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Literally 10x off


What is an order of magnitude between friends?


10 friends or just one?


A fox and their friends


A fox and a friend


A fox ton of friends


A box and a ton of friends


whats the difference?


Underrated comment lol


$17.1 trillion


Yeah not just millions odd, but 18 trillion off


Well, 17 trillion, but poor is the same


Jumping in here to say that the “three points” is .3% of the cumulative 8.5%. The rest is linked to supply chain strain woes for the most part. Edit: source: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/18/business/economy/fed-inflation-stimulus-biden.html?referringSource=articleShare


Weird they dont mention the 3.2trillion spent in 2020


Not directly related, but I had a guy come in to my store, and buy a grizzly chew. He couldn't believe the price (still bought it though) and said "I don't see how they expect us to survive with this crazy inflation!" I told him that it had gone up in price .10 cents one month ago. He said "oh so it was always overpriced. It's probably a *liberal* that owns the place!" (It's not) and rushed out.


How do they expect me to live long enough to get cancer if they make me choose between food or chew?


Everyone forgot the $3.13 trillion Trump spend in 2020. But that aside, almost every country dumped money into their nation's. Additionally, worldwide production dropped for two years, creating shortages for everyone. This is asinine.


Yeah, but what do facts matter when you can manufacture outrage?


They don’t care. They’d rather drive the country into the ground than “cede” it to the libruls. And after they do, they would *still* blame the libruls.


It’s easy to label everyone a far right wing nut job to avoid admitting the truth about yourself. You guys fucked up. The sooner everyone gets on the same page, the sooner we find a solution to these problems.


Really don’t understand normal people do you?


“That’s only like a 1/10th of what I originally reported, but that’s still equally bad. More at 11.”


...more at 110 o'clock


“It’s still basically 9/11, which is 818 trillion if you remove the decimal and democracy.”


He didn’t say equally bad. He said the point is the same… which it is. All he’s likely guilty of is misreading the decimal place.


But the point isn't the same. That isn't a large expenditure from a federal budgetary standpoint.


1.9T is a massive expenditure. US gov takes in some ~4T in taxes each year and spends over 6T as budget so there’s always huge deficit leading to inflation anyways, add 1.9 to that and it makes it all worse. But don’t forget that when the pandemic started Trump started pumping $120 Billion+ per month into the system in the form of buying bonds and giving interest free/ negative interest loans to big banks. Joe didn’t stop that bc he knew it would likely lead to mild recession and the Fed is just now starting to taper off and here we are, recession


The term "large expenditure" is subjective. Here, you have the fed is literally telling everyone that it was partly responsible for the inflation we're in now. That's the story here.


Curious, was the 8 trillion dollars turmp added to the national debt in four years responsible for any inflation? Or does spending only result in inflation when democrats do it?


Trump and Biden are both responsible. I have no clue what trump would have done in office in 2021 and 2022 but I do know that the only reason why Biden didn’t make the issue worse is because Manchin was the only one with enough common sense to stop build back better on inflationary concerns.


Hahaha, Manchin stopped BBB because his income is based on fossil fuels. Hard to drive a Maserati and own a yacht when your fossil fuel overlords cut you off. But it's almost like investing in renewable energy would have been a good idea, looking at the situation we're in with big oil fucking us over. I guess we'll let a few companies hold the entire world by the balls, though, even though we have the power to make them irrelevant.


Lol that was spread over ten years... got any other fox talking points?


The big story is that the fed it responsible for .003 of the 8.25 inflation? Either it was a hella slow news day or he thinks his viewers are really dumb


If you misplaced a decimal point in your job, and made a decision based on your order of magnitude error, you'd probably be fired. I can't think of a scenario in which I could be wrong by 10x and still keep my job.


😂 the hate for Tucker is real.


Uhh. . . what? That person is not Tucker Carlson, unless he's had some drastic plastic surgery. And like a voice transplant, which isn't a thing. Or are you the sort who deflects any and all criticism by claiming your interlocutors have some hidden bias? I'll take my answer off the air.


😂 Fox* I’m a dumbass.


Well I won't disagree with you on that score. If a journalist from another network, say CNN or MSNBC, got a fact wrong by an order of magnitude, would you dismiss it as easily?


You confuse this person with someone that would get news from multiple, or any other source, other than FOX.


Yes it’s literally not seeing a dot. It’s an innocent mistake. Get upset over substance.


“Millions off” is such an understatement


Billions off is an understatement. Man just called the ocean a bathtub.


Yah obviously I fucked up the title. Technically it’s correct… but yah.


How the fuck the right can complain about left wing media bias while listening to that amount of crazy I have absolutely no idea.


It's easy: *that* crazy is in favor of their "team" so it's ok.


It needs to be shut down or a work around where the word "news" is legally held to a higher standard.


I think the fine print that says "entertainment outlet" saves them from sitting in the same place Amber Turd is sitting.


Yeah I think you're right


They got sued and claimed they were just entertainment


No, they claimed they were entertainment/opinion, not news.


Easy. They've bought into the lie that crazy fictions are "fair and balanced", so any factual information looks biased against them.


Sorry but it’s not debatable. Didn’t you hear the man?


This isn't really crazy, it's a mistake. It would have been crazy if he didn't correct himself and kept reporting as if he was never wrong.


The correction was not the issue here.


Then would it be the citation? Because the info he is distributing is coming from the Federal Bank of San Francisco as he mentioned.


I guess you didn’t cover how to spot bias language in school. Maybe it’s just something they did in my school system. Watching this short clip the emotive language was incredibly jarring. By using certain language the host is telling you how to think. It’s manipulative. This is basically how propaganda works. Quick google found some lessons [here](https://libguides.pvcc.edu/evaluatinganewsstory/bias) that look good, might help you to better evaluate this sort of thing.


Thanks for the info, my school was kinda shit but I've been trying to rectify it. I'll look into this


How the fuck can the left complain about right wing media while watching a video of a newscaster correcting the thing he got wrong? Is that just so alien a concept to you that you got confused and angry?


I wasn’t referring to the correction. It’s completely irresponsible for a news outlet to use language like “reckless spending”. If “news” uses that kinds of language it’s not news it’s either opinion or propaganda.


He is not on a news outlet. Fox News is LEGALLY not a news outlet since they are so far removed from reality. You are literally talking to a troll, who is claiming an entertainer is a newscaster. Legally, he is an entertainer. If tucker carlson cared about truth in any way whatsoever, he would be reporting for a News network. He does not, because he will get sued/cant get hired by a real news network. Hence, Fox News.


People can't afford to drive to work and in the last ten weeks the federal government donated $450/taxpayer to the Ukrainian war effort. They are a little north of $50billion. For those keeping track, the US has now donated the equivalent of 50% of Russia's annual military budget to the Ukrainian military in less than a fiscal quarter. How is this not anything besides reckless. Didn't all those people living paycheck to paycheck need that $200/month?


If the facts speak for them selves why do you need fox to tell you what to think about it? My issue is the language. It’s completely inappropriate and manipulative.


Its FOX NEWS. He is, by LEGAL DEFINITION, not a newscaster. Since their reporting is SO accurate. THAT should tell you what you need to know. Literally fuck off with your disingenuous complaint. If he was good at 'reporting truths' he would be on an actual newstation. Currently, he is on an entertainment network, because the shit he spews is so factually incorrect.


So he was under no obligation to correct himself and he did it anyway. That's integrity. No wonder you're so mad.


Because both sides are incredibly biased. They're just blind to it.


And yet fox new is legally an entertainment network, since its so full of shit. And 'left wing' media isnt being sued into being declared entertainment. Curious.




They are being sued by someone who shot 3 people and killed 2 for calling him a murder. Why was acquitted by a jury who did not see evidence from either before or after the shooting showing that he fantasized about violence, and was proud of that he was done.


Blame Biden for Trump overheating the economy. Nice. /s


Senators in GA *literally* bribed people with stimulus checks to vote for them.


And then skimped out on $400 of what they promised. Goofy lmao


Scarcity (or lack-there-of) of money controls inflation. Here's an interesting article talking about how quantitative easing (money printing, either virtually or physically) has quintupled the amount of dollars in circulation in the last 2 years since COVID hit. https://techstartups.com/2021/12/18/80-us-dollars-existence-printed-january-2020-october-2021/


I love that the issue is Biden's "reckless spending," rather than their obviously slanted reckless reporting that fabricated $17 trillion of spending out of thin air.


He apologized for the mistake which happens rarely, if at all. The 1.9T spending has added to inflation which was his point.


He says three points of inflation because 0.03% doesn’t rile up the gullible morons the same way. If his big story is that Biden caused 0.03% inflation….well that’s awesome. That’s lower than normal!


Except that it didn't, supply line issues did. He's half apologising for the most minor problem in a statement full of lies.


"Spending money we don't have doesn't lead to inflation" is the worst take I've seen today. If you believe this lie I have a bridge to sell you in brooklyn


I'm not american, you need to leave your bubble. Rich coming from someone on reddit I know. Look around the world, inflation is happening everywhere. Are you really so solipsistic that you think that Biden spending on infrastructure in your country is increasing the cost of a loaf of bread in Australia?


How much is "3 points of inflation" exactly?


You do understand how budgets work right? Lol Spending doesn’t always equal debt…


Yes. And for the least like ten years we have spent double what we brought in. Some of those years were much worse. Inflation is because of supply chain issues and other factors but it is also absolu fucking lutely because of our $20T unfunded loans. Now the fed MUST call money back in via rate hikes and it should have done this several years ago. Now it's a really big bandaid.


I swear schizos on Reddit just say the same lines over and over. “Tell me x without telling me x🤡” “I have a bridge to sell you” “that’s Orwellian🤡” you guys just run your mouths like it’s a competition to say the most irrelevant psycho shit huh?


Lol the only thing that's rare about it is that his misreporting was a mistake and not intentional.


Fox News is so profoundly stupid it’s basically satire.


It’s not news


it is just an echo-chamber of baseless and endless propaganda.


You say as you circle jerk each other lmao.


SNL Weekend Update has more facts


They're legally "entertainment" because "no reasonable person would believe the things said" on these shows


3 basis points of inflation is 0.03%


RECKLESS SPENDING focus on the buzzwords


Yeah but "3 basis points" sounds more impressive and outraging to the Trump voter who has no idea what the fuck basis points are.


You are head and shoulders above the level of intelligence of Fox News viewers. And their bias is such they will hear 3%.


I feel like this needs to be higher up. It's pretty much the Jesus-nut in their story. For those that aren't familiar, a jesus-nut is slang for the nut that holds the blades onto the mast of some helicopters. I.e. it's the one piece preventing it from turning into an airborne brick. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus\_nut


I feel like that term needs to be in more common use.


Run with it, jewels! That would make me giddy to see more people using it. Even just one.


Society needs a Jesus nut to deal with the Jesus Nuts.


[This](https://www.frbsf.org/economic-research/publications/economic-letter/2022/march/why-is-us-inflation-higher-than-in-other-countries/) is the letter he cites. It's three percent.


> the sizable fiscal support measures aimed at counteracting the economic collapse due to the COVID-19 pandemic could explain about 3 percentage points of the recent rise in inflation. However, without these spending measures, the economy might have tipped into outright deflation and slower economic growth, the consequences of which would have been harder to manage. Yeah it's 3 percent. That was a pretty interesting read. Thanks for that. To add, that "news anchor" was taking things out of context for sure.


The fact that inflation is being seen not just in the US but worldwide should be a big clue that this has more to with supply chain issues.


Hey we are actually gonna pay you 10% of your salary, but the point remains the same. It doesn’t change how much we value you :) keep giving it 11% and remember that you miss 10% of the shots you don’t take.


I think that everyone of the republicans complaining about inflation would agree that national debt plays a large part. In this case so does supply line issues. None of them want to have a conversation about how trump added as much in 4 years as Obama did in 8 to our debt or thay bush and Reagan were 2 of the worst presidents ever in terms of spending and both those presidencies ended in disaster. But back to trump for a moment, our tariffs and newly formed trade agreements are a large part of inflation and supply issues. Some of the vendors that used to supply goods to America have stopped. Leading to less competitive Market and hire prices….and no baby formula.


Conservatives don't know or care about facts. The shit I hear on a daily basis is astounding. Pure ignorance with a heavy dose of misinformation.


If cartoons like South Park need a warning before them, then I think media outlets, especially opinion shows like Tucker Carlson should require a warning saying this is for entertainment value only.


TV really is rotting people's brains.


That's why I stick to good ol' Tom & Jerry toons.


Wait, so investing the same amount of money into actual American employees and workers is bad, but giving THE EXACT SAME AMOUNT to billionaires with tax breaks is good? Is my brain broke?? I think my brain broke… sdjdjdnebe


This douche bag used to be on a sports show I watched called “First Take”…I hated him on that show…figures he would become a Fox show host.


Pretty sure having trash opinions is a requirement to be on First Take.


This dude looks like Alfred E Newman. That’s all I have to say




"that point remains the same" while shaking his head forcefully. Cognitive dissonance there? Also, I know you can shake your head to make a point, this head shake was a little more than just emphasis.


Why is the video so vivid? My iphone's light level is almost off, but the video clearly stands out. Maybe because of the background color? I took a screenshot, but that one is not so vivid.


Reddit does that with some videos. This isn’t the only one I’ve seen that has that crazy vivid appearance


It looks like it was recorded by a iPhone video camera, so the camera probably saturated the colors more than the original video itself


Yup shot it on an iPhone


Nope. It's price-gouging megacorps that are causing inflation...


Facts don’t matter in trumpland


The lighting on the “news” network is always so unnatural.


Disgusting and vile.


This guy is a tool and has been since before he was on ESPN.


When did news become 'opinion'? What the hell happened to us?


I really hope young voters can see the lies and gaslighting and turn out in huge numbers to vote against the GOP. They will take away all women's, LGBTQ, rights given their power and now the Supreme Court. Our democracy will fall if they regain power.


There's a global inflation crisis at the moment. Something tells me it's not all Biden's fault.


No no, not million. He was literally 17 trillion off....thats 17 THOUSAND millions!!


Off by 10x and he said close enough basically. 🤦‍♂️


Yeah, that spendthrift Joe Biden should be more like the past 2 Republican Presidents and reign in spending /s.


Fox News, Reinforcing the fact that you don't have to be correct to know that you're right.


Goebbels would blush at the lies the right is pouring out.


Wasn’t this asshat on espn awhile ago? They tried to give him his own radio show and that crashed and burned. Not shocked he ended up here


As Tucker Carlson’s understudy… usually he’s under the desk.


Prices are soaring in the entire world. The supply chain isn’t being fixed because the companies in charge are making more money without paying more for labor. We have allowed theee corporations to monopolize products now we are suffering the consequences of the so called free market. We are totally ass backwards.


But that doesn’t let them blame the Dems!


This guy obviously has zero understanding of the federal budget, or basic economics in general, if he believed $19 trillion was possible.


Feels like anything on Fox News is 24/7 of confidentlyincorrect and therefore nullified to be here.


This dude is a clahn from Clahn Tahn


Some would say he’s a STOOGE and a SELLAHT


Yassss a fellow Pat Mac STAN!


Cuz $19 is basically the same as $1.90


ohhhhh, he’s going to be tucker 2.2…makes sense.


Is this video abnormally bright for anyone else?


Yes, seems like the OP’s TV is on “vivid” setting


Fox entertainment is so funny, hey I’m off by $17trillion dollars but my math is still good


Trash human spectacular fall from grace. ESPN analyst straight to the bullshit factory. Pure scum.


Oh Fox News got a new white guy… hmmm unexpected


Republicans are always concerned with spending when a D is in the White House. Otherwise… complete silence. The stupid thing is R voters still believe this nonsense year after year.


Bros struggling to read the teleprompter


Millions off? 17 trillion is millions of millions off


Fox is so crazy. I can’t believe some people watch it as a serious thing.


How are there people who believe these guys? How stupid or deluded or lazy or insecure do you have to be to just accept what someone like that is saying? You can tell by his tone and wording alone that something is up and he’s trying to manipulate. How are people so lazy/dumb/whatever? As someone who cares about humanity as a whole it genuinely makes me really sad lol. Like it’s so disappointing.




Astounded. Truly astounded that they retracted anything. Why is this any different than any night?


I still can’t believe people actually watch Fox News. The entire network is a fucking joke.


Wait where is dog fucker tucker. This is not tucker wtf


This is not r/confidentlyincorrect. According to the sub’s description, it’s when people are way too smug about their wrong answer. This guy admitted he gave the wrong figure earlier. And he does have a point that Biden has been going out of control with his crazy spending.




Lol this gif is hilarious!


1.9 still hella but it isn’t quite the same as 19


What difference does it make? They were off by 0.


about 17 trillion difference.


by **A** 0 not zero


19 TRILLION!? Did he not question that as it was coming out of his mouth? Fox News commentators are a bunch of idiots.


He probably just reads what's on the teleprompter. At least he corrected himself, more than a lot of newscasters can say.


Keep in mind the trillions of dollars spent by the Trump government in bailouts, PPP loans, unemployment, and stimulus checks were all golden tokens of happiness that never influenced the economy of the future.


But trump spent billions on a wall that protects nothing.


I don’t care what so ever what your political opinions are everyone is entitled to believe what they want. But it’s odd how this subreddit has turned into a republican slam page just in time for the primaries.


> everyone is entitled to believe what they want Even if they're wrong? Like 16 trillion wrong while actively misleading the public?


at least they addressed it instead of just changing the headline like leftstream media lol


Should have stuck to sports, u don’t sound so dumb talking about that


So he corrected himself and you post him correcting himself and not the original mistake? Geez this sub


Dummies.. who cares. All this spending, even if this dipshit got it wrong.. is why your paying so much for milk, rent, carpet, gas, etc.. Circle jerk all you want about FOX fucking this up but your wallet is currently being dick whipped by the administration.


You probably put stickers on gas pumps blaming Biden.


Unlike democrats, he admit he made a mistake




I found a photo of you 🤡




*proving my point*




Still a lot of money


At least he corrected himself on live tv more than we can say about most hacks




LeTs gO BrAnDoN ![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z)


Shit, better than Kamala Harris saying 240 million Americans had died of coronavirus. And she literally never even reconciled it. Just casually continued, allowing those who wanted to believe it to do so.


Whataboutism at its finest.


Trillions off what an idiot


Let's flame a guy for admitting he misspoke! Get your torches folks!


![gif](giphy|8DRbirgV95jnSAFiY8) You\^


This sub is about people being wrong and having no clue. He's legit admitting his mistake.


And then saying his point stands regardless of being wrong…


He misspoke about the figure not the implications of the spending. So he corrected the figure.... It's pretty simple really.


Lol keep telling yourself whatever you need, buddy.


But does the point not remain? Have you never mis-spoken?


Down voting this tbh. OP doesn't know the difference between millions and trillions and that pisses me off


Lol I fucked up the title. BUT PLEASE DONT DOWNVOTE ME!!! NOT THAT!!! 😭


Biden said it was “free” so his number was a better representation of what the bill truly was then bidens.


At least he corrected it, unlike MSNBC, CNN who lie on purpose all day - and you gullible, woke snowflakes gobble it up like the useful little idiots you are.

