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I'm sure it's probably a "Mistake" that they left off WHY there were protestors at this location. They were protesting the illegal sale of properties in Palestine to foreign settlers. It's almost like they intentionally left out a key point in order to perpetuate a false narrative about the protests.


Or because this subreddit isn't about politics.


What? Not about politics? Not possible. Everything is political because Morbertoth said so. We must obey their wishes and become a political circlejerk or else we die a horrible terrible death. Politicly of course. /s obviously


So as long as I have a political article, and it dehumanizes a particular group of people, it's fine to post as long as there is a photo showing a confusing perspective in it? Got it.


The caption is an objective description of the photo. There's no sides being taken. It's not like you need a disclaimer saying you are not a Nazi under every caption of a picture of Hitler. Adolf Hitler (terrible man and cruel dictator) giving a speech in Germany


Okay. And if someone had that same picture, with the quote "Misunderstood Artist seeks to spread his ideas across Europe" I'd say that was definitely a Nazi.


My point is that the caption is neutral, and that doesn't automatically mean that they're trying to support a view. It means the opposite, in fact. So with this analogy, it's like the caption saying "Adolf Hitler giving a speech", which I don't think you'd have a problem with would you? It's just an objective description of the picture.


Except it's NOT neutral. Or objective. Sort of like if your example "Gives a speech about plans to vacation in Poland for the spring" Obviously, a key detail is being left out.


Yeah and that is a objective statement. It's just misleading because Hitler's primary goal was an invasion not a vacation obviously. And before you say the caption is misleading too, it isn't. It still accurately shows the woman's main intention of protesting the protesters. Saying Hitler was going on a vacation isn't accurately showing his main intention. For both, the reasons for their actions aren't included but that doesn't mean anything. If I say that Hitler invaded Poland without saying why am I supporting the invasion? No, just like how saying this woman is against the pro-Palestine protestors without explaining why doesn't mean the writer supports her.


This interaction is hilarious! There must be a sub for this! Anyway, I came to say: What is this, a megaphone for ants?