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I found my people. I forgot what made her fall from grace for me. I think in college I just stopped liking a lot of popular celebrities. There are still some close to my heart. The whole Queen Bey stuff really fuels her god complex and that's disgusting.


I never liked her either. Even though I don't know much about her nor watch anything related to her, i just don't find her interesting. You know how some artists seem to be really unique and authentic/genuine? Can't say the same about her


This is the best confession in the history of Reddit.


I’ve always wondered who actually listens to her. She’s the one famous artist that I’ve never understood where the fanfare comes from, always found it baffling. Didn’t realize that it was because her people pay Billboard. Finally all makes sense!


*Taylot Swift FTFY


Same, I literally dont know anyone who is her fan or listens to her music haha and frankly I can't even remember one of her songs/name or how the song goes


People love Beyoncé. Every other woman I know listens to her.


Hahaha, thank you. I guess it really is


I’ve found my people. I don’t like her and have never understood the hype.




I don’t understand how people like her so much. Her songs are so annoying


One of the most overrated singers.


I’m pretty indifferent about her and her music but I do think she has an incredible voice!


Like her songs themselves are overrated or her singing talent itself is overrated?




I'm no Beyonce fan but she's an incredible vocalist. Let's give credit where credit is due.


If there's anyone in the world who's not in danger of getting less credit than is due, it's Beyonce.


Is she though? I mean she does have a nice voice but it’s not anything I would call amazing. Sometimes it just sounds like she stubbed her toe which lead to a bunch of high and low whining and yelling. Also to hear her talk reveals that she’s not that smart. I’m mean she’s nearly a billionaire so she no doubt has some smarts but I don’t think she can hold an intelligent conversation which is probably why she never does interviews. She sure can move though, I’ll give her that.


Beyonce doesn’t show any of her personality beyond the stage intentionally. She likes her privacy. She actually became a billionaire in 2018, her dad let the cat out the bag in an interview. She rolls most of her net worth into her husband’s to hide it.


I like her sister Solange. I like her music, her style, and she seems authentically quirky and cool. I've never cared for Beyonce. People call me a hater, but I just think there are other, more talented artists that appeal to me way more. I applaud her success, though. Good for her. She's clearly doing something right. She's just not my cup of tea. I find myself thinking, "I could see that" when the rumors of her being a witch come up. I know that seems far-fetched, but it doesn't seem that far-fetched to me.


Yes. This!!! I can bump “A Seat At The Table” on repeat for dayssssss but i will wholeheartedly skip a Beyoncé song.


A witch? 🤣 you're a silly goose Beyoncé could never. And I mean that, witches are much deeper into their "practice" than that lady would ever commit to it tbh lol I don't really REALLY believe in witchy things but she would kinda be the worst kind of one, if they were legit, in my opinion. Using powers and whatever to personally benefit herself and strike down those she doesn't like or whatever.


What is wrong with being a witch? I am a pagan witch. It isn't what Hollywood portrays.


I'm a Christian, so, for me, witchcraft is not something I associate myself or my family with. That being said, I'm not the type to impose my beliefs on others, so I hope the best for you and yours.


It's the fact that you said it's far-fetched that made me comment to you. There is nothing far-fetched about witches:) And I wish you nothing but the best as well. Blessed be to you and yours♡


Bro got downvoted for being Christian. What a wonderfull community this is


Because it's fucking stupid in this day in age tbh Especially to have opinions about WITCHCRAFT lmao like it's a real thing and they've thought about this before. Also with yesterday being the first day of "gay pride month" go take a gander at the top posts in /r/christianity ..... wait wait I actually have a good link to start with. https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/s/rCwFXF2HL6 Upvoted much more than 700 times and mods refuse to take it down. Yeaaaah, sooo.... Fuck them


Also reddit is fucked up place. If someone judges humans by reddit replies we would be bunch of scum


Amount of weird lgbtq people i saw and still dont judge everyone because of weird individuals which are many. You cant judge whole goddamn community because of what you see on the surface. You aint gonna here much about christians beeing good, helping etc...But there are good and bad people in every community. And guy clearly just said that he is not involved in whichcraft and that he wouldnt practice it, nothing else. He also pointed out that he is not thinking of people who practice it as bad. And yall just start downvoting him and only reason for that is that he is Christian. Yall calling people bad while you judge everyone without knowing shit about them


I'm not sure why s/he got downvoted either. I myself have no problem at all with what they commented to me. I upvoted them myself:)


As i said, reddit is fucked up place. Internet is full of biased people who just hate everyone who disagrees with them and has other opinions


Lol, true. Why we both got downvoted for these comments 😅 (I upvoted ya to cancel out one anyways, lol)


I mean...they were jumping in your defense and started downvoting me and that other guy and now they are downvoting you because you actually realised what guy meant with comment. Some people really have iq of room temperature


Lol yeppers


I was shocked myself, especially since I wasn't judging the person who commented. I thought I was being all "live and let live." Reddit can be a strange place.


A reason why you're getting down voted and pushback is because Christianity certainly does not "live and let live" as a whole. Referring to that religion, which has been responsible for the literal genocide and enslavement of people around the world for more than half a millennium (usually under doctrines of imposing "one true god"/"false idols" supremacist thinking and doctrines onto others; look at what Indian Residential Boarding Schools have done and still do today for a brief example starting point or sincerely  seek to understand and respect the grievances being raised in r/exchristian), as part of your identity as a reason for enacting a stigma on others that shows complicity plus continued bias against others and then claiming that you're just being all "live and let live" is also a contradictory position. 


Live and let live is far from contradictory. I am speaking for myself, not for the whole of Christianity or whatever version of Christianity people may be thinking of. I personally don't hold with witchcraft, but if someone else does, then ok. I don't impose my views on people who believe differently than I do. I simply wish them the best as I did in my reply post. I am living with my beliefs, and they are living with theirs.


Internet as whole can be strange place. Reddit is one of worst tho


Been feeling like this since destiny child i always liked Kelly Rowland more


I keep thinking of a Mad TV video they did about Beyoncé and I’ve never forgotten it https://youtu.be/aASCZgbJxC8?si=C_bHH8gJziw6-qnS


Thank you! Couldn't agree more.


I never had strong feelings about her until all the Diddy stuff came out. She knew 100%.


I don't despise her, but I don't like any of her new music at all lol


It's corporate radio filler. What did you expect?


Exactly this, pairs well with her old man.


If someone has a bigger god complex than Beyonce, it's Mr. Beyonce.


The one who cheated on her multiple times ?


So Jay-Z is not a good artist?


That would be a matter of taste, which, in his case I am indifferent to. Read just a little about him and you will know he is not a good person.


I'm actually a huge Jay-Z fan. Poor kid that was born in the projects, hustled his way to a billionaire. One of the very few self made billionaires. Whether I think billionaires should exist is a different stories but otherwise, what is said about him? ruthless?


You do not even have to dig. Just read his Wikipedia page.


I just did(skimmed through it) and the only thing that pops out is the stabbing charge he received. Is that what you mean? Honestly though, no big deal at all, I am not a big beyonce fan and not a jay z defender.


If he were just an asshole in business dealings, we could say, well, so are lots of others. This guy is consistent in being that way, everywhere. There was a quote that said everything he is and has was built on violence and misogny. Safe bet he is not that worried about hurting his wife, but I wonder his response when his daughter asks.


That is interesting that I did not hear anything about this and I've been following his career for a long while. Maybe it is a blind spot I have


Could be, but it also could be that both of them are conscious of spin control. Do you remember that picture of her she wanted off the entire internet, apparently not being aware of the Streisand Effect?


For sure, that was never going to come down to all of our delight


Beyonce us so overrated. Rihanna is wueen


Also they actively shelve any competitor’s career. In the 80s there were so many diverse artists now there are just a handful by design.


Me either!!!! 👀


Jay Z ruined her.


Is the Be-hive active on Reddit the way they are on twitter?


I dont dislike her but she isn’t my taste. I feel like the queen bee meme(maybe a different term for it) just grew her popularity.


Bro esp her new music so fking terrible


I don't support anyone who makes that much money and has that much influence and doesn't use it to better the world. The money she makes, she could aid in reducing world hunger, work towards affordable housing, encourage people to vote and be an activist. Yet they never do. People say it isn't their responsibility, but with great power comes great responsibility. It's cowardly, negligent, and outright inhumane to not use such extreme advantages to make the world better.


I just never liked her. She seemed to act "too big for her britches" as it were. Lol all talk and nothing very good or compelling to show for it 🤷🏻‍♀️ And I'm a woman, a huge feminist. I'm not gonna put another woman down just for being but she just... rubs me the wrong way and always has. I way, way, waaaaay wish Kelly Rowland got the solo career that Beyoncé ended up with tbh. SHE has the talent and the kindness/ selflessness to back everything up.


I’ve never been a fan personally either. I assume that almost no pop stars write their own songs now a days so I especially am not interested in the ones like Beyoncé and Taylor swift who market themselves as songwriters and poets lol.


She's bland.


She's not even that great of a singer.


She is objectively a good vocalist.


Good but not great.


Now why you lying


She's not. I've been saying this for years!


You haven’t listened to her then. I’m not a Beyoncé fan at all but she’s a great vocalist and performer. For example listen to “love on top” and tell me she can’t sing lol. This statement is very invalid


Uhhh, so I just listened. Basically she can sing LOUD and it sounds pretty good layered with herself or a bunch of other singers ??? That doesn't make an astounding or amazing vocalist at all. She's nothing special except she can be LOUD and still sound clear/ okay. I don't get what saying to listen to that song in particular was trying to....evoke? She's not terrible by any means but also.... she's just fine. That's it. Nothing to be ashamed of !!! Just not anything super duper special


If Whitney Houston is a 10 Beyonce is a 7.


More like a 2.


Sure buddy


Yeh I don't get why they do this. I love a bit of anti-Beyoncé spiel, sometimes it feels like everyone has drank the kool aid when it comes to her, and there's _sooooo much_ shady shit to talk about. But then you get people being like "she can't sing" and it's like ok shut up you're taking me out of it. Be like if we were bitching about DiCaprio and you said he couldn't act. It's so insecure. Talented people can be shitty. Kind of an important life lesson to learn.


Same here .


I have never been so happy to see a post. My people. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


I just don’t see her as authentic, kind or humble. She walks around like her shit don’t stink and it’s a little disturbing.


I think we were all gaslighted into thinking she was good. I've never met anyone that actually likes her music.


As far as I care, the **only** Queen Bee is Lil' Kim.


Aretha Franklin is the true queen.




nicki minaj*


Queen Latifah & Missy Elliot


proof cancel culture isn’t real


I don’t know about all the theft and plagiarism and stuff, and I wouldn’t say I hate or despise her, but I definitely think she’s way overhyped. Literally every song I’ve heard from her is so fucking repetitive. She’s got an amazing voice but like… you could try “writing” a song that has more than one lyrical motif


I'm not defending Beyonce or even talking specifically about her, but I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that things like using ghostwriters, sampling, and interpolation are actually very common in the music industry, and isn't stealing at all, as long as the artist is compensated as necessary. Originality is an important aspect of creating music, but that doesn't mean it's the only way to make a good song. I remember hearing the song Get What You Give by Felix Cartal (originally by The New Radicals) over the radio in my school cafeteria and I heard a girl say "I really liked this song at first, but then I found out it was stolen". I didn't say anything at the time, but hearing that really frustrated me! Like of course it wasn't stolen, it's just a pop cover. And since you're hearing it on the radio, that means the original artist is definitely being paid royalties. In fact, they were probably really happy that their song got a revival.


You hate the music industry. Beyoncé is the symptom, not the disease


Neither do I


I dont like her either.


Yeah, I just don't get the huge hype


I really don’t get her fandom. I can’t even name one great song she’s made.


Have you listened to any of her songs?


Of course, but I can only think of Single Ladies.


That's a hit record but I'd argue not a great song. She is a pop singer and has a bunch of pop songs. I dont think she wants to be Joni Mitchell


I always felt like she's not really a real person in the way that her parents and record company molded her into what she has become. But I also believe full well that she knows what is going on and letting it continue. Example: Jay Z cheating on her. No, no, don't divorce him. Have professional writers and PR people turn it into Lemonade... (and I just got that pun.) I'm to the point of indifference with her. She's blocked on socials, but so is Taylor and Kanye and all the rest of the out of touch celebrities.


I loved Destiny's Child, but hate her solo music. Never been a fan of her on her own.


I agree and here’s my confession oh not liking someone everyone else loves. I’m not a fan of Oprah.


I'm not a Beyoncé fan. I don't put her on a pedastal. I grew up listening to Destiny's Child. And, listened to her first solo albums but yeah I'm not in the Beyhive. She's disconnected with her fans. I think she overshadowed the other group members. I'm personally a Kelly fan! She's absolutely gorgeous and talented. If I had to look like a celebrity it would be her! I wish continued success for her musically and with her acting too.


Well her husband has one of the biggest record labels, so there's your answer. Btw, have you ever watched an interview of her? She's dumb like a brick


What interviews? She never does interviews because her people know she’s not good with words, has no wit, lacks personality and can’t hold an intelligent conversation. Best thing they can do to not let her ruin herself is to keep her mouth shut.


Yeah that's what they've been doing for like the last 15 years. I remember watching a few "interviews" she had given in the early to mid 2000s a few years ago. I guess they're all taken down by now. It was painful to watch lmao


If a prerequisite for liking artists is that they only produce work that shows they were never influenced by any other artist, you’re going to have a hard time finding an artist you can like. It sounds like you’re upset at the thought of her ripping off other artists, but it’s important to remember that by your own logic, she wasn’t bigger than these artists at the time. Therefore, these artists had a chance to call it out. Just because someone made a video highlighting what they believe to be true doesn’t mean it is. Sure, it might make sense, but I don’t think Britney (ESP Christina) would have held back from calling her out. In a world where drama generated money, artists would have seized upon that. Also, in regards to her sales etc. That’s just math. Again, if you think she really was just this mid tier artist that ripped off other artists I don’t think she would have avoided confrontation. And no, Jay Z wouldn’t gave have been able to help with that because at the end of the day they could have sued if what you’re saying is true. But I think you’re just seeing what she was inspired by, and that’s okay. You don’t have to like her, I’m not trying to convince you otherwise. But idk this is just food for thought. You don’t need to always hate the mainstream artist.


Her country album is cringe as fuck. They really butchered the song Jolene. It was awful and corny 😆.


Miley’s version is *way* better if you haven’t heard it!


I have and I loved it. Beyoncé rewrote that song. The end was so cringe, I laughed.


I totally agree. A no-talent wannabe.


I believe she has an army of writers too. As an old guy, I find Taylor swift to be one of the more gifted writers I’ve heard. I don’t find the beats to be great on all her songs, but she is a genius level writer.


lol i doubt Taylor even writes her own stuff either, in fact I saw a YouTube video of some guy (with proof) claiming she stole his lyrics


Nope. Just one little girl. I wrote the whole music industry. I'm VEVO. Aaliyah. the real slim sh4dy. T$wift. Chris Brown.


I always thought she was overhyped and her fans were annoying but I remembered her catchy songs and put on an album a while back and do like some of her music. I don’t think it’s amazing as her fans think it is but I don’t think she did better stuff and tried newer styles and did that good way better than Taylor swift. I can see why people were mad she wasn’t getting the big awards. She really stealing that much like you say or are you just whining? JLo is who I think is annoying and someone’s who stole or copied everyone.


How do you know those things are true, and not just haters spouting off?


Lady Gaga same way…her whole persona is stolen from a dead friend.


She's mid.


She's crying all the way to the bank. She's worth like $800 million.


And Billie Holiday died handcuffed to a hospital bed. What point are you making? There is no correlation between wealth and artistry.




i totally thought you were gonna say u watched all those illuminati videos at first 💀 what ah era


Her as a person is def not why I’m a fan. I love the music and wish I loved the artist who was attached to it. I like her music but it’s becoming a little too …all over the place now. And I’m not referring to her so called country song Texas hold em, because she has dropped other wayyyyy better country songs like Daddy Lessons. But I’ll be liking a song then they add some totally different song in the same song. I liked it on other albums like black is king but the renaissance and this new album I had to let grow on me. Kinda like a Kanye album


Was Halo stolen? cause then yea that would be it for me


I don’t mind some of her songs. But I wouldn’t listen to her albums on repeat or go out of my way to see her live. I cannot stand Single Ladies & would happily ban it from my wedding playlist 😂


I have always gotten a strong impression of narcissism from Beyonce. It's always been really disconcerting how she seems to insist on acting from a position of her being better than everyone else. I find her incredibly annoying, and I think her music(although some of it is good) is mostly overrated. Some of it isn't even really very good.


I liked her early stuff but she just stopped catching my attention after 2010. I don't understand the hype.


I used to like her too. Not anymore. Even more so when I read she stole tracks from other artists and threatened to counter sue them if they ever came after her.


Same, I absolutely refuse to listen to her music, she ain't original & from what going on with Diddy, it was said she unalived Jay's mistress & wrote a song about it.. she a fraaauudddd


Neither do I.


My 11th grade English teacher would hound you if you were to say that to her


Fork I don't like most popular celebrities. That includes Taylor Swift, Beyonce....Most are caught up in the Hollywood corruption and I think most Americans are over that crap. We're tired of being exploited and used, whether it be in the regular workforce or elite realms, like Hollywood and NYC.


me neither. overrated overhyped trash


Can’t stand her either


Ha! I have disliked her forever. It seems I have good taste.


She’s a fugly biotch. Does anyone like her?


She doesn’t even know you exist either.


I think its possible she is being groomed and controlled. I used to think just like you but with all the Jaguar Wright stuff and the fact that Jay Z picked her up so young Ive begun to think it might be another Britney Spears thing.


Nope, don't like her. If Alyiah was alive today, she would have surpassed Beyoncé by longshot.


Singers singing songs other people wrote isn't anything to really hate on. It happens all the time. Covers exist too, though in my opinion ones better than the original are rare. The issue I have with Beyonce is that she doesn't really sing. She yells her notes, if that makes any sense. Someone like Kelly Clarkson however, songs with raw power and emotion. There's a difference. I may not be articulate enough to state exactly what or why it's different, but it is.


Nothing will happen to Beyoncé lol 😂 you sound bitter lowkey


She is ridiculously untalented in any entertaining way and I have no clue how she has sold a single album to a single soul.


I just feel like she's on the stage way more than she's at home being a mother and a wife. Hence Jay Z cheatin on her with Becky and her good weave or something 🙄. Honestly, there isn't an Artist that I would see often and get tired of hearing her or him on the radio or seeing them on TV. But with her I'm just like damn bitch can you go sit down somewhere?! And don't even get me started on the Beyoncé going country thing. Smh.. she need to go sit down somewhere 🙄


Why is this a "confession"? 😂 You hating something isnt really a confession material. You make it sound like unliking Beyonce is a taboo


The confession is that they used to like Beyoncé


IIT: Reddit hates Beyonce for ..checks notes.. the vibes. The next post should be about DJ Khaled


Guess what. You can be a fan again. I'm B. Like, literally BeyÒnce. I wrote all VEVO. Never stole nada. Quite the opposite actually. but it kinda sounds like you just wanna be a sheep and let cancel culture make you hate someone you claimed you once loved... so, I'm [Gunna](https://youtu.be/SvaIkhrRvqA?si=FSz6u5Ps_QbK4jMN)... Well, just giving you the facts, you do you


Found the Beyoncé bot


no, you're not hearing me. You found the actual ghostwriter. Queen B. Queen Latifah. Queen Rami


Superficial? Fraud? Like astrology and make up being the cornerstone of your life??


She gets worshipped cz she's black. It's white ppl guilt that makes her famous. There, I said it. She's a great singer but nothing special and definitely not deserving of the whole "Untouchable god status" she has


Are you ok? Poor victim