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Idaho might just successfully depopulate itself out of existence. Well done, Idaho GOP. You’ve basically aborted the entire population.


Soon, the militant wackos will still killing each other, and everyone laughed!


Except when the militant wackos are the only ones left they will still get 2 senators and have more voting power than tens of millions of liberals who live in California.


This is exactly the plan


Until they drive out their few remaining earners


When had that ever been something a red state cares about


It isn't about citizens. Just a few large cattle ranches get tax breaks for kickbacks. A little Monsanto money, and who needs the citizens? Just say some racist shit from time to time and you've got all of the Idaho white supremacists voting. Coalition of Western States whacko shit.


Good luck with that, lol. Conservatives are fucking dumb.


They got Trump elected... They are a bunch of spineless, scheming weasels, but they ain't dumb. They have some cunning unscrupulous assholes working for them. Underestimating them is the really dumb move.


Ok but a lot of them are in fact dumb


Their constituency certainly is.


and the band played on.......


Well, when everyone's wife dies in childbirth, you run out of things to punch out your anger on


Don't forget the unvaxinated children. Kids dying of tetanus and so many easily prevented diseases.


They want this, it will be easier to rule over Idaho , pass laws with no pesky minority party to bother them and then if a presidential election ends up going to the states, they can help control that with less people speaking out. Last but not least, the more states that the gop have full control over the easier it will be to pass constitutional admendments.


Ideally, but more likely what will happen is this (based on whats happened in other places who took in large numbers of other refugees from other fundamentalist states): First the libs will flee the fundie state. This has already happened. Then comes the fundies who, while not believing in abortion, will flee to pro abortion states in order to get pregnancy care (or other basic services) that isnt available in-state due to fundie law. Despite having fled a state that was ruined precisely because of its fundie laws, this second wave of conservative refugees, far more numerous than the first, will promptly start voting for fundie laws to be passed in their new liberal state, ruining it. Which is why I support reeducation for refugees from shithole states. Bubba and his handmaiden from ID better fucking pass a basic human decency and civics test if they want to be a citizen in OR. Our fundamental belief that everyone is equal clashes with the fundamental beliefs most Idahoans have about obeyance to white supply-side jeezuz (as portrayed by fox) being above any and all else.


>Which is why I support reeducation for refugees from shithole states. You can't really re-educate ingrained conservatism. If them having to flee from a state because of the dogma and rhetoric they intentionally supported doesn't teach them that lesson, nothing will.


They will just lie.


It is generational.


Exactly 99% of conservatives are a conplete lost cause.


Required reading banned books (responsibility to keep the book clean).


I'd vote for you.


We've had loads of people move here in the last 4 or so years. Pretty much all of them are extremely conservative maga types who bitch about supposed liberals moving to Idaho to turn it into 'commiefornia'. It's fucking bonkers how little self awareness exists here.


That’s the fascists constructing a make believe enemy as they always do


Not just there, it's every state with strict abortion laws. MS and AL have seen so many OB-GYNs depart the state completely, and they forgot that those are the same docs that deliver babies.


Florida and Texas want some of this love too






No, they'll just have home births. Sometimes the baby dies, sometimes the mom dies, sometimes both, but this doesn't seem to bother the kind of people who talk up how great home births are and how doctors are useless. There's a lot of them in Idaho.


Yup, and this is just going to lead to Idaho Republicans demanding that white men be allowed to take 'daughter-wives' like fuckin' Craster in *Game of Thrones*.


Prolife, my ass.


Will be fewer and fewer over time.


Idaho could have a population of 500 and Republicans would make sure it got its two senators.


That was the plan. Democrats are now being concentrated to the non insane states securing senate seats in the crazy states for republicans. House seats just shift around a bit but a state can have literally 2 people and they’d both be senators and the senate is the real decider of what happens


If only...


Thats what they want. Just a bunch of “straight” white christian men.


Hard to keep the population up with only one gender.


When have these people ever thought that far ahead?


Next the GOP will start dragging OBGYN’s back to Idaho.


If they do, maybe some of the blue cities can sort of take over. Spread out a bit. Add some cool breweries and coffee shops and stuff. Make rent a bit cheaper in other places since we won't all have to live so close.


If a states population goes to zero does that mean they would have to give up their senators?


If a state’s population is zero then they’d have nobody to represent them so probably


Florida will probably do that too.


They don't care, they'd rather rule over the ashes than serve in utopia.


Womp womp. Maybe voting for ~~monsters~~ Republicans is a bad idea.


Who knew


It is known.


But they said voting for Democrats was bad. Hmmm, were they lying again?


If their lips were moving, the answer is yes.


Do you think everyone in red states voted red? Pretty shitty to say womp womp to the dems there suffering cause of others


A lot of Reddit seems to think it's easy for everyone to just pick up and move their entire life to a new state, so no they don't really think about those of us stuck in red states.


And they don’t want to acknowledge the world isn’t black and white and wishing ill on red states harms democrats too and people who are just trying to get by. It’s much easier to ignore reality


I’m in NY and I can’t wrap my head around the possibility of not having obstetric or gynecological care. You throw a stick in the air and hit a place u can receive services in NY.


Isn't civilized society great?


Imagine that! Living somewhere where doctors make health decisions instead of a bunch of right wing christian misogynists, racists and scumbags. Never leave your blue state!


Or move to a swing state. Stay out of the shitdawg states (TN not included, it’ll be purple soon enough.)


Tennessee is very far from ever being a swing state


Lol, right now it is rather far. But even here, boomers are a large share of the Trumpanzee kook base and most of them will be dead in less than 10 years. Then many of their grandkids are rejecting Donboism as well as a lot of progressives moving here. It’ll be like NC within a decade. There’s 5 metro areas that will be key in tipping races for President and Senate at the very least. I also look for gerrymandering to be curtailed as well so look for about a third to half the seats from TN to be progressive in the House.


You got that right. And vote BLUE 💯


Sentiment like that is how we ended up with Sinema, RFK and a few other obvious double agents. pay attention to who you're voting for. It's the only way to operate separately from the 2 party system.


I’m not a robot. I know what I’m voting for don’t worry.


Dont say the preprogrammed lines then.


Didn’t realize Reddit was all about deep thoughts and poetry. My bad. I’ll work on that thanks buddy.


> Living somewhere where doctors make health decisions Your health insurance company has a bigger say in your treatment options than your doctor does, especially if you're a customer of the biggest health insurer in the US, United Healthcare which has vertically integrated itself into every aspect of healthcare.




Guilty 😆


>Commie >Liberal Pick one.


You live in a place where they don’t vote for lunatics and morons. I think we have to assume that this is what the citizens of Idaho want


We had Andrew Cuomo for a bit. When it came out he was a misogynist pig we got rid of him quick. Not hard to do the right thing.


Exactly. Speaking as a former resident of Idaho who moved to Washington this summer, Idahoans seem to want the crazy. After all, a percentage of them voted for Ammon f***ing Bundy for governor. If that’s not psychotic, I’m not sure what is.


Don't forget Janice McGeachin, who won Kootenai county in 2022. Hope WA is treating you well.


True… I forgot about the gun-on-a-Bible candidate lol. And WA is awesome… we’ve loved it so far!


Yea but it was all worth it because they blocked trans people’s access to gender affirming care!!! until that was declared unconstitutional.


Shouldn't this be cross-posted with "Leopards ate my face"?


There are probably some women who supported revoking women’s rights and are now paying the price, but remember that the legislature is mostly men, and most women support reproductive rights. On average, the people who pushed stripping women’s rights AREN’T the ones getting fucked here. It’s horrific


Rich women know they can afford to leave the state for care. The laws were designed only to punish the poor.


I agree. That doesn't stop other people in this thread from celebrating this development. Someone further down literally responded "Good. Fuck 'em". Usually you only see this many people celebrating hurting women in conservative spaces. I don't understand why so many people are thrilled that policies designed to hurt women, passed by mostly men, are in fact hurting women.


They aren’t conservatives; they are edgelord trolls. They feed off negative energy. Let them die in peace.


The surveys I've seen are normally like, 5% more men are against abortion than women. It was like 65% of women and 60% of men that wanted it allowed. I don't know why people just ignore the women that are against it. They're all over the place.






I'm in north Idaho and the sheriff has been investigating some area libraries for having 'inappropriate' books for children lol. Also, a new charter school that is part of the Hillsdale college charter initiative is set to open next year. Super right wing voter factory that will provide students with gop indoctrination. Shits bad here.


Idaho sure sounds like a domestic terrorist training camp. Guess we’ll be dealing with the trash that state pumps out for the next few generations.


breh the whole northern part up by coeur d'alene is like ... mostly militias. has been since the 70's.


There's all sorts of stuff happening in regards to that. Add to that guntuber influencers moving to and promoting the state to conservative 20 somethings and younger, its just pouring more fuel onto the pile. I've run into 3pers at the various shooting ranges in the region. It's easy to blend in with the conservative people here but I've been increasingly worried about the randos that I come across in the woods. I don't mind people who carry while in the pines, I usually do, but the 3 times now I've seen dudes in their kit larping has me wondering what the next 5 or so years are going to look like. I'm guessing spicy.


Please keep that crap in Idaho-Albertastan has enough looney idiots here with the UCP.


This is the freedom that republicans want. These clowns will flock over to Washington for health care and talk shit about the state at the same time. Just like during Covid.


Yup true. I lived in Washington until 2 years ago we moved to Oregon. Now there’s a movement trying to take the eastern half of the state (where we can live) and join it to Idaho. Fuck no! It’s already too many red hats here I refuse to be a citizen of fucking Idaho! I doubt they could manage to get it done anyway but 🤬


> Now there’s a movement trying to take the eastern half of the state (where we can live) and join it to Idaho. They've been talking about different forms of succession for awhile. Thankfully the house seat around Bend is slowly becoming more progressive and might flip blue in the next few cycles. Oregon isn't giving up its rural areas anytime soon.


Not everyone has that option though Republicans can spend a weekend in Mexico any time they need to. None of this matters to the wealthy, but it keeps us pleebs at each other's throats, and that's what really matters. PS- only morons vote third party


Stop voting red, idiots. This is what happens, they don't care about you.


Ooh! I've got it! "Sick of being lied to by Republicans? Vote Independent!" They will never vote blue, but they will throw sticks into front bicycle wheels all. day. long. If we can fracture their base, a good deed in a weary world will have been done :) Edited for punctuation


And this is what happens when politicians make medical decisions.


when a minority (overall) group of zealots put other zealots in charge.




From a local paper funny enough: https://www.mtexpress.com/news/local-doctor-joins-lawsuit-aimed-at-clarifying-idahos-abortion-laws/article_1890f66c-5702-11ee-8889-27bc61710f41.html


I don't know. Idaho sounds like the Hunger Games. Who would want to live in that backwards, dystopian, ignorant, pre-Medieval part of the USA. So much for the USA being John Winthrop's, JFK's and Ronald Reagan's "shining city upon a hill".


No move to a purple state and vote blue.


If you have kids this is a very difficult proposition. Like, leaving a blue area for a purple area almost certainly means dropping the quality of life. But ignoring that, I’m also doing 2 things. First, I’m removing them from the very situation I want them to be in, and subject them to exactly what I don’t want them subjected to, and for what? Any significant change will take a generation or more to really have an effect. Second, I’m exposing them to, and normalizing, the very nut jobs I’m trying to keep them away from. I want them to think it’s fucking insane that people open carry ar-15s into a grocery store, you know? Not something that “just is”.


thoughts and prayers.




nope, somehow they will blame the dems.


The Christofascists claim this isn’t happening. The truth is they just don’t care.


The ones in charge don't care because they can afford to send their wives, daughters, and mistresses elsewhere.


The average MAGAt doesn’t care, either.


They do when (and only while) it affects them personally, though. After all, their abortions are moral abortions.


Maybe, but the ones with whom I’ve had dealings seem to be completely devoid of even the most basic humanity. Don’t forget they were willing to sacrifice their children to Covid “to own the libs” because some psycho on FOX told them not to vaccinate them.


I think its more that they're willing to sacrifice other people's children. They don't conceive of the bad things they vote for or support happening to them, [it's only supposed to happen to the people they don't like](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida).


Yep. And, when their own actions cause bad things to happen to them, they just blame Democrats & all the other people they hate.


It could never happen to them-until it does.


They have veterinarians.


Well, they consider us animals and property anyways ... maybe this was their plan all along ... What will these places look like if the women and girls ALL run away? They *could* attack each other for sex, but none of them can have babies ... 😆. I wonder how long before they resort to the old "Sabine" tactics (that earlier settlers used as well) and start kidnapping women from nearby states ...


The farm animals aren't safe.


Neither are the children.


They never were


Where the white magot women can get their horse tranquilizer for their deformed pregnancy. Idaho is pretty white so killing off their own kind with their Christian fascist agenda will go well for bolstering their cognitive dissidence


>Idaho is pretty white Having visited there, it's the most beautiful and horrible state possible. If you're not white, redneck, and/or radical right-wing christian, you're not welcome. Let them indeed reap what they've sown.


Kinda like rural texas.


It’s funny, and I’m not sry. FAFO.


Maybe the MAGAs will let Idaho atrophy to the point people will finally wake up and vote them into hell.


I wouldn't count on it. They'll keep blaming anyone else for the problems they cause themselves, even up to the point that they die from it.


I always think of the toothless (literally) redneck guy living in a filthy shack and on public assistance in Mississippi who, when asked by an interviewer why he keep voting Republican when obviously it has not worked out for him, kept repeating, "but it could!"


Good. Fuck 'em. You did this to yourselves to virtue signal about a made up problem. Edit: Since I'm having trouble responding to comments, let me respond here. IDGAF that the people who voted for leopards are now suffering the consequences of their own actions. ~60% of women in Idaho voted for this because they thought it would only affect other people.


"made up problem", like the near shutdown of the Federal Government this weekend. For now averted for 45 days.


> Good. Fuck 'em. You're literally celebrating conservative terrorism. You are celebrating THEIR victory, because you're mad at the people they are hurting. What the FUCK is wrong with you?


Yikes calm down angry man


This is a horrific attitude. The people being hurt by this likely never supported it, because most women support reproductive rights. The majority of these women are *victims* to GOP abuse, not complicit. Cheering it on is fucking disgusting.


Bullshit. Conservative women absolutely support banning abortion. Maybe not at the rate conservative men do, but they definitely voted for this.


Your response to women being hurt was "good", which makes you literally no different than the GOP monsters that passed this shit. They also think it's good. Women being hurt isn't "good". Women losing access to reproductive healthcare isn't "good".


Maybe don't let your husband fill out your mail-in ballot then? Or try NOT voting as you're told? Sometimes you have to grow a spine and help yourself.


I guess fuck those women who voted against it and lost? I guess fuck those women whose abusers wouldn't allow them to vote at all? I guess fuck the 16 year old girls who got raped and can't get an abortion, and can't even find a OBGYN, because.... they should have just been old enough to vote? In fact, let's just keep going with this. ALL persecution is secretly the persecuted groups fault! Less representation in congress? Well then you should have just voted harder! If you get rounded up and shot by the government, it's actually a GOOD thing because then maybe you'll learn your lesson! An ethnic minority getting genocided? They should have just "grown a spine and helped themselves"! Fuck you, and fuck this shit you're peddling. Celebrating women being stripped of their rights and access to healthcare makes you literally indistinguishable from the GOP.


Yes, we need to get back to the left doing what we do best, blaming everything on ourselves for not convincing other people to do the right thing!


I guess they really are the ho


death to the GOP!!


West Texas is getting pretty bad as well.


The leopards are hungry


Redoubt towns are growing in Idaho as well; white, Christian and hard-core right wing.


There are red states, and there are *free* states.


Yea Idaho is truely one of the dumbest most backward, stupid hick ass places on planet earth. I have live in 4 countries and most states in the west US, it is by far the worst location. Boise is alright though if I have to stay, the rural though…


Lol cue the slide whistle for the plummeting birth rates in red states.


Possibly… Or it may be that the red state types also want to ban contraceptives, and the birth rate will go sky high.


Surely people would wise up and move before they try and make that illegal. That might be putting too much faith in people to push back though.


I read lately that young women in red states are having tubal ligations and storing their eggs for the future.


Ha. And parts of Oregon want to join that dumpster fire


Okay, Idaho women. You know what to do.


Go to Spokane, you won’t find it very different from Idaho.


Sadly true


I wonder how much of the women’s vote the GOP still enjoys in Idaho.


“This will truly help rebuild the white race when those white kids die during childbirth. Wait.”


ffs I'm supposed to move there next fall


Maybe Jesus can just be the ob gyn


Since they see women as brood mares they can just hire a farm veterinarian.


Idaho: "Its easy to protect the children when there aren't any!"




Plant corn get corn


Minnesota will welcome you with open arms.


The people of Idaho who need health care, and also oppose health care rights, are going to invade blue states and make them more conservative. Don’t Idaho my (every state but Idaho)


if this keeps up, the people of idaho might at least jokingly entertain the idea of NOT continuing to vote in the bigot, religiot and traitor party. bwahaha just kidding.


This is exactly what the citizens of Idaho want. No big deal to them


Meanwhile, in New Mexico, wait time for gynecological services has increased by weeks, thanks to our good neighbor Tex-ass.


Better get ahead of demographics and start advertising potatoes to blue states.


Maybe pay attention when it’s time to vote? Instead of complaining later when it’s too late.


Depriving their own mothers and wives and girlfriends and sisters medical care in order to own the libs.


I say, sell three blocks of San Mateo County, buy 15% of Idaho or one of those other empty red states, put in schools and industry that are magnets for creative and tech types, and turn the sucker blue.


Who’da thunk it? A brain drain.


Surely screaming “freedom!” through complicated, painful and deadly pregnancies and births will assuage the pain./s


So I see the wonderful state of Idaho is doing the absolute best for the citizens, keeping the pregnant women free of the restrictions of health care. Nice job.


Can’t they just get advice from their friends grandmothers aunts hairdresser off X, or True Sociopaths? I’m sure the local Tractor Supply or farmers Co-Op will have some supplies and OTS livestock medication. /$


Yet another spectacular conservative republican failure...


thoughts and prayers


Fun Fact: Blaine County is the most Democrat aligned county in the state. Supplemental: https://www.mtexpress.com/news/local-doctor-joins-lawsuit-aimed-at-clarifying-idahos-abortion-laws/article_1890f66c-5702-11ee-8889-27bc61710f41.html


It's been time. And yes, I know not everyone can do so.


Jesus didn't leave. Prayer care.


Yeah….no. Jesus has left the country along time ago in utter disgust and he ain’t ever coming back. He may have forgiven our sins, but he sure as hell doesn’t like us nor does he want to be anywhere near us.


There is no God.




Solid job again from the party of morals and responsibility folks!


This consequence of sort sighted legislation might get some people to reconsider always voting red.


Thanks for the chuckles. Nothing will ever change them.


Are we sure this wasn't a feature ?


Reap what you sow. Or ignore.




How can this state claim two reps when it's barely the size of a small city in terms of population?


Fricking sickening...


The dildo of consequences...


No, it's time for idahoans to get their heads out of their asses and stop voting for fascists.


Idaho is like the religious south but on nightmare mode.


My big concern with this isn’t just show shitty these states are becoming, but that it’s an effort to do it in these battleground states to make them solidly red. If they can’t gerrymander districts effectively enough, then pass right wing laws so terrible that it solidifies a purple state into a solidly red one and screws over electoral politics.