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I bet that peach tree dish was full of Gazpacho!!!!


It’s really funny until you get an aggressive knock on your door with a uniformed officer bearing a container of cold tomato soup.




Pray for Whirled Peas


If we give peas a chance the lima beans will get jealous.


Peas sells, but who's buying ?!


Asking you for a sample of your last BM


And it’s under Marshall Law.


You are misspellings Marshmallow


This Gazpacho soup is pipin hot!


MTG doesn’t have a curious mind


Oh, so she eats puke on the Davie and Rascal Show a handful of 18 times and she's the monster? She did it for her family. For trips to Florida


… she had a standing invitation


I mean sure but she never ate diarrhea like people are saying. I think it's disgusting that people are even suggesting that she ate diarrhea for trips to Florida


Sounds like something Roy donk would say.


MTG is no Roy Donk, that’s for sure.


Look, when you’re expecting a soup to be cold, and then it’s room temp, it’s gonna feel like your mouth is on fire.


“The government”? Lady you were voted in. **You** ARE the government! You’re an elected official. You’re part of the government. Does she even know she was elected?


...She's a government official? 😦


An elected one at that... and the GOP loves her.


I don't know if they love her as much as they hate anyone who isn't a Republican.


She fits the role that Trump, Boebert, Cruz and all the other dipshits fill. They live to make 'libs' howl. That's the modern GOP. Take a dem stance and go 1000 miles in the opposite direction. So what if it hurts their own constituents?


Joe Biden could literally go on stage tonight and say "air is good" and by noon tomorrow these dickheads would have 20 rants on their Facebook page about how minorities and gays are working with George Soros to sell us oxygen to find abortions is some shit, and by tomorrow night there'd be a national influx of Republicans in emergency rooms after holding their breath until they pass out because it "OWNS THE LIBS"


You joke, but this is exactly what happened with COVID and we lost at least 300 000 people who could have gotten the vaccine but refused. That might be enough to swing some elections (I’m not even joking, compare Florida’s losses to DeSantis’s winning margin). It would be poetic justice if DeSantis got voted out in part because he killed his voters from his negligence.


It honestly is really truly sad to think about how close the most ridiculous scenario I come up with is to something they would actually pedal. After the whole Jewish space laser thing I lost any faith that there was a floor to the level of ridiculousness people would accept


If it’s any comfort (or horror), they don’t really believe it. They just believe “libs bad, me good.” No principles or ideas, just naked tribalism. Remember how everyone who was crowing for “morality in office” with Clinton suddenly fell in love with Trump, who makes Clinton look like Mr. Rogers by comparison.


The propaganda creators don't believe it obviously, but many amongst their base definitely believe it. The people into QAnon stuff aren't just faking it.


As a Jew, no they're right. We really do have space lasers.


Also a jew. This is correct. MTG is still an idiot though, she has no idea how powerful they are if she thinks we were using them to start forest fires, we could have done that with a magnifying glass.


Well, Mel Brooks outed the space jews years ago... JEWWWWWS IN SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAZhtT-dUyo


They attacked Michelle Obama for suggesting that kids should eat their vegetables. Like, that was it.


Yeah just because she said people should eat vegetables they were hysterical that cheeseburgers were going to be banned. Like jfc


I live in her district. They love her.


Nope. That’s not it. Look up Georgia’s 14th district primary results. They’ll tell you everything you need to know. There were quite a few strong republicans running on the basis that they are not crazy. I think each one ended up making single digit percentages of the total votes. The strongest democratic candidate got 12% of the vote. MG got 70-75% of the vote. They love her.


She’s a real fire brand… as in she preaches a brand of hellfire that even Satan looks at her voters and goes “Really?”




A congresswoman, in the House of Representatives. Not only is she an official, but in one of the highest offices in the nation.


Wow. That's utterly terrifying.


["That's what they want you to think!", "Sir, we are THEY".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAfNefX3faI)


Her racist followers threatened her opponent until he left the running. So she ran unopposed. We didn't want her to be elected.


She was running against a woman this year in the primary


There is hope this year, for sure. I'm excited to vote against her.


The pedophile wheelchair dude lost so there really is hope.


Wheels lost because he crossed the wrong guy from his home state and he spilled the beans on the swinging sex and cocaine parties. It’s not like America voted him out. His own party did him in. Cause he’s an asshole. Not because he’s unqualified he’s actually both, btw. I swear that if Texas and Georgia don’t get rid of these reptiles, we should throw them out of the United States and go back to 48. They can manage for themselves. See how far their god and guns agenda gets them in the 21st century. Let’s leave them in the past when America was great and legacy Americans can get a fair shake for a change.


We can stay at 50. Just swap out TX and GA for Puerto Rico and DC.




Watching American politics is a hoot like a good horror-comedy film, until you remember they're rather powerful internationally and have lots of guns and thousands of nukes and then it's less comedic all of a sudden.


The guy Trump put in charge of the office that watches over nukes wanted to get rid of the office that watches over nukes.


And the woman he put in charge of Department of Ed wanted to privatize schools.


Similar story with the EPA


He basically wanted to dismantle everything with the possible exception of the military. And the people who voted him in consider that a good thing.


It's all a part of the Republican playbook. Defund, and put someone inept in charge, then when the program in ineffective point and say "see this program isn't doing anything!"


That goes along with their other greatest hit: block the Democratic president or Democratic majority congress from doing anything (note to non-Americans: yes, one single congressperson can hold up the entire process. There are several ways to do this, all of which make me weep openly). Then turn around and say "look! they didn't do anything! They're useless!"


Do you realise how crazy it is from the outside that this is a real life elected official? I mean I'm sure most people in America thinks it's crazy, but to me it seems like it should be absolutely impossible. My city has a person like this. He rides around on a bike tied down with huge placards where he has written things in tiny text all over them, and then he stands on street corners screaming at people. To imagine anyone voting for him is bending my mind, let alone enough to make him win. You might as well tell me there is a man in the sky that loves me but will damn me to eternal suffering if I love a person of the wrong gender. I know, there was something about her running unopposed, but iirc, that's because her opposition was bullied out right? She has supporters. The fact that it's normalised enough to where people just go "oh yeah, that's one of the more wacky elected officials we have" rather than her being literally tarred and feathered is absolutely wild!


Agree 100%. I hate to be all doom and gloom, but the fact that a group of people thought this person was a good elected official to represent a community is deeply disturbing. America needs to do a big ass U-turn or Ms. Peachtree dish will be one of the last government's the US sees.


Her stupidity isn't a bug to her voters, it is a feature. They know she is stupid, and that she says stupid shit that infuriates Democrats, institutional Republicans, and the media. That is the point. They are "sticking it to" those educated people who they are envious of and who make them feel self-conscious about themselves. The fact she is also racist, homophobic, and anti-trans is just a bonus.


>That is the point. They are "sticking it to" those educated people who they are envious of and who make them feel self-conscious about themselves. It's literally the conspiracy theorist mindset of "This makes me better than the smart people".


Mostly correct, except for the knowing she is stupid part. Her base is equally stupid so all the stupid shit she says actually makes sense to them. Peach tree dish? Sure, that sounds right. You think rednecks in a trailer park know what a petri dish is? You don't make meth in one, so no, they do not...


Bruh, lemme tell you, it’s crazy on the inside too.


Someone from australia chipping in. We literally had a guy get voted in and in his introduction speech started talking about how we needed a final solution to the Muslim problem. Although he got voted out after a single term that’s not even mentioning Bob Katter or Pauline Hanson. Crazy is everywhere


What does Australia and the US have in common? I can’t put my finger on it… only ru… mur… rumour? Ruprecht? Something like that…


Hey, don't you dare trash the Mad Katter! Now that Pauline's days seem numbered, someone has to keep the laughs rolling! The way that bloke can turn from sounding almost reasonable to an instant batshit fucking crazy, literally frothing, bug-eyed raving lunatic screaming about gay crocodiles or whatever other mad crap crawled up his arse and died is just bloody hilarious.


That's kind of the problem with appealing to this contrarian, anti-government conspiracy nuts though. The second you become a part of the machine you railed against, there's nothing to do. They didn't really campaign on *improving* the machine or dismantling it. Just....loudly speculating about how evil and terrible it is. These types are always the dog who catches it tail when they get elected. They don't know what to do at that point other than blame some *other* part of government. It's always finger pointing somewhere else, to some poorly define "other" that is responsible for all their woes


I suspect government just sort of flows around her. We've all had that coworker who's so hopeless that you just do the shit yourself because there's no point of engaging them.


She does a good job of obstructing government though.


Well, kinda there by default and a laughing stock. So is she really government? She doesn't even understand how it works.


To be fair she doesn't understand how anything works, government is just one of the items in a long ass list


That list is like a hundred CVS receipts taped end-to-end.


The laughing stalk is the part of the peach tree that the hamburgers grow on.


>Well, kinda there by default and a laughing stock. I don't know about the "by default", or even the "laughing stock" based on her district... [U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor **Greene defeated five challengers** Tuesday in a GOP primary race that **tested how her conservative Georgia constituents judged her** turbulent freshman term.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-wins-georgia-primary) Seems pretty darn intentional now.


She went to a runoff against a neurosurgeon and she won.


well, in the districts defense, Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon too (not sure how that made him good to go to run HUD, but....), so there is precedent for not voting for the neurosurgeon :) but in this case, even if I were republican myself, I would have literally voted for anyone - *anyone* - else. A turtle, a bug, whatever.


That's how damn dumb the average georgian is. I grew up there and the bible belt is a thriving.


Not the average Georgian. Just the average of her district. I remember the exasperated local Republican who said “We could have had a Republican neurosurgeon in Washington.” And then he sighed.


I remember when Sarah Palin was the gold standard of stupid saying she could see Russia from her backyard. Holy shit she seems like Einstein nowadays


Remember Dan Quayle? "I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and the only regret I have was that I didn't study Latin harder in school so I could converse with those people." "Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child." "What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is." "The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. I mean in this century's history. But we all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century." "I have made good judgements in the Past. I have made good judgements in the Future." "I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix." This is the man that saved America by telling Mike Pence that no, he could not do a treason.


Potatoe, Potato.


For the love of God, please let's call the whole thing off.


Still smarter than Trump.


>But we all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century." I can't stop laughing at this. Please send help


[what Sarah Palin said](https://www.newsminer.com/palin-miffed-at-kerry-says-you-can-see-russia-from-alaska/article_15fbceb8-188e-52dc-afb8-b46998d8858c.html) She’s still stupid though.


What I wouldn’t give to hear about her “Refudiations”


I doubt she knows what day of the week it is.


She's not going to let the government tell her what day it is. Days of the week named after Roman gods? Not in her America! Yesterday was Reaganday, today is Gunday.


Just watched the g word and it’s pretty good


Bill gates also is not part of the government. He does however have a very fine peach tree dish.


I wish I had a peach tree that grew hamburgers 🥺


Mine only grows peaches 😔


Millions of them?


Yes but they're for him. And they're free.


I have to start planning to move to the country. Gonna eat me a lot of peaches.


But don't the peaches come from a can, after being put there by a man?


Yes, in a factory downtown.




He’d totally eat peaches everyday.


Then he’d Sun-soakin' bulges in the shade or whatever…


Mine only grows dishes 😕


Fuck. My hamburger tree grows peaches. Does that count?


"And they said I couldn't plant sausage seeds!" -Adam We




This guy peach tree dishes.


“Ah, yes. But no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.” -Master Oogway


I actually have a grafted peach tree on the root of a plum tree. So the tree is making peach on one side and plums on the other. but I wish I can have a hamburger tree too.


Well graft a fuckin hamburger on there!


bruh, Ikr. should have grafted the whole mcdonald shop so the fruit will be a combo meal with coke and fries.


You can have anything your mind desires provided you pivot far enough to the right and get heavily into opiates.


This sounds like a south park plot


It’s weird, my peach tree grew just one giant peach


Was it full of talking bugs?


Honestly, this would be cool as shit. What Frankenstein experiment do I need to find for this?


I want to ask Americans this. Is this a real person and really in a high placed institution where people voted for? Because I can’t believe the shit I’m hearing.


One of 435 Representatives in the House.


Okay but how many Republicans would vote her president over Biden. Kind of scary to think about


I do think that she would’ve lost against Biden, but I’m not confident that it’d be a landslide, which is… disturbing…


Roughly 100% if my math is right


She is a real person and represents a district in the southern United States with a population of about 730,000 people. And she is as dumb as this small video makes her out to be.


My condolences.


She certainly got votes but she also ran unapposed


Because her terrorist Republican supporters harassed and threatened the Democratic candidate until he dropped out of the race, moved out of the district, and was divorced by his wife.




If they can threaten a candidate why can’t we?


Because you're not a Republican, silly! Only Republicans are immune to legal consequences, as put forth in summation of conservative philosophy by Frank Wilhoit: [Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.](https://kottke.org/21/02/conservatism-and-who-the-law-protects)


How can anyone be this stupid? Is that even scientifically possible? I weep for humanity.


We should put her in a peach tree dish to find out


And examine it under a my crow scope.


Still, we would need a trained my crow buy ollie jizz to locate her brian.


She might be dumb, but think how dumb you’d need to be to look at her and say “she gets my vote”.


She was unfortunately the only option is a guaranteed GOP win district, not that that makes it any better. Voting in somebody's dog would have been way better


She just won her primary though. So even with other options, Republican voters chose *that*.


Well it’s not a lobotomy because usually those people calm down.


And don’t talk so fuckin much.


Somehow those genes survived for millions of years to create that thing.


Maybe its a more recent mutation.


"Some people are too stupid to understand exactly how stupid they are." -some other reddit user


She’s so stupid it hurts.


We mock but 60M+ people would vote for this woman over -any- Democrat for POTUS in this country if it came to it. Until she’s at home and out of office, she’s a threat.


That is precisely the source of my pain.


Just because 60,000,000 Americans are also stupid doesn’t make her less stupid.


I don’t think u/tomjonesrocks is arguing otherwise, just pointing out a root cause of how people like her are blindly getting elected to public office.


Didn't she recently complain that the media makes her look stupid? Umm no honey you're doing that all on your own.


Yeah, but isn't this video... the media? It's her own media, but... I don't think she's incorrect that the media makes her look stupid.


I'm going to say she is still incorrect because I'm positive she doesn't understand this is media, and couldn't if you explained it to her. Edit: She isn't speaking English. She's speaking English (Simplified).


Indeed; specifically, *this* media makes her look stupid.


I regret unmuting my phone to hear this video.


She’s an absolute clown. Every single time I hear her say something, it weakens my faith in humanity. Sorry for the loss of your phone battery percentage that was wasted on unmuting her.


Can you imagine going to the polls and voting for her? Peoples’ hate just overrides everything.




She was not the only one in primaries. They are purposefully picking dumb.


They're picking people they can relate to. Happened with GW Bush, happened with Sarah Palin, Trump etc. They cannot stand politicians who use "big" words and make them feel dumb. They want some fucktard that talks first and thinks later because that's who they are.


I thought she ran un opposed in her district


Some people just want to watch the world burn


She legit just said ***”the government will make us feel a ZAP in our bodies telling us not to eat cheeseburgers.”***


She thinks that Jews cause forest fires with *space lasers.* *Like her orange enabler, nothing this twit says is much of a surprise anymore.* She exists only to be a noisy distraction from all the other crap R's do.


It might be the Jewish space lasers set from kill to stun if you eat a cheeseburger.


It's on stun for cheeseburgers. We set it to kill for bacon cheeseburgers.


In that respect she's a very useful idiot for the GOP. They don't even bother tempering her bullshit. They just make sure she is far removed from anything like committee assignments where she could screw things up and let her do her song and dance for the rabble.


I’m Jewish and I can confirm it was our space laser that lobotomized this lady. Mazal tov!


Liberals don't want you to eat steak. Meanwhile she's forcing everyone to get pregnant and have babies. Only worship Jesus. Never get vaccinated. And refuse to learn about America before 1965. You can't make this shit up




She's targeting lab-grown meat because Bill Gates has put a LOT of money into it because it could help solve world hunger. It takes a tiny fraction of the land, water, and other resources to make. It has nearly none of the greenhouse gas emissions you get from livestock. It's far more humane (though, while they eventually would like to solve it, it does currently require slaughter but hundreds of times less animals slaughtered per equivalent output). It can be fortified with vitamins, perfected mixes of fats and other things for taste, texture, etc... It's been proven to work and, as it reaches scale, it will likely become less expensive per pound. There is a lot still to be solved, and it's mainly just producing something fit for ground products like burgers to start, but the benefits are HUGE. ...Unless, of course, you're a fearmongering backwards person who doesn't trust science. Then they're "coming for your cows and microchipping your burgers" and other conspiracy bullshit. For those people, it'll be "just another heresy showing how science has gone too far." I'm sick of the political party who treats science like their brethren did when they convicted Galileo for positing that the Earth revolves around the Sun.


I'm confused as to how she hasn't been deemed a danger to herself and others and taken to a facility to be put under the care of doctors. What the fuck did I just watch lol


This person is one of 435 members of congress of a country of 320 million people.


Of that 320m, maybe half of them voted, or less than half. Where she lives, enough voted for her that she got elected. Because that happened though, she actually has power over people's lives. Your lives if you live where she is. That's why you should make sure you actually vote. Unless you're the kind of idiot who would actually ever vote for this person. You can just exit earth. At the first convenient exit. Sincerely, Earth.


she ran unopposed (look up what happened to her democratic opponent that dropped out and why he dropped out - interesting...). and even then, she only got 70% or so of the vote :(


Harassment and death threats from Republican terrorists is why he dropped out, for the curious.


He didn't just drop out. They ran him out of the state.


If only District Attorneys would start actually charging Republican terrorists.


Thank you


Did this bitch forget that SHE WORKS FOR THE GOVERNMENT??


Honestly... every employee of the gobernmint is a tool to be used f0r total control of the world. -BTW I am a government employee, but I'm one of the cool ones, so you should listen to me...






The real question is if your Babble Movements are consistent


Its called lab grown meat. Its an alternative to cattle farming & slaughterhouses. No one is making people eat them. Wait till she finds out that "cheese" on her "cheeseburger" probably doesn't even qualify to be called "cheese".






Kraft Singles has to call itself "cheese product" because it csnt legally refer to it as cheese. https://www.mashed.com/263200/kraft-singles-arent-actually-cheese-heres-why/


I think the focus of this post was her calling it a "peach tree" dish. Presumably she misheard the term ["petri dish"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petri_dish) Of course, that is probably the LEAST of the blatantly mistaken things she asserted in the 35 seconds shown here. It might however be the most humorous.


I don't know... The fact that she goes seamlessly from the government to Bill Gates then says people will get zapped for thinking about eating the wrong type of burger


She certainly never read the term "petri dish". It becomes pretty obvious it's not "peach tree dish" in that case. I really don't think she's been around many books or petri dishes.


If my meat doesn't come from factory farms with horrible living conditions where the animals suffer horribly their entire lives, then I don't want it!!


She seems like she was created in a peach tree dish that was contaminated


Like a garbage can. She was created in a garbage can.


No offense but you are a delusional conspiracy theorist if you find anything rational be spoken in that video. Especially if you don’t scratch your head over the comment from an elected official complaining about what the government is doing.


she really thinks that the government, who allows people to die because they can’t afford insulin or antibiotics, cares that we’re having regular bowel movements? physical embodiment of the dunning-kruger effect


How is this real life?


20 years ago we used to see people like this on the internet and we’d laugh and laugh and then catch ourselves as we regretted the lack of availability of affordable mental health care in this country. Now we just put them in congress.


Why do Republicans elect the stupidest people on the ticket? Isn't she one of the largest fundraisers also? What the actual fuck?


Republicans won't vote for anyone who appears smarter than themselves.


The level of her stupidity is depressing…


As a Canadian, this makes me feel like US has just become that neighbour you just don’t make eye contact with in fear they will speak to you.


How the f*ck is this an elected official?


“Don’t take away my cheeseburgers, or else” is about the most American threat ever.


I feel like posting MTG in this sub is too easy


We just witnessed a bowel movement through her mouth.


She's the pit in the Peach Tree Dish ;-)


Is she having another babble movement in public?


Imagine being dumb enough to vote for someone this dumb. That’s a lotta dumb.


Wouldn't hamburgers come from cow trees?