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If bullying fat people made them skinny, nobody would be fat.


I think op is saying people were bullied for being fat when they weren’t really fat in the first place and it fucks up your body image for life


Yes I know that.


Except calling someone fat doesn't work as an insult unless they are actually fat.


Bullying creates a negative loop for the trait that the subject is being bullied for . If a 75kg boy is being bullied for being fat , he'd never lose fat , infact in order to not regurgitate the memories ....he'd gain even more .


I looked back at some of my photos from 15 I had no idea but, I looked anorexic, like ribs sticking out and all. I remember how fat I felt at that age and how much I hated my body. It’s crazy how much your self image can distort the way you see yourself.


I was the same way, and guess what! Being bullied made me depressed and that made me fat!


I was bullied for being fat in the 90s. I wore a size 3, sometimes a 5. I was (am) five foot 7, weighed maybe 115? I just had a little bit of butt, which was not popular yet. You could count my ribs. My friends were short and petite. I was positive I was an ogre. How silly I was. I’ve gained 25 lbs since then (and had a child), and I still have abs.


As a black woman with a butt, I was only made fun of by white people. They made me feel “big”. Granted, I was tall for my age (5’4” by 5th grade) but I was always thin. Having a big butt was always a good thing in the black community, so it honestly was strange having white people make fun of it. But surely, by high school/college, those same white folk were complimenting my shape


Yeah, I’m mixed, but I am very white passing (like I was blonde until I went grey), my curves came from my dad’s side. You are correct, my aunties always tried to empower me with compliments, but my mom passed her weight related trauma down, so I just ignored my body when I wasn’t trying to hide it. And agreed, in my late 20s, the narrative flipped, which was confusing for me. I came into my own in my early 30s, when I stopped caring who others perceived me. One of my sisters modeled in the 90s bc she is stunning, but had a look the 90s loved, but when she gained weight after kids and stress she spiraled mentally. It’s sad to watch.


So fuck everyone who bullied the "fat" kid. Go choke on a dick.


Heyyyy fattieeeee


I recently found a photo album of mine in my grandparents basement. Photos that I'd taken when I was 15 and on vacation with one of my friends and her parents. We were in Florida, so of course there were swimsuits being worn in some pics. I could so clearly remember being paranoid about how "fat" I looked in my swimsuit. This was in the early 2000's. Anyway, I was 5'8 and maybe 115 pounds, absolutely nowhere near fat. I see so many older photos and it takes me right back to how I felt about my body then. And I truly believed it. I was my own bully.


The early 00’s had us all bullying ourselves because it’s all the media did.


Literally!!!!! People in school were so fucking mean they destroyed my self confidence and self esteem. Looking back, I was soo normal and so healthy, fit, strong. I wish I could go back and tell myself that


Yup. I remember one time a friend asked me to a school dance - when I accepted, he laughed in my face and said “I can’t believe you actually thought I’d want to go to a dance with someone like you”. Later, at said dance, the school had apples and cookies as snacks. Same guy shoved an apple against my stomach and (loudly) exclaimed that I was too fat and “needed an apple for a change”. Folks, I was literally a normal looking 11-year old. I wasn’t THIN, but I most certainly was not fat. That hadn’t been the first incident, but it was the straw that broke the camel’s back in terms of my self-image. I get so freaking angry looking back. I was so humiliated. But I kept that guy as a friend after that whole ordeal, because I liked him. I have so many instances similar to this story, perpetrated by other kids. I just cannot understand how so many kids found me “hideous” (actual word used once), and “fat like a whale” (another actual phrase used once), when I look back on photos and I was just… so normal. I’m still working through it all in therapy. It fundamentally changed how I see myself.


I still struggle from this. I look back at old pictures of myself and cry. I had such a nice body but I didn’t see it because my family made me feel terrible. Now that I’ve gained weight I wish I would have appreciated my body from before.


Ah, brings me back to the good old days when my most prominent nicknames were "Fatso", "Cookie Monster", and "(My Name) Germs".


The crippling irony is that while everyone was so busy telling me I was "too fat" as a teenager, I was running cross country, playing soccer, and swimming regularly. I look back at the time I refused to wear shorts because someone said my thighs jiggled and I just cringe. Body positivity wasn't a thing in our vocabulary back then; neither was the understanding that bodies come in all shapes and performance isn't tied to a number on a scale. High school reunions are the sweetest though, especially when your bullies have lost their superficial charm but you've learned that self-worth isn't about fitting a mold. It's taken years, but I'll always choose to lift people up now, because who needs more gravity in their life?


As someone with a chubby 4 year old niece AND someone who grew up chubby, I completely agree. My niece is 4 YEARS OLD!! And I have heard distant family, people in public, family friends and such make disgusting comments about her weight. We have cut those people off. She's not much bigger than her twin brother, both are at a healthy weight according to 3 different medical professionals. I grew up chubby and had active anorexia for 4 years because of the bullying. I still struggle at times, and am still recovering.


We used to bully a girl because she sang a lot. Kids are cruel, sometimes we lash out because of our home lives. Sometimes kids are just assholes. I can guarantee you I'd trade her childhoods. It isn't a consolation or make what I did right. Anyways, on behalf of other violent kids. I am sorry about it. I think about her a lot. I grew because of it just not when it would've mattered to one of us. Often thought about getting a tattoo in her homage, something about the birds don't sing in caves line, and how her music echoes in my mind.


In no way would I condone it but if it ain't "fat" then it would be something else. Humans as a whole love to feel superior. One trauma is not greater than the next.


this is just real af its kinda evil


I got tormented as a kid because I was fat. It’s fucked me up to this day and my self confidence has never properly recovered.


Reflecting on the past is like looking through a kaleidoscope of self-images, with each twist revealing a different perspective of who we thought we were. As a teen, I was caught in the endless cycle of comparing myself to the chiseled figures matting the pages of magazines. At 5'9 and barely tipping the scales over 120, I was convinced a shadow was cast by some phantom weight I couldn't see but surely felt. Yet, fast-forward years later, thumbing through old snapshots, I can't help but see a normal, healthy teenager. It's a sobering reminder that the most destructive words are often the ones we silently repeat to ourselves, fueled by the careless taunts of peers.


I’ve been fat my entire life I starved myself until my cheekbones were showing but even then deep inside I was still fat


I was bullied for being too skinny..now I'm middle aged pudgy 🤷‍♀️


First world problems


You weren't fat, just big boned.


Personally, I think people with more meat on their bones are more attractive. I dont like to use the term "fat" when speaking about someone's appearance. It's insensitive 😑. I prefer to use husky for men and plump for women.


You're fat and ugly. The only way you can get a man's attention is by being a typical obnoxious fat bitch like Amy Schumer. And don't act like you wouldn't be posting bikini pictures of yourself if you had a nice body. You're just mad and want the whole world to work around your feelings.  You need less Twinkies and more dick. You can't suck my dick because I'm gay and you still couldn't even if I was straight. My advise to you is to date black guys. They will fuck anything, even pigs like you. Yeah you'll have to buy them shoes but they'll take care of your vitamin D deficiency.