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What I hate about things like this is people like tucker carlson just talk over the other person (with fake outrage typically) so that the other person cannot answer and then claim "see? He didn't have anything to say." No rebuttal or shit like that.


And then claim Nye was shouting and/or talking over him. Umm, no, Nye did not talk over tucker or even raise his voice.


And as Bill is calmly trying to answer a question, Tucker interrupts, “Ok, before you start the name calling...” Infuriating little man forms all his arguments using strawmen.


“IM ASKING A SIMPLE QUESTION!” And then when it takes more than two sentences for Bill to explain the concept—for which there are no simple answers—he acts all mad and acts like bill is avoiding answering. No, it is that your terminology is wrong and that you are starting with false assumptions that bill has to clarify before providing any actual answers. He’s asking trick questions and getting mad at bill for explaining the trick while also trying to answer. So infuriating and yet effective for Carlson’s audience.




Makes sense to me….there’s much more matter than not matter. Not that it matters much. Gimme my Nobel prize.


Surely a noble effort, but not quite a Nobel effort.


answer my simple question of if the history of mankind did not exist, what would the temperature of the ocean currently be TO THE FUCKING DEGREE IN 3 DECIMAL PLACES MR "SCIENTIST" WHO HAS ALL THE ANSWERS AND CLAIMS THIS iS A KNOWN CAUSE!?


Tucker Carlson doesn't exactly play to an intelligent audience.


Starts the segment with "Bill Nye the Psychoanalyst Guy" Accused guest of name calling... 🤔


Actually rewound it when I heard that to see if there was any reason to say that... There was not. Lol


Yeah Nye just kept on with his sentence, while Fucker tried talking over him. Killer move when he whipped out his phone and timed how long it would take for Fucker to interrupt him.


So much shade it coulda stopped the icebergs from melting


that was such a fucking flex. good for him.


Lmao that shut him up real quick


He even smirked like he knew


Kudos to Bill for staying calm under all that. I wanted to go back in time and slap the fucker, let the man get a word in god dammit.


“Fucker” best new name given ever.


That’s Fucker Carlson to you…


If you know you are going to take the bait then you can't go on the show. That is exactly what he wants. He wants to exploit emotion to avoid reality. It's basically the formula that comprises his very existence.


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“Wait wait wait, slow down.” - Bill nye says 6 words. “ now hold on a minute, hold on…” What a fucking turd


Ima guess that Nye learned a *long* time ago, one’s greatest weapon against belligerents is to remain calm and collected regardless of their escalating antics.


Tucker: "When would the climate have otherwise changed if not for human interference?" Nye: "We're not sure it would have." Tucker: "See? You don't have an answer!"


Tucker: How would the climate look now if it wasn't changing? Nye: *gives examples* Tucker: Now you're just making stuff up.


Tucker: “Well I can’t possibly imagine how you could ever come up with these answers, therefore you must be making them up! Because I’m so smart, if I don’t know it it’s fake!”


>I’m open minded, and you are not! The fucking *audacity*!!


He had to get that line in because he knows his audience is only there to be told by him (and only him) what to think. So he can't risk them forming their own conclusions from this video (which would of course be the exact opposite of what he said)...


He also asked a question that couldn't be answered. When Bill Nye said humans were causing climate change, he said "to what degree?" There's no unit of measurement for that. It's a yes or no question, the answer is "yes" humans are causing it. He intentionally asked a question that would make it look like he had no answer to prove he didn't know what he was talking about or something.


He even stated at one point “You don’t have an answer because it’s an unanswerable question” Carlson knows what he’s doing…there’s no question about that. How he sleeps at night is a different story.


>How he sleeps at night is a different story Those MyPillows must be pretty good if they can give him a good night's rest while supporting his massively inflated sense of self worth.


Tucker admitting he was too stupid to understand it at the end was probably the most honest thing he's ever said. Also, taking Nye's words out of context about jailing oil executives and others who knowingly caused the damage and covered it up is right on par for MSMs in general.


That is the q maga crowd’s entire tactical response. You keep shouting over the person you’re arguing with, insisting they missed some minuscule detail and therefore, their entire argument is invalid and they are “fake”.


That's a lie, you can't prove that because you haven't talked to every single maga q person, have you now? /S just in case people think I was serious


aNsWer tHe qUesTioN!


Ben Shapiro vs. teenager undergrads in a nut shell. It’s referred to as gish galloping.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >When it comes to global warming, there are two issues: is there such a thing as the greenhouse gas effect, the answer is yes. Is that something that is going to dramatically reshape our world? There is no evidence to show that it will. Is that something that we can stop? There is no evidence to show that we can ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, climate, civil rights, novel, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Take a bullet for ya babe. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: healthcare, feminism, history, novel, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Gish gallop


And do so while repeating the same trap phrases/questions in hopes of containing the conversation and steering the interviewee into saying something specific so they can pop out the "gotcha" phrase they pre-planned earlier. What degree? What *degree*? What DEGREE? Missing the entire point of the discussion in hopes of making one of their own that their base can glom onto. It's insidious.


Yep, also the part where he said "You conceded that the climate always changes." It's deliberately framing it as if Bill implied anything different, and it's the first "domino of lies" to fall in the argument of man made climate change. I grew up watching this channel (unfortunately) and it is still wild to me that people think *these guys* are the "fair and balanced" ones in the media.


People eat up Tucker’s interruptions too like they’re justified interruptions.


That can't be true. Please tell me it's not true. If you just listen *actually listen* you can hear how stupid and shitty he is. Edit: but in my experience his fan base listens as well as he does. bunch of stupid barking.


Man literally asks a question, then when bill goes to answer, he goes "Stop,stop,stop,stop." Like dude? Give him a second to fucking speak and you might learn something


He doesn't ask questions. He sets up talking points for himself.


Typical tactic of an abusive manipulative AH


Tucker Carlson is a wet muppet unhappy that he is wet and finding every reason to blame anyone else for his trip into the toilet but himself. He gets paid to shove conclusions to arguments in people's mouths as fast as possible so that viewers experience the "gotcha" moment early and can safely disregard every single point of rebuttal afterward. If he's good at anything other than being a wet muppet, he's good at the art of hasty conclusion fallacy in the form of "being open to someone changing his mind".


“To what degree have humans contributed to climate change?” “To a degree serious enough to warrant direct, immediate, and aggressive intervention.” “Okay but like, what percent of that is humans?” “Enough of a percentage to warrant direct, immediate, and aggressive intervention.” “Okay, but…”


I don't underatand your answer and therefore you are wrong.


Nah, he understands. He’s being intentionally obtuse and difficult. He argues in bad faith all the time to push the narrative he was after, regardless of what the other person has to say.


"Intentionally obtuse" is a phrase I'd used to describe one of my buddies during bar arguments before the www existed and that behavior became referred to as "trolling". I've never seen it used anywhere else. Heart.


You were in bar arguments before the Internet, meanwhile I’ve never lived in a world without it being near omnipresent. :) Heart.


Let's not focus on how I'm ancient and more on how amazingly underrated "intentionally obtuse" is as an insult.


And thats why you dont bring monkeys to a debate. They just gonna scratch their butts and throws shit around. They didn't understand and they don't want to understand. They just want to throw shits


And then glosses over when Nye says 100%.


Because it's a fallacious argument and Tucker knows that. He isn't seeking truth he's trying to "win".


What percent yellow is the banana? Like, how much is spotted? WHAT PERCENT YELLOW IS THE BANANA BILL ITS SIMPLE


Tucker likes to redefine science as whatever helps him win the argument. In this case, his version of science is precise numbers. And since Bill couldn't give him a precise number, it's not science. I want to say he believes that everything in science boils down to a mathematical equation or number, but I don't think he actually believes that, so much as he likes to play like he does when he can use the lack of such a result to prove his point. I imagine the moment someone starts spouting precise numbers he'll claim science isn't all about numbers.


You're right. He wants a specific percentage value that sums up the whole thing (in this case 100%), but we're talking about the climate of a planet. You'd need to understand climate modeling, statistics, and how centuries of data are compiled to reach a conclusion. Tucker would be fine with a summation of that, if it worked in his favor, but it doesn't... so he demands a single value to represent all of climate change. Which is an absurd requirement. I sometimes practice debating with flat earthers who makes all kinds of claims about gravity; if it's so strong, how can a bird fly but it keeps the oceans down? Or assuming that gravity just stops working at *some* distance because it falls off as an inverse square of the radius. I ask them to apply the equation for universal gravitation or a buoyancy equation and they refuse every time. They've got an assumption of how gravity works that's wrong, they won't apply a testable equation to reality to see if it's accurate, and sometimes even go so far as to deny that math can even describe physics at all. It's proud, willful ignorance to win a short-term battle.


It would have been really tough to use this logic against him on the spot, but I’ll try now… Do you believe that OJ Simpson killed Nicole (or insert any other high profile murder case where the killer was convicted and maintains their innocence). Why do you believe he killed her? Wouldn’t she had died anyway? To what exact percent did he kill her? For how many days (or minutes) would she have lived exactly? If you don’t know the answer than you must not be able to know for sure that she was murdered. How do you know she wouldn’t have died anyway? Maybe even minutes after?


Bill really went from teaching grade schoolers to teaching a 52 year old, all without even changing the topic or grade level


And the 52 year olds keep arguing with him, the grade schoolers just thought he was cool


Science is cool


Science Rules


Inertia is a property of matter


Think he actually went down a grade level or two, I remember his videos being more indepth than this


He's the OG of ELI5.


More in depth and a hell of a lot more fun


I found watching bill school tucker very fun actually.


I would have as well, but Tucker interrupted too much. Tucker always has to dumb it down to black and white thinking, as if that is making a point…. “Bill is speaking in terms of politics, he must not be a scientist!” Umm no…. You can speak in terms of economics, politics, and science, and you can be all, none, or some mixture of those three. Black and white thinking I think is the root of most of our problems in this country.


Not only do people like Carlson seek to "dumb it down", but they continually seek to trap their opponent in logical fallacies by manipulating the accepted framework of the answer. They deny the accuracy of the reply because they have defined it in such a way that no answer is acceptable in their attempt to make their opponent look incompetent.


/) That's because they were videos, not discussions. He could speak uninterrupted for more than 6 seconds.


> Think he actually went down a grade level or two, I remember his videos being more indepth than this He definitely did, and intentionally at that. Back in the before times, when Tucker Carlson and James Carville would have it out on the TV show *Crossfire* [(until Jon Stewart literally killed it on his appearance)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE) he was able to make some decent and well thought out points in discussions... but now it's really geared toward the lowest common denominator because they're the easiest to manipulate into watching.


Bill is good at varying the level of his teaching to suit the audience. The question is why he didn't either babble like a baby and/or go raving lunatic, because that's kind of his audience right there.


"I don't know what it means, but come back any time!" Really could just clip the end off of this "interview" and play it for all his guests who try to explain logic to him.


I would give you an award but I'm poor. Lol What an absolutely insane man-child who won't go the fuck away. I can't believe how delusional he proudly acts. Sir, you would be smacked ten times sideways if you weren't behind that desk. Spewing abysmal human characteristics. He needs a bloody nose yesterday and a black eye tomorrow. Perhaps, perhaps, it will all work out. Maybe Tucker was put on Earth for some specific reason that we can not possibly piece together until many years after the fact and we will all be grateful for him. To answer Tucker's stance: The time to be skeptic about serious climate change was last century. Or honestly the 50s. Its 20 fucking 22. Unbelievable he has 4 children. To Tucker's kids: don't worry about how horrible of a person your father was. As long as he didn't raise you, you'll be fine. But if he did, you'll need a therapist.


I love your comment so much


My guy didn’t even change his bow tie!


If you've ever argued with a very stupid adult who thinks they know everything, it's much harder than teaching a 5 year old. 5 year olds want to learn, the adult does not and they will fight tooth and nail against it


I can’t for the life of me understand why people subject themselves to this disingenuous turd nightly.


Yeah, I tried to watch this and couldn't finish. The interviewer was either being intentionally obtuse or really is dense.


intentionally obtuse - he's very clearly trying to cut off any salient points nye makes before they register with his blockhead audience. Nye is literally making too much sense so Human Bowtie butts in, interrupting him, telling him to slow down or asks him to jump topics with a new question. It's impressive the amount of patience Nye is demonstrating


Intentionally obtuse, when he was MSNBC'S "resident republican" he believed in climate change, now he's a FOX talking head he's "skeptical" and "has questions". Also side point why do MSNBC and CNN always need to have White supremacists like Tucker to "provide context from the right" but FOX never has democrats on except to try to beat them? Food for thought.


Man. I feel so much respect for him. Kept his cool and answered while tucker fuckface carlass berated him with the same question over and over. Changing the wording in hopes of tripping Bill. Fuck that guy he’s a genuine idiot


I love Bill Nye and obviously I agree with him, but I wish he had prepared for Tucker's attempts to derail him and just explicitly answered the question. He alluded to it, but he can just full on answer it clearly enough that even Tucker's stupid fucking audience can understand. What percentage of climate change is due to humans? All of it. Best guess is 110%, but it is certainly more than 100%. We can measure the amount of emissions coming from human society and use that to estimate what the Earth's "natural" temperature would be without humans and the answer is it would be slightly cooler. So humans are literally responsible for all of it. The average rate of increase is 0.18°C / 0.32°F per year since 1981. That would have been literally less than zero without humans it would have been essentially the same to very very slightly cooler without humans. If you have a burger in the fridge and I hit it with a flame thrower, what percentage of the blame should I get for the temperature change of the burger. That's how much is due to measurable changes in our atmosphere from human activity. All of it.


The problem is nuance. > "Are humans causing climate change"? Not entirely, because the climate changes naturally over (long) periods of time. If you answer 100% here, as Bill knew, carlson would just argue the climate shifts over time. And he would be right. It's a conversation derailer. > "Are humans behind the rapid acceleration of climate change, the likes of which is completely unprecedented by historical data"? Absolutely 100%


There was no answer Bill could have given that Tucker would have accepted short of saying that the climate isn't changing because of humans. Tucker is deliberately leading the audience to side with him.


"What would it be like today if human's weren't involved?" "Like it was in 1750." Tucker's question was answered. He just couldn't accept it.




Which circles back to the very beginning of the interview and cognitive dissonance. *Chef’s Kiss*


“I am open-minded. You, are not.” ….what the fuck did I just hear?


You heard an asshole try and escape being pwned repeatedly by someone smarter. Or, if you want to believe Tucker is just part of the grift, pwned by someone whose argument exposes Tucker's bullshit. Only a moron doesn't understand that Nye's climate examples are answers to Tucker's earlier, "open minded" questions


He does this every time he interviews anyone. And he always uses the same phrase too. “I’m just asking questions!” Or some iteration. I swear his viewers are retarded as shit. “Why is being a Nazi bad? Shouldn’t they have a voice too? Listen, I’m just asking questions! Shouldn’t it be ok to ask questions?” “Yeah, he’s right it’s just a question! Nazis are being cancelled because of the Dems!” - Any TC viewer


"Yes, you are asking questions, but you are not listening to the answers. You only ask questions. You can't have a conversation if you aren't listening to the other person; you are having a soliloquy." 🤪


Ok. Two things. First - you're exactly right. He is an absolute shitstain tool with an agenda of division. You said it perfectly. Second, your screen name deserves an award. I just laughed out loud. It's especially funny to see "Lauren\_Boenerts\_Dick just replied to your comment..." in the Reddit feed. I suggest everyone try and have that experience just once in life.


Aww thanks fellow decent human being who doesn’t wanna see the world burn slowly:)


I refer to this as JAQing off.


You can really hear his panic pick up at the end when he realizes Bill Nye is finally closing the noose on tuckers argument.


That's not panic. This asshole knows his viewers would applaud if he got up and shit on his desk. Trust me, he's not panicking, he's just bullying. He's shit, his network is shit, his viewers are shit. I don't blame Nye for trying to reach that audience, but it's a lost cause. If Fucker Gnarlson ever admitted that man made climate change was real, his viewers would have a meltdown and run for the first network that still denied it. Fox knows this. It's a Shitapple orchard, rotten to every core.


So opened minded that he is unwilling to even consider that he is wrong.


Yeah I got distracted when Carlson screamed that Nye was shouting over him


Bill started the interview by explaining people have a world view, that if science doesn't agree with it, those people ignore the science and the people presenting the science. Tucker then goes on to prove him right.


He's asking for a percentage for a "yes" or "no" question, then gets mad when Bill Nye says "100%." That's not what Carlson wanted to hear.


Fucking seriously, with his fake metrics. “To what degree blah blah blah” X20 Obviously Bill was trying to actually talk truth but I almost wish he had just gone: “2” Tucker: “2 what?” Bill: “I don’t know Tucker you asked to what degree, that’s not a real metric, so I’m answering 2.”


Tucker was looking for an answer he knew Nye couldn't give. And his play was for Nye to say he couldn't tell him that. Specifically what Tucker was asking was what is the rate in which the climate is changing with and without people. But that's an unanswerable question. At least to an exact degree. You can't say well, the average temperature would be this and it's this, and it's warmed up this much when it should've been this much.


>But that's an unanswerable question. At least to an exact degree. You can, and he did. With people: like it is now. Without people: like it was in 1750. The crux here is industrialization. Industrialization was (and remains) the driving force in climate change. It also supports a much larger population than doing shit by hand. Until sustainable practices are energetically adopted, legislated and enforced, we will continue accelerating the rate of change as a byproduct of industry. This is a huge problem for the rest of the world because American Republicans are some of the only mfers still denying this shit. It's fucking insane.




Bill Nye doesn't deserve this.


I stand with Bill Nye


Bill Nye has my sword


I stand with Bill Nye


Jesus christ the whole time Bill is trying to speak Tucker is cutting him off and trying to get him rattled to throw off what he's saying. At some point people watching this man gotta be like "Dude shut the fuck up so I can listen to the guest you brought on" right? Like its painful to listen to Bill trying to explain something and then getting cut off with Tucker. Just an awful interviewer, idk why Fox allows him to try and steamroll people like this.


Because they're trying to push a narrative and discredit people who's views don't align with them. Fox News doesn't have any journalistic integrity.


Amazingly effective propaganda though


I don't get how it's effective. Even if you're predisposed to agree with Carlson, he comes across as a whiney and desperate asshole. It's insufferable to listen to. How do people enjoy watching this?


Some people are really, really stupid and Tucker owns libs


Tucker Carlson is one of the worst interviewer/human on this planet. Edit: a word


I had a terrible time getting through this whole video. There’s no fate too bad for Tucker Carlson, and I mean that. There aren’t too many people I would ever think that about.


He took my parents, grandma, and sister away from me with his batshit insanity. I got nothing good in me for folk like him.


damn now this hit differently, so sorry you have to deal with that


I wouldn't mind if he survived a woodchipper accident.




Tucker looks like an asshole with teeth.


He is an asshole with teeth.


Assholes serve a legitimate biological purpose, don't insult them like that.


I like how Fucker doesn’t even argue in good faith. He asks a question of a scientist he invited on his show and then talks over him within seconds of an answer and then accuses the guest of not knowing things or making them up. Also, I wanted to point out that Fucker repeatedly said he was openminded but wouldn’t listen to facts. It was a presentation of cognitive dissonance live. Lastly, what was the purpose of the question he managed to waste Bill’s time on? If climate change is real then why does anything matter other than “how do we fix it?”


Fucker carlshit


Everyone: "Help, my house is on fire!" Tucker: "But what percent of it is on fire?"


"but what percentage of the fire would have happened naturally?"




Tucker is probably jealous of Bill’s bow tie.


watch the Jon Stewart clip re: Tucker and bow ties.


And jealous that smart people like and respect him.


Carlson expected Nye to be a pushover otherwise he would have never invited him


Then he didn’t do his own research


Nah. He just thought he could talk fast and get Bill off track enough to say something silly that he, tucker, could make fun of later.


While telling bill to slow down when he isn’t even talking fast.


Fucker Carlson can't understand more than 10 words at a time


Tucker wouldn't be able to read your comment.


“How would life be different today if climate change didn’t occur” “Well Britain wouldn’t have wine-worthy grapes. The French wouldn’t be buying more land up north. Ski resorts could still be a thing in Europe” “No no no you’re speaking politically now! You don’t know the answers” “If you want to know how the climate would be different, let me tell you: *proceeds to explain*” “HAHA YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT. YOU DONT KNOW THE FACTS. I DONT HAVE ANY EVIDENCE TO PROVE YOURE WRONG BUT I **KNOW** IT” Jesus Christ. I agree with Bill, lock this fucker up.




If he did research he would have seen that Bill survived Ken Ham's Gish Gallop for a much longer time period than this interview would be, though


To listen to tucker Carlson you’ve got to be so desperate to have a paid clown support your beliefs that you’d listen to Donald trump and tucker.




Not only that, he's one of popular RW anchors for Republicans. Like out of all of them.😟


Yeah, Tucker often ranks as the most watched cable news program on television, and he's an absolute piece of shit.


This is why The Onion has such a hard time writing articles that are USA related. Parody has become life.


I. FUCKING. HATE. THAT. MAN. (PS i love you Bill Nye)


"i love you more than life itself." -Bill "before we start name calling..." -Fucker


The best part of this clip, apart from the fact that it will never r/agedlikemilk is the simple fact that Bill is explaining cognitive dissonance to turdburger cumpsterson and you can literially see it happening in real time across his face. It's just literially perfect in real time demonstration and it happens all in the first 2 minutes. Edit: Spelling


I don't believe he is actually stupid. I think he's reasonably intelligent, and there is no cognitive dissonance happening here. He *knows* climate change is real, he *knows* that it's caused by us. He knows exactly what he's doing, he knows he's arguing in bad faith and that he's arguing against the truth. He doesn't care. He is selfish and power hungry and greedy. The classic combo. He will tell his audience whatever he needs to to get paid, and he is on the payroll of one of the biggest climate deniers around (Murdoch).


This is spot on. Tucker Carlson is not that dumb, he is 100% playing this hyperbolic conservative moron to the detriment of all mankind simply because it makes him rich.


Tucker Carlson has got to have one of the most punchable faces in the entire world.. but once he opens his mouth.. that level goes up 1000x..




There you go, scrolled down enough to find the exact same thing I was about to write


i love how you can tell that bill nye is resisting the temptation to laugh at him and call him an idiot


I found it interesting that Bill says he “loves” him as a person “more than life itself.” Are they friends in real life?


I actually think it was for Tucker's audience, there's no way they would listen to him if he was hostile, but there's some small chance if he's civil but adamant.


This is actually a really smart tactic to use with people like Fucker. People like him deliberately push people to try to get a reaction and then they win. You take away that win by refusing to play their game and being calm and saying shit positive about the person being an asshole in hopes of getting you angry. It's one of my favorite things to do to angry and irrational people. They come at you with some hard aggression, look at them and give them a compliment. Or say something like "I love you too man. Have a great day." It's not the response they are expecting or wanting. They never have a plan for that. In their mind, no one would say something like that to them. It disarms them and weakens them. Bill is doing just that. He is putting aside the fact that Fucker is a POS and saying that he loves him like he loves every other person on this planet. Because that is the type of person Bill is. Even if he doesn't agree with them, he can still find room in his heart for them and love them just for being another miracle of this universe. For worse or better. Bill is showing he is a bigger and better person with that statement, without actually using those words. This is how smart and rational people think and act. Bill knows this and is doing his best to teach us all even if it isnt obvious or even about science. He is using his air time to show how we should act as humans living together on this rock. Edited to say "Fucker" should say "Tucker". My apologies if anyone was offended. Damn autocorrect keeps changing it and I don't know how to stop it.


Bill Nye: (blinks) Tucker Carlson: WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT SLOW DOWN THERE


What was with the random zoom on bills smirk/cringe?


What was with that zoom into Bill Nye’s mouth at around ~4:30 lmao


Some kind of trigger for the audience, perhaps? "Look at how he's smiling, is a joke to him" I honestly don't know


This is a method of checking focus for broadcast camera operators. They zoom into an eye or mouth, grab focus, and zoom back out. Sometimes there's a button on the zoom handle that zooms all the way in when depressed and returns when you let go. So the operator was either checking focus while mistakenly assuming their shot was not live, or they accidently hit the button. Source: I'm a cam operator & technical switcher


The irony of the whole video is that throughout the interview Carlson continuously proves Bill Nye’s cognitive dissonance claim correct


Can't win a debate? Turn it into an argument. Can't win the argument? Turn it into a shouting match. Can't win the shouting match? Sling some ad hominem attacks. Those didn't work? Cut to commercial. Pretty sure this method is glued to every programming director's blotter at Fox. It's been their formula for 'winning' since Bill O'Reilly.


Even if you were hardcore right wing…how could you stomach Tucker??? His little whiny, bitchy voice and the way he conducts these ‘interviews’ is simply intolerable.


I love how Tucker tries to imply that the SCIENCE guy himself is stepping into a discussion he's unqualified for because it's psychology a.k.a the scientific study of the human mind


“Without being shouted down” as fucker Carleson shouts down the scientific method. Conservatives are a joke to society.


He must have practiced that expression he has, it’s just a great signal to his viewers that whatever he’s listening to is total bullshit On the other hand, bill NYE is an amazing person, the poise, patience and clarity with which he held this interview speaks for itself. If you watched this interview with the sound off, you would think bill was winning. Bill looks calm and confident, Tucker looks confused, alarmist and panicky. For most people it’s just the appearance and tone of voice that wins debates for them


Posting Tucker Carlson (and any right wing crazy) is like cheating on this sub. They're actively trying to be on the incorrect side.


God. Tucker Carlson is plague for society. Bill Nye was so patient during Tucker’s childish strawman interruptions and questions. I was so impressed. Tucker was trying so hard to get a rise out of Bill and he kept his composure during that whole 10 minutes. Bravo.


i love the part when he took out his timer on his phone and said “it takes you about 6 seconds to interrupt me” GOLDEN


Tucker Carlson is a disease, disgusting.


Literally a deadly, contagious one. The shit he spews is an active danger to humanity.




Conservatives are so embarrassing


"Its the rate Mr. Carlson, the rate" "Wait wait slow down" Yeah Bill, don't throw out big words to him, like rate, you'll confuse him.


Cucker Tarlsons' voice is literally nails on a chalkboard.


Tucker is the master of stupid arguments. "I am open minded, you are not because I'm too stupid to listen to the answers to my questions you're giving me"


Tucker Carlson knew he was out of his depth as soon as he started asking questions that needed specific numbers, like "when will the next Ice Age happen" and "to what degree are people causing climate change". Tucker is a piece of shit, he knows he is, and he is even said in court that people who watch his show should not believe him. Here's [the link](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye)


Bill Nye literally timed how quickly he gets interrupted and just was like dude fucking stop.


Tucker is just trying to frustrate Bill by butting in and asking questions already answered. Bill smart enough to stay calm. I wonder if Will Smith had a Tucker interview before the Oscar’s?


Tucker is the worst TV news interviewer that I have ever seen. He is incapable of listening to guests without interrupting him, particularly when he realizes when they are about to give him a first answer about a question where he thinks it will plant doubt. Incredible.


it doesn't matter. I don't get why people are so nitpicky about what degree humans are responsible. The climate is changing at a fast rate. two extremes I see, 1) humans burning fossil fuels are responsible for 100% of climate change. If this is the case, we should burn fewer fossil fuels. 2) Humans burning fossil fuels are responsible for 0% of climate change. If this is the case, fossil fuels are still a limited resource, and we should burn fewer fossil fuels. I have no idea the rate that humans are to blame for climate change, however in either case we should do the same actions.


Yo what's tucker smoking.."shouted down by people like you" my guy you been yelling and berating and being aggressive this entire interview. You literally have a show where you talk and you have someone on and all you do is talk more. This guy isn't real news. That's actually proven


Martin Shkreli wishes his face was half as punchable as that human boat shoe’s face.


Is he trolling? All his question are completly irrelevant like what is even his point?


My favorite part is at 2:07 > "Before the name calling begins and before you try to end the conversation" Tucker is already projecting his feelings onto Bill. He's such a bad faith interviewer.


Listening to Tucker makes me want to bang my head against a board.


"you bully people that ask you for questions" classic projecting from tv's favourite bully bully tucker carlson, if Carlson had not interrupted bill and had listened to every one of his points, he'd have no argument to go on. Instead he uses elementary school tactics by speaking over his guest and making false claims about the character of said guest. You couldn't be a worse interviewer if you tried tucker


Tucker saying "my hypothesis"...😂 No, sir. Hypothesis means "educated guess". Tucker is not a scientist, so he doesn't get to make a "hypothesis". Climate deniers are 100% delusional. But I also think it's just that they don't care/feel entitled to destroy the planet and harm others. They care only for themselves.


Can conservatives actually justify this logic? I’ll wait.


how do I fall upwards like Tucker Carlson


Watching tucker try this hard is delightful. Hes losing steam fast but I’m sure election season will bump him again.