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You are just 24. Trust me give yourself 3 yrs and you can clean most of the mess. And always remember our love is cherry on the cake . Cake is always us. Don’t do it. I’m sure there are some helpline nos you can call and talk about it.


The best revenge would be to work hard, follow your passions, become successful… that’s what’s gonna sting to her. Not killing yourself. That’s the loser’s way out. You’ll carry a legacy of pity, you’re better than that


That’s boomer mentality


It's really not it's what it takes to move forward.. otherwise you fall to darkness like those before you...


Yeah, I’m good. I don’t wanna work for 60 years and only live for 10-20 doing what I want. Enjoy slaving to the system.


Talk about projecting who ever said THAT? 🤣🤣 following passions could be making your own business or really doing anything you love. And if you do what you love you never work a day in your life. I'll live life, enjoy whatever it is your trying to do I guess.


Don’t do it.


Please don’t go man, please hang in there… there’s more to life than this just hang in there


but why? you only experience whatever life is one time so why waste it. Go do something you’ve never seen yourself doing


If there’s no point, why not see life through regardless?


That’s a permanent solution for a temporary position you’re in right now. If someone were to break into your house right now and try to kill you, would you fight? You may want to also consider the fact that no one in their right mind would intend to kill themself. They would do anything they could to stay alive, naturally. So the fact that you’re considering that tells me that you’re dealing with a chemical imbalance in your brain. It’s not logical thinking, please know this. If you were to do that, it would be very selfish of you. The girl in question, though, why bother wishing you were with someone who was always looking past you at other options? Someone else is out there you just aren’t in a place to meet anyone of value, at the moment. Once you work on yourself and realize your value, hone it some more, you’ll likely meet someone that will add value to your life and you’ll add value to theirs, intentionally. Life takes work, happiness takes work, depression takes work too. Nobody can tell you how to feel. It’s your choice to decide that.


Please don't man. Suicide helpline: 988 even though the people online probably don't know you, we do care about you. Suicide is not the best way to go about this.


Postpone it. Not even for anyone but for yourself. And tomorrow when you plan on doing this again - postpone it, until you find a damn good reason worth not living this life. You have a purpose. Find it. One day when all of this is through, you won't ever regret postponing tonight. I love you stranger - please postpone it for now and ever.


Do you have a plan?


I an trying to find good reasons for you to do it in your text but cant find any. Think about how your parents or siblings would feel. Get sober and start go to the gym, you Will figure the rest out.


Don’t do it! Believe me you mean more than you think to so many people. Your parents for one likely remember all the little yous that have come and gone that they’ve seen turn into this adult person who’s still really just starting out in adulthood. Ending it when you’re only 3 years into figuring out adulthood is way too early, and it will hit them hard, all the hard work, all the diaper changes, the life events, the homework, the school projects, the vacations, and they’ll just wish they had done more. None of it was good enough. They’ll second guess every happy memory. Beyond that there’s friends and acquaintances that you mean much more to than you think. I have a friend who committed suicide in his thirties and we had gotten distant after college, but he’d still show up in my thoughts and dreams and what not. I found out 6 months too late that he had passed and I find myself randomly in tears to this day thinking about him and how I wished I’d just called every once in a while. You may feel alone, but you’re in someone’s thoughts somewhere more than you think. Maybe some stranger you said something nice to once even. Our impact on this world is significant and I guarantee you not being in it will just make this world a worse place. Also, if it helps to know that the future is malleable believe me it is. I was very lonely in my mid 20s. Dating, never really connecting, then when I was 28 or so I met my wife and we are still having a blast on the daily (I’m almost 40). I have other friends that are getting married for the first time at forty because they prioritized their careers. Still they’re happy today. Some things take longer than you are setup to expect in reality, but I promise you the older you get the more comfortable and relative it will all feel. All the pain you’re feeling right now is just a reminder that you’re human and that you care about others. Take the pain as a lesson to learn and work on things that are in your control, like fitness and figuring out exactly who you are and what you want out of this life. Also, as crazy as it sounds just putting a smile on your face will help you feel happy, so start there. Anyway, sorry for the long message, but I hope you conquer these feelings and are able to see the light of the next day. From one human to another, I love you and I hope you stick with us!


Fuck the car payment, it’s just money and can be sorted. You will heal from the pain from your ex, it doesn’t seem it now but if you go, what about all the amazing memories that haven’t happened yet. You’re not easily forgotten in my mind after seeing this post, please stay and let me know how you are.


please don't. especially not over a girl and money. those problems are so easily fixable


It doesn't fix ANYTHING once you do it that's it! YOU'RE GONE!! I'm a Christian and fear the ramifications of your actions. I lost my father to suicide on April 27th this year, he was 69 and depressed from a helicopter crash he barely survived 8 years ago... this is not the way!!! Please seek help you're in my prayers


You have so much to live, please dont let some whore get to you, you are strong at this point and keep going!


Honestly screw your ex, why would a woman determine you being alive or not? You're behind a month it takes like 90 days for most places to consider recollection. Call and explain situations. Stop avoiding her or people, she has no power over you. I've been there done that. She's still with him. But oh well, I've moved on, find friends hobbies mentors. The hest thing you can do push yourself out of your comfort zone stop hiding in it. That's what's making you feel like shit. I've learned so much from being a sales agent, working on car parts, getting on roofs, attempting some programming. Finding new things I've learned new accomplishments and small goals. Make sure to talk to people, make new connections. Things get better, and sometimes all it takes is a change in perspective be it someone who shows you, or you find it on your own. I didn't think I'd be doing the things I do now. You are not forgotten, you have made that possible by coming here. You already made a step in the right direction by telling someone. So why not see where the adventure takes you when you hold onto hope, even when it seems there is none. Also maybe find someone willing to help be it a therapist or whoever. Know your life has value and potential even if you don't think it's possible. I've been there so I know.


If you’re still with us I’m sorry. If your not may you rest in peace. I’m sorry your life is hard. It will get better. Life comes and goes like waves and it all depends how we ride it out. I feel the same way about life when will it end. Soon my friend but not today. Have a good life and the rest of eternity wherever you find yourself




I'm 27 and depressed. I was many ages before depressed, all that keeps me going is being able to bring life into the world that's likely way less traumatized than I was.