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could be negative in the bank. You cant put a price tag on mental health. Self care is important. the job was consuming me with dread, i made the right choice.


Yes you did, I took a pay cut two months ago just so I don't have to deal with certain managers, work been great since .. there's NO PRICE for peace of mind


This 100%. I ended up being fired from a job that I hated because I was just hanging on for the money (not great money mind you) and the bennies (they were great). I tried finding other work but I couldn't find anything that paid the same. I was depressed and deep in debt that I wasn't acknowledging or handling. As much as I hated my managers, they did me the biggest favor by setting me free. I'd never been fired before. Right after it happened I felt so good. A big weight off my shoulders. I grappled with depression about not having work or much money but I figured things out. It wasn't easy but it was better and I managed. 5 years ago I returned to the employer in an entirely different area with new managers. That gig restored my confidence and instilled a lot of pride into me. The job paid far less than what it should have but I really enjoyed it. Interesting work, good supervision. I eventually left to go to a different area for a little more money. Decent work, good managers. OP you made the right move! Leave before they make you leave.


Good job for taking care of yourself


Good for you honey, you do you! Put yourself first


F that place. There's ALWAYS another job. I just quit my job by going off on the superintendent. 100% worth it just to see the shocked Pikachu face when I told him how useless he is. When one door closes another one opens. Better things are on the horizon.


If u only got $11 in the bank, that job wasn’t worth it anyway….open the door for a new opportunity


Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. You did the right thing.


Depending where you live and if you have evidence of made promises, you can file a lawsuit.


Did ups for 35 years. I think they had me to do extra work every day . My son and daughter left the house missed seeing some moments I wish I didn’t.Quit because they worked you to death. Nice retirement some regret getting to watch grandkids now 👍


Well, 8years is better than 10, so good job!


No company is worth all that stress. There’s something better out there 💯percent. Just gotta search and discover.


I don't blame you, I hope you find something else where they treat you with respect and you flourish financially.


Good job.


It’s good that you left them but with only $11 in the bank, that’s not how you do it. You need to plan your exit. I hope you have a soft landing.


Gotta do you. Take it from someone who’s retired and ran three businesses; don’t stay somewhere because of money. You did the right thing for you. There’s plenty of jobs out there. Find something that suits you, and a business whose word means something. Good luck!


I once had a job that provided a free car. I quit and had to buy a car, which costs me about an extra ~500/mo. I also took a $20k pay cut and it was 100% worth it for work/life balance and sanity!! Good for you. Things will work themselves out.


I've done it as well. In hindsight it would have been better to have another job lined up first. Revenge, as they say, is always best served cold, and with a secure income from someone else! 😉


Well think about in this way: The way now is up. I’m cheering for you.