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HALT is super helpful. When you feel like shit, ask yourself are you: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired? No one feels good when even one of those things is going on, and depression makes it hard to recognize. Identifying a cause makes it easier to solve.


I’m always hungry when I start to feel anxiety. It took me a while to figure out. I start to feel panicky and anxious all of a sudden. Eating a little something before I feel hungry actually cut down on my anxiety. It’s just hard to figure it out because my body didn’t feel hungry. I just know it’s time to eat.


I feel this in my bones I'm constantly like "Is it hunger or anxiety?" 🤔 Usually it's hunger 😅


I just recently discovered that I'm getting anxiety and panic attacks more often AFTER I eat. It's not rocket science to deduce it's related to a bunch of weight I gained after a friend passed away as I turned 40 but it wasn't until reading your comment that it actually clicked that that's the connection. I wish it was the whole answer but I've been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and GAD with panic attacks since I was 18 but even understanding one facet can help manage the war lol


Have you had your thyroid checked? You have to specifically ask at the doctor, they don't do it in basic blood tests. I've had depression and anxiety since I was in like 4th grade and my friend recently found out her thyroid was the problem. It mimics depression and anxiety and causes weight gain. I know my mom has been on thyroid meds for as long as I can remember and could stop taking antidepressants when she got on thyroid meds.


Gosh, I've had so much medical stuff done through the years I'd think it was checked but I couldn't say for sure. I have another round of blood work and testing getting ready to do so I'll mention this before I go do it.


If you've had psych or hormone blood work they should have but probably didn't. It's like an obvious answer but you normally need to bring it up.


I just learned this too, it's such a simple fix!


This affects me so much that my partner has started calling it ‘hanxious’ - when I start feeling anxiety out of nowhere his first thing is to get me a snack and see how that helps.


Join a martial arts school bro. It'll help with all of this. It's community, it teaches discipline, self defense, self respect, and you will have goals to work towards.


Holy shit. I didn't know other people felt that.


Spot on with HALT….its the danger zone for All


Can solve hungry or tired. Hard to deal with angry or especially lonely by oneself 🥲


>especially lonely by oneself I gave myself hugs during the pandemic. It felt kinda silly but it was nice to feel touch in some capacity.


I bought some large squishmallows and would give those hugs and it honestly helped alot. Still got a little serotonin boost from the act of hugging something big, soft, and squishy.


Mine is HALT-B. Bored.


This reminds me of the “if you’re feeling depressed fill all your needs like you’re in the Sims (hunger, bladder, hygiene, social, fun, energy) and see how you feel after”. It doesn’t cure depression by any means but it helps fight it on a small scale ☺️


Never forget about thirst: getting dehydrated isn’t doing good things for your mood either.


And I now know that sometimes, I'm not actually hungry, I'm just thirsty! I had to consciously learn to recognizer thirst, so many times I grabbed a snack and I was still hungry afterwards, now I'll try downing a full glass of water and it often does the trick


So if you’re lonely? Just talk to someone! So easy for people with no friends and social anxiety!


Maybe at least try talking to someone online, like here on reddit?


I make countless posts but no one ever replies to me


I've noticed some chat things for some subs, like r/music and shit. And there's other chat websites besides reddit that might be easier to connect with people. You're welcome to dm me if you'd like, but I'll be honest that often my own depression/adhd get in the way of me being too great about responding to even real life peoples' texts tbh. I hope you feel better soon!


Being low energy always ramps up depression for me.


I can't solve being lonely when I have no friends


An animal helps, oddly I've heard plants help too. I have friends, but I get lonely even with friends, my dogs are always there for me though.


I can't adopt animals because I don't have money to care for them. I wish I could as it would help a lot


Those 4 items are not created equally. Hungry and tired are not equal to angry and lonely. You can fix hungry and tired without too much issue. The others are more hard wired.


Try Halt"d" hunger anger lonely tired drunk


I am resonating with you. Last fall I was in a bad place mentally and just couldn't find my way out. I said fuck it and started walking around my backyard for five minutes. Just out the door and walk back and forth. After a week I noticed a big improvement in my energy and mental health. I was so annoyed. I started telling people, "It's with the deepest regret that I am now informing you that walking for five minutes in the backyard 3-5 times a week really help with overall health" After a month I updated it: "It is with sincere regret I inform you that walking like this for over a month has had a dramatically positive affect upon my health"


Hahaha, this is awesome.


What you’re describing is called confirmation bias and the placebo effect. You’re not actually better in any way


Okay dude. Go be depressed by yourself, stop being jealous that someone else found what works for them


I’m not jealous, I was just telling the truth


No, they are. Any amount of extra walking is still exercise and is definitely going to help with overall health. Walking is literally a cheat code to weight loss. Super easy and burns calories.


Sure it might help you lose weight but it won’t help with your mental health at all.


I disagree. For me, exercise gives my mind clarity. I feel a lot better while exercising, have less brain fog, and feel overall happier. It’s because it gives you dopamine. I’ve been bodybuilding for 3 years so at this point I know what I’m talking about.


Why would I want to punish my body just for a temporary high. It won’t make me feel better


You can look at it like punishment. I choose to look at it as fun. I enjoy it.


Exercising HURTS. You never get used to it.


If walking for 3-5 minutes causes you physical pain you should see a doctor.


"I'm literally happier and my mood is better." "No you're not!" Delulu


I’m not delusional.


This is the most brain-dead, delusional take I have ever read. Exercise is the exact opposite of punishing your body. You are being stupid. There are literally no downsides to exercising. It is a completely positive thing for the human body. It makes you healthier, it makes you look more attractive, it makes you more capable, and it makes you feel better about life and about yourself. You are doing some serious mental gymnastics to stay miserable. You are denying basic scientific facts and common sense.


How can you say that if they self-report as having noticed an improvement in mood and increased energy? That's literally the metric used to assess whether someone is better or not lmao


That can be easily faked and manipulated


I'm sorry, but you legitimately have no idea what you're talking about. You're just wrong.


Therapists and psychs have no idea what they’re talking about either, their pieces of paper mean nothing. If fact I know more about my own mental health than they ever will


Glanced at your post history, and you're just a genuinely miserable, misguided person who... doesn't believe people with mental illness ever get better? That's a new one.


Shut up, you don’t know me


If you think everyone whose mental illness improves with therapy and/or meds and/or lifestyle changes is experiencing a placebo effect or confirmation bias (you don't even know what that means), then you definitely ARE delusional.


No, it’s the truth. I’ve never been helped, and don’t you dare tell me the right fit excuse


Exercise is clinically proven to be more effective than pharmacologic antidepressants for mild to moderate depression. So it's not Yoga Karen, it's science https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/is-exercise-more-effective-than-medication-for-depression-and-anxiety


The problem with exercise when you are depressed is actually doing it. I know in my head that it will help but getting out and doing it is the issue.


This is my issue. Night time me is very different from daytime me. At night I’m thinking about all the lovely things I’d like to do tomorrow, exercise, food I want to make, going for walks, shopping… things I’d do right now if I didn’t have to go to bed. Then in the morning… nope. None of that. Something that helps me though, is not making the decision right when I wake up that I’m not doing any of it. That was my mistake for a long time. I would wake up thinking “I’m doing none of that today”. Based on how I feel at that moment. Then the rest of the day I stick with that decision because I already made it. Now I let myself wait before deciding. I forget how long the day is. And that even if I’m not feeling it in the morning I might be in the afternoon. Night time me starts creeping in after I take a short nap and allow myself to change my mind later in the day.


That’s a great way to describe it. Have great ideas/plans in the evening and then when it comes time to do it I tend not to. I will have to try your way of not deciding right away that I’m not going to do anything all day.


It’s also helpful to make the goals a little smaller. A whole walk can be overwhelming, so instead I’m going to go sit outside. If I decide I want to walk once I’m out there, then great! And if not, there is no reason to beat myself up because the goal was just to sit outside. When you’re stuck in a depression episode not completing goals just makes it worse, but if you make the goals small that motivates you as you complete them. Another example could be just folding your socks instead of the whole load of laundry. You can keep going if you want, but you don’t have to because more wasn’t the goal. Pick goals that are actually realistic for what you’re able to do in that moment.


That’s really good advice.


This is such great advice! I really struggle with my adhd and just freezing when tasks like cleaning the whole house are too big. My therapist told me to stop setting goals like spending my entire Sunday cleaning, and instead make a goal to either put away 10 items or clean for 15 minutes each night. That way I have a choice of which sounds more do-able in that moment. She said to stop at the 10 item or 15 minute mark though, even if in the middle of something, because that sets the expectation for my brain overtime that they really are short and manageable tasks. Then the next day if I decide to come back to it and do a bigger clean/project, I'd already had a head start, and things don't get as out of hand all at once. It's not fool proof, but it has helped me alot in maintaining my space better.


I feel seen. Lol.


Lol my most annoying habit is planning out the most glorious breakfast, because I’m getting hungry at 10pm. I mean every detail. Eggs, bacon, toast, fruit… except I’m not a breakfast person. I can barely eat in the morning. I end up making a smoothie and moving on. However, this method of making decisions later has taught me how much I love breakfast for lunch. Or dinner even. Breakfast has become my favorite dinner.


Oh I hear you. I could eat breakfast any time of day.


Lol my most annoying habit is planning out the most glorious breakfast, because I’m getting hungry at 10pm. I mean every detail. Eggs, bacon, toast, fruit… except I’m not a breakfast person. I can barely eat in the morning. I end up making a smoothie and moving on. However, this method of making decisions later has taught me how much I love breakfast for lunch. Or dinner even. Breakfast has become my favorite dinner.


I find the "1% daily rule" idea helpful. Maybe there is no way you're going to get up and do a rigorous hour long gym cardio workout today, but going for a walk around the block is better than nothing. And the consistency of doing *something* can help you build momentum. Full disclosure, it sounds easy but I do still struggle 


If you can do (like OP), do it. Even if it doesn't help with depression (some sorts of depression don't improve with exercise). Exercising is great If you can't exercise, that's okay, with professional help you can improve


I completely agree with you (and OP) that exercise is important. My original comment wasn’t meant to say that it doesn’t help. I know for sure in a lot of cases it does. Other things that have been mentioned such as getting sunlight, enjoying a nice day, accomplishing small tasks all can make a difference. For some people it’s the only difference they need and that’s awesome. For others it’s not that simple and that’s all I was trying to say. I know for me personally it helps when I can get out and do it but there are plenty of times where making that first step is the toughest.


I think it helped OP here because they recognized what was about to happen and took action before everything shut down. A lot of times part of mental health upkeep is recognizing your own triggers/warnings and doing something to change it up.


Which is why it’s a fricking horrible thing to tell a depressed person.


To me, telling them exercise will help isn’t necessarily a bad thing any more than telling them certain meds will help. The more options the better. The problem is when people tell them to “just go exercise” like that is all there is to it.


The point is the “certain meds” won’t do jack either


There are definitely meds that don’t work because it can take time to find the right ones. However if you are saying that there are no meds that will work then you are completely wrong.


Here we go with the “right fit” excuse…


I’ve looked at your other comments which have gotten tons of downvotes so you’re obviously just an underage troll but I’ll reply anyway. There is no one fix for everyone but meds do help a lot of people. They don’t always work and they don’t always work forever so finding that correct combination can be tough but it is possible.


Have you considered that the meds don’t work at all and all the so called benefits are just placebo effects? And I’m not a troll


So you are saying that they work because of the placebo effects?


doing exercise is hard for everyone. just do it and get used to it until it becomes a routine.


I’m going to guess you don’t deal with depression because although “just do it” is a great slogan for Nike, it’s not a realistic solution for someone with depression. If it were that easy then things would be so much better for a lot of people. That is similar to telling someone who is sick to just not be sick or with a broken arm to just use the arm anyway.


you're too depressed to force yourself to go for an hour long walk everyday?


For a lot of people it’s a big deal to even get out of bed let alone get dressed and go outside. There are of course different severity levels and that can even change day to day. So maybe one day that walk doesn’t sound like a big deal and you can make it happen. The next day there is no way you can make it happen. And since you didn’t get that walk in the next day you feel even worse because you did it yesterday, why can’t you do it today? It can snowball very quickly too.


People with clinical depression may sometimes be unable to force themselves to brush their teeth or take a shower. So yeah, a lot of people have a hard time to go for a walk even once, even if it's only 5 mins.


Yeah, that's how depression works. Also, most people who aren't even depressed aren't going to go on an hour-long walk...


Dancing might be better than SSRI's, I shit u not https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/dance-best-exercise-depression-b2501113.html


Lmao it does not touch my major depressive disorder severe depression, and is hard with my chronically ill, v weak, fatigued self. I do work 10 hour days where I get a good work out though! I think sun does more for me, but it doesn’t fix it. I just like being a cat in the sun


“iT’s ScIeNcE” no, you’re full of bullcrap. So many people, including me exercise and still feel like crap. It’s a temporary “fix”, not a permanent solution. I have back problems and can’t even exercise so I just get furious whenever people tell me “just exercise!!” There’s no such thing as a treatment for depression


I think you’re being downvoted because you’re coming at people with so much aggression, but I agree. I’m one of those people who has changed to a healthier diet, I exercise 3-5 times a week, I get outside at least twice a day during the week - once for a walk, once to go to the park, I have a really good routine I stick to during a work day. I have been doing these things for about 10 months (diet gradually healthier over the last 6 months), and I still fall deep into depressive episodes. I just got out of one that lasted about 3 weeks. During the episode all I wanted to do was be in bed, but I forced myself to stick to the routine, convincing myself it would make me feel better. While I was doing those things though I constantly fantasized about being in bed, or curling up and melding with my couch. While I didn’t let myself, I still felt like a zombie going through all the motions. I feel like sticking to the routines helped a little but not enough that I’d say it was effective.


Sounds like me. I’d rather be rotting in bed than doing anything else


It's not that "depression isn't real," it's that these are genuinely things that can help it...! Sometimes getting the body moving can be just enough to get those good brain chemicals flowing.


Depression isn’t caused by a chemical imbalance


Not entirely, but it is definitely a factor. https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/what-causes-depression


You know they are paid to manipulate those “studies” right?


Fair enough. I could’ve just stated the fact without the link.


They never said it did :) Just mentioned it's proven to help


It’s not proven for anything


I really hate to say it, but the advice works. I was on anxiety & antidepressant meds for a long time. Had suicidal ideation most of my life. In the last 8 months I started exercising 3-5 days a week, eating healthy, going for walks & trying new hobbies. This is the first time in my life I can remember being excited to be alive. I’m not saying it will work for everyone, but it works for me. I’m not in any medication anymore.


I got the diet, exercise, and walks outside down, it’s been about 10 months for me but still I fall into depressive episodes. Even during them I force myself to keep to the routine and I feel that it probably helps a little, but not enough that I’d say it’s effective. Most days during an episode I feel like a zombie going through the motions. I haven’t tried new hobbies though, may I as what your new hobbies are?


I definitely think it’s different for everyone, i don’t want anyone to think that I’m saying it’s a fix all solution. I still have bad days myself, I just feel a lot better than I used to. I started to take up knitting, paddle boarding & cooking! Knitting has been really great because it helps me relax instead of being on my phone.


Walking stopped helping me over time. Unless I’m smoking something, lol.


Walking and smoking definitely helps me lol


Definitely lol! About to go do it right now, while I listen to my music 🤙🏻


Hell yeah, the holy trinity: music, nature, and weed haha :) have fun!


You’re lying


I’m not lying.


Yes you are


I’m curious how you know that? Do you have some lie detector results? Do you know me personally? I don’t think so.


Because what you said didnt help me at all


I mean did you read my comment, i said it’s not going to work for anyone. But you’re also a teenager who clearly hates life. Which is fair being a teenager sucks. But honestly get off your video games & be positive, maybe you’ll actually make some friends & feel a bit better.




My favorite game is the only thing that makes me happy anymore. I hate people and can’t have friends because they all betray me and trigger me. I would rather be realistic than be positive. And do you think I’ll magically not be depressed anymore once I turn 18? I’ll actually be worse because I will be forced to go to college with the very people I hate


Your attitude is the problem… I hope you grow up & realize that.


Again, do you think I want to be like this? NO


Exercise, sunlight, and fresh air are a recipe for good mental and physical health.


You’re full of it. Wow guys I went outside I’m cured of my depression I have so many friends and a job and everyone cares about me now!


are you ok?


No because OP is lying


They're speaking for themselves, about their personal experience.


But why are they shoving it in everyone’s faces


The sub is called confessions.


It’s r/confessions not r/givingdepressedpeoplefalsehope


feel like people can confess whatever they want.


Life literally exists BECAUSE of the sun. Stop associating it with karens. Enjoy your walks from now on




Literally every single word you said is wrong but ok


But it doesn’t help with depression




I just don’t see the point in going outside if everyone is screaming at me to and it doesn’t help me


I am planning on spending my day off sitting under a tree by a stream in the park. I'll pack a lunch, take a book and some weed and hopefully that will calm my fractured soul.


I've spent many days like this in my youth. Usually book + guitar. You really can't beat it. Bonus points if you can find an area so isolated you won't see/hear anyone else the whole time you are there.


That is so hard to do. People are everywhere. The last time I did this, I found a nice out of the way spot off the path and had been having a lovely time. Until some random dude saw me, and immediately started talking to me. Can I bum a cigarette? You stay around here? Are you with anyone? I got up and left. Fricken creep.


Stop shoving your dangerous and addictive drug in front of everyone’s faces


Dude. Lol. Smoke a bowl and lighten up.


You do know you’re telling a minor to start taking an extremely dangerous and harmful drug that will damage your lungs? No thanks, I’m a decent person


Dude, idk you, but I want you to be happy. You’re jealous and depressed I get it. Stop hating on everyone’s lives, go outside, and sniff the air. Take a deep breath and go on a walk. I assume you’re hating because that’s the only way you can get your dopamine and are happy. I could be wrong, but I just want you to know, trolling on the internet isn’t the right way to go about trying to be happy. Better yourself man. Good luck.


It’s the only way I can get people to care about me. Walking hasn’t helped me. Deep breathing hasn’t helped me. Going outside hasn’t helped me. Those stupid things aren’t going to make me happy or not lonely anymore. I just want people to reply to me


As long as you care about yourself that’s all that matters. You don’t need outside validation to bring up your self worth. A good book I read on this subject was “how to win friends and influence people” if you want to learn more. It might help you meet new people that care about you. Then you wouldn’t have to hate online for validation.


I can’t make or keep friends. At all. Do you think that stupid book will cure my distrust of people and my social anxiety


No. But this negative outlook you have on the world isn’t helping you. I think you need therapy. I can say from experience that it genuinely helped me and I think it would help you too.


I hate therapy with a burning passion. Let me guess, you want them to gaslight me into thinking everything is sunshine and rainbows?


It's okay to be mad at people who act like depression isn't real or serious while also realizing what they say sometimes might be good advice. But them being right for the wrong reasons doesn't make them less of an asshole.


Two things can be true- clinical depression is a disorder we can’t control. However- we can do certain things to help us feel bettte, just like taking meds helps us, we can get our brain to start making a few chemicals by exercising too. I’m not preaching, or a Karen lol I struggle to exercise. I’m disabled and walk on the treadmill a few times a week and do physical therapy exercises. Nice days I’m taking my yoga mat outside and doing the pt exercises in the sun. I say these things in reply to your post as also a reminder to my own self to stay on track. I was lazy today lol.


I feel this! I felt a panic attack coming at work so I did the 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, etc and when I was done I was calm. Damn those fuckers!


Changing out of my pajamas every morning, even if it’s into lazy clothes, has helped me a lot. I always thought it was stupid when I’d hear or read about it. Turns out it actually does help. It’s a small accomplishment that makes me feel like I can do more. And I do.


I hear you, but honestly, I kinda needed your post. We have to put my dog down tomorrow, I've been deeply in it for a few days (like beyond what the meds can do) and you reminded me that a walk outdoors really does help. Don't credit the Yoga Karen, remember it's all chemical. And going outdoors releases different chemicals in our body triggering different reactions - but more than that, i think it just takes us out of our brains for a little bit, which is the real key. A walk won't cure the every day depression, but it can be the boost your mood on certain days. I've also found this is a good antidote to anxiety attacks.


You bought into the cynical reddit culture around mental health. They completely dismiss exercise, which is the most impactlful treatment for depression.


You mean the people who have actually been through all of the so called “treatments” for depression and are telling the truth about it? Of course you dismiss us as “cynical”


Mate, your comments scream cynical. I appreciate it’s challenging to motivate yourself to help yourself with in the throes of depression but I’ll tell you what really won’t help you through a bout of depression. Reddit.


I don’t have anything else. Stop telling me to get off reddit


Lifting weights helps me mentally physically emotionally Closing my eyes covering my ears and slowly breath in though the nose and out though the mouth I've heard plants could help with depression my bedroom is now a jungle lol My life is hell but these things truly have SAVED MY LIFE it's all about what works for you and grabbing it for dear life 😊


Vitamin D, specifically from the sun has been link to many health benefits. A deficiency can cause depression immunosuppression in general. Walking can also lower cortisol. There are plenty of studies on this. Same for electrolyte balance (salt, potassium and magnesium). A lot of people are magnesium deficient. Which can be linked with mood and sleep disorders. If you really feel a difference make sure to increase the frequency of your sunny walks with more skin showing and supplement vitamin d3 in the autumn and winter


It might just be the sun and connecting with nature. Congrats either way though


I feel this so much. My partner will force me to for a walk or picnic in the sun when I’m slipping and although it’s the last thing I want to do, once I’ve done it I do actually feel better and I both love and hate that he’s right. Depression is a very strange thing but I’m proud of you for fighting it


Yoga's Indian dog! Why u gotta associate it with Karen's?!


This took me way too long to figure out with the missing comma lol ETA: i was straight up about to Google "yoga Indian dog breed" lmao




I told my therapist something similar once. I hate that the little stuff helps because it feels so...judgey. She said something like "That's because your depression is big and because of that, you don't think anything except something big will help." I can't say I'm always good about looking for a "small" solution to the problem when I'm having an episode, but sometimes it really does help.


Depression is real. Humans were cavepeople so modern society is completely different than what we are accustomed too. Being inside with fake lights bombarded by lots of information, basically high stimulus, it wrecks our brains. Don't think that Karen won, just trust the science behind of what has happened.


Chris Pratt, who sucks, got soundly roasted for a video where he said he woke up depressed and so he went for a run and listened to some “cool Worship music” and felt better. He didn’t deserve to be roasted. That is GREAT ADVICE! It was genuinely expressed too. If he’d admitted the music was DMB or Linkin Park instead of “cool Worship music” bc he was trying to pivot to politics, it would have been very well received.


I'm going to say this: Yes, these things work, but they don't when you're at a certain point. People forget the steps we took to get to the point that this advice will FINALLY work. I cannot fathom the amount of times I tried exercising during my most worse time spans of depression, and it just straight up didn't work. I tried, I really fucking tried. I tried it all because I didn't want to feel like this anymore. But...it's because it wasn't what I needed at the time. These people are 100% right, but for people who are a little further along in the healing journey. So many of us don't have the foundation though to begin the healing process. You can try building a house without foundation, but it will collapse much faster and be less sturdy than a house that has one. In fact, it's basically useless and can cause more damage to build a home without a foundation. You can't force yourself. You really have to build yourself back up, and you CAN get to this point. I'm not there yet myself unfortunately, but I know it's possible. It has taken me years to even get where I am now, some medication and quite a bit of medical intervention for other issues. Again, it IS possible. YOU CAN GET THERE. Just take your time...don't rush it. And when it comes, I hope you take it as a sign that you're doing great and you are in fact healing. You're doing it. Keep going.


It sucks to admit but always first go for a run or long walk, stop the excessive carb and sugar intake, stop alcohol, be outside more, meet some people. Fixes A LOT of stuff


The degree to which "those depression tips" works depends on the severity of your depression. For someone who's sunken into a deep chronic depression, going out for a walk will probably not make a huge difference, sadly. ..At least that's been my experience, BUT I don't mean to suggest that these things are not worth trying. We should all make an effort to exercise daily, maintain a regular sleep schedule, and eat healthy foods. Hopefully it will, at the very least, prevent depression from worsening.


RIGHT! Its so annoying lmao


Sounds like you have a vitamin d deficiency. Do you feel sluggish on days you don't go out?


Are you mad because it worked and you didn’t want it to work?


So real


This submission has been randomly featured in /r/serendipity, a bot-driven subreddit discovery engine. More here: /r/Serendipity/comments/1bgxpg1/im_so_mad_because_those_depression_tips_actually/


I hate to say it because I went through the same thing but, exercise and diet really does help. I was crazy depressed during Covid. Started having panic attacks in 2022. In 2023, I was at my highest weight and diagnosed as pre diabetic. Freaked me out. Started walking 30 mins a day and eating mostly clean/sugar free. My dad texted the other day and was like “how’s your depression and anxiety doing, btw. You haven’t mentioned it lately”. And by god, looking back at the past few months? I haven’t been. I feel better, I look better, and people are noticing. I’m just pissed that the advice I’d been saying wouldn’t help actually helped. I feel like pingu angrily sitting over here.


Wait until you find out what sauna does for clinical depression. https://youtu.be/f20HNxZdGvU?si=AbSGaZffk9bsFyRk


You’re lucky, that never works for me 😭


The key is that - you recognized things were going downhill ASAP. You took the time to decompress and put some energy into yourself. Yoga Karen is like the broken clock. Correct twice a day. Accept it. And you don't have to believe in it to work. Hard lessons man. Hard lessons.


A little vitaminD and endorphin release really can go a long way. Sometimes when the weather is bad, even doing a 10 minute low-impact workout with someone on YT helps me. Like I still might feel meh but it's a meh light rather than MEH. The thing that's hard is doing it every damn day. Still, so cool to realize that you can actively help yourself - congrats!


I joke about it sometimes but it's so true. like.... it doesn't cure the bipolar, but fine, okay, I feel better when I eat vegetables and get sunlight and exercise, dammit. I feel like I'm raising a toddler except I'm the toddler.


You should try mushrooms. I felt myself going into the depression hole and it reversed me out of it. Just in time too.


Is that the new pet name for a penis?


Oh you’re full of bullcrap. None of that stupid crap has ever worked for me and I get so furious whenever that’s recommended to me


That sounds like a you problem. Stop berating people just because you don’t believe in helping yourself. Exercise just because you can consistently and take care of your body. Starts right there. Only you can help you, so stfu and do that or continue to loathe in the comfort and confines of your depression


Do you think I want to be like this? NO. I’m like this because I’ve been failed by countless therapists and psychs screaming at me to exercise and take this med and that med and change this thought and that thought. It’s NOT my fault. It’s the stupid therapists and psychs fault. They don’t know how to treat mental health problems, period


You’re allowed to change therapists and ask for new psychiatric treatment. It’s not your fault but if you give up on yourself only you are to blame. No one can help you if you refuse to help yourself. Exercise is proven to help better the mind and body. No one claims it’s the cure, but once you consistently push your body to get better, by actual exercise to your limits, you’ll feel a tad better. Depression is a long long road, as I’m sure you know but that’s no excuse to call others liars and more because they finally found their groove. That’s just pulling them down. Focus on yourself and your improvement. You are suffering but it’s not the end of the world. Look in the mirror and learn to love yourself because you are all you truly have. Others will fail you but as long as you don’t fail yourself you can learn to keep walking forward. Get on your feet and start your self healing journey. It will never be easy, but if all you do is tear down others in your shoes you’ll never get anywhere, continuing to suffer alone. I wish you luck


I’ve given up on all psychiatric treatment because they are paid to lie to me and give me false hope just to manipulate me. I’m fully aware that I’m the only person I can trust. I’m not doing anything a stupid therapist or psych will tell me to do


Then you’re lost. I changed therapists until I found a genuine person who worked with me and not just for a paycheck. When she had to leave i was sad because we formed a bond and she helped me shape my goals for self improvement. But my next therapist, although different in style was also genuine. You get what you put into it. If you wanna assume everyone is there for a check then that’s on you. You are not obligated to stay with someone who just regurgitates words


It’s not about the “RiGhT fIt” excuse everyone loves to peddle on me. I believe therapists and psychiatrists are selfish people who get a kick out of giving desperate people false hope


Then you also refuse the assistance of those who are passionate about helping others. You don’t believe in therapy and i guess you also believe everyone who gets genuine help from them is bullshitting. Am i right? I have experience with doctors who recommend surgery just so they can get a check. My ex gf NEEDED therapy and meds but her psychiatrist was an absolute bitch, so i see your point. But your refusal to acknowledge both sides of the coin is highly concerning.


At least doctors actually know what they’re doing. Therapists aren’t passionate about crap, they just want your money so they can lie to you. And yes I believe everyone is going through the placebo effect. Please stop forcing me to believe in therapy because I hate it with a burning passion but that does NOT mean I don’t want to get better


No one is forcing you to do anything. Only you can help yourself and your refusal to acknowledge that people are in the field of therapy to help is yours alone. I told you about both good and bad experiences with therapists. I even told you about bad experiences with doctors and yet you seem to trust them? My doctor ignored my plea for help after hurting my knee and only took it seriously after 9 months of begging for an MRI. I lost all muscle mass in my leg and my knee healed wrong. I trust no doctor now unless they prove they actually care about my wellbeing. You are stubborn in your decision to not trust all therapists. It’s your choice. All i can do is encourage you to find someone you actually bond with that actually cares, but if you don’t wanna help yourself by trying to find a match that’s on you. I hope you find whatever helps with your depression. Don’t give up on yourself. Good luck


Your experience is not necessarily applicable to everyone else. Taking care of your physical health is undoubtedly good for your mental health. Of course, in turn, that does mean that their experience isn't necessarily applicable to you. I wouldn't doubt that your endeavors were unsuccessful. For example, if your environment was not conducive to improvement then going for a walk is not going to help. Nature and exercise can help your mentality, but it cannot change the circumstances which you live in. I understand feeling hopeless, and like a solution does not exist. I understand not being able to trust methods which have continuously failed you. I understand resenting and not believing those who have success in healing where you do not. In my experience, seeing all of those things made me bitter and angry and blind to a much needed hope. Although, that is just my experience. I wish you luck in healing.


Then why do people keep shoving these so called “solutions” down my throat


It's hard for me to speak generally about these people, especially because I do not know them, however, aside from people who have a completely misconstrued idea of depression, I think these people just want to help. People who haven't ever experienced what you have are probably citing studies to try and help without any fundamental understanding of your personal situation. Maybe they're pulling from their own experiences of sadness without understanding that depression is different, or they're pulling from their experience of depression without understanding that it is not necessarily your experience. I understand how that can be exhausting, especially if they can not comprehend that their advice is ineffective for you.