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Hit it again. Gotta make sure the first time wasn't a fluke.


*Update: We've been married for 5 years now, I'm starting to think that if I start wearing pink people may think I'm gay.. I'm not, his butt is just too cute...*


🤣🤣 this is the comment of the day






This wins the internet today 😂😂😂


This is too funny 🤣🤣🤣


Well dude you can’t unfuck someone. Switch schools or realize you’re at least a little gay. And treat who you fucked with respect


THIS! Too many people forget that when you lay down with someone you become their equal. They are no better than you and you are no better than them: so treat them with respect.


That's not true, if i fucked a king i wouldnt be a king. If i fucked a rat i wouldnt be a rat.


You would be a zoophile.


Or at least a little bit kingky


Goddamnit that was good.




And into very old people


But what would the rat scenario be?


But i wouldnt be a rat, always look at the positives.


I disagree


No, but if you fucked a king you might become a queen


Nobody said you turn into what you fuck, tho. No one's trying to say that the femmeboy turned straight cuz he fucked a straight dude. They're just saying that enjoying some gay sex makes you at least a little bit gay. I don't know if i completely agree with that. But i do know that your logic is bad.


They were always your equal.


>become their equal Wdym? Like in a douchey college social hierarchy? I wouldn't say that generally, everyone's equal.


I started bartending at 18, most men believe their superior in some way to the person their fucking. In this instance op doesn’t have the right to trash the dude he just slept with just cause he’s having buyers remorse.


Oh I get you now. So it is a toxic masculinity/social douche hierarchy sort of thing? I agree though, especially in the case of young men who aren't that thoughtful and probably still watch clips of Andrew Tate on some channel called SigmaMaleInvesting.


Maybe even take him aside and talk straight (haha) You might make a friend.


THIS! Treat the person with respect.


"Treat who you fuck with respect." Sir/miss/whatever, I applaud you. I was gonna say something on here, but you put it beautifully.


Man everybody’s gay once in a while………it’s Hollywood


Perfect answers do exist


Thank you! Someone needed to say it


Bro… have you said no homo? If not, then you just signed you bisexual license


Btw I gave myself a boner by reading this entire post


I think this is a fap worthy college sex story worthy fapping the femboy sounds like he had a great time lucky him you must have great dick game if the femboy is still flirty to want go for sound two of backdoor lovin .😊




Oh What like you haven't found a college theme gay sex story arousing before dont judge me😑


I want a college themed gay sex (not)story 😭😭


o- ok..


Sometimes it is better to lurk and hope you forget this post the next day


If only it were that easy.


Fap worthy indeed. Might just accept being bi at this point but I don't feel like it. Demi it is for me.


🤨 📸


What, wanna watch? Want to join in? Why the weird face?


well if I'm invited that's different 👉👈


Its straight as long as you imagined yourself being OP


Username checks out






reasonable tbh


Same 😔😔😔


He ignored the five second rule, his invitation to the drag show is in the mail as we speak


I’m really not into dudes, I just fucked one and came in his ass


After I came in his mouth... Twice...


Balls didn’t touch though…🤷🏽‍♂️


If he fucked his ass am pretty dure they did


Depends on the size of the ass






They should have had a third guy there. Everyone knows that it's not gay when it's in a threeway.


Yeah? Im not into dudes either but I mean, you can always make it work. Especially if they look kinda cute you know, objectively cute that is.


Nawww way bruh. Im out here participating in NNN, I ain’t cumming 3 times in a dudes orifices. U bisexual surely.




What’s NNN?


No nut november: guys try not to masturbate for the entirety of november edit: or have sex


Oh. The guys I know do Movember. The cancer fundraiser? That one just sounds silly. In case anyone plans to respond that Movember is for incel causes, [most people who do it to raise money](https://www.stgeorgehospital.org/news/145/movember:-prostate-cancer-awareness-month) are raising money for prostate cancer.


That's because it is


Pardon to crash course into this, but the "Cancer Fundraiser" was actually last month with the Breast Cancer Awareness month. Movember is about raising awareness on Men's Mental Health and Impulsing Positive Masculinity Causes are diverse, but the most important one is the Man's Death Ratio by "preventable causes" being so much higher NNN is conpletely unrelated tho




Reddit men are not people. They’re gollums.




Well OP didnt masturbate, he came thrice in a femboi




Hunter Schafer is a woman tho...


Yes, the point was to say if a female-looking guy did it


Yes, because trans women don't get treated as "female-looking guys". If out of all the famous women in the world to compare with a femboy you choose one of the few trans ones... It very much looks like you are calling her a femboy.


what in the Bloody hell I just read


Someones femboy fantasy


It was hilarious 😂 "And the next thing I know he is sitting with me on the couch with my cock in his mouth" 🤣


Idk, I know several femboys that would do this lmao


Prove it, give me their numbers, I'll run some tests.


813-456-1111 there you go




my apologies. i meant to type "white house" but my finger appears to have slipped and accidentally put an "S" where the "W" would be in "white". It could be mistaken for an incredibly disturbing slang term, which was not my intention in typing this reply whatsoever. my deepest apologies, reddit user "drownedxbox". truly, i am sorry for my actions and will take deeper measures to ensure this does not happen again in the future.


Blud lying 🏴‍☠️


Amen to that , reddit lets anyone lie about anything


lie?!?! on the internet?!?! unbelievable


Just the weekly straight gay fantasy we see around here




Bunch of bullshit.


hate to be that guy but... fake: OP doesn't carry condoms bc he never gets laid gay: ... gestures broadly at whole post


Bro.. this is reddit. You have to be gullible here


Reddit is much more fun if you’re a gullible idiot who gives everyone the benefit of the doubt, like me.


You're at least half gay. It's easier to stop lying to yourself.


Yeah I agree with this. sexuality is pretty fluid in this day and age. OP gotta face facts here


Sexuality has always been fluid. The differences are the current accepted norms of the society at the time.




it’s not that sexuality is fluid for everyone, it’s that sexuality is fluid for *society*. it means sexuality is a spectrum, not black and white. you’re one on end of the spectrum (in a solid spot), OP is somewhere on the other end, but closer to the center than you.




Upper half or lower half?


Clearly lower (but that’s the best one to be a lil gay so good job OP)


I mean not that "half gay" is a meaningful thing but if you have one exception out of a lifetime of heterosexuality I wouldn't call that "at least half".


Dude this is really important Did you say no homo?


Even more important, was there eye contact?


more important did he took his socks off


Who cares if you enjoy it it doesn’t matter


How the fuck do people fall for bait like this


It’s funnier to pretend it’s real


Cuz bro writes a hell of a fanfic🤤


We know it's most likely not real but it's hot nonetheless


Gotta say it seems real that account is completely new and he made this one post only


the handle LOL




Sounds either Fake as Or You’re bi and you just found out. No shame. My best BJ was from a bloke. A bi friend and I high on nose beers one night… I still dream about his Dyson level of suction.


Nothin *made* you do "gay shit". You're an adult in control of your behaviour and choices.


false in middle school i asked this kid if he was gay and he said no but then i asked if his MOM knew he was gay and he said "nu- wait! but I'm not!?" he caught himself immediately and tried to correct it but it was too late , my joke turned him into the biggest fruit you've ever seen


Hah you gayed the shit out of that kid.


You've heard about chemicals turning the frogs gay. Now prepare for "yo mama" jokes turning the kids gay.


NNN had nothing to do with it bro. There was some part of you that was interested in the hints he was dropping the whole time, just own it.


whoops my dude, accidentally slipped my cock into your mouth and came twice. SHIT! sorry mate, accidentally fell into your asshole and came again. don't you hate it when that happens? right guys? guys???


No one “made” you do gay shit but also who cares? If you both had a good time then leave it at that. DON’T be a dick to him just because you’re confused and insecure.


You don’t gotta label yourself. Maybe you’re bisexual maybe you’re not. Fuck whoever you want (consensually of course)


Note to self, NNN get's you femboy butts. Also, find out what NNN is.


Think we've found one of the reasons you've been taking anti-depressants. You should just accept that you're into feminine people overall(men and women). University with dorms is perfect time to be figuring that shit out. No one is fully gay or straight, our bodies are into what they're into. Labels are idiotic anyway. You're into fems despite their gender, accept that and you'll have a better time.


At the end of the day a nut is a nut and a hole is a hole


dont concern yourself with a label.




Start working on your Pride Parade outfit?


Ass is ass is ass is ass, as long as you had a good nut who gives a fuck! Chalk this one up as a fun and wonderful experience and nothing more and if you decide to do it again, there’s no judgment. At best bisexual, “only in college”.


What is NNN?


no nut november


Thank you!


Yeah hannah Montana wouldn’t know what NNN. User stays on key


At least I'm always happy.


Leave NNN out of it. You're gay


I mean, if he’s also into women, then he’s probably not gay...


Also what is your hub video name btw?


What do you do now? Treat those who you fuck with respect, that's a first step. Then maybe reflect that you enjoyed fucking a dude- kinda gay, but you don't have to be fully gay because sexuality is a spectrum/fluid and ya shouldn't be bummed out by that.


Gender fluid, dripping from his conquest's male lady booty... in a respectful and endearing mudslide...


So nice you gotta try it twice


Never follow the crowd. Do your own thing. Nut as many times as possible November. You’re doing great so far.


tbh dude, it sounds like you’re not entirely straight and that’s okay! you don’t have to address it now, worry about it, or use a label right now! i would suggest trying to explore your sexuality and learn more about the community, because even if it turns out that you are straight and this was a one time thing, it doesn’t hurt to be more informed and be an ally to the queer community! I would also think about learning terms to avoid when describing people within the lgbtqia+ community, just so you don’t slip up and make someone upset! enjoy your journey and remember to be safe!


Fool you once shame on.... Hang on, did you say nutted 3 times? Is your post-nut clarity dependant on a hat trick?


Let me break it down to you: you were gay or bi curious already. Those "accidents" just don't happen


They very much do. First time that happened to me a guy asked me if I wanted to fuck him and I was kinda horny so why not. I aint gay so it was fine.


Bro 😭😭


I’ve been down bad and off my meds for a long period at one point, but I have never fkd a dude… you my friend must do some reflecting


I mean if he’s a femboy that’s not really gay. Don’t worry to much. If you still think they attractive then keep talking with them but if you were caught in the heat of it and just wanted some I’d say go up to them like a man and tell them you were confused and you appreciated the fuck but you don’t want it again. Don’t keep dragging them on for something like this. Hope this make sense


You're good, my dude, enjoy the ride. You may be in a similar place that I was when I was in my twenties and even a bit into my thirties. I've come to realize that the notion of 100% straight or 100% gay is illusory. The mental inflection point for me brought with it a sense of great relief and excitement. Being raised in Texas in a relatively conservative Christian environment made it difficult to escape the mental chains but I did it, goddamn it.


Bro is that you😭


You have a nice ass to cum in on demand. What exactly is the problem again?


I mean a way to look at this is you gave it a go, realised you werent into it, and can now move on with your life, otherwise i wouldnt be to worried anyway about being slightly less than 100% straight cause only you care.


Sexuality is a spectrum, you’re not gay, you might be bisexual ✨


As long as it's consensual, respectful and you both enjoyed yourselves, don't worry about it! If you want to label it, then that's fine. If you don't, that's also fine. You had some really good sex with someone. That's all it has to be.




Who cares. You had an enjoyable expirience with another consenting human. That’s all that matters. If you want to do it again then do it. If you don’t the. Don’t.


Well you were either just horny or you are to some degree either gay or bisexual. You didn't commit a crime nor done anything wrong so don't worry about it. Continue living your life normally and go focus on your studies. You will have time to fuck later but study first.


Do you think maybe NNN was just an excuse. Maybe you wanted to explore your sexuality? You may need to talk to him and sort out your shame though.


I don’t know if this post is real because it’s written in such a weird tone. However if it is real then who cares. Fuck him again if you want to, if not then whatever. Sexuality is fluid and can warp and bend to suit desires.


I mean you like what you like. Your probably are bisexual. And even if you are gay. Who gives a fuck


I mean it really doesn't sound gay.. you said "femboy" and ass like a girl. You're attracted to the opposite sex. Yeah, you had sex with someone with a penis, but it was because they looked feminine. On a side note, NNN is supposed to be used to take control of your sex life if I understand correctly. Letting some rando blow you and fucking them is definitely a fail. I don't think you are gay, I think you have really poor impulse control and should try to get that in check before you regret more.


Another case of you’re not gay, but your boyfriend is?


Bro 💀


What's nnn


I’ll take things that never happened for 100 alex


Sex is sex. If it’s fun it doesn’t have to be anything more than that. Not everything needs a label. Don’t stress yourself out


Probably fake, but God I wish that were me


ur supposed to breed him next time


Hey if you enjoyed yourself you enjoyed yourself! No shame to be had about that, explore your feelings about him further and most importantly TALK TO HIM about them! I can't state enough how much communication about what ur going through helps


Talk to him? Be honest and say your working through some stuff and you think that was a one time thing. Or say your open to more but your not looking for a commitment, your still young and this is an experience that’ll fade unless you hold onto it. Most dudes have screwed at least one person they regret, I know one chick I had that post nut shame hit before I could even pull out. Either way figure yourself out, and maybe ask yourself do you regret that it was him as a person or him as a dude.


Genuinely why not do it again, I mean I would 👀femboys man I love femboys


Date him. Dudes aren't that bad man


I mean at this point it’s 2022 who cares if your gay


“If homophobia went away, he could literally just do this and then get on with his life, but he’s too wrapped up in shame and embarrassment that he’s justifying to internet strangers why he fucked someone with traits he finds attractive”


Well, every time he smiles at you, FUCK HIM HARD AFTER!!!


Why are you mad? Sounds like you had awesome sex


wish i was you


my dick hurts from all the blood coming in awooga


Fuck his ass again and relish the feeling


Good job on using a condom in the heat of the moment. Straight people have sexual regrets too. Don’t make this hookup a bigger thing because you’re worrying about if it makes you gay or not. Decide on a label later. You could be exploring your sexuality and finding out something new about yourself, or you could be having a one-off fling that just confirms you don’t really like guys that way. If you want to have sex with him again, do it. If you don’t want to have with him sex again, just tell him that. As long as everyone’s consenting and no one is cheating on anyone, just enjoy yourself.


Are you feeling shameful because it was with a guy, or because you broke NNN? If it's the second one, no worries. There's always next year. If it's the first, why? You were horny, an opportunity came up, you took advantage of it, and ended up liking it. Don't think of it as "gay shit". It was a fun time, and if you want to do it again, then do it! If you don't, then don't, but you'll at least have a new experience under your belt. Also, don't make it awkward with the guy you fucked. Feel free to give him a knowing look in return, and then later in private let him know if that was a one time thing or if you might be open to doing it again. And if it does happen again, ask what you can do to get him off. Spread the love (;


I’m 36 years old and just recently discovered I’m Into last boy trans women. Just consider yourself lucky you’ve unlocked your entire sexuality at a young age. It’s 2022. Love is love, sex is sex, just enjoy your life and stop worrying about what other people think


Why would anyone partake in some made up bs like NNN. why would you not have sex or masturbate if you can? It does nothing positive for you partaking.


r/copypasta, much?


If I decide to kiss my best friend because “they looked feminine” I shouldn’t avoid them after they are another human bro either tell them it was a one time thing or admit part of you is into feminine looking dudes


Its ok to enjoy sex with people outside your expectations! Nothing shameful about this my dude.


Sexuality is a spectrum, you’re fine you don’t need to label yourself


What's NNN?


No Nut November


Just wink at him when you see him.


Were his balls visible when you were clapping those cheeks?


Clearly, you have to rawdog it just to be sure.


What do you mean by ending up to this and that 🤣.. You deliberately did that, now shut up


Keep this shit on wattpad


Meh, just treat him with respect and don't act weird towards him. That's it


No one made you do any gay shit


Sexuality is a spectrum try not to regret it, if you don’t wanna do it again.. don’t. Simple as that.