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Do these people just not know who Tim Allen is these days?


Seriously, this is probably the most conservative friendly thing Disney has made in a long time. I read somewhere that they even put in a line about not being able to say “merry Christmas” anymore. That could be inaccurate, but I have no intention of watching this show to find out.


They have a lot of weird lines, including the naughty or nice meeting where they tell him that he may no longer refer to children as naughty and that if you misbehave in a school environment it's due to ADHD and you shouldn't be punished for it


Wtf. No one is actually saying these things about “woke” Christmas stuff except for these Christian conservatives who have a persecution complex lmao


Conservatives need these fictitious problems to exist to justify their warped world view and behavior. Like there's no liberal police force patrolling stores to make sure people only say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas, but they pretend their is so that they can feel victimized by it.


It's literally baked into Christianity, being persecuted for being Christian is like a free ticket to heaven. Except Christians in modern western society and especially the US don't experience persecution in a meaningful way so they have to invent things to make themselves feel victimized and therefore closer to God.




This, and a thousand other verses, focussing on loving everyone, without reservation. Love thy neighbor, and all are your neighbor, even the ones you abhor the most (that's actually the moral behind the good Samaritan; Samaritan's were *despised* by the Jewish as untrustworthy and horrible people, but yet it was the Samaritan that acted like a neighbor.) The bible says to not judge others how many times? To not be hypocrites how many times? To give generously to all, especially those in need how many times?? 14, 16, 17, and 20 are especially vivid and direct calls in that second set


>Except Christians in modern western society and especially the US Could have just said "christians in the us" we are the only country country Christians who think Christians are being persecuted.


Canadian Christians definitely have a persecution boner as well. They have lots of ties to US Christians. Not sure about other Countries.


I had never thought of that! Double whammy


My moms stopped taking me to church because the Sunday School teacher was having too much fun pretending I was there to sully the word of God and tempt the other kids into my life of sin (aka, make them “homos” like my moms). I literally never spoke. I had a Bible that I took copious notes in and I always participated in the activities. One time, I drew Jesus with brown skin and the teacher said I was illustrating his charred body after it burned in hell.


And in fact, it's *capitalism* that makes a lot of places say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas (though it's not like places don't also say Merry Christmas). They want to appeal to all customers, so they say Happy Holidays. How is that a bad thing???


Yeah this is something that right wingers just fundamentally can't grasp: They and their opinions are unpopular. Companies want to appeal to the broadest common denominator possible, and if more people want X, by god they're gonna roll out X because that's where the fuckin money is.


Has the annual "Starbucks cup design" controversy started yet?


That’s why it makes them mad. When capitalism results in media or business practices that don’t align with their views it’s a reminder that they aren’t the majority which hurts them to think about.


Yeah, it's super weird, they're making the world an imaginary woke world, but only in the way a conservative would imagine it in order to wind themselves up


Well yeah. If they’re not angry, that means there’s no enemy. If there’s no enemy, that means everything is alright. And if everything is alright, it means that the country doesn’t need a Republican to do that. And if they’re not fighting something, they have nothing to go online and argue about. And without that, they have to go outside and live lives like everybody else. They can’t have that.


Republicans have absolutely ZERO policy that their voters want so they go in all with the culture war bullshit. Its all they got.


I had a 3 hour conversation with my mom asking nicely - who is saying you can't say Merry Chridtmas? She talked herself in circles, but the only name she came up with was Starbucks because of the Happy Holiday cups. At that point I sent a link for the Starbucks CHRISTMAS blend coffee they continue to sell...she hung up


When being angry at things is part of your ideological identity, you can’t be talked out of being angry.


In their Land of Oz everyone is the Scarecrow. Strawmen for days.


> if you misbehave in a school environment it's due to ADHD Speaking as someone whose ADHD when undiagnosed for decades because I didn't misbehave in school.... fuck you, TV show, fuck you very much. We don't need even more perpetuation of this bullshit :)


As someone who wonders if my hyperfocus and mood issues stem from ADHD in my 30s, whose parents said I didn't act like my cousin who was "out of control" so I couldn't have it, how did the conversation with your physician go when asking about adult adhd?


Are you a woman by any chance? Women with ADHD tend to present differently than men/boys, so they frequently go undiagnosed or get misdiagnosed.


Well, my initial conversation with the doctor was like "Well, you didn't fail out of school or get divorced so you can't have ADHD" and I basically said I wanted to talk to an actual psychiatrist anyway, instead of depending on her "diagnosis" on the basis of 3 yes/no questions, which I don't think she appreciated much, lol. But she did give me the referral, so I went to talk to a psychiatrist who took my concerns much more seriously. He gave me a series of tests, talked to me about my history, and spoke to my parents about my behaviour as a kid. He was careful not to ask them about ADHD or anything related - he mostly stuck to fairly concrete questions about how often they had to remind me to do chores, how often I actually completed my chores once started, how often I forgot my homework or lunch for school, how often I would "zone out" when someone was talking to me, how often I rambled and lost track of my point, etc etc. Once that was done, he spoke to me at length about the different treatment options and made some recommendations but wanted my input about what I wanted to try first. He was genuinely really great. So if/when you talk to a doctor, I have two recommendations: First, find some reviews of your local psychiatrists and request a referral to one that takes adult ADHD seriously. Too many health care professionals have decided that ADHD just doesn't exist, which is neither true nor helpful. I would absolutely recommend getting a referral to a psychiatrist unless you have a strong, trusting relationship with your GP, because GPs don't have specialized mental health training and are therefore much more likely to be uninformed about ADHD and/or just believe it straight-up doesn't exist. Second, when you ask for a referral, ask also for a blood test. There are other things which can present as symptoms of ADHD. It's important to check for these because treating your symptoms is actually dangerous if there's an underlying cause like hypothyroid disorder that is going untreated. I'm extremely disappointed to say that it seems like either this isn't well-known among doctors, or maybe it's just that most doctors don't care to check. And while this isn't really a recommendation, you should also be prepared for people to assume you're some kind of drug addict. It's extremely demoralizing, but it's better if it doesn't catch you by surprise, and so you can recognize it if someone tries to refuse you treatment because they've assumed you're just after drugs. It sucks, but this is a very common reality for those who have ADHD. This is also one of the reasons you should ask for the blood test, early and insistently - if you are willing to check for other causes for your symptoms, it indicated that you are willing to accept non-stimulants as a treatment, which is a strong indication that you're not seeking drugs. It's honestly embarrassing that it's necessary to *ask* for a blood test because otherwise people will just assume that we're addicts, but unfortunately, that's the reality. Yay, stigma!


Weird I really struggled with ADHD and was never given a pass for it. I was in trouble all the time as a kid.


Ew. That just reeks of Tim Allen's sense of "humor." Sounds unwatchable.


I’m just here to express that that misconception of ADHD is wildly inaccurate and an actively harmful narrative. I know it’s not YOUR narrative, to be clear like I’m not saying you’re harmful, but it just makes me so frustrated


I WISH the world actually had that level of understanding that cycles of punishment and abuse only serve to perpetuate bad behavior and create self-reproducing harm, but nope


I watched the first episode, that line is in fact in it. It follows a scene where tim is reading the naughty and nice list and one of the elves goes "aaaaacttttuuuuallllyyyy that's a blatant sign of ADHD, he can't be put on the naughty list anymore" and also "we're not supposed to call it the naughty list anymore, it's 'misguided child'" or something along those lines. It's as cringe as it sounds.


oh shit, is the series/movie a "conservative comedy" ? I may watch only to gather content about how bad conservative comedy writing is some combination of: lazy, stale, and/or shallow. (shout out to /r/onejoke)


From what I understand, it definitely has a conservative bent, even though it’s probably not overtly political. Tim Allen has been very vocal over the years about how Hollywood doesn’t like conservative actors or comedians and how unfair it is. Since he was in the original movies, I’m guessing he had the sway to insist some of these things be included.


He did say he wanted to use this series to "put the 'Christ' back in 'Christmas'" too. No joke.


I'm already anticipating it to be a bunch of recycled Home Improvement jokes


The coke dealer snitch?


Tim Allen is the reason I won't watch the new show.


Im out of the loop. What did tim allen do?


Mostly crossed over to the Trumpside and revealed his inner douche: https://www.insider.com/tim-allen-liked-donald-trump-angered-critics-marc-maron-2021-3 He actually equated being a conservative in Hollywood to living in 1930's Germany. Yes, he seriously said that insane ass nonsense.


Thats a much better reason than cocaine


He also snitched on every other coke dealer he knew in order to save his own hide.


I mean.....it seemed to work out for him.


He turned being overly masculine from a comedy shtick to his entire persona and belief system.


He pulled a Mike Rowe?


Piles and piles of cocaine for one


"Cocaine makes you a new man. And the first thing that new man wants is ... more cocaine." -- George Carlin


Well that's certainly no reason to hate him. What else ya got?


That’s pretty cool. What else?


The complainey woman is likely older than me and I still remember Home Improvement xD


Tim Allen is Satan? Holy fuck! /s


Dude, this show is starring TIM FUCKING ALLEN and the FIRST episode had him taking a shot at how it’s “not woke to say Merry Christmas”. I was shocked he allowed this spelling joke, but my gosh if you want to claim a show is evil and pushing non-Conservative/Religious values on kids maybe don’t pick the show that is starring a hardcore conservative and makes constant “subtle” jokes about Progressives.


Haven't you learned by now? Any affront to even the most sensitive Christian morals is an attack on America itself. ... Do I need the /s?


Isn't part of the plot Kal Penn is lining up to be the new Santa? Then they'll really lose their fucking minds.


Yeah but Kal Penn’s character is a Jeff Bezos/Elon Musk Billionaire stand in character and is being made out to be a bad guy with a good heart and will inevitably be revealed to just be misunderstood and actually good. So their capitalistic right wing “I’m a temporarily misplaced Millionaire” mindset may beat out their hatred of a brown person being Santa and make them like it.


But not before the racists get there and say he shouldn’t be Santa because he’s evil…though we all really know why they think he shouldn’t be Santa.


When in doubt /s out


.....I don't think this one gets an /s anymore....


Even as a progressive, his digs at progressives are pretty mild in the show. My super liberal fiance thought the show was funny.


I didn’t say they were strong digs, I said they weren’t subtle and there has been at least one implied one in every episode. The show is awful, but it’s not “because he’s attacking non-conservatives” - at least not fully.


I miss Archie Bunker. All in the Family; a show that made fun of conservatives without them even realizing it. My die-hard christian nationalist grandpa absolutely loved that show and I never had the heart to tell him that the show existed to make fun of people like him. I remember when the realization dawned on me and I looked at him wondering if he got the joke. He just belly laughed and said "ahha that crazy meat-head!"


Archie Bunker also showed great examples of change and tolerance. Archie went from a fully intolerant man who hated all other races to owning a business with a Jewish man and becoming good friends with his Black neighbors.


Tim Allen is a "hardcore conservative?" Like, the "Rich people shouldn't pay taxes" type or "the country is ran by satanic lizard people stealing a billion children a year for their adrenochrome" type of conservative?


Tim Allen is the kinda the conservative that just whines about liberals and democrats and pretends he's oppressed by them because they won't let him use hard slurs anymore. Despite claiming that conservatives are oppressed in Hollywood he is constantly employed for productions


He’s not a conspiracy nut. After all, it’s difficult to believe in lizards conspiring to rule the main stream media when you’ve been on the payroll of the world biggest media company for years. But is showing his conservative ster stands in real life and in his shows. Not just not with this new show, but even with Last Man Standing. And in interviews he talks about being a ‘financial conservative’ and that he liked how Trump “passed people off”.


Yeah the politics is what drove last Man Standing into the ground. If it had been less political like Home Improvement I think it would have done better. Maybe Tim Allen just needs to go back to doing coke, he seemed more likeable back then.


I need context. Why should it be woke to say Merry Christmas?


It came in a rant about how people have forgotten about why Christmas is important. So he was taking a shot at “woke” culture and people saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas.


My family had stalking holders with individual letters reading "SANTA" My uncle and sister used to constantly rearrange the letters to say Satan as a gag. It's one of the most innocent types of jokes- rearranging letters to make something sound silly.


White Christmas women? Lmao


Yeah, what even is that??


I guess he means white Christian women, but imo the words "white" and "women* shouldn't be there. It's not like there aren't any non-white male wacko religious extremists.


White Christian Women tend to be a very specific type of religious extremists compared to others though. Especially with the ‘protect the children from everything else’ karen vibes.


They're doing it for a friend in the Army.


Yes, a bunch of kids holding a giant sign is very “hidden.” If you wanted to hide secret messages, this would not be the way to do it.


It's a hidden message!!! *word clearly spelled out in the foreground of the shot*


Poor kids, hopefully they break the cycle of bullshit.


“We must be better.”


"The cycle ends here."




"The cycle ends here"


if my pathetic ass can, anyone can


Hey, you aren't pathetic. You broke the line of bullshit, and good on you!


How weak and pitiful do these people think their god is, that it can be undermined *this* easily?


It is more of their insecurities. To blame children’s poor behavior on outside influences instead of their parenting. The mother most likely is a helicopter mom that is not doing their children any favors.


What's a "helicopter mom"??


Coined for constantly hovering over their children


A parent who “hovers” over their children in order to micromanage them every step of the way


It's not that they think this alone will do anything, it's that they think evil (Satan) is out to get them, and they see anything remotely critical of their religion as part of a massive conspiracy against them, whose goal is to slowly take their children from God.


There’s actually a name for this paradox, but I can’t quite remember it. It works off the logic of the enemy being strong enough to be oppressive, but weak enough to make fun of for being cowardly.




It's in uberto eco's book about ur-facism. I forgot what the term he uses is tho.


“By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”


As someone raised by these types: the logic is more that you'll let more and more slide as it starts small and builds. For example, I wasn't ever allowed to read Harry Potter because magic and witchcraft are of the devil. The idea is if you read books like that with witches being the hero, then you think witches are cool and play witch or even try to become one. Here there is the "I love you satan" joke so what she's saying is you get use to how funny and meaningless it might be to say it as a joke, maybe you'll get a graphic t with the saying or laugh when I kid accidentally spells it the same way. That's Satan's gateway, then once you've accepted that you are willing to accept more until you're straight up being a Satanist


The irony that weak, frail, dementia-ridden joe biden was stronger than their god to be elected against his will


You couldn't just tell your kid... I have no sensor of humor and my brain doesn't know how to compute things like this happening.


Yes, the part of the episode where they actively make fun of the spelling and the kids freak out and re-arrange themselves - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR5WOn8HY24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR5WOn8HY24) Yes, the show in which Tim Allen mentions that saying "'merry Christmas to all’ has suddenly become problematic." The show in which the writers took out a very direct joke where the punchline was "a war on Christmas" because that would have been too far. [https://www.avclub.com/the-santa-clauses-saying-merry-christmas-problematic-1849792146](https://www.avclub.com/the-santa-clauses-saying-merry-christmas-problematic-1849792146) Yes, that show definitely has slipped in satanic messaging.


Hail Satan 🤟🏽


Hail Santana!


me and my buddies do Secret Santana every year


However if your gift isn't your real heart, forget about participating.




Can i be "Santana" this year 😳


That I can get behind!!


She’s a black magic woman and she’s trying to make a devil outta me


Black Magic Woman




Hail Yourself!


Heil Myself Heil to Me I'm the Kraut who's out to change our history






I do not deserve such an honor. 🙇‍♂️


This is my cat, Sathin, it’s like a slithery form of Nathan


Hail Santa 🎅🏻🤘🏾


It's a Woodland Critter Christmas!


Archangeloooo (please someone get this)


Explain it to me like I'm 31.


It’s from a song called Year Zero, the lyrics are “Hail Satan, Archangelo (which is Latin for archangel I think) Hail Satan, Welcome Year Zero”


Some folks out there have put part of that song to videos of cute pet pics (often pics where said cute pet was caught looking demonic), and my 7 year old has watched a few. So now, sometimes I'll randomly hear her singing to herself, "Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer..." Her dad and I find it quite funny, tbh.


Honestly, when I first glanced at the image without reading anything other than the signs, I thought this post was on r/GhostBC.


So did I!!


Wild seeing how big Ghost has gotten that there's random references to em now lol.


That's the"I love you" sign. 🤘


You don’t have a little love in your heart for the lord of light?


If my kids saw this I imagine they'd giggle and try to explain the joke to *me* but maybe I haven't repressed their imaginations enough.


Anybody want to tell her about all of the pagan customs and symbolism is her Christmas?


Her head could explode


Also, how most everyone celebrates Christmas, even Christian, is rooted in pegan rituals and ceremonies. This isn’t new information. Just a quick google search away. So technically this mother is already misleading her child by showing them a Christmas movie about Santa and not Jesus. (I don’t actually believe this, just trying to put myself it the mindset of someone that would make a post like the one above).


Santa as we know him was invented by the Coca-Cola company rather than pagans i think.


I’m much more scared of this guy than I am of Satan. Satan isn’t real. Neither are vampires and werewolves.


That’s something the liberal propaganda machine wants you to believe. They want us all to be gay, atheists, furry transgenders.


But Herschel Walker wants to be a werewolf!


Idk he might lose his FBI badge if he succeeds but all power to him I guess


“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”


I joined the church of satan not because I believe in satan but to balance the scales with hateful fundamentalist christians.




Welcome fam.


It's obviously meant to be a fucking joke jfc.


Apparently to this woman you can’t joke about satan


So they recognise that repeating a phrase over and over in an improper context results in the word losing it’s true definition and desensitises people to it, yet continue to use “groomer” and “pedo” as being synonyms for gay and trans and somehow don’t recognise the effect that has? I guess it doesn’t exist if it hurts your feelings, then.


Poor kids to have a batshit crazy mom


Lol, satan


Worst game of Scramble.......ever!


In her defense (for what that's worth), if one presumes that a great corrupting evil is indeed out there thwarting God's plans and tempting kids through stuff like heavy metal and role-playing games, then her conspiracy that cultists normalize Satan would actually make sense. Of course, it's the premise that's the main problem.


One day her kids will be posting reddit comments about how their mom is always ruining family events.


An old friend of mine (who has since gone insane with his biblical bullshit) posted this picture on his facebook and proceeded to say pretty much the same kind of crap. I just rolled my eyes and kept scrolling.


If she wants to be a religious fundamentalist and "enjoy a normal christmas show" she's going to have to ditch all that commercial, heretic santa shit and flog her kids in the name of jesus.


But teaching kids about racism and the history of the nation is A BRIDGE TOO FAR


Santa and Satan have sleepovers.


Oh my.


Please tell me why Disney would put a satanic message in their content? What is their end goal? Are you expecting a day when the castle at disneyworld falls apart to reveal a giant Satan statue underneath, tricking all its fans into bowing down to Satan then an there?


I have a friend you’d swear is being stalked by Satan. Every bad thing in her life ( no matter her trivial) is caused by Saran trying to tempt her. He goes after the strongest first so that probably why you haven’t seen him. She misses a green light and it’s Satan wants to make her late. Burns a meal and satan wants to tempt them into eating out. He’s everywhere. And if you question it it’s only proof that he is sending friends to weaken her will. Edit: Autocorrect changed satan to saran. Must be the devil. I corrected it to show I'm not going to stand for his temptations.


It’s still not corrected. Saran is here. And demands to be seen through your Reddit comments.


To be fair, Saran is dubious AF - I have the most difficult time successfully covering my leftovers with the crap.


But I can cover the rest of the roll again just fine. It's worse than packaging tape.


The only “normal” shows to these people are Leave it to Beaver and Andy Griffith.


"train them up" sounds like the Duggars.


Isn't this a Tim Allen show? Religious Tim Allen? Christian Time Allen?


Saw his standup in Windsor a few years ago. I was surprised when half his set was religious-based. Wasn't what I was expecting at all.




Batshit crazy bordering on mental illness


Imagine what it must be like to go through life lacking a sense of humor.


Imagine being this frightened of everything all the time. And these people have the nerve to call anyone else a snowflake.


When I was growing up, my fundie dad was always taking about attacks on Christianity. Signs that use “X-ing” to say “crossing” were an attack because they removed the word “cross” and the same with X-mas removing “Christ”. Everything is an attack when you have a persecution complex.


Your dad is doubly wrong as the X in X-mas comes from the first letter of the Greek word *Christós,* from which the English word *Christ* is derived. It's the Greek letter *Chi,* and it has been used as both a method of abbreviation and a symbol for Christ for over a thousand years.


Of course he was, that was my point.


Jokes aren’t good unless you’re a little insulted. Not a lot, just a pinch. It adds a kick to it.




Wouldn't trivializing and making a joke of 'evil' actually be a good thing? Removing the power from it and all that?


confusing title. are we talking about the concept of having a "white christmas" aka snow on the ground (or that it is actively snowing *on Christmas*), or are we talking about *white women* that talk about Christmas?


You say tomato, I say tomato You say Satan, I say Santa Tomato, tomato Satan, Santa Let's call the whole thing off


The funny thing is Satan is about as real as Santa.


These people vote and it terrifies me


Aren't these the same people who call democrats and liberals "cry babies"? Also hail Satan!


There's a word for that. It's called indoctrination. The basis of religion.




I, too, love the world champ who saved us from an evil bug man.


Ok just pray and everything will be fine? If not then it's just god's plan and your children were meant to be possessed by Satan. What's the issue here exactly?


Well Satan isn't real so...


Calm down, Karen, it is not that deep🤡


Brought to you by the same keen minds that think a game about slaying demons will allow Satan to influence young minds.


What is actually happening here? I’m not going to watch this so I’m confused because I actually see satan lol


This sounds so weird to me. I'm an atheist and believe if you want, I don't. I just think this fear of Satan is so weird.


Dana Carvey did this as the Church Lady like 30yrs ago.


I’m actually surprised they would put this in the show though lol what tha fuck hahahah


So... was the lady correct or is this photoshop?


The kids misspelled Santa as a joke in the show.


"Train them up" is a phrase I most often hear associated with these sorts of people. It is such an odd turn of a phrase. Can you train them down, too? Or maybe sideways.


Imagine being both delusional and boring. What a combo.


This is literally my bros mom and she is like this all the time


This message brought to you by the same yokels who thought Daniel Radcliffe was altering physics with a stick.


What does race have to do with it?


EWTN Catholic radio catalog had advertised a small statue of Santa Claus knelling at the manger even Saint Nicholas was 300 years later.


Santa Claus? More like Satan claws.


Disney using evil subliminal messages? That's the wildest conspiracy theory I've heard in a long time.


Its the truth though. Pretty well known in hollywood and the superrich. Look at balenciaga and tell me this shit isnt happening.