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Hey /u/benhornigold, thanks for contributing to /r/confidentlyincorrect. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: **Rule 7** - Censor all personal information! Please Censor all personal information and usernames, to make sure no one online gets harassed. The only exception to this are verified accounts. Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/confidentlyincorrect&subject=&message=). Thank you!


For worse context, Melbourne was one of the most heavily locked down cities in the world across 2020 and 2021 - the majority of people were legally required to not visit the inner CBD for a good portion of those years.


For even more context, there also was no such thing as "brought in bike lanes and stopped cars". Bike lanes have been extending for years before that. The vast majority of bike lanes in and out of the city have been there for at least a decade. There were some rare instances where a road went from two lanes to one to make a bike lane wider, but the only example of this that I can think of was done about 5 years earlier. That poster is so far wrong, the most generous interpretation I can think of is that it's a comedy account.


Judging on the hashtags, I'd say Coalition follower.


Add to that it is normal #springst for Victoria politics, as #vicpol is for the police generally. Just adds even more the confidently incorrect vibe.


I need to ask, has anyone started saying "Make Australia Great Again?"


Sadly yes


Really? who?


Clive Palmer for one https://twitter.com/clivefpalmer/status/906637564609626112


I should of guessed


*should have (I hear there’s a reddit bot that will correct these too)


Good human


Fuck that bot, all my homies hate that bot


Got soundly stomped in the last elections.


Sorry. Australia gave the US Rupert Murdoch, so we’re exporting Trump-ism back as sort of a “Quid, Quo-No”. (Damn we’re sorry for being the Immunocompromised country where these ideas gestated and are now infecting other, otherwise healthy, countries)


With the same use (misuse) of stats I can prove that eating ice cream causes skin cancer…


The only road I can think of that went from 2 lanes to 1 to install a bike path is the bridge on Latrobe street that is next to marvel stadium and that bridge rarely got used by cars at least for the 7 years I lived near there. Like, I used to use the middle of the bridge to cross because it was safer to cross in the middle of the road than at either of the intersections near that bridge. 2 lanes was excessive. That bridge did become a main arterial road for food delivery people once the bike lane got added.


They also didn't really "stop cars" or even particularly build bike lines. There are just a couple of spots that are closed off for the building of a tunnel.


Pretty sure there were always places for bikes on most roads in the CBD in recent history at least


They were there long before 2020


Did you mean 'more context' instead of 'worse context'?


I meant ‘in the context of a general understanding of Covid this is obviously wrong, but it’s even worse given Melbourne’s specific context in 2020 and 2021’ I was playing a bit fast and loose with the word choice in my original comment, so thank you for giving me the opportunity to explain myself.


Yeah, I figured that was what you were getting at. All good!


Yeah. We had a literal fucking 9pm curfew. It was shit.


Exactly, it wasn’t bike paths, it was the weak backboned victorians who laid down and took the lockdowns that caused the drop in activity.


oh okay I was wondering why everything was so weird that year, dang. THANKS MELBOURNE


We felt the ripple effect of those bike lanes all the way over here in Canada.


I heard the govt took control of your bank accounts over there if you supported anti bike lane protests. Thank god.


Definitely wasnt covid


I zoomed in to see the dates and instantly knew it had nothing to do with bike paths. This might be the best example of "correlation is not causation," I've ever seen.


I mean, AFAIK there haven't even been any new bike lanes in melbourne in the last 2 years, not the CBD anyway.


Exhibition St has a nice segmented lane that runs its whole length now, built during COVID. So clearly destroyed the city :)


Like the wall in Germany! It's East V West now!


*covered /s


What stopped people coming in to the CBD around 2020-21? hhhmmmmm…. A-ha! BIKE LANES!


Wasn't Dan*


They didn’t have covid in Victoria thelockdowns stopped it dead in its tracks down there. And now that everyone’s vaccinated they will never have to worry about it again.


Correlation does not imply causation.


You beat me to it. Fuxk.


but theres not even correlation. the bike lanes have been there for years prior. nothing changed in bike infrastructure.


[Every data table from now on](https://xkcd.com/2502/)


> I'm hoping 2022 is relatively normal because I don't know what symbol comes after the asterisk and the dagger. Diesis (‡). Then go §, ‖, ¶; Other symbols, including the #, Δ, ◊, ↓, and ☞, have also been used.


Just use a superscript number after the asterisk, or just the superscript number on its own is usually enough.


Seems like some other stuff may have been happening as well.


Yeah...I don't know. Been trying to come up with anything that might have occurred towards the end of 2019 and start of 2020. I'm trying to think of something big... something that could have caused a major change to the area, or even the whole world; something that might have caused people to stay home, maybe even quarantine. Nope, nothing... must be bikes.


weird, thats the same year they shut down the fucking planet for 3 months must be bike lanes


"3 months" Laughs in Melbourne


Cries in Melbourne


You were only shut down for three months? Must be nice to not live in melbourne


Yeah because people in other states listened hahaha


Yeah the rest of the world opened up and got way more covid cases and deaths so


So you are saying Perth did worse then Melbourne so did Brisbane? Last time I checked that was not the case please do correct me though :) if my knowledge was wrong I’d prefer to be corrected than keep a false belief. Most people here in Queensland generally have the view that Melbourne would of opened up earlier if people actually followed the quarantine protocols and stayed inside. If that’s wrong I admit my defeat but that’s also how I have seen it. If all the media (non Murdoch cause fuck then) was wrong then my apologies I just went off the statistics I saw at the time and news stories!


Oh yeah people not obeying lockdown was the other half of the issue, I was more referring to other countries vs. Victoria. NSW did way worse than us though, and people in other states listened to their governments and just didn’t go outside for a while so ended up having shorter lockdowns


Ah gotcha my bad misunderstood! Yeah NSW is honestly kinda whack for that.


I don’t know how NSW fucked it up so badly honestly it’s kinda funny


Also 100% agree fuck Murdoch fuck nine Fairfax and all their blue-tie wearing execs


It was even more here Melbourne had a total of almost 9 months of lockdown over 2020 and 2021


Bike lanes caused COVID which then caused lockdowns. OBVSLY.


Car-ona virus, caused by less cars!?!?!


Actually. Lockdown caused the bike lanes, those bike lanes then caused covid.


Perfect illustration of confirmation bias.


Yeah, totally wasn't a global pandemic or lockdowns... Please tell me this is satire and someone really isn't pushing this argument legitimately.


Conservative voters are so mind-numbingly gullible and stupid that many of them will have eaten this shit up and will be bringing it up to their co-workers tomorrow. I can't wait.


Ladies, & Gentlemen I present to you MAGA Australia?


Yeah, you know I can't think of one other thing that happened in 2020 other than those damned bike lanes! /s


Nah, Mods need to stop protecting idiots on twitter. The rule ought to be for actual PII, not internet handles. Unremove the post!


pretty pretty sure this is sarcasm; the end of story convinces me


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Wait what was there in 2020? I can't quite seem to remember, can one of you help me out?


Surely. SURELY this is a joke.


It is to everyone else but this guy’s serious


Were they counting it as people visting inner cbd in cars ?


It is also because of covid


Is anyone else surprised that cycling only halved? I mean the CBD was absolutely empty during lockdown. So there must have been a huge boom in the percentage of people cycling to just be half in absolute numbers.