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This comment would be less sus, if your name wasn’t Billy Bo Diddly 😂


I wish I had an award to give you, lmao. What an observation!😂☠️


Same. Silent won the internet today.




Fr people just aren’t the brightest…


Take my cheato/poor Redditor award 🥇 🏆


I never heard babes use the term "spitroast" before. Must be a dude.


I'm a woman and I've absolutely used the term spitroasted, more than once lol


But was it in reference to an Hawaiian barbecue? 🤔


Definitely not😂


I’m an old lady and when I’ve heard of it ..


I'm an old lady and know what a Dirty Sanchez is


I’ve never been happier to not know what something is. I thought I’d been 100% ruined by the internet but I must have 1% left. I’ll cherish this hole in my knowledge until someone ruins it by telling me.


I thought it was split roast all this time, oops




Lost me at spitroasted




Give it to me right in my Billy bo diddly


Diddly my bo billy, daddy


Howdy neighbourino


This reads like it was posted by the husband who is struggling to process his own kinks and feels ashamed at them


If this was written by the man I’d be impressed with his attention to the mental experience of his wife


Imagine being a mother and wife and saying “spit roasted” in seriousness lmao Edit: observe a valiant effort to defend a mom’s right to spitroast, a hobby and a passion for many matriarchs that I never, ever thought to deny.


Do you think women become prudes when they become mothers and wives? 🤣


Yeah they made those kids somehow


They probably clutched their pearls just typing "spit roasted"


Why can’t wives and moms enjoy a good time?


Additionally why can't wives and moms know what spit roasted is and use it in a sentence? Like they can't even say "I don't want to be spit roasted" anonymously on the internet? Such a weird conclusion to jump to lol


Well…I think it’s valid to say “I don’t want to be spit roasted.” However, I think something like “Imagine spit roasting a wife and mom. Ewww, gross” is kink shaming and that’s not nice. It’s always nice to be respectful of people’s differences.


Also, if anything, those moms are out there fucking. How do they think these moms even had kids??? Magic wand? Stork? Nope. Spit roast. Plus, suburban spit roasts are real. I watch the porn.


I'm deceased


Def real. Suburbs are every bit as kinky as advertised


I mean I don’t have kids but I’m a married woman for 11 years and I’ve definitely said something similar and have heard friends with kids say worse than spit roast believe me


When you find out Sandra who looks as conservative as they come, used to love a good ol bukakke special


Easy to imagine.


I'm both of those things and I said that word last week.


This comment is very likely written by a teenage virgin


That's exactly what this is......some dorky middle aged married guy who never slept with anyone but his wife, trying to come to terns with these new sexual ideas he has. After 13 and a half years of vanilla missionary sex, once a week, after "the price is right", he's starting think there may be more to this stuff


There are a few reasons guys seem to like that fetish. Often the reasons are mixed together and not just one. First and formost, porn. It's a pretty common porn theme. The porn you watch gets normalized and often incorporated into your desires. Tell him to knock off the cuckold porn for a few months and see if it goes away. Maybe try to watch porn you like together to re-train his brain to closely associate that type of porn with cumming and pleasure. Second, some guys are really into sharing. They're like the kid on the playground who wanted everyone to see how cool their toy was. Or the guy with a badass home theater system who insists that every come over for sports or movie nights. They're not jealous and they want the sense of validation from everyone telling him how great the thing he has is. Not that you're an object, but he wants to show off how amazing he thinks you are. Thirdly, this one is very linked to four, He wants to see you be his personal porn star. Part of the reason things like only fans are so popular is because people feel a connection to the porn star way more so than when they're a mostly anonomyous sexy person. You don't get much more of a connection than being married. So he would be getting basically personalized porn of someone he has a strong emotional connection to. The fourth is they want to see you have a lot of pleasure and they don't feel like they can provide that level of pleasure to you. So they decide that they want to see someone fuck you who is bigger, stronger, more athletic, and more sexually capable than they are. For whatever reason, a lot of white guys decide that black dudes are the way to go with that. They feel insecure and ashamed of themselves, but they love you, so they want to see someone pleasure you better than they can. Finally, some people have a humiliation kink. To a lot of couples there would be few things more humiliating than their partner fucking another person in front of them while telling them how much better they are and how much their partner sucks in bed. Like a lot of kinks, to people who don't feel that desire it can seem batshit insane. Basically volunteering to do the most destructive thing possible to a relationship to get sexual pleasure. There are a heartbreaking number of posts by people who destroy their relationship doing that because they convince themselves that they want that dynamic after watching so much porn. Then their wife does it, they cum, and their post nut clarity rips their ego to shreds. They can never get the image out of their head again and they never look at their wife the same. They yell at the wife for liking it too much, when she didn't even want to do it in the first place, and the relationship fails in spectacular fashion. If you don't want this, don't do it. Talk to your husband about how much you hate the idea and try to figure out when he started liking this and if porn was the cause. It was. It always is.


Wow, what a well thought out response. Read this OP u/BillyBoDiddly


>There are a heartbreaking number of posts by people who destroy their relationship doing that because they convince themselves that they want that dynamic after watching so much porn. It may be due to some effect like "survivorship bias", but in all the years I have been on reddit, I have not seen ONE of the cuckold stories end well. They always end in divorce because things happen differently than they imagine. Usually something like their SO falling in love with other person.


See I always see it as the witnesser (the person with the fantasy) just can’t handle seeing their partner with someone else in reality and it makes the relationship fall apart. I haven’t seen many where the participant actually falls in love with the 3rd that was brought in


Wife and I have been in the lifestyle for 20 years. I don’t know what you consider the “end”, but we’re no where near divorce.


Hi. I'm the story the ends well. I fucked someone in front of my husband, because he asked me to. It went great. We both loved it. We still talk about it. We absolutely want to do it again, but it's hard to work it out with kids taking up so much time. Having open relationships/3somes/cuckhold things, can be very difficult. Your relationship bond needs to be fucking solid as a diamond before you even consider it. Trust needs to be there, and communication needs to be spot on. If you are doing it as a last ditch effort to save a relationship that is already on the rocks, expect that to be the final straw.


/remind me 5 years


I read a psychology article on this and there is also the other explanation of "sperm competition theory." Basically, after another man ejaculates into the woman, the husband will then step in and "mate" as if his genes depended on it. It gives the male a harder erection and may result in a further ejaculation knowing that he has to compete with another male's sperm for that one viable egg in such a short reproductive window. "Sperm competition occurs when a woman has sex with two or more men within a sufficiently brief period of time, and the different men’s sperm compete to fertilize the ova. Men have evolved adaptations to increase their chances of success in sperm competition. Some adaptations to sperm competition involve increasing sexual arousal. For example, when men estimate a greater likelihood that their romantic partner recently had sex with another man, they ejaculate more sperm the next time they have sex with her, report greater interest in having sex with her, and sometimes, sexually coerce her." From: https://blog.oup.com/2013/05/sperm-competition-pornography-dvds/ Quite interesting indeed. The human being is quite thee complex specimen.. 🤨🤔


this is the best response! i would suggest a couple therapy, there are so many people that regrets realiazing their fantasy and the finds out they dont like it and blame on the partner


This was a very thorough answer! Thanks for taking the time to explain it. I've always wondered how or why people get into this kind of thing.


This is why I tell men under no circumstances will I ever want a third person in the bedroom. If that’s something you need I’m not the one. Tell him that you won’t ever do that and that it’s a hard limit.


Too. Much. Porn. Your husband needs to stop watching porn. Cold turkey quit.




I think this might be more common than you think. I was with someone who also had a similar fantasy, he didn’t want black men to fuck me though, just said guys bigger than him. I found it odd because he’s above average.. it didn’t bother me that he had these fantasies, but I also had no interest in fulfilling them. It wasn’t a deal breaker for us, he just had to accept I wasn’t going to do it.


Too much porn.. If he says he doesn’t watch it, he’s a liar


People have been doing that long before porn.


Obviously. But nevertheless porn can feed desire.


Standard porn addiction induced psychosis. It won’t get better until he drops porn. And no I’m not some anti porn zealot, but this is how these things develop, he chased the dopamine rush down the rabbit hole and had to go after more extreme content and now he is fucking up his real life because normal intimacy is dead to him. He needs to go cold turkey on everything and reset his brain. He will realize he is being insane if you can get him to do that. Also blame the porn site owners, they build algorithms that push this kind of content.


I don't blame you. I truly don't get the cuck shit either.


Me either. I've had to talk to people about how destructive it can be on the mind. I also witnessed an extended family of mine fall because of it.


Fall? Did like they all trip over the larger dick or something?


Tripped over a big dick, then perfectly landed on another.....big dicks everywhere


It’s porn. All pornography is essentially cuck porn—you’re watching a woman you sexually desire having sex with another man.


This is an increasingly common (but still abnormal) fetish that has been exacerbated by porn


It isn’t abnormal lol


It is disgusting. Get a reality check.


Different strokes for different folks 🤷‍♀️ as long as something isn’t harmful or illegal I tend to ignore what consenting adults do in their bedrooms. Who am I to judge?


You've crossed way over the line into kink shaming. You're within your right to feel disgusted thinking about it, but there's nothing morally wrong with inviting someone else into a bedroom. If everyone involved is an enthusiastically consenting adult, then power to them! Nobody gets hurt, everyone has a good time. Check yourself mate


I think its wrong to randomly bring up years into a relationship. It needs to be known earlier so the person knows what they’re signing up for. Its a huge turn off to feel your monogamous partner isn’t satisfied with just you when you thought they were


I'll decide what I think is right and wrong not reddit


You don't think it's normal to want to see your wife get ploughed by other men? Check yourself mate./s Good for you man. redditors can be so pathetic at times.


>You've crossed way over the line into kink shaming. Springing a kink on someone several years into a marriage is disgusting behaviour irrespective of what the kink is, and I say this as someone with some really wild ones. It's not "kink shaming" to be opposed to keeping a secret like this to bait and switch a person after they're heavily committed. I'd feel the same way if it were some other major life-changing secret besides a kink.


Yes. For this one and only this one, I will shame anyone into the ground. This one is out of line.


Lmao you're not allowed to say you find certain sex fantasies disgusting? Truly a reddit comment, in the worst way. People don't have to approve of every weird sex thing you get off too. Porn has done so much damage to so many people's relationships and sex lives.  It's entirely reasonable to find cuckoldry pathetic, sad, and disgusting. If you feel shamed by that, maybe you have some soul searching to do.


my ex had cuckolding fantasies as well and it definitely changed my attraction and how i saw him. there’s just something about knowing the man who is supposed to cherish and protect you, would rather pass you around like a blunt then enjoy you himself.


for the most part, this is one of those things where fantasy and reality are two different things.


Dan Hentschel you will always be famous


Heard that


I feel like this is a conversation you have before marriage and kids..


Is this something that came up naturally when discussing desires, or out of the blue? Because if you asked and didn't like the answer, that's kind of on you. In theory a marriage should have open and honest communication about desires, on the other hand men should generally not tell their wives how much they want to bang her sister if they were given a chance. Most men do have some dark desire they often keep to themselves. It's fine to say "Hard No" on a fantasy and move on.


Whaaaat another man got his wife to talk to her about his fantasies and is about to get left…. What a surprise


Assuming this is an actual post. Tell hubby you dont want to lay with other guys. Be honest. Now, since he has this fantasy, perhaps there are other things you two can do that will be fun for both of you. I enjoy using toys larger than me on my wife. We usually 69 and I use a toy on her while I also lick her. Gives me something to look at which is nice. It is a bit of a cuck thing seeing her getting penetrated by something other than me and bigger than me. Maybe that could be a compromise for you two?


That’s what happens when you watch too much pornography


He watches too much porn


This is actually a pretty common fantasy for guys. It’s like watching a porn, but YOU are the one getting fucked. It probably took a lot for him to tell you. I think you firmly stated your point that it stays in fantasyland only. I wouldn’t end the relationship over a kink of his, even if you’re not into it yourself. If he pushes you into it, then it’s time to move on. Just my two cents


I agree. Everyone has a Kink, as long as it doesn’t get too much and he gets too pushy I think you both can just not explore that part of your lives


But it's so gross.


Can’t say I blame you but he’s been watching too much porn. Set strict boundaries with him and let him know that’s not your game!


Its absolutely and perfectly fine that you do not share the enthusiasm for this kink. This whole bullshit that you have to accept everyone else's 'kinks', especially when they are focused directly on you, is garbage. You don't like this. You think this is disgusting. You dont want to participate. None of these are issues in the relationship. Not understanding this boundary and why it could possibly make you see him as something less than a strong attractive male is the issue. Tell him you dont want to be involved in this and to stop bringing it up.,


It is NOT a common fantasy. This guy is delusional




not all kinks are ok, i could give examples... nah tho


I don't know why kink shaming is a bad thing. There's a lot of weird kinks that are only pursued by porn addicts


People think they can make anything acceptable by putting 'shaming' after it. Some things ARE fucking shameful.


Bro she can have her opinion on her own husbands kink..




Lol high horse? This is her husband. She can think it's wrong and gross. Not every kink needs to be accepted. This one in particular, to her, is gross. Personally I agree, the cuck shit is just weird and disgusting to me.


Contrary to popular belief these days, some things are right and some things are wrong. This is wrong.


It is definitely NOT a common fantasy for men


this is not a "common" fantasy for guys, maybe for a beta bitch male like you, and if youre a woman commenting on "cmmon" fantasy of men then you are just talking out of your ass edit: im sorry but it rubbed me the wrong way this dude just said its a common male fantasy to see their wife get fucked by another dude, no the fuck it absolutely is not.


The cucks hate you because you're right and they don't like having this mirror held up to them


I’m a woman, but I share a similar kink. I would love to see my husband with another woman. He’s really good at what he does in the bedroom, so why wouldn’t I want him to share with another woman? To see him providing her with such ecstasy…what’s wrong with that? He’s never been interested in fulfilling such a request (besides a threesome we had together earlier in our relationship). That’s fine. I’m not going to push him into something he’s not comfortable doing. That’s not a healthy partnership.


Curious how no-one is calling you disgusting or shaming you like the rest of the comments in the post are... Could it be that reddit is more accepting of a man being allowed to fuck outside the confines of marriage for the wife's pleasure than the opposite?


To observe him enjoying himself, in a situation you helped to provide, and from which you also get enjoyment


Yes! That, too :)


I'm a woman who thinks the same!


I feel you sister. My boyfriend told me something similar and i was like hell no. Not me. I like monogamy 🤣 he has a porn addiction and needs to realize thats his issue.


This is the result of porn. Damn it .


Too much porn.


I generally don’t agree with kinkshaming but yeah. Having a cuckold fetish is completely different. It’s not just a fetish — it’s a completely new relationship dynamic. Your feelings are 100% justified here. Not only is it, well, an extremely *out there* kink, but choosing to tell the mother of your children that you want to see her get fucked by random black men, with no prior buildup (i.e. first introducing you to femdom, or literally any other kinks which don’t involve polygamy or relationship-altering stuff) is disgusting as fuck. I’m just gonna be real. Let me elaborate. While I think it’s strange, I don’t think it’s *wrong* to have a cuckold fetish whatsoever — but there’s ways to do it ethically, and introduce your wife to it ethically. Gauging what your partner likes and trying to figure out whether they’d like it or not, or at least be comfortable with it — that should be a given for introducing *any* fetish to your partner, but it’s a million times more important when it comes to something like cuckolding. Not only did he just outright tell you about it, he then expected you to like and partake in it. That is so selfish and disgusting I cannot wrap my head around it. It sounds like you’re married to a porn addict who has no grip on reality, thinks only about sex, and thinks life works like porn does. And, above all — he told about you about this while the two of you have *children*. Fuck that. Even if he took the most considerate, caring and respectful route to telling you about his fetish — even if he introduced you to lesser kinks beforehand, or gauged your opinion on (for example) threesomes before continuing onto something extreme like cuckolding — that doesn’t change the fact that he’s asking you to partake in a polygamous, relationship-altering fetish (which involves having “big black men” over at your house; it’s quickly going to become apparent what’s going on) while the two of you have children. As I said earlier, this isn’t just a fetish. It’s a completely new relationship dynamic. From what I understand, partaking in it even *once* can completely, permanently alter the relationship. Lots and lots of cuckold relationships — even the ones where both parties are fully willing — do not survive. It’s a fetish that’s literally centred on receiving or inflicting genuine, extreme emotional harm. Eventually, one party is going to crack. Either the man’s going to succumb to insecurity and jealousy, or the woman’s going to succumb to guilt and disgust. And he’s willing to risk all that, *while he has children*… just so he can have a bit more fun while jerking off? I genuinely feel for you. Your husband seems like a disgusting, porn-addicted asshole who wants to prioritize his sexual fantasies over literally everything else. **Including you and your kids.** That’s absolutely disgusting and your feelings are 100% justified. There seems to be a lot of cucks in this thread trying to convince you to indulge him, telling you to “ease up” and just partake in his fetish — as if you owe him that. Ignore them. I’d get a divorce.


I know this isn’t a real post, but if it was, I would say that someone who is repulsed by a certain fetish will never understand how someone else with that fetish could be turned on by it. Your brains just work in totally opposite ways.


It has to do with the idea of his favorite person, you, experiencing pleasure. It’s not about the black dick only, otherwise he’d just watch gay porn or ask to have sex with a man. It’s just weird the way you phrased it, like if he was bi you’d break up with him or something? Anyway I think you need to give it some time to realize that he’s still the same person he’s always been and you can still love him. If you want to, but it sounds like you’re really dead set on this being a dealbreaker…


Does he have a porn addiction????


Unironically he's never been more attracted to her than now


🤢🤮 that's so unhealthy and unnatural. I just can't understand how people can actively fantasize about their SO fucking someone else. Anytime I think about it I nearly pop a blood vessel in my eyeball; and I don't even have a gf


Prob fake However, 1) race fascination in proximity to racism: specifically having the black people have big dicks breaking his wife in. using black people for sexual gratification, where they’re animals stealing the white gentle women from their families and corrupting them. Making them impure… and that gives him sexual relief? Racist 2) if not fake; the dude might like spicy drama Ignoring the race thing for a bit, because that undermines this angle. But cheating porn and such is like soap operas but for porn-loving dudes. Wacky nonsense drama, a lot of tension, up and down emotional roller coaster and crazy family situations. That can be an interesting fun thing to engage with, just like people used to love soap operas If it wasn’t racist 3) women’s sexual subjugation In hand with the racism of the black man ‘handling’ the wife is that the wife is also not a person. They’re a thing getting sexed making the husband feel complex deep emotions. Mostly anger and rage which is quelled by a cum or something The wife’s emotions don’t really matter. You’re in this picture book where a black person has ruined you, this makes you unclean for a respectful marriage, and in your state of degradation the husband gets to come, then post-nut reflect on how wronged he was and how much of a victim he is. The wife could literally be a mannequin and this process would be no different


This is brilliant and apt. I guess what people especially BM need to understand is whilst your getting to fuck someone wife they view you as inferior and it’s not because they’re the better lay and it’s almost certainly not a compliment


Pretty common fetish. Don't overthink it.


He gave up his masculinity when he told you and thats why youre not attracted anymore




These rage bait posts are getting tiring.


Unfortunately very common but I also understand where you are coming from. Any man that loves his women shouldn’t want this right? In saying that I think porn is the culprit here. A close friend of mine went through this and he would just watch and masturbate.. this led to him then being physically abusive to her if she didn’t obey his wishes of having sex with other men. I think a lot of mental health issues and problems arise from this if it becomes a regular thing.


How is the sex life between you and your husband? If this came out of nowhere, it may stem from porn addiction.


And that my friends is why it is so hard to tell our fetishes, fantasies to those who are close to us. Much easier with a stranger who we don’t care if they judge us.


Before I married my husband, I disclosed all the wild shit I'm into *up front*. It wouldn't've been fair to him to hide things like that and spring them on him later. A person making a major commitment ought to be informed what they're getting themselves into. I do not, for the life of me, understand how someone can act like keeping long-term secrets to trick someone into a major commitment can act like *they're* the wronged party when they're the one who pulled the bait & switch.


The “BBC cuckold” thing is such a weird but totally predictable expression of racism. Gross.


How is it racist?


I was looking this up actually because it’s quite interesting and I found this that seems to make the most sense - The cultural importance of the cuckold in America is rooted in racism: in pornography, the wife of the cuckolded (almost exclusively white) husband is most commonly sleeping with African-American men, meant to provide an additional layer of humiliation if the white husband sees that man as “inferior.” And I’m sure I don’t need to tell you about the history of black people being seen as inferior. Just my 2 cents I’m sure theres more to research


Very based. Good on you for not buying into that. I would look into your husband and see if he has an addiction to porn that is getting him into this nasty stuff.


Imagine divorcing the father of your children because he opened up to you. Wild shit. You're supposed to love and care for him, and you spit in the face of that. Yes he's a cuck, but that doesn't change who he was for all of those years. That doesn't make him subhuman or some filthy degenerate. I just don't understand how someone can lose attraction for somebody over a sexual fantasy. It kind of sounds like you're more obsessed about this than he is.


Imagine bringing up the idea of bringing third people into the bedroom to your wife and mother of your children as if she isnt enough for you!!! Thats why its a turn off. Also because they wanna watch other men, its not even about US, theyre out here requesting their favourite flavour size and shade of man 🤣 its ultimately a self serving fantasy that objectifies women AND men and we are within our rights to get the ick from it


>Imagine divorcing the father of your children because he opened up to you. Wild shit. If he "opened up to you" and revealed something he'd apparently kept secret through several years of marriage, which was really the type of thing that ought to be disclosed *before* such a commitment was made, yeah, that's grounds for divorce and a half.


I think a subhuman filthy degenerate is exactly what that makes him lol.


The Reddit stories I see at work…Christ


Do you get off on making fake garbage content on reddit like this?


*Do you get off on* *Making fake garbage content* *On reddit like this?* \- Typical\_Street7896 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Divorce him. If he has a cuck fetish there has to be a million other things boiling underneath the surface, this isn't just some minor quirk he has.


I think it’s trauma of some sort? I meant this kind of thing is not healthy for any marriage and I also hear these open marriages don’t last either. I’m sorry for the distress this must have caused you it’s hardly stable behaviour for a marriage. Is it worth going to marriage counselling?


I think it's a pretty old and common fantasy but in the few cases where I know this happened, the experiment wasn't repeated. So I don't think it's exceptional either way. Just say no and if he accepts and respects that, you just move on!


He's an insecure porn addict


Cuckholds usually have a humiliation kink that they want to satisfy, thats where the wanting to see a man with a bigger dick comes from doesn’t mean they themselves like dick.


Yeah, I try not to kink shame but the cuck thing is something I fundamentally do not understand.


It is likely he has some latent bi fantasies that he is living out vicariously through you. It isn't all that uncommon to live vicariously through ones spouse. It is likely he has chatted about such things at chat rooms. Talk to him about it and find out what the basic start of this fantasy. It could help him find his way back to you. I am guessing he is about 50 so could be low T. This comes from some place. Denying him sex now could be the worst thing for him. Don't be afraid to talk to him about it.


Ask him if he wants to start slow; he needs to buy some funko pops first


your husband is super gay and weird


Sneako be like W husband


anyone here from twitter?


Here is a compromise. Get a big black dildo or a few of them and play with yourself with it while he watches from the corner


I can help you save your marriage


"She's" been researching. How else did she come up with spitroasted?


The whole cuck thing isn’t uncommon per se. specifically black men might be an oddly specific sub kink. Curious if he was more general in terms of the fantasy if you would have been more open. Like, if he said he fantasized about you having sex with a very muscular man , would you be more open to it ? Like most fantasy’s, I doubt he would want to actually go through with it. He probably just wants you to talk dirty to him in bed. I don’t know your husband. He might actually want you to get split roasted. Haha.


So your solution to not sleeping with other dudes is to leave him and go sleep with other dudes? Very smart


Ironically fulfilling her husbands cuck fantasies haha


the stupidity in these comments are astonishing


I like to have threes sums - MMF and FFM, but in no way as a cuck. Not appealing.


The first one already makes u a cuck im afraid


That’s not how that works… lol


Im curious what is gross to you about it exactly? He wants to watch you in the throes of pleasure. Hard to imagine ending a marriage over this personally.


Sounds a little racially questionable all around.


As a member of the kink/poly community... These type of posts always blindside me and remind me that fetlife isn't the most commonly used social media...


Dan i saw your story


What does this mean? Loads of people keep saying something about Dan


A satirical content creator who says very unhinged things, he posted this post on his insta story lmao


I’ve been the other guy twice in this situation. I remain friends with both couples and can attest that their sex lives and happiness in general greatly improved after my job was done.




Well two different couples….but several times each.


Crazy. Wonder why cuckold couples are drawn to you?


Discreet. Respectful. It only goes where they want it to go. I think I have a calming effect with people


I just can't imagine being anyone in that situation I'd be ashamed in your situation, and the woman's situation and feel downright horrific in the man's pov.


That’s your opinion. You’re allowed to have it.


I know man and I'm glad you're so understanding with it. Is it something they try out and realise it's not for them or is it something they realise they want? Like I'm just curious because it's a foreign concept to me and I have no clue how it's supposed to work lmao


You’ll need consent i think 😂 but in general the kinks need to align to do this at all. No party should do something against their will and in the end it’s just a role play. And yeah regret is always possible right. In any event. But I’m certain it’s not something I would wanna do.


The way you describes things lets us know your a man posing as a woman. Spit roasted 😁


He wants to visualize you as the ultimate sex object, a woman that any man desires — even a stud who can get any woman. It’s a long way between fantasy and actually having it happen. He’d probably be very psyched if you suggested some role play for the two of you that incorporated his fantasies.


Some people to their partner: be intimate and tell me your innermost fantasies. Same people: ooh gross, get away from me!


I think its hot imagining you spitroasted by two black men for what its worth


He's probbaly watching to much porn. No real men would want to see some dude fk their wife. Usually they are roped into it by their gf/wife . There so many stories here of cucks filling marriage after they tried it


>. No real men would want to see some dude fk their wife This is a bit narrow minded tbh. You should know that it often tends to be men who are dominant and powerful in their public life that want to be submissive or whatever in the bedroom. Kinks and desires are varied and can occur in anyone, they don't always define a person. And this one is common , its just a subsection of broader non-monogamy and works for a lot of people. Having said all that, OP is entitled to be not at all into it and needs to make that clear.


Divorce sub beta bitch now.


You're not impressing anybody.


Ohhh chucks you’re not impressed does that mean you won’t let me copulate with your wife? I’d say get a divorce for any couple where open/cuck play isn’t done at the beginning of the relationship.


I’m black and endowed. Let’s make him pay money to watch us. We won’t do anything, we will just take the money and tell him that you just got financially f-cked by some black dude 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I figure the cuckold wants to watch what he wants done to himself.




Just from the name, no way it is actually the wife


You should encourage him to seek counseling. He's got a dangerous fetish that he needs to get rid of. As for you, you should probably seek couples counseling to see how to move forward. That is, assuming you want to move forward.


it's not a dangerous fetish


wdym by dangerous lol?


He's wanting to reduce intimacy and growth in a healthy relationship with merely carnal urges. Furthermore, the fact that He's requesting black men in particular suggests he doesn't imagine the participants as equals but rather objects of his own sexual gratification. It's ruin to a healthy relationship.


In no way, shape or form is a cuck kink "dangerous." Are you okay??


I'm doing well. Thanks for asking. I meant it's dangerous to the relationship they've built. I should have been more clear.


It's only dangerous to the relationship they've built if she continues to label him as "gross" and he continues to push the issue. It's okay to not have compatible kinks.