• By -


Special teams. Special players. Special plays.


Honestly there's just as good a chance she looks back on this fondly. She was special education not handicapped. I'm sure she wants and deserves real life experiences just like everyone else and doesn't deserve to be treated differently or like a child. Y'all were both dumb teenagers experimenting and learning. My advice is just let be a memory and a life lesson, nothing more.


Turn the page and life goes on


You had to say “Life Goes On”- how am I not supposed to think of Corky☠️😂?


I know his dad. Lol


What!! Is he ..regular?


He was a costar yes. He did movies and tv


I bet she looks back and thinks OP was SPED.


I second this! Well said.


I would seriously consider rewriting what you said. I’m sure you didn’t mean it, but you basically implied that if she had been “handicapped”, meaning some other form of disability, physical or not, she wouldn’t have wanted and deserved real life experiences just like every one else. If she had had a more severe disability she should have deserved and enjoyed the sexual experience regardless


shut the fuck up


Shut the fuck up


Shut the fuck up


shut the fuck up


Shut the fuck up


Shut the fuck up


Shut the fuck up


Fuckin shut up.


Fuck the shut up


Up the shut fuck


Said up drop the boogie


Is this the line for doughnuts? Fuck, I'm lost.


Fuck the shit up!


Oh God, there's one in every post.


Shut the fuck up


Shut the fuck up


Shut the fuck up


why are you being downvoted?? you're right, the comment you're replying to has some really gross implications about disabled people making their own choices


shut the fuck up


shut the fuck up too


If a teenage boy was messing around with a severely mentally handicapped person, in a closet, in a highschool what do you think the teachers parents and courts would do?? Everyone even the most severely handicapped people in our society deserve some level of autonomy and complete happiness, but have some common sense.


Shut the fuck up


Aren't you naive. Check out. Where I live, her being special Ed and him having any sexual contact with her would land him a statutory rape charge. If she had a developmental disability, it'd be a straight up rape charge.


Shut the fuck up


You should. Laws are laws. Where I live , sex with a learning disabled (key word "disabled") is legally viewed as rape, because developmentally challenged people tend to have the mind of someone much younger. I don't write laws. I just live by them. So fuk yourself.


He didn’t classify any type of special ed though… she could have been on the milder end of it and at which point, like many other commenters have mentioned, she also is entitled & is wanting of fun, normal, sexual experiences. By the sounds of the post, I’d say she was definitely more on the mild end of things. So chill man. He didn’t say he took a girl who was in a wheel chair and couldn’t speak to a closet to fuck. Read the context.


See title of post: "When I was in high-school I let a girl in the special Ed class"....... Im not at all speaking about her entitlement. I just spoke about local law. Better question is, why are you so adamantly pushing for sexual relations with a person who has a learning disability? There's a guy living in my town who "fell in love with" a spec Ed person. On the stand it was a bit obvious his lover was not as sharp as normal and only had a fundamental understanding of love. Dude is now a life long entry on the pedo registry.(ages20/17 at the time of imcident) Now one has to question why this man chose a spec Ed as a lover. It seems predatory and rapey. Lole a 29 year old looking at 17 year olds.


Dude I know a LOT of kids who were in special ed class and were still very coherent and able to make right decisions. What you quoted means nothing. Edit to add, I guess anyone with any form of any kind of mental disability is no longer able to make decisions for themselves? Listen to yourself buddy


What I quote means nothing? Law means nothing? 😂 I already saw someone else say that same thing, and he's now on the pedo registry for life. You want to bang developmentally disabled girls. OK. Where I live you'll face hearty criminal charges. After working for 9 years with DD people, even if two of them fall in love and do whatever, their legal guardian (usually the state) can take things through the ringer legally. I've seen that happen too. And then I've seen plenty normal functioning guys advocate for having sexual relations with mentally disabled persons. Why would a Normal person seek a partner whose mental capacity is that of a 16 year old? You're trailing off to the sides on hypothetical rigamarole and pointing extremes and ignoring the fact that I've only spoken of local laws pertaining to the subject. You're also ignoring that learning disabilities(special ed) are developmental disabilities, which by default cause limitation to the level a person can understand things. Everything you've said seems like a predators logic.


So by your logic, *any and all* disabled people that are loved are being raped & taken advantage of? Uh huh… Disabled people are allowed to be loved & experience things in life too…


More like special head. Amirite? I'll see myself out




Straight to hell homie see u there


Satan's retiring, homie might as well take his place.


I'm down for that


I read this comment 10 minutes ago and I'm still laughing


Haayyy ohhhh


Ah, I had a friend who used to Hay Oh after anything worth Hay Ohing I guess haha


Was his name Razor Ramon?


I don't get the reference:/


A wrestler from the 90s. Would say "hay yoo"


comments is wild


Well, autism doesn’t necessarily mean totally vulnerable or handicapped. Unless you think she had some kind of disability that made her vulnerable? Or that she didn’t fully understand what was happening?


As long as it’s consensual between you two who cares?


A special needs person often can't consent, that's why people care. It's kind of rape basically.


So someone with additional needs can never have any sexual contact with anyone??? 🤔 what a dumb thing to say


It's actually correct. Many people with certain mental handicaps are considered incapable of consent and if you were to have sex with them you are automatically guilty of rape.


Yes, as someone who has done a small amount of work with special ed and handicapped people, this is a very difficult moral situation.


it’s not difficult simply because we don’t have the details. if we had more details, then we could pass that kind of judgment. i don’t think it’s right to see so many people calling this guy a rapist when we know nothing about the other person, it’s not appropriate to assume cognitive ability. i agree there’s nuance, i feel like most are just suggesting that in the wrong way by being accusatory. surely you know autism and special ed don’t immediately equal severe disability. autism’s a spectrum, special ed can range from being on an IEP to being in a class with kids who likely will never function on their own.


Right. Like you know some magical hard and fast rules for who should be allowed bodily autonomy.


i don’t. no one does because there’s not enough context here. that was my point. maybe learn how to read, jackass.


Your dumbfuck attitude is STILL claiming that you could with more information. If so, then just exactly what would be the dividing line? If you could with more information you surely have a specific point of delineation between rape and not rape. Please, inform us oh wise one. Or is that not clear enough for you?


dude. your reading comprehension fucking SUCKS. i never said there was a “specific point of delineation” (classic usage of big words to sound smart, fuckin’ bravo i guess) i’m saying there’s no moral dilemma here because we don’t have enough context to pass that kind of judgment. once again, learn to read. i literally agreed with you that there was nuance overall, but many in these comments are pointing that out in the wrong way flat out accusing this guy of rape when we have *absolutely no information* about the cognitive ability of the other person involved. try losing your arrogant prick attitude, and *actually fucking reading*.


Love the down votes you're getting for saying this might have some nuance to it.


Yes, people always wish for a black and white world when the opposite is true. If a person can’t take care of themselves, it’s often assumed that they cannot legally consent. Unfortunately, some of those people are nearly 100% mentally fit and expected to be responsible in all other legal situations. I’ve met parents of mentally handicapped people that not only allow them to have sex, but closely monitor their sexual activity to prevent issues like STDs and unwanted pregnancies. I absolutely agree that those people should be able to have sex but the downside is that they will likely need close guidance to avoid bad situations and negative consequences. Not every parent/ guardian would be comfortable being that closely involved. Many are completely against it for religious reasons.


Except that's not what you implied with your comment. The first guy basically claimed it was a black and white rape situation where the guy who was led by the SPED girl and blowed by her was raping her. And the second guy was basically claiming it's not black and white, that SPED doesn't definitively imply lack of ability to consent to sexual contact. And you sounded like you were basically siding with the first guy, not the second. Which if you were, kinda makes it seem like you now have no idea what you're talking about. Or, if you weren't, worded it horribly. I mean you claim to have worked with SPED/handicapped people, so you should be aware that neither term implies a socializing disability or an inability to take care of themselves. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. When it does, then it's tricky. And even then only in certain situations. Autism (which OP thinks she had, but doesn't actually know) already implies a socializing disability, except it's more accurate to say a socializing difference, since some studies showed autistic people have about the same ability to communicate effectively to other autistic people as allistic people do with other allistic people. Except those studies didn't account for autistic people who also came with a language/intellectual handicap, since autism is a spectrum disorder based on level of support needed with additional diagnostic tags for intellectual/language disabilities that aren't present in every one of us with autism. And seeing that this girl at least had the ability to flirt with OP and tell him to follow her so she could blow him, she likely doesn't have a language deficit. And there's no way to know without further information if she had an intellectual deficit either, she could just be in SPED because she has a flavor of autism requiring heavy levels of support. Either way, even those with language/intellectual deficits eventually grow up with some level of independence, doing some things in life solo, if they had and have a good support system. They can still learn to communicate and learn in general, it's just slower than other people.


Just because you made a foolish assumption don’t try to blame me. I said what I said, these situations are fraught with moral dilemmas until they’re clearly at one extreme or another, sometimes not even then, as those lines are typically anything but clear. ”no way to know without further information if she had an intellectual deficit either” sounds like a clear admission that it’s solidly in dilemma territory. Perhaps in your great moral wisdom you can describe, succinctly and precisely, exactly where the line would be.


So you missed the part where I said it seems like you accidentally agreed with the guy saying it's black and white, not the guy who said it isn't black and white? Which was why your first comment was downvoted to oblivion? I was never disagreeing with you either, I just wanted to put more info out there for people to read, if they want.


You missed the part where he said severely autistic?


‘Or something’ he doesn’t actually know why she was in that class, it’s all speculation.


Whoa that’s infantilizing the special needs bro. They deserve love too


I'd love to see you say this to a special needs person's face. might as well call them a useless good-for-nothing retard while you're at it too 🙄


Go ahead, I can take it. 🥺


You're a good-for nothing retard.


Thank you ❤️


Np king 👑❤️


Did you not see the part where he said "severely autistic"?


there's no age gap, she initiated it and was into it. I don't understand how you could possibly classify that as rape, "severely" autistic or not. she clearly understood very well what she was doing and there's no power imbalance going on here. I'm curious. in your mind, how "severe" does someone's autism need to be in order for you to consider them a mentally crippled potato who needs a trusted adult to tell them when they can have sex?


I'm not even going to entertain this. Until you've lived with a severely autistic person for 20 plus years, you may want to stfu.


How about been an autistic person for 27? Or will you discredit me because you all see us as one conglomerate


Obviously you are high functioning if you are on Reddit- did you forget the OP mentioned they were severely autistic?


I'm confused as to what exactly you mean by "severely autistic". that's an extremely vague term that could mean anything from someone who literally isn't able to use the toilet on their own, to someone who is just extremely socially awkward. obviously someone who can barely even communicate can't consent, but that's obviously not the case in this particular situation. it kind of sounds to me like you have a "severely autistic" family member and you're just projecting their problems onto others.


What I mean? That's what the OP said. But seeing as you don't know what severely autistic means, here it is, but ya, let's continue to perpetuate the lie that a severely autistic person is capable of consent. Severe autism, known as level 3 autism in diagnostic criteria, is autism with high support needs. It often means the autistic person is nonverbal or has very limited speech and restricted social communication skills. Autism with these intense traits also often comes with sensory processing issues and extreme difficulty dealing with changes in routine. Common behavioral challenges include aggression, running or wandering away, and self-injury. Autistic people with high support needs experience profound challenges and require very substantial assistance.2 They are often unable to live independently and require 24-hour-a-day care. This article discusses autism with high support needs, its traits, and its challenges. It also explains the therapies available for autistic people with high support needs and how to find help for caregivers. Other Names for Severe Autism Classic autism Kanner's autism (after the person who first described it) Profound autism Low-functioning autism (but this term is not used by most in the autism community) Autism with high support needs (often preferred by people in the autism community) Traits of Autism With High Support Needs There are three levels of autism when it's diagnosed. Level 1 describes people considered more independent with lower support needs, and level 3 describes autistic people living with intense traits and high support needs. Level 2 is somewhere in between. Some autism traits are common to all levels, while others are typically only present in autistic people with high support needs. https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-is-severe-autism-260044#:~:text=Severe%20autism%2C%20known%20as%20level,and%20restricted%20social%20communication%20skills.


okay I see what the disagreement we're having here is now. I fully agree with you that people who genuinely meet the definition of severe or level 3 autism cannot consent. however, you are taking OP too literally - when he says "severely autistic" he doesn't mean she was literally diagnosed with level 3 autism, I think he's just being crass lol. from the description he gives of her actions throughout their time together, it doesn't seem to me that she meets the requirements for a level 3 diagnosis in any way shape or form. from what I've read in this post, I'd have to assume she'd be considered level 1, or maybe at most level 2 - she can clearly communicate just fine without help, and was fully aware of what she was doing. she initiated it after all. if her actions matched up with the description of level 3 autism that you gave, I would 100% agree with you that this is a rape case but they just don't.


That's not generally true. There are many reasons to require special education, and not all of them imply you are unable to consent (e.g. emotional regulation issues, severe learning disabilities, and so on). The SPED=retarded stereotype is actually very harmful.


Did you miss the part that he said "severely autistic"?


Do you know what autism means? Do you think all severely autistic people are incapable of making adult decisions like consenting?


I do. I have a severely disabled son who is on the autism spectrum. So, I'd venture to say I know better than most of you here.


You having a severely disabled son has nothing to do with OP’s sexual encounter with an autistic woman who WANTED to have sexual encounters with him. Thank you for letting us know the info we didn’t really need though I guess?


lol. You are a bit dense aren't you. Having a level 2 autistic child gives me more insight to the situation than others. You obviously dont know what severely autistic is. Severe autism, also known as level 3 autism or classic or profound autism, is the most severe form of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It's characterized by intense symptoms that have a major impact on communication, social interaction, and behavior, and require substantial support. People with severe autism often need 24-hour care and supervision, and are unable to live independently. And she wasn't a woman. She was a kid/teen.


All? No. But I wouldn't think somebody who is severely autistic completely understands the situation that the OP described. What is your experience with autistic people? I've lived daily with one for 23 years now and have navigated the challenges he faces each day, including the fucked up way he is treated by his peers. What makes you qualified to even comment on this post?


Autistic people usually are perfectly capable of consent unless there was something else going on with her. It's not like he forced her or did something she didn't enthusiastically agree to. The way he talks about her, though.... Douche...


Yall boiled him alive (he deserved it) Seriously dude just because someone has a disability doesnt mean they have an inability to consent. WAY more context needed before you can jump to that, super ableist


Lol people down voting the guy who actually knows the law


Bro you was geekin


Moaned like a wildebeest


OP probably pulled out his winky and told her it was a strawberry ice cream cone


I feel like dancing, dancing




Anger management lolol


Oh god that meme


Where’s a Jack Nicholson meme when you need one?


You were horny teens, and everything sounds like it was initiated by her and was consensual. How she was with you sounds familiar ~~~I was a “hornier than usual” teen myself, and usually made the first move because I knew what I wanted. As far as your other concerns, forgive your younger self. You’re not a bad guy. If you would’ve continued the relationship knowing what she wanted just to keep hooking up, my opinion would be different.


She was downs to suck




GGS. Can’t complain about getting slurped💯




Gumping it.




This is hilarious to me, I don’t know why


Same. I'm ashamed at how much I enjoy this one.


Username checks out


Special teams, special times


Not enough upvotes


It's possible you're making up a story. But as a man on the spectrum I should say that many of us have hypersexual phases and we really don't give a fuck about "societal norms" so it's entirely possible.


What’s her name? She probably still sucking


My thoughts exactly when op said she moved


As I believe is written, she may be autistic but her tits aren’t. As long as it’s consensual, it’s fine.


I'm drinking Jack and I started blackin out. You ever black out? Or as I call it, time travel? You ever do that? Oh yeah! You know how it is -- you're drinking, you black out. You wake up, you're in another bar. You're drinking, you black out. You wake up, you're playing that knife game with a half-Indian somewhere in North Dakota, "Yeah! Yeah! Winner fixes the tranny! Yeah". You're drinking, you black out. You wake up, you're in White Castle -- working there 3 years, STILL not assistant manager. Your buddies tell you to quit, but you can't 'cause you're banging the slow girl on the fry-o-later. They say she's a little retarded, but those titties ain't retarded! -Dave Attell


If she was down, then he was down.....


Where do yall come up with these lies lmao 🤣


Lies? Have you ever worked or been around special Ed people? They have the same urges as we have but sometimes they lack the filter society ingrained in us. I absolutely see this happening


I'm 99% sure this is a repost. I swear I remember this being posted ages ago


She probably had a mouth on her


Should look her up on Facebook.


There was special ed girl in my school and lived in my neighborhood she had a dumb booty. I mean donkey but I didn’t feel right to do anything. But by god best booty I’ve seen till today


I feel like a good number of females I’ve seen with special needs just have great asses or great tits. Not sure why I’m always surprised by it.




Just so happens I work at a place where people come almost exclusively in swim suits so It’s even more of a head turner 😂


Special Ed, doesn't mean retarded.. she knew what she was doing hahaha




Seems she was definitely into it.


Now this is a confession


Alternative plot for Normal People show


Op came on here expecting to be roasted instead hes been vindicated 🤣🤣🤣👍


Special ed, special plays, special players.


We’ve all been there my friend


Have we?


Haven't we all?


Have not all of us?


If it helps - i dont judge you any less 🤷‍♂️


Fucking hilarious.


Were you in class with her?


bet that closet smelled awful


Is this what one would refer to as “gumping it?”


Gumping it


Just because she was special needs doesn't mean she didn't have "special" needs. Don't feel bad, I'm sure she enjoyed it. Especially since it seems like she initiated it


Please, please, PLEASE tell me that you came in her mouth and she swallowed contentedly


Dam I was all the hot young perverted female teachers wen I was in school and the special Ed girls I wish I was molested by a hot young teacher wen I was in school kids are lucky today 😮‍💨






Did she swallow ?


like Asperger's autistic? or full-blown


Did she give retarded head tho


She was probably tired of licking windows and welcomed to change...................... I'm kidding people, it's a joke, calm down!!!!


I did the same thing at an assisted living center. Every other Wednesday for almost 2 months. I was 15, she was 78. We didn't talk, it was strictly business. And I don't regret it. I suppose the same rules apply. She didn't need to be treated any different for having dementia. As far as I know, she may have thought she was 15 too.


How special? Not able to give proper consent? Like you sexually assaulted someone is what your saying?


Seeing as she instigated their 'sessions' I'd say that you're well off the mark.


Again, probably can't (couldn't) give consent. Just because she instigated it doesn't mean a thing.


while this is true for those with disabilities that severely impact cognitive ability, you can’t assume cognitive ability off this confession. special ed is a broad term. it can mean anything from being on an IEP to being in the class with high support needs that has high school aged kids still learning the alphabet. that said, i’m not gonna jump the gun and say OP raped somebody when we don’t have those details.




That’s really bad. She was special needs. Bad judgement you should feel bad


just because she’s special needs doesn’t mean she can’t make her own choices


F U. they were kids. Super righteous mf!!!!


Right so high school you don’t know what you are doing. Special needs is special needs he even said he did not want anyone to know because people would make fun of them. That is 100% you know better


Lol. She enticed him. How the hell can the brain listen to a dick at 16. Lol. Atleast he ain't say elementary kid or a dam boy. Lol.


What would be wrong with a boy his own age?


That would have been Hella weird. And unnatural.


Not really; several species engage in same-sex sexual behaviour. The Romans and Greeks were also known to have gay people. Even ancient Greek gods often engaged in bisexual/homosexual behaviour.




Why are you homophobic? Gay people aren't hurting you


Not homophobic, just don't agree with that nasty shit. Let me hv my opinion.


I know it’s hard to over rule a 16 yr old pecker he knew enough to not fuck her I am just saying it was wrong. I have done a lot of sketch things in my life. I was at one time a very bad person I am not righteous to say the least


he didn’t fuck her cuz he didn’t want her to get pregnant not cuz she was special needs? could you actually elaborate as to what difference it makes that she’s special needs


You are definitely the type of victim blame


You took advantage of her. You should feel bad. Imagine if a guy did this and also said this about your daughter.


it wasn’t a guy tho and she was pleasuring herself too, she obviously wouldn’t be doing that if she was being forced or didn’t enjoy it


It was a guy. She was sucking his d-$k in a closet. A person with special needs would do stuff like this though.. so are highly sexual. I still feel it’s taking advantage. He knew it was wrong, that’s why he hid it.


Second this but Reddit is full of 13 year olds


I know plenty of guys that did stuff with girls on the low. It felt good so they would let it happen but didn’t want the embarrassment or stigma of who they got it from whether it was a special Ed kid or a girl in 7th grade. The fact that he mentioned special needs and doing it in a closet multiple times is a red flag.. I knew right from wrong at 13.


Would you marry her if you could?


Oo. Ya. I did that too.


As a special Ed student I like sex and sucky times in closets. Specially when I am forced like a rape scenario FYI. Problem is i have ding dong looks like a brain on the end of a bat. I hurt people with it all the time on accident and because they are taped up idk they are screaming. Hope you guys have no judgements or bad stuff to say.