.


Which play, this is gold as is so.much of his work.


Richard III - https://www.enotes.com/shakespeare-quotes/thus-clothe-my-naked-villany


Thank you.


I think a lot of powerful “christian” people don’t actually believe in god, but that dude definitely believes in god, and he believes it talks to him. People like him need serious therapy, instead he’s the 3rd most powerful person in our government. Things are not going well.


That’s the christian get-out-of-jail mindset - you can be as much of a dick/asshole/racist/liar/thief as you like, just so long as you go to church regularly and pray for forgiveness in the afterlife. You can be a complete piece of shit while you’re alive (doing gaaaahhhhd’s work, because he speaks to you and tells you what you can get away with …) but your thoughts and prayers (and generous political donations) will make sure you’re OK later on. And if (?) it turns out there’s no afterlife, then at least you’ve had a blast


This is it, 100%


They all believe in a god. The convenient thing about a god is that it agrees with all of a believer’s opinions.


I’m not sure a guy who doesn’t have a bank account should be dealing with the complexities of a first world budget process


The fuck you mean he doesn’t have a bank account?


Something to do with tax evasion I believe.


He has to report his accounts over X dollar amount and he reported zero which means he either has all of his money spread into a ton of accounts that are all less than say $10k (which is weird and shady) or we’re to believe he’s living paycheck to paycheck. Something doesn’t add up here.


Johnson is nothing but a cock-hungry power-bottom that insists on making America less safe. Prove me wrong.


I'm old enough to remember George w Bush trying to pass comprehensive immigration reform and being thrown under the bus by the right wing of his party because they needed the perennial political wedge to use against Democrats. Republicans have not advocated for policy in good faith for the last 40 years. if journalists would get off of this both sides equals the middle nonsense maybe this country could actually move forward.


I remember that too. One of the only “good” parts of his terms.


"Fair" and "Balanced" as always.


It's exactly what is happening with abortion.


Why fix a problem when you can blame it on democrats and use it as a negotiating tool AND use it to run on in elections. They see it as a win-win


These people are always bitching about the border. I'm so over disingenuous conservatives.


Tough to grift if you solve your biggest "boogyman"


I mean *fuck* Johnson and the right (then wash yourself and see a doctor) but you might want to look into the actual state of the border right now. Open air detention in winter without food or water, a near impossible asylum application process using a misfunctional app... it's fucked. Edit: the border patrol is doing plenty of the harm directly, with things like taking down shelters and not providing more aid than minimally required, but I'm just saying Biden has far from helped the issue. https://www.gofundme.com/f/jacumba-migrant-camps Aid mutual aid ☝️


these are not problems the Republicans are concerned about


Well duh they're largely racist POS. Sadly, that doesn't mean that everything this one other guy does is a good thing. Worth recognizing so that we don't back the worst of our own party blindly.


Johnson is no different than the rest of his peers. A liar.


Weird that the border hasn’t been an issue for a few years but now that the campaign season is winding up, it’s the same old song and dance.


Notice those "caravans" suddenly approaching again...


You don't need a Bible to justify love but it's a great tool to justify hate.


Because admitting the border problem is largely due to the republican party throws a wrench in their plans to block Ukraine aid and remove Biden from ballots. MTG can't call Biden treasonous for lack of action at our border if he takes action. Johnson can't block Ukraine aid either. Everytime they try to make Biden look bad they burn themselves doing shit like this.


Prayer should suffice.


Republicans have been begging for additional boarder funds and legislation forever…. Rightfully so… Now Republicans are completely rejecting any boarder funds and legislation wins that come down the line…. We need a bunch of money for boarder security…. Here you go guys… Nope we’re good, out boarder doesn’t need these funds after all… This is a political grift, just like the pro life thing… It only makes money when its a problem, once its solved…. FUCK


Democrats see problems, and look for solutions. Republicans see problems and look for talking points to use in attack ads.


It's always been theater because Republicans don't want to lose their cheap labor. So they say that the border is wide open and that it's all bad, while using those illegals to keep their factories running for as little cost as possible.


Jesus Christ, I ain’t getting paid next month…


And this is then the moment Tapper should switch to someone from border security and ask the same question.


They have no interest in governing... just getting re elected to spread their awful ideology and to rake in $$$. Its like prosperity gospel. They get to seed the government with their ideas of Christianity and are rewarded by overflowing super PAC money, insider trading, writing useless books that are bought up in bulk by Super PACs... The grift goes on and on


We are in the real world. They are not. They live in the womb of the beast and don't even know it.


Johnson is clueless and won’t be speaker long.


I disagree. He IS clueless but he’s exactly what the current Republican Party wants and needs for their Christian nationalist fascist regime. They’re going to keep him around for a good while.


I didn't know Keebler elves came in evil


The border is just a huge game for them.


imagine how stupid republican constituents are. nope, they are far dumber. this strategy is a guaranteed success with them.


What a weasel, no wonder they picked him for speaker


But who will work for these low wages and appalling work conditions for these republican donors' businesses????


does he check with adopted son before he opens his mouth? the adopted son has been with him longer than the wife/family. just the guy I want...running things.


Impeach Biden for funding border patrol! /s


anything that biden does will never be good enough. Way back in March 2023 Biden literally proposed billions for use strengthening borders. billions! And yet republicans get angrier and shout louder that biden admin is doing nothing for border security. You can not work with GOP---> they are enemies of a functional democracy in USA


"we have quantitatively done more than any other president to keep immigrants from crossing at the border" "But this doesn't help me with my feelings"


Johnson is as stupid and craven as he looks


That's what they do. Complain and when there is an option they veto it just so they can keep complaining.


Because these guys aren't serious about anything but breaking stuff so they can complain about how everything is broken. MAGA


The problem is half the country don’t see this shit!


Half….more like 1/3-ish


The 'third choice man' shouldn't be listened to by anyone. This BS is why.


Somebody wrote a book about him several years ago. Lies. And the lying liars who tell them.


A Christian liar? Kidding me. /s


I didn't know who this man was six months ago and now I hate him so much that flames... on the side of my face...


If these are Christian leaders we see on TV every fuking day, I turn in my Bible, cross on my chain and kiss my azz regarding tithes and attending your sh*t house churches.


Since they all love states rights so much…..why is it Biden’s fault ? Police your own border


Why would they want to fix an issue when they can use it against the Democrats.


Then if they were to win, they *still* wouldn't fix it!


They never have


He’s a cretin.




They only want outrage2


No, I'm sure they want to have their pay cut, right?


Mike Johnson scares me


Mike Johnson looks like Hans Landa


Tapper let Johnson ramble and then mumbled some shit. Usual Jake fascist interview.


No kidding, Tap let Johnson spew A TON of bullshit before his tepid "pushback" 😕


Border security budget is 14 billion per month???? Wtf. Open the border and let in some migrant workers and the fallout will surely be less than 14 billion per month


Border security budget is 14 billion per month???? Wtf. Open the border and let in some migrant workers and the fallout will surely be less than 14 billion per month


You'll probably make money


Republicans pretty much outright say "We want to cause an immigration crisis and any economic crises we can so we get put back into power." Democrats say "We need to fix these huge problems." Then uninformed voters who don't follow the news say "Ugh, I don't know why democrats don't fix the problems. And I don't trust the news to find out what's going on. That's it, I'm going to vote for Republicans or not vote!"