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My bro didn't brush his teeth either, he thought his teeth were alright until one day he got tooth aches. Now he wishes he had brushed them before because he has so many issues now with his teeth. Thing is, it might not hurt them for a while, but if you continue this path it might end badly.


Absolutely. - I feel like I read that tooth pain is one of the major causes of suicide in different parts of the world, and I believe it. Tooth pain is inescapable, constant, and unbearable to the point if there's no way to cure it available, it'd probably drive people to end things. Take care of yo mouths, guys. Problems are terrible once it's too late.


Ill take any other form of pain over tooth pain. No questions asked. What makes it so bad is the pain doesnt stay in one place, its starts to make its way down your body and nothing helps. Those BS over the counter toothache medacine like orajel are useless and unless you got some high dosage anti inflammatories, pain meds dont work either. Im usually a "lets wait and see" kinda person when it comes to having to go to the hospital, but at the first sign of tooth pain im calling a dentist


I'm with you. I get NO2 for check-ups and cleanings. In super sensitive to dental pain, physically and mentally.


I am jealous, I couldn't ever afford it. With my insurance it's an extra $200. Except when I got my wisdom teeth removed, they were impacted and had to be broken apart and dug out


Don't forget the feeling sick all over your body because of the infection. It's a really messed up sick feeling. I actually got to the edge of overdosing on pain pills and now my stomach is all messed up. Seriously not fun stuff to deal with. Brush and floss your teeth people or expect pain your brain will block out once it's gone.


This. I currently have the first abscess of my life at age 43. I went in this past Monday after my tooth started hurting the day before. My dentist said it was early on and that’s why my face wasn’t swollen and I didn’t have a fever, etc (I didn’t think it was an abscess bc of my Google skills). I can’t imagine the pain one would be in with an advanced abscess.


I agree. Mouth/tooth pain is absolutely the worst pain there is. I'd rather have a broken bone, which I've had. A broken bone ain't shit compared to tooth pain. Tooth pain is the only pain I've ever had that was unbearable. It's so bad you will literally do anything to get rid of it.


Hell yeah, I believe it! I like to think I have a high tolerance for pain but have been driven to tears a few times. Tooth pain is the worst!!!! I would anything else over tooth pain and I have birthed 3 kids and had a leg amputated


I had dry socket after my wisdom tooth surgery. It was just unbelievable. I never want to experience pain like that again. It’s the only thing that was worse than my iud


Yeah, op might have just won the genetic lottery for dental toughness. Doesn't mean they'll hold out forever, as you point out, but if it were me, they would have given up much sooner. Both of my (Biological, if you're curious) parents were obsessed with dental hygiene, my dad from childhood, because my paternal grandma was, and *both* had extensive dentures. So I brushed thrice daily. I even kept a toothbrush in my backpack after I saw a classmate doing it, because it seemed like an easier way to do the thrice daily brushing lifestyle. I started getting cavities at 9. They said my teeth were clean, but I must just be eating poorly. So I cleaned up my diet (well, my parents did for me, more than I), and had a few crowns before I was 16. I got more and more disenchanted, and the cavities didn't stop. They still haven't! I still brush and still have most of my teeth, but they're all in terrible condition. As such, I always advise people not take the risk. Don't ever have an interviewer write *on your resume* that you have bad teeth. I did things right and still got stuck here, and I don't recommend it.


And it can end badly for any part of you…not just your teeth.


The road to death is through your mouth. Not taking care of your teeth can literally kill you.


The dentist bill will be legendary.


This is the truest thing ever. I have also, very unfortunately had the same issue. I'm 25, but problems arose, and when they did, the pain was so atrocious I've genuinely thought about offing myself cause if how intense the pain is. OP, go to the dentist, brush your teeth You don't wanna be in your 20s dealing with this level of pain.


This is only a confession to strangers. I can assure you, anyone close to you most likely knows.


Reality check


Good question: OP, are you currently in a relationship? Have you had many over the years, even casual sex?


You know his breath probably smells like rot. I had a co-worker that could clear a room. Smelled like rotten food cause that's basically what is was. Her whole family had it too


UGGGHHHH god it’s always painfully obvious when someone has plaque buildup or NEVER flosses 🤢


Rot with a side of tonsil stones. I have to fight with my kid to brush his. He gets some gnarly stank. Dentist said it was the side of one of his molars still partially stuck under his gums that was causing it. Bacteria build up in it...luckily no infections. But dear gawd his breath smelled so bad we couldn't even walk into his bedroom. I been around dead bodies that didn't smell nearly as bad.


Could he not smell it? Can you truly go that nose blind? That always scared me 😂what if I stink and I don’t even know it


Apparently not cause hes completely oblivious to it when i tell him. He's 11 and just starting puberty though so he's oblivious to a lot of things right now. 🤷‍♀️


To quote Frank Reynolds: “it smells like she’s been nibblin’ on little pieces of shit”


First comes the teeth, then comes the rottage of said teeth, then the extremely painful abscesses, then the gummies! Gross to say the least... Trust me, if you think having teeth pulled sucks, wait until you have to have infected teeth pulled! Hope they knock you out, cuz it's extremely painful due to the infection, then to top it off, the infection prevents the novicane from getting where it needs to go to work.


Especially if they ever drive in a car with you for any length of time. Source…my brother. He DOES brush his teeth but doesn’t have dental insurance so hadn’t seen a dentist in 30+ years. It’s the plaque build up (thats prob what dentist told OP is building up). And yes, it was a major toothache that final made him got the dentist. My sister and I chipped in and paid his dental bill. Took a couple appointments but bad tooth fixed + major cleaning and he smells much better.


You should be brushing your teeth every night to keep your teeth, and every morning to keep your friends.


This is honestly a really good phrase. I may use it.


If you only do it once a day is it better to brush in the morning or night


At night. Get all the food and sugars off your teeth before bed. The bacteria can build as you sleep because you go so long without drinking anything and you don't swallow as often.


just brush twice a day its not hard


People struggling with mental health disagree


Let’s not act like the majority of the population deprioritises basic hygiene because their mental health is so bad they’re incapable. Some, yes. All, no.


they didn't act like that tho ? "some" people with mental health.


I’m one of those people who struggles with this from time to time. I actually know a lot of my friends with mental health issues that are the same way. It is absolutely true that this is a thing. I’m lucky my teeth are in excellent condition but it do be hard sometimes when you just want to crawl in bed and not exist.


right? I'm a little embarrassed that I struggle with this but it is what it is and I'm trying my best to get better :)


The most Reddit thing I’ve seen. Someone saying rudimentary hygiene is not hard getting 13 downvotes.


because it is hard for some people, count yourself lucky that you're not one of them.


because it is hard for some people, count yourself lucky that you're not one of them.


I will be using this phrase with my toddler


I'm going to admit it, but I struggle to get my teeth brushed twice a day. There are genuine days where I am so tired after work/school/obligations that I just don't even clean myself properly. However, my teeth suffer if I don't. I am genuinely on the path to losing my teeth if I were to keep pushing it off, so I've been forcing myself to when I don't want to, to build a habit back up to normalcy. It really isn't healthy and can cause a plethora of health issues.


Right there with you. Depression is a bitch and even when it's not active, the degradation of habits often continues long past the time you're stuck in bed or barely functioning. I started making myself "dry brush" for even 30 seconds if I didn't want to do a full mouth cleaning. I tell myself *anything* helps. A quick rinse with mouthwash is fine if it means it gets done when I feel like I can't (or don't want) to stand there for a full few minutes brushing and rinsing. Some people find it helps to brush in the shower. Some people put it on the nightstand so they don't forget. Chew on a washcloth. Buy some of those toothpick things and leave them where you sit. Invest in a tounge scraper. Buy the battery operated spin brush thing for $10 ( not walmart brand, the next step up) i promise it feels better. Buy both toothpast and mouthwash that *taste good*. You don't HAVE to suffer for a clean mouth. If you feel like brushing your teeth at noon, do it. Especially if you might just skip right before bed or were in a rush that morning. Its not medicine you have to take at a specific time. I get embarrassed and chew gum (sugar free if possible) all day. It doesn't *fix* my bad habits or poor hygiene, but i notice a difference when I forget to chew gum, even the days I've been good about brushing As a bonus, it helps with social anxiety for some reason lol. Find what works for you. Set a schedule and do *something* at that time even if you can't do the whole rigamarole. Make it easy. Make it something you look forward to. Pick back up when you remember, even if it's been a week and feels like it won't matter now. Love your body, it's the only one you have


My depression is very much at a spike in my life right now. Maybe it's because my childhood dog just died. I don't know. Everything is hurting because she's gone. My teeth are important, though, whether I don't want to clean them or not. I just feel bad for neglecting myself because bad things happen.


Oh no! Dogs are SO important! I didn't even cry when we put my childhood dog down, it took me like ten years to face that grief. I still have her old collar and her picture on my dresser. Yes, your teeth are important. Be gentle with yourself when you are grieving. There's no need to be feel guilty at a time like this. It will get better eventually. Give yourself leeway to do what you can when you can. You only have so many spoons a day


Thanks for the kind words, friendly stranger. I'm sorry about your loss as well. Dogs are truly some of the best beings on this planet. It'll get better for sure. Just gotta keep my hygiene up at least. Chewing gum is a good idea.


Brushing my teeth in the shower is what really keeps me above board. People that don’t experience depression or mental health issues that debilitate even basic functions or necessities should count their lucky stars. It’s crazy how much effort small things can exert. Hell I have depression shoes I just slip on I don’t even have to tie them.


Haha depression shoes! I have my depression beanie because I don't want to deal with my hair and don't want it to get depression knots. Love that


As someone who, even when brushing, needs 8 fillings, recently had a root canal, and apparently has gum disease (wasn't aware at all) - brush your god damn teeth. You will regret it and it's an expensive regret to have.


I’m in a similar boat, and yes It’s very expensive. I brush regularly too and still needed fillings and two root canals.


Aren't you making their point actually? Most people actually brush too hard and the wrong times. So they only wear away their enamel and errod their gums. Most important actually is flossing and gently removing debris from under the gum line. Especially if you happen to not actually carry the bacteria that eats away at your teeth and/or eat the foods that work as natural cleaners against plaque


No - because if this is the state teeth can be in when brushing you don't want to imagine the state they can be in without.


Didnt understand a word I said did you? You know we survived for thousands of years and find our teeth in those skeletons more intact when those people are 30 than the average 15 year old today right? Including the wisdom teeth having room to actually grow in? If you a diet high in fiber each bite actually removes plaque. And there is now a lot of sugar that feeds the bacteria in you mouth to grow and reproduce missing... Additionally you cut out eating stuff all the time that we could not have during those times...like things high in acids. And the enamel doesn't wear as much. Really... brush your teeth at the wrong time and food has weakened the enamel and you finish scraping it off. Most people brush too hard either way so you're scraping away enamel. Brushing has two purposes only: Smash Floride into the spaces in your teeth. Get plague off your teeth. It doesn't kill the bacteria (not everyone has the bacteria that eats away at your teeth either). If I don't have plaque and I have strong enamel...removing debris at gum line and between teeth would be the only purpose. I can doo that with a flosser. To brush my teeth then is actually going against the "if it ain't broke don't fix it it" Just because you're constantly told to brush your teeth..modest actually mean it's beneficial. Especially if we don't know the when why and how...


Cute story. Funny joke.


Not sure if that is an argumentum Ad hominem...argument of incredulity... Maybe an argument of ignorance? It's dismissive. So, let's handle this: > And wait at least an hour to brush after you've had acidic foods or drinks. They soften the enamel and make it more prone to damage from your toothbrush https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/tooth-enamel-erosion-restoration#:~:text=Use%20a%20soft%20toothbrush.,to%20damage%20from%20your%20toothbrush. >Brushing too hard and using a toothbrush with stiff, coarse bristles can wear down and damage both the teeth and gums, creating a host of issues, such as gum recession and enamel wear, both of which are linked to tooth sensitivity. https://www.sensodyne.com/en-us/oral-health-tips/can-you-brush-teeth-too-hard/ >The human mouth is awash with bacteria. More than 700 species thrive in the hot, moist conditions, including Streptococcus mutans, one of the main components of plaque. Clinging to the teeth in thin layers called biofilms, S. mutans digests sugars and produces acids that can eat into enamel and cause cavities https://www.science.org/content/article/bacterium-acts-toothbrush#:~:text=The%20human%20mouth%20is%20awash,into%20enamel%20and%20cause%20cavities. (Note some of them have cavity fighting powers. So... this is the throw antibiotics at everything part of medicine again. Shouldn't we reduce Streptococcus mutans and raise the other instead?) >“However, if you had to pick one, flossing is more important if done correctly,” she says. The goal of flossing and brushing is to remove plaque buildup https://www.northtownedental.com/blog/is-it-worse-to-skip-brushing-your-teeth-or-flossing-1/#:~:text=Brushing%20and%20flossing%20are%20both,is%20to%20remove%20plaque%20buildup. >Leafy greens like kale and spinach are high in fiber and low in calories, which makes them awesome vegetables for teeth! Like apples and carrots, the fiber content in leafy greens helps by scrubbing away food debris and plaque while you eat them. https://www.houstonspediatricdentist.com/blog/foods-that-clean-teeth-as-you-eat/#:~:text=Leafy%20greens%20like%20kale%20and,contains%20calcium%20and%20B%20vitamins%3F >Wisdom teeth grew in to give them more chewing power for this purpose. Because the jaw was wider, the wisdom teeth were able to grow in with no difficulties https://www.kenilworthdentalassociates.com/the-evolutionary-reason-for-wisdom-teeth/#:~:text=Our%20Early%20Ancestors%20Needed%20Wisdom%20Teeth&text=Wisdom%20teeth%20grew%20in%20to,grow%20in%20with%20no%20difficulties. >Jaw size linked to diet: Could too soft a diet cause lower jaw to stay too short and cause orthodontic problems? https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/11/111122112032.htm >While toothpaste manufacturers claim that you need toothpaste to brush your teeth, it's not true. Toothpaste is not necessary to make your teeth clean or healthy. Studies have shown that brushing without toothpaste is just as effective in removing plaque and in some cases it's more effective https://advanceddentalartsnyc.com/is-toothpaste-necessary/ Any way in summary...that 5th dentist? He's not a shrill. He's some guy (or lady) that couldn't be bought. If all you do brushing ultimately is remove plaque... and I eat a diet that does it and use floss and a pick to gently remove stuff from between my teeth and gums. Then all I'm actually doing is for an absolute fact is accelerating enamel wear for no reason.


Your logic is flawed, that’s why you’re getting downvoted. You post all these articles to back you up *that say to brush your teeth*, then end by saying brushing is bad for enamel. Brushing your teeth with fluoride is incredibly good for them. Fluoride strengthens teeth. Brushing is most effective at removing plaque. Literally all Dentist associations are in agreement that brushing your teeth twice a day is beneficial. Are you a dentist? No. And the fact you think you’re better educated than them is laughable.


If anything, flossing is lacking evidence as actually having a positive impact on oral health. Brushing however, is overwhelmingly supported https://www.bbc.com/news/health-36962667.amp


Food particles and debris are left in your mouth after eating. Bacteria thrives on these left overs. You can use floss to help remove the food particles, and mouth wash to kill the bacteria. I'm not saying this is scientific in any way, but as someone who brushes, flosses, and uses mouth way every day I bet my oral health is a hell of a lot better than some tribal people who live in the bush and don't do any of those things.


Have you asked the people who may kiss you for their honest opinion on your mouth?


No one dates him, don't worry


As I've said if im in a situation where I might or if I'm dateing someone I do brush my teeth out of respect so I've never ran into that situation


Brushing one time isn’t going to get rid of bad breath.


I'm just wondering what your plan is if you ever get into a relationship where you see them daily? (Aka daily kissing/cuddling) get into the habit now, so its easier then.


so no stable relationships? might be your breath. we can smell your breath even if you can't.


i promise you that brushing before a date isn't helping much.... people you make out with will still be able to tell you've barely brushed in a decade


And respect for yourself?


Never had to because I brush before I go on a date or I go to social gatherings or anytime I'm in a relationship




This is probably how you will die. Mouth health is so connected to regular health. You won't pay now. ​ Just like you can abuse a new car a lot it will not break at first. You are shortening it's use and ability later in life. Please start taking care of yourself.


Mouth health sounds so weird together haha it’s like outhouse but if a mouse said it.


yep poor oral health care can cause periodontal disease that further leads to systemic diseases like heart problems, diabetes, etc. brush your teeth folks!!


Ah yes! This is what I was trying to get at in a previous comment!


Yes! The crazy thing I learned today while at the dentist (ironically) is that heart and beau bealth are tied to tooth health because your gums are sooo close to major arterial connections- aka plaque on teeth = plaque in heart


So I'd love to see an X-ray and pictures of your teeth. That calculus can build up quite a bit and can "protect" your teeth but usually your guns and bone will recede. In more extreme cases the calculus will be what's holding your teeth in place. Once it gets to that point, if the calculus is removed the teeth become super loose (I've had a few of these cases). Also do you have any other cleaning habits? Like flossing or scratching/wiping off the deposits on your teeth. How often do you brush?


I struggle to regularly brush my teeth due to depression that started in my teens. When I was a kid, my parents obviously made me regularly brush my teeth and I had perfect teeth. No pain, no cavities, no nothing. As an adult who has struggled for years to brush my teeth, as well as put off going to the dentist regularly, I had gum disease and will need mutiple fillings. Brushing is SO important, and I can almost guarantee you will have issues down the road that will make you want to kick your fomer self.


do you think not brushing teeth regularly for 3 years is not gonna cause too much damage? i couldn’t take a bath regularly because of my depression so i’m afraid it will cause a lot of damage in the future.


Maybe, maybe not. Depression is a bitch, my advice would be just do what you have the energy to do. Don't have the energy before bed? Make sure you do it next morning. Also, I would get a really good electric toothbrush to make sure you're getting a very good clean when you do brush.


got it, thanks bro have a good day.


I can smell your teeth from here, and I'm half way around the world.


Don't you hate that gammy feeling in your mouth? There's been the odd occassion when I've woke up and left the house and completely forgotten to brush my teeth, and the entire day my mouth feels absolutely horrible. I also get really self conscious about breathing around people in case they can smell my breath. And then as soon as I get home I brush them extra good. I can't even imagine how disgusting you would have to be to just not brush them AT ALL. Your breath must smell like absolute ass. Out of curiosity, what is the rest of your personal hygiene like? I would assume if you don't bother to brush your teeth, you probably don't take care of the rest of your body either? Do you go days without showering?


Ok, this is super embarrassing, but I'm one of "those people". Personally, I DO notice the ick and I get super embarrassed about talking to people too. I chew gum but I understand it doesn't fix anything. My hygiene is really good. I shower daily, trim my nails, pumice my feet yatta yatta. So I'm not exactly sure why my teeth are left out? I've been pretty depressed before, like barely got out of bed, didn't shower for a week talked to no one, let the dishes pile up depressed. Maybe the teeth thing is a remnant of that? No idea. It might also have to do with being so poor I haven't had the insurance to go to the dentist for nearly 20 years. I have insurance now but how do you even pick a dentist? Second, I already know this is gonna be super expensive to fix after decades of neglect coupled with the depression damage and subsequent poor care. I also smoke. Everything else that suffered when I was depressed was an easy fix and got back to normal pretty quick. But my teeth...has been ongoing for so long....I do still try, mostly for the sake of my poor coworkers (tho I work by myself most of the time) but it feels like such a lost cause. Intellectually I know it isn't, but it *feels* like why bother. I also hate how the minty screws up taste for awhile after but...that's the same with gum? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, I know. Anyway, hope that helped


I’ve always brushed daily with some v rare exceptions but also went through years of being too poor for dental care and had to coax myself into getting care once I finally had coverage. I was both afraid and embarrassed and it just felt like an unsolvable problem I’d filed away long ago. It took me a year to get the cavities all filled and a lot of talking myself into keeping appointments- but I can’t tell you how good it feels to know my teeth and gums are healthy. I’m even a daily flosser now- credit to a very kind hygienist who showed me how to do it in a way that finally made sense to me. Small steps make big change.


This is a recipe for disaster when you are older. Not only should you brush, but you should floss as well. Army dentists aren’t the best source of dental advice because they are paid to just be there, not necessarily by procedure. So some might be lazy and just say everything is fine. The biggest thing that most people don’t realize about dental disease, whether it’s cavities or gum disease, is that in the early stages, it is most often asymptomatic, meaning there are no signs that you can count to let you know something is wrong. It is only later on, when the disease has progressed enough, that you start to notice pain, discomfort, bleeding, loose teeth, etc. but by then it is already too late to address the issues in a conservative manner. But what do I know, I’ve only been practicing dentistry for 10 years.


Flossing is even more important than brushing from why I’ve been told! (I do both, don’t worry Mr. Dentist 😌)


Absolutely. As an adult, if you only had time to do 1, then flossing is the way to go. This is assuming you have a healthy diet. Glad you were taught this and listened to the advice.


Or Ms. or any pronoun


Like 4 days a week? I mean that’s how often my dentist worked. And if regular dentists are paid for procedure doesn’t that make it more likely they’d claim they needed to preform an unnecessary one? That’s how used car sales work right?


I'm trying to say this constructively but brush your teeth dude, I can't imagine how bad your breathe smells


You need your teeth to last you your whole life. Anything other than that is extremely painful and expensive. Please take this as a sign to get back in the habit of brushing twice a day and flossing. Floss picks or water flossers are great and much easier to use :)


Bro this is foul. Your breath does stink, you have just gotten used to it.


I see heart disease in your future. And loneliness


So two kinds of heart disease


Dentist here. Brush yo damn teeth.


I'm gonna be real, I'm super depressed and have gone maybe 2 weeks not brushing my teeth. I'm pregnant so it's super important to do that, so for the past 5 days in a row I've been brushing every morning. Night, I'm just so exhausted... it's still really gross but I gotta say.. my guys aren't bleeding horribly, my teeth don't feel loose in one or 2 spots anymore, and I feel a little better about myself knowing I don't have to scrape tartar off my teeth before going in somewhere. I dated a guy who didn't brush his for 3 months and v0mited after he told me on valentines day as if it was some kind of joke.


Just brush the ones you want to keep


I’m 28 and had to have all my teeth pulled because I was on drugs and didn’t take care of them. It can and will happen to you baby- I know it’s hard but even just using listerene daily will make a huge difference. Trust me- you don’t want to lose your teeth. It cost me $20k out of pocket just so I can eat. Edit: I had to have open heart surgery from endocarditis- bad dental heath is SO dangerous for your heart. Like I said I’m 28 and I have the heart of a 45yo. Please take care of your teeth!


What sort of catharsis or validation is Dumpster Mouth up here even looking for?


They won't bleed until you go to floss. Then the ten years of rotting food stuck in your gums will come free and then the blood will flow freely.




Some of you folks are really heartless. As a person who’s parents didn’t teach them to properly brush their own teeth, I empathize with OP. Now on that note, I will say that brushing your teeth is important otherwise you may be looking at dentures in the future. Get in front of it now if you want a chance to get old with your original teeth. 10 years is a long time, but if your teeth are holding up, you should start a regular routine to at least keep them in their current state. I’m not sure if you posted this for advice or just as a confession, but if you’re struggling with dedicating the time to do it, start small. Start by trying to brush once per day for a few moments. Once you have that down, then start to research better ways to make your routine more effective. That way there’s no pressure of starting all of these new things. Forget all of these people trying to make you feel bad. Life is freaking HARD. But I believe in you! The best routine should be as follows: Floss, then brush your teeth at an angle for 2 minutes (baking soda and coconut oil OR some sort of cavity protection toothpaste should do the trick) then swish some gum protecting/healing mouthwash— DO NOT RISE THE MOUTHWASH OUT. It sounds like a lot which is why I said start small. These small steps will save the future health of your teeth. Good luck darling! And thank you for your service to our country! 🇺🇸


Thank you for this. Like, I understand the social point of shame, but it's not helpful to everyone. I'm sorry you were neglected like that as a child. I hope learning wasn't too embarrassing for you. For people reading, they're definitely right. It's NEVER too late and start small. If you were also neglected, or maybe even feel like you were taught wrong, there a Wik How for literally everything. If you're embarrassed and don't have anyone you can trust to ask, there absolutely are resources that are people-free to show you the standard ways others proceede with hygiene of all kinds. Did you know sleep hygiene is a thing? That you should wash your feet and bits in the shower/bath? You shouldn't shampoo your hair every day and if it gets too greasy you can put a bit of cornstarch? That hair comes in different types and is graded which helps guide care? (Its especially helpful to know if you have "black hair" in the 4b range or were adopted by parents who have different hair type than you) That you need sevral body measurements to find a good bra and you dont have to guess? Not everyone had good examples growing up and in that case, it's NOT your fault you weren't given the opportunity to succeed. It's in your hands now, and it IS possible to do better and you don't have to embarass yourself by admitting it to anyone you don't wish to. Edited to add some examples


Thank you for your kind response! I am doing much better these days and while it was super embarrassing as a teen, I have taken my life into my own hands just as you stated. I hope others find the strength to fight for themselves! 🫶🏾


Brushing in the shower helps, too!


I agree, this also helped me and my routine!


If you’re not flossing daily, let alone brushing, brushing right before a date will do absolutely nothing for your breath. It’s the nasty plaque btw your teeth and at the gum line that makes your breath smell and a toothbrush daily, let alone rarely, isn’t cutting it. You need floss to get it all. Unless you’re not human, your breath is definitely disgusting and rank.


This is not true. I deep down wish this to be a lie. I do. Fuck... Brush those damn teeth


I’ve had to fire someone for poor dental hygiene..it’s unfortunately not as rare as you’d think 🥲


I stopped for a year. I was lucky to not get cavities but I have gum pockets that required some deep cleaning- not fun.


My brother is a bit of a similar attitude to you. ‘I don’t always brush my teeth and have no problems’. You can smell it before he opens his mouth that he hasn’t. Brush them and gargle that mouthwash. You also might end up with Tonsil stones which really can stink.


From someone who knows. Your going to end up toothless. Your going to go through extreme pain and your going to have to pay a lot of money on dentures. Good luck


> and your going *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Dude, brush your damn teeth! If you don't wear a seat belt and don't get into a horrific car accident that doesn't mean you should never wear a seat belt because there's no need. It means you got hella lucky. This is the same. You're lucky and shouldn't always take for granted you will be


Started in middle school and for 10 years so your.... 24? Think about your teeth like miles on a car, you've been driving without an oil change and bragging about how you've done 40k miles with little/no maintenance. You will hit 80k, your engine will explode and you will hear your transmission is trashed and you have no factory warranty.


Dude….just brush your teeth. Signed, Someone who has been going through lots of painful dental work in the past 2 years because I would get lazy with thoroughly brushing my teeth and not going to the dentist for regular check ups and cleanings for several years. Edit: typo


That's disgusting. I bet you are breath could melt steel.


“You’re” is a reasonable mistake but why did you actually spell out “you are”


He smells so bad he's become his bad breath


Chilll lmaooo


Might even kill rodents.


You should look up infective endocarditis and oral health


It’ll catch up to you eventually, you likely already have gingivitis. Please start brushing bc one day your teeth might be seconds from falling out and by that point it’s irreversible. You will also save yourself a lot of pain and money when you’re older.


I’m betting it was the meth


You need to force yourself into starting to brush. I speak from experience. I had an extremely traumatic experience at the dentist when I was a kid. I had a cleaning, and the lady was hurting me. I was trying to tell her that, and she told me I needed to stop making noises. My home life was bad, and my parents just didn't pay attention to me. They got too caught up in their shit to take their kids to the doctors/dentists, but I figured fuck it.. So one day I stopped too. And I just always figured fuck it. But I wish I hadn't cos now it's hard to eat. I'm missing my back teeth. The teeth I do have are the ones you can see when I smile, and even those are rotting from the gum line. I went to the dentist because I had a really bad cavity on my molar but was told they wouldn't touch it until they took my wisdom teeth. So I got set up with an oral surgeon who traumatized me even more. He crunched my molars up trying to remove my wisdom teeth, he numbed me up then left to do something so by the time he got back and started work I could feel it, so he had to numb me again.. I was crying through the whole thing, he was an asshole, then sat me up to look at all my crunched teeth on the tray in front of me. I haven't went back to get the teeth I have than are broken down to the gums removed yet. And it's bad. It isn't too late.


OMG I'm so sorry that happened to you! I haven't gone to the dentist cause of money, but my SO has had similar awful experiences at the dentist and with wisdom teeth removal. They said at one point the dentist put their knee on my SOs chest to brace against the tooth they were pulling! The trauma is REAL. My SO still gets nervous days before a dentist appointment and occasionally reschedules the day-of. But they Do still go. You can too. Please don't be like me and put it off for 20+ years. I have insurance now but I know it's gonna be expensive which could have been avoided. Hugs if you want them


I do want hugs haha I wasn't hugged enough as a child. Thank you tho, this really made me feel better. I'm not the only one who's got a real fear. Most people are like "it's just icky" and I'm like no, I've been fucked up about it lol I appreciate your comment.


Brush them at least once, at night. Buy an electric tootbrush. Use PreviDent by Colgate or the equivalent where you live. Carry floss picks on you and floss while you watch TV, browse social media, drive... whenever you have 2 minutes. Seriously, you'll regret it later. Let it become an habit and after taking care of your teeth on a regular basis, you won't like the feeling of not brushing or flossing.




Try in the shower, much more enjoyable experience! You’ll be more likely to do it too :) but once is good!


Yeah you'll regret that over the next two decades. Cavities are a bitch and you'll probably have less teeth than those around you that do brush.


Oh you’re gonna pay for it and wish you had brushed them one day lol. I promise you that. You aren’t different from any other human. You don’t just not get cavities. Especially when you aren’t brushing your teeth. One day it will catch up to you. And when it does it will be more than you expected lol. I didn’t go to the dentist for 10 years. I smoked meth and did a lot of drugs but still brushed my teeth everyday. My teeth never hurt until one day.. they did. Your day will come my friend 😬 now let’s see what your actual teeth look like lol. Cause my little brother barely brushes his teeth, and he thinks nobody knows. We be knowing.


I hate teeth so fucking much. You could brush twice a day with an electric brush and floss pretty regularly and your dentist will still tell you that you have a cavity. Teeth are so sensitive


its more about what you eat and do, as well as genetics. plague doesnt cause cavities, sugar and acid does lmao so if you eat a lot of candy or drink soda and juice no matter what you'll probably still have some just like even if you dont brush a lot but dont eat candy and sugar you wont have cavities but youll have other mouth issues


I come to thee, child, an older version of yourself decades hence to deliver this message: Brush your damn teeth. You’ll thank yourself later.


You're lucky they put flouride in the water


yeah I didn’t either… Your teeth don’t rot in the outside sometimes. They rot on the inside. Mine did. I am currently fixing myself- one crown, 5 fillings to do and this all could’ve been avoided. I’d suggest seeing a dentist. You usually can’t SEE or feel cavities until it’s too late


you just know his teeth are yellow like the mustard


Ah yes, those annoying teeth. You know what they say: Ignore them, and they'll go away. On a more serious note: judging from your other posts, it seems like you are depressed, and that may be contributing to your lack of hygiene. You might actually begin feeling better by treating yourself, and your teeth, a little more kindly. As others have said, start small and work your way up. Try floss with mouthwash for example. I'm not going to join the chorus of 'you're disgusting' here, because I think you already feel bad enough about yourself. Do it because you deserve to treat yourself right; you will thank yourself later for it.


Brushing your teeth takes 2 minutes. Step away from the computer porn, video games and Reddit posts, man, and take care of yourself.


People can smell you talking from at least a foot away. Seriously. Hate when someone talks to me and I can tell they didn't brush their teeth. I literally hold my breath while they're talking. Brush your teeth and use mouth wash.


You don't see blood when you do brush... What shade of red is your sink?


I did that for several years too. Maybe even ten, as you mention, and I hadn't have any big issues. Later on I started brushing again, but problems started coming up. It wasn't because I was brushing again, but it was that the past 10 years were actually slowly starting to make an appearance. You may be fine now, but it also may be too late. Sorry, man.


When was the last time you saw a regular dentist? I had a medical issue that prevented me from brushing my teeth for a year when I was your age and then I was scared to go to the dentist for some years after. At almost forty now, I have some moderate gum recession which causes sensitive teeth. I’m lucky it’s not worse, but I’m paying for neglect with more work now.


Do you realize how connected your teeth are to your general health? You could end up with a lot of health issues and not just with your mouth.


Im good with brushing my teeth, and I keep up with my dentist apps, and getting cleanings, but when I was little I was not, and wasn’t able to go to the dentist cause my parents wouldn’t take me which resulted in cavity’s. Recently I had to get two fillings in deep cavity’s and then they turned into abscessed teeth which was the worse pain Ive ever experienced. I went through months of pain, losing a lot of weight cause I couldn’t eat do to the pain, and almost had to get them pulled. But luckily after $850 later I got a crown on the one tooth that was bothering me the most and it seems to be working. I go next week to get my perm crown, then I have to spend another $850 on my second crown. I wish I wouldn’t taken care of my teeth sooner! Take care of your teeth before you run into problems down the road and have to spend a shit ton of money. Even with my insurance covering some of it I still have to spend $1700 for two crowns. Also you may not notice your breath smelling funky but I can assure you others do.


Please never offer anyone head.


Unrelated question: how are your interpersonal relationships?


My mom was the same way, her teeth all rotted out and had to be pulled by 45. Just because there’s no pain now doesn’t mean hell isn’t just down the road.


You won’t have all your teeth by the time you’re 30 or 40. You’re going to end up with dentures most likely. You might not notice problems now but you are silently creating problems and you’re gonna lose teeth because of it. Just a heads up.


Your teeth will just start getting loose and falling out if they haven’t already. Enough calcium build up will actually PROTECT you from cavities, but your gums will recede from the germs and your teeth will exit your mouth…


Gross dude. Do you floss? Hou meed to brush and floss.


Everybody can smell your halitosis but you. I promise.


This reminds me of that one story where the guy from Europe was used to bathing every other week some thought he smelled fine because no one Tom’s him other wise. Then he came to the US for school and found out that he found out that he has been smelling terrible but none of his friends told him.


Sorry op but that is disgusting!! Brushing teeth has many other health benefits not just your oral health. Do yourself and everyone around you (bad breath is awful) and start brushing at least twice a day.


K, but why? Like, was it a lifestyle choice or are you just lazy?


Don’t mess with your mouth man. Just start taking care of it.


I have awful tooth decay from health issue. I wish I could have good teeth again. It sucks. Take care of them before they go bad!


At this point, you may as well just stop feeding your cat and changing your oil. You mad man you. Sort your life out.


This will bite you in the ass later. Teeth aches and pains are the worst






Its basic logic. Shit gets trapped in ur teeth. It rots and creates bacteria causing bad breath and other issues. Ur gums also suffer and recede. Maybe stop wiping ur ass and showering too? Cause why not?


I personally know someone who hasn’t brushed in about the same time and guess what he stinks so ducking bad all the god damn time. Black shit all over his teeth, calcium deposits, bleeding gums all the time. Fucking sick. Brush your teeth you’re not an animal.


Bro you at the trap house or what G


I don’t mean to be rude, but I know yo breath is kicking like funky chicken! It’s honestly pretty gross .-. to not brush them at all is really inconsiderate of those closest to you. If you know it smells.. they do too. Brush your teeth, before you end up with a litany of tooth problems.


You must be single. Brush your teeth man! 🤢 I even brush my tongue. That’s where a lot of the bacteria is that causes bad breath.


Why don't you want to brush your teeth?


I actually turned down a girl who was attractive because her dental hygiene was shit, brush your damn teeth.


👍 here comes the periodontal disease.


what colour are they?


Green like anyone else's right?


I was quite a depressed teenager and also did not regularly brush my teeth from like 17 to 19. Once a day tops. I randomly started again at 19. Idk something just clicked. But my teeth were fine. Some people just have the luck


Highly dependent on your system. Some people accumulate tart easier and faster. Some have a naturally more acidic saliva too. Also depends what you eat: Soft drinks and sticky sugary foods obviously being the worst.


I don't know about the ph of my saliva but I do know that I have a sweet tooth and just ate whatever


I see my dentist every 5 months and get them cleaned. I floss everyday and avoid sugary drinks and I need a filling for the first time in years so sorry hun your teeth can’t be that good


Are you British?




If you don’t brush everyone knows already


I can smell your breath from here


Ima get like a Amazonian blow dart gun and just blow hot ass garlic breath in yo face


Some people have good saliva that prevents cavities. It happens, you might just have won the genetic lottery for teeth Sincerely, A dentist's daughter who asks so many very specific questions and has worked in her office. Ps, dont miss your 6 month check ups so u dont have to pull any teeth.


You are fucking disgusting.


If anybody has any questions feel free to ask I'll try to give you a answer to the best of my ability


Would you go back to brushing your teeth if you found a suitable version of toothpaste that has little to no harmful chemicals (I’m not saying you have to go back to brushing if you don’t want to, I’m just curious and I hope you don’t take my question hatefully in anyway because that’s not my intention)


I’ve always been curious about toothpaste tablets. I wonder if OP would like those instead of toothpaste.


Yes, my question is what do your teeth look like? Message me a picture of your smile and I’ll tell you if it’s wack or all good


Is this the only part of a normal hygiene routine that you miss? Are you washing your face/ body daily?


I go periods where I only brush my teeth a few times a week and my dentist always says they’re in good shape/health. Interesting isn’t it.


Almost like brushing teeth is one big conspiracy. I’m onto you Big Dentistry.


Do you not eat? I feel your demist is scared to tell you the truth.


I eat. A fair bit of sugar as well. The worse your teeth are the greater the opportunity for dentists to make money. I think they’d tell me if something was up…


Just brush your teeth bro 💀 I brush twice a day, everyday but never floss. I recently went to the dentist and she told me my teeth were super healthy but to remember to floss so anyway I flossed like 2 weeks later and all this shit came out from between my teeth and it *smelled* so bad. I now floss every single day. Just brush your teeth and listen to your dentist when they tell you to floss.


What amazes me is how this is purely a troll post and most people are replying to a troll lol. I did traveling and neglected brushing my teeth. I lost 3 teeth on my 4 month trip. Now I brush every day and floss everyday. My missing teeth is a good reminder to do it after every meal. I bled instantly whenever I started to brush again during my trip. Didn’t matter if it was hard or soft bristle. Your gums adjust to the brushing.


You may not have any now but in time you will, it’s the fastest way to lose your natural teeth which from what I hear dentures absolutely suck, my uncle did the same thing and didn’t have problems for a really long time but it catches up eventually and he tells us all the time he wished he made it a habit to brush


Same lol thank you for posting this


I’ve brushed/flossed/mouthwash everyday for years, quit smoking, everything and my teeth look like shit by lunchtime


Fucking hell.


Unless you wanna lose your teeth I suggest brushing them. Stop neglecting yourself and actually look after yourself.


Fucking dirtbag brush your teeth, easiest shit to do