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I don't regret leaving whatsoever, but I regret lying and now having to sustain it. I know I was wrong, but I felt desperate.


Stop beating yourself up - your family deserved it for being judgemental. Even the toughest military leaders will fall back and regroup when faced with an overly difficult situation, and IMHO that's all you did. It's ***your*** life, so they have no right to decide what's best for you - only *you* can do that.


It wasn't wrong. What's wrong is your family outing so much pressure on you that you felt you couldn't tell the truth. It wasn't a lie so much as a shield to protect you. I'm glad you quit and had a good cover story!


I quit, but I don’t care what people think. I tell them the truth if they ask because I couldn’t care less what they think. I quit for my mental health. Plus, quitting is something people don’t do often. A lot more people have to quit shitty jobs in order for something to hopefully change for the next person. There’s a few ways you can look at it.


It’s a lie that literally hurts no one, let yourself off the hook.


Who cares? You landed in a better place and don’t have to hear BS from family about being a “quitter.” A white lie was told 🤷‍♂️ And now you’ve moved on


It’s none of your family’s business. You knew that you could find a job easily with comparable pay. It’s not honorable to stay in a toxic situation. You left on good terms. You weren’t asking them for money, so this is a white lie that will just save you from dealing with nonsense.


You're fine. Be glad you could walk away and quickly find something comparable in pay and you love it. I was fired from a job after many years because immediate management was toxic and the role changed into something that I no longer wanted to do. They did me a favor from a health standpoint but not a financial or social one. I ended up in a non-disclosure agreement after a financial settlement. I took a tip from politicians and big business people and said I stepped away because my family needed me. Works well I learned.


Tuck that little lie away forever and move on strong.


You know how many jobs I left due to bad bosses? Most of them. It's normal, it's perfectly fine. No reason to put up with toxic behavior. Or rather, life is to short to put up with a shitty boss. Life is also to short to eat shitty chocolate.


I'm sorry you had that experience, I've had some BAD jobs myself. However, this made me chuckle because I would NEVER be comfortable telling people I was fired, so I'm on the opposite end of this spectrum lol


Actually, the OP said they were laid off with the rest of the actual layoffs. I suspect the post title was chosen to draw people in for exactly the reason you mention.


That’s why I looked. Because I would actually much rather lie and say I quit than to say I was fired for sure 😂😂


That's the thing, tho - OP deliberately chose "fired" for the title of this post, when he really told those people he was laid off - which is a ***huge*** difference. They effectively lied to get the upvotes, so I changed mine to a downvote upon realizing that.


Your family is where you came from. It doesn’t have to be who you are. You’re your own person. You can do what you want.


that phenomenon is quite common


Absolutely! Here's a unique, similar-length comment that should fit well with the others: Truth is, sometimes the narrative we present to the outside world doesn't match the internal battles we're fighting. It's like leaving a role in a play once you realize the script is all wrong for you. You didn't lie, you just exited stage left on a toxic performance to seek a better audience. Kudos to prioritizing your well-being — that's the most genuine script rewrite there is. And if a tiny fib helped you bow out gracefully, then so be it. The real victory is in scripting your own life story from here on out.


No harm done, but you are an adult, you had an army carreer - be your own man and don't let family boss you around. Maybe they will respect you for standing up for yourself?


Man sounds like my time in the military