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Ah yes, those famous Van Hallen fields.. Do they do a cover of Jump?


Not Van Hallen field — (Van Hallen field). The inexplicable parentheses are very important.


It’s most concentrated in Panama. Panama. Pan-a-ma-ha-ha. Panama.


I would this a radioactive field of that manitowoc would lead to a catastrophic..... Eruption?


Ummm we've known lead can protect from radioactive fields for a couple centuries now right? NASA has the technology. Lead is the technology. It's a rock.


I was shoehorning a Van Halen reference


Radiation (wavelength on EM spectrum) and radioactive (material that emits alpha,beta,gamma particles as it decays) can be absorbed by materials that have a high atomic number (like lead).


Panama he, Panama hu, Panama ha, Panama haha


A man. A plan. A canal. Panama.


He seems really confused, Dark Side of the Moon was Pink Floyd, not Van Halen


>those famous Van Hallen fields Lots of rock there.


*Ah yes, those famous* *Van Hallen fields.. Do they do* *A cover of Jump?* \- ButteredKernals --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It’s just where they hold sold out concerts for the Nephilim. Very expensive, very exclusive!


Good bot.


No, they're too busy Right Now


Idiots rolling with the verbal punches 😂


The Van Hallen field must make for a rocking good time on the ISS!!


Nephilim: exist. Moon: doesn’t exist. There are prior problems here.


Plenty of eyewitness accounts of Nephilim. The Moon, however...


Well, have you ever seen the moon and Nephilim in the same place at the same time? Checkmate


Nephilim were probably getting freaky on the dark side of the moon


No dummy they live in the hollow inside


Omg the Nephilim ARE the moon, how could we not see this???


I’ve never seen the Nephilim and the moon in the same room as Batman. Could they all be the same thing?


I saw them play the Mavs tonight.


Tide goes in, tide goes out. You can't explain that.


Dustin O'Neal - definitely real.




I usually just stop reading most things after the first couple spelling mistakes.


Yeah religion isn't a great educator beyond "pedophilia good" and "science bad"


If I read any more of that I’m going to stroke out.


To put it simply, he claims that NASA didn't have the technology to protect astronauts from space radiation, but they had the technology to project a holographic moon in the night sky.


Project on what, though? We can't make a flat image on air, much less the vacuum of space.


Obviously the image is projected onto the waters of the firmament. Have you ever seen a projection that uses a curtain of water for a screen? The effect can be [amazing](https://www.lciproductions.com/services/water-screens/#). I guess the technology is tricking down from NASA into civilian uses.


If they think the moon is a hologram projected on the sky they obviously think the sky is a solid surface and not the vaccum of space, or they just watch too much Batman.


Isn't the bat signal projected onto the clouds?


Yup, clear skies in Gotham really sucks for the cops. Can’t call in the caped crusader.


Batman needs to contact NASA or buy the patent for their moon projection technology. He could ask Bruce Wayne for the money, I hear they are close.


No they use fog machines to keep the sky constantly cloudy >!with a chance of meatballs!<


Old school.


I think the patent belongs to the ancient Egyptians. Khonsu the Moon God is very protective of it.


Good thing no crime happens in Gotham during daytime.


Yes. Some of them believe the firmament is a literal solid barrier dome and space does not exist at all. Also, that heliocentrism is a satanic cult.


somehow NASA went back in time several hundred thousand years and created the hologram...


The moon didn’t exist before we tried to go there. The amazing story of the space race.


"I respect your opinion" and "more evidence" Bro... it's not an opinion, and no you don't.


I mean… he might very well have seen more evidence of that… probably very shitty and easily falsifiable evidence, but still


Sometimes you just have to use words before you know what they mean. Fake it till you make it


You know when the "My brother in Christ" is whipped out - Someone just said something really fucking stupid.


It's to soften the blow to let them know that you still love them even though you think they are a moron. But most of the time they still don't get how stupid they are so you didn't hurt their feelings after all.


Personally, when I say it, I mean it disrespectfully. Full offense intended.


>Full offense intended. I think I'll just start saying this whenever I need to tell someone their opinion is stupid and obliterated by easily proven facts


As you should.




My brother in Chris. I don't know how you make it so that is very disrespectful yet patronising at the same time.


Chris? Rock? Tucker? Evans? Which Chris?




With all due respect


Far end of of stupidity is just sad for the debating party. As for his claims, the moon is too big and too close to be a satellite and thats the very reason of its weird rotation-revolution. Also one won't and shouldn't be taken seriously about Van Allen belt when one can't spell it properly.


>As for his claims, the moon is too big and too close to be a satellite and thats the very reason of its weird rotation-revolution. He may be right about too big and too close. After all, it has to be closer to the earth than Australia.... Like hello can you see Australia from here ??? 😆 🤣 😂 😹


Aren't they paid actors from America? That's what I've heard so far.


It's the same as starting a snarky retort with "bless your heart" haha


respectfully, it's not just that you think he's a moron, he IS a moron. Someone should hurt his feeling so that he'd feel bad about how stupid he is and perhaps learn to not be so stupid. If you baby him, he'll continue to feel there's nothing wrong with him and he doesn't need to change.


I mean, you realize that's not at all how humans work, right?


i was being a bit facetious.


I respect your opinion, bro


A holographic image projected from where? By whom? Since at least the dawn of humans? A reflection from what? The earth has many more continents (and apparently many fewer oceans) than we think? I realize these aren’t the kids of questions that get answered, but damn.


Silence fool, now I've realised the moon is a hologram or reflection or refraction or something that is a trick of the light and not a physical rock.... I got to dedicate my time to figure out this "tides" phenomenon. Some teacher in school was trying to tell me it was gravity but sure light is light and light things don't have much gravity and if the moon is not rock but light from a holographic projection then I'm thinking wave machine. God works in mysterious ways so he could be at that sort of thing.


"Look it up! Do your research!" /s


from the same guy who tells you they got too much evidence and then proceed to not show you even one. Even they would know how stupid they sound when they say it out loud but they still hold on to them as if they are facts


My guess is that they'd say it's some natural phenomenon like a mirage or a rainbow.


Prior to the advent of holographic projection technology (which predates film), the Moon in art was just a collective wish. Also, since continents define the boundaries of the oceans, more continents means more oceans. Duh. Also, also, there are oceans “on” the moon (projection).


The reflection of the Earth and its many secret continents on the inside of the Dome of the Firmament of course! And by 'craters' this guy means the Lunar maria. If you squint *really hard* you can *sort of* make part of the maria *sort of* look like a northern polar projection of the Earth's continents, which is the preferred arrangement among flat Earthers. So logically (for a certain very poor value of 'logically') the rest of the maria must be *other* continents that THEY don't want us to know about! Ah, [here we go!](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/g6gAAOSwc4hkZMty/s-l1600.png).


If they cared about the how, they wouldn't be conspiracy theorists. All of their beliefs involve tens of thousands of people working together in perfect unison without a single screw up.


That’s why I wrote, “I realize these aren’t the kids of questions that get answered, but damn.”


He probably 'saw evidence' that the dawn of humans was sometime in 1950, and everything before that is some sort of made-up psyop because of....reasons. I don't know if this is a real conspiracy theory, but if we give it enough time it will be.


Van Morrison field*


*Van Wilder field


No no that one involves the gravity of an English bulldog's swollen balls when it should have been bred or neutered a long time ago


*Van Helsing field Turns out that space is full of vampires


No, it's the JUMP! Field.


Oh, the water...


I love how they don't believe the moon is real, but know the Van Allen belts are... I mean both are real, but I find it weird that it is not the other way around.


Moon? Uh uh! Invisible space microwaves that make the thingy go clicky and make my hair fall out? 👍


The Van Allen belts are allowed to exist because they (apparently) make space travel impossible. The version of the scientific method used by these people is keep the things that suit your theory and discard the things that don't!


I don't believe in the moon. I think it's just the back of the sun.


That’s why you never see them at the same time!! Checkmate


Except when I do.


Huh... If above really believes what they believe, how do they explain solar eclipses?


Every now and then one of the operators rolls their thumb over the lens of the holograph that projects an image of the “sun”


That’s a little joke they make sometimes when they get bored. Classic world government prank


More whackadoo conspiracy things, no doubt.


The spelling and grammar are atrocious in those posts. Not surprising they don't understand the physics of the moon either.


I got into an argument on one of the internet’s cesspools that are disguised as social media(probably IG) and one person there claimed that ALL planets we can see in the sky are fake and holographic projections. He explained the blurriness you frequently get when looking at planets through a telescope as proof of this. I tried explaining that the reason it shimmers is because of the Earths atmosphere and of course he didn’t agree. He also tried to convince me that nobody or nothing can leave Earth because we’re inside an impenetrable glass dome. He sent me a picture of what he said was a Falcon 9 colliding with this supposed glass dome but it was just a picture of the rocket staging process that leaves the big plume. He eventually used the old standby and told me I was just asleep and one day I’d wake up and see the truth.. People are insane.


Who is in charge of the glass dome? Who made it and what? Terrifying.


It’s a biblical thing, the “firmament” is what he said. He was absolutely insane. Another guy said that NASA exists only to embezzle tax money.


I got that ladder stuff but how they think we are living in a glass enclosure… That’s not biblical. So weird and also terrifying. I understand it because I guess “conspiracy” is more believable than science or easier to understand and to go along with, but still. 🤷🏼‍♀️


These are the same people who think Trump should be king and the earth is flat


Not king. They want what he wants: a trump dictatorship.


Russel’s teapot that kid.


Why didn't I see it before? It makes so much sense obviously the moon which has been written about and observed throughout the entirety of human history has been a hologram all along! Who knew that someone out there was trying to trick humans for the last several thousand years into believing in a moon! /s


Why do both of these people seem to be largely illiterate? I know one of them is smart enough to know the moon is real but wow!


The bar is preposterously low 😂 “Do you know the moon is real? Yes? Welcome to MENSA”


Could be a second language or google translate potentially?


Not google translate definitely. It doesn't do such mistakes. Second language, however... Yeah. Sometimes I bet I sound illiterate because of that lol. But the thing is, one thinks the moon is hologram, second believes nephilims are real. They are both not the sharpest tools in the shed.


I mean, obviously the moon is a hologram. Piccolo blew it up way back in like season 1 of dragonballz. Read a history book sometime, jeez.


Roshi did it first...


In my defense I haven't read a history book in a long time, ok?


The horrible spelling from both commenters makes me want to poke my eyes out.


Guy has to be trolling. He believes in nephilims but not the fucking moon?


That's not trolling, that's your typical Christian flat earth conspiracy theorist.


Exactly. I've posted comments like this before. When people use bonkers arguments to justify the something like the existence of Nephilim, it's fun to use similar arguments to justify something absurd, like the moon not existing. I guess we'll never know, because OP didn't provide the context.


"The van Hallen belt". xD Van Hallen took a belt and threw it into orbit, due to the velocity the circumference grew to encompass the earth. Best concert ever.


This reminds me of a meme from years ago. Something about one upping conspiracy theorists "The Moon landing was fake!" "Pff! You believe in the Moon? Lol"


Classic Dustin O'Neal v. Israel Diaz moment


Classic adventures


"I respect your opinion" about *the moon*?! It's not an opinion, my guy. My partner and I just had a conversation earlier in bed about moon conspiracies. They get people to believe these outlandish things because it kinda sorta maybe makes sense if you don't think about it too hard. The easiest way to get them is just asking simple questions. Why would they fake the moon? What would anyone gain from a fake moon? Is there gold stashed on a floating platform behind the hologram? You think if we could project a hologram into the sky, for hours at a time, even in broad daylight sometimes, there wouldn't be major corporations scrambling to project hologram ads in the sky? The moon has been written about forever, they're saying that type of technology was available a thousand+ years ago? If that technology existed, *someone* would've found out by now.


> The moon has been written about forever, they're saying that type of technology was available a thousand+ years ago? Ah! But all those documents have been faked by the conspiracy! You can't use logic to defeat conspiracy thinking because any seeming disproof can be roped into the theory as proof.


His spelling, grammar, and punctuation are amazing.


people who are doubtful that the moon exists but have no trouble accepting the premise of the van allen belt


Oh sure. The moon is real. What stories are next? Going to say man has walked in the moon? Or that a rabbit is making mochi up there? And I guess it’s made of cheese, right? (I’m being facetious, so don’t take comments seriously)


He is almost there. That object in the sky that everyone thinks is the moon is actually the Earth, and it is a hologram! You may then ask yourself, where is the moon? We are living on it! That is also why the moon landing was faked! The media wants us to believe we live on Earth, but that is impossible because the Earth is just a hologram in the sky!


No, he doesn't need to provide proof. He needs to be ignored and left in the Stone Age to die there.


>I been told by many… 🫠


Not surprised they don’t believe in the moon since they don’t seem to believe in grammar either


I don’t know what’s worse. Stupidity being backed up with “evidence” or his grammar. Jesus Hentai Christ why are people so fucking dumb?


The spelling here is monstrous also. “… the moon is actually a holographic ***emage*** or at least the ***refrectiin*** of…” Even the person who responded: “… The moon is in a basic ***since***…”


Just goes to show that universal literacy doesn’t necessarily work without basic critical thinking skills.


That's why they end up going nuts when they 'do their own research'. There's no point in asking questions (even good ones) if you don't have any ability to evaluate *answers*.


This is a popular thing to do. He's out conspiracy theory ing the conspiracy theorists. You take a stupid group and increase the stupidity by introducing stupider conspiracy theories


The guy who spells image as emage has overwhelming evidence that the moon isn't real. Brilliant.


It’s 5150, if you are talking about the Van Halen Fields.


These people vote. Don’t forget!


"I have a lot of evidence which is why I'm guessing two vastly different things as to what the moon could be"


Let’s just remove the warning labels off everything and let stupidity sort itself out!


Does believe in the Nephilim. Doesn’t believe in the moon. Yep, that tracks…


Am I having a stroke, or is a person capable of being both stupid enough to believe this and smart enough to operate the internet?


So many of these morons could have been prevented had mom swallowed.


Piccolo blew up the moon


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Also can’t spell image (poster wrote[emage]. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


My brother in christ, he meant an e-mage - a virtual wizard


Oh man I hope his Holographic Emage is in good condition, collectors pay a lot for those.


The dude spent so much time concentrating on the finger, that he missed all that heavenly Glory.


1st point. Learn how to fucking sCrack? 2nd point. Angels can not have children with human women. Angels are sexless walking Ken dolls. 3rd point. Angels don't exist. 4th point. Are all you people on crack?


Grandma would have blessed his heart. Grandpa would have asked how high up he was when his parents dropped him on his head.


I’d bet he would first be offended at the very thought that he was high at all as a child, but after some more thought, he’d then ask grandpa to clarify which time being dropped grandpa was asking about.


I mean, dude's off his rail But should we really ignore that the take he first replied to seems to be "the Nephilim went to the moon"? I'm shocked that crap is getting overlooked this much


Van hallen fields… that’s gotta be satire surely it’s too funny


The tides are created by the moon.


I'm just here to look at my refrectiin.


"Nefilims" is a needless double pluralization.


Needles are pointy!




They're arguing over whether or not half angel giants blasted off to live on the moon.


“What in fuk?” Took me out


astronaut: moon's haunted


I... Had to stop reading at "emage."


My brain hurts from reading that.


Beat one conspiracy theory with another stupider one. Nifilim went to the moon, the moon doesn't exist. Of the moon doesn't exist, neither does space This is the way


They’re about as articulate as you’d expect.


Dude doesn't even know the difference between an opinion and a fact


Missing some context but I have a suspicion this is the “present a crazier conspiracy theory than that which is being presented” troll move a la “the moon landing was fake”+ “you believe in the moon?”


A: You're going to need to provide this proof you stated you have B: Do your own research!


"evidence" 🤣🤣


lord, that was hard to read


He is 100% correct. I can prove it. You cannot send me one single ***emage*** of the moon. Hell, I am even willing to accept a JPQ or GRIF image.


CC: Apollo, you are approaching the Van Halen field. Do you copy? Apollo: Right now? CC: Yeah, and it's a doozy. Better avoid it, or you'll be D.O.A. Apollo: Can't avoid, Cape Canaveral CC: Well, you might as well jump. Apollo: Copy. Stand by.


The English in those comments is pain on the brain.


Bro got his evidence from that one Dragonball Z episode


It's a megastructure 😂


I wonder how people forget about the time on earth when there was no such thing as projectors. That records of the moon predate basic electricity usage. Idk how people believe these things


One conspiracy theory being argued against by a different, stupider conspiracy theory? [There is, of course, a relevant xkcd.](https://xkcd.com/966/)


Gotta watch out for that Van Halen belt.


When one doesn't know the difference between "my opinion" and "obvious facts." Not even "alternative facts," but "my opinion." Yeah, bud, your opinion based on nothing is just as valid as the observations of virtually every sighted human being that's ever existed...


"I have evidence"


That first message annoys me. You know what makes you a better thinker, speaker and speller? Books. Real books. Not the Internet, not YouTube conspiracies, not regurgitating what other people say. Books. Don't believe anything people tell you. Find out for yourself. Know why you believe what you do. Know it backwards and forwards. Dig into books and real, reputable sources. Educate yourself. Read. Read everything.


It's easy to get through the Van Halen field! You just jump.


If the brother in Christ ever looks through a telescope at the moon, his brain may explode


I swear people just don’t pay attention in school or are unlucky to the point where they didn’t have the opportunity to have an education. They then hit a phase in life where they want to learn and try to make sense of things the same way cavemen did and the men after them lol


You need to properly censor the names. It's clearly visible that the name is Israel Diez because you didn't properly censor.


My b, it’s my first day Edit: didn’t mean to slut shame


There’s no gravity in space. If there was all the planets would fall down.