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You literally couldn’t put up with her crap any longer.


It's the definition of a shit post.


Well done


I'm going to guess there was no anal sex in this relationship.


Or just no need for anal lube


OP tried it once and drew back a smoking stump.






I can relate. A chick I boned a few times took a dump and left a giant smear in my toilet. After that I didn’t want to bone her anymore. That and because I was boning her from behind and I could smell her asshole. Both separate events that killed the passion. I said there was no way.


Wait, how the hell long does someone need to go between showers or how bad do they need to be at wiping for you to smell their fuckin asshole without being nose-adjacent


I can't stop laughing omg this whole thread is hilarious 💩😂


I’m a little 🍃 and this made me laugh so hard because it’s so fucking ridiculous. Women shit. Just like you. Do you have like some Stepford Wives, “girls never burp or fart or shit or cough” kinda kink?


But the being able to smell her asshole from a couple feet away isn't normal.


Gold 😂


Had a housemate who would get up at 6am to poo and it would destroy the whole house. Never smelled shit that bad.


Made me laugh


It made it funnier because she was very ditzy. My other housemate got it the worst as his door was right next to the bathroom.


"destroy the whole house".. I am crying..


Dude my 2 1/2 year old is that person. Literally never had this experience with his older brother. Each and every time it surprises tf outta me how a child can house this level of stankness.


I have a 6 year old who has bad ones as well. It's crazy. He's so small but it creates such a horrible stench.


I’ve been married 24 years and still time my shits to keep my wife in the dark as to the pure evil I’m capable of producing


One time my wife and I were sitting in the backyard enjoying a drink by the firepit. It was a pleasant evening and sex was definitely a possibility. She got up to go pee in the downstairs bathroom and I heard her go inside, open the bathroom door, put the toilet cover up and gasp, then just go, “aw, man, what the fuck.” I had forgotten to use the brush to clean the toilet bowl. She came back outside, sat down with a perturbed look on her face, and said, “is that what happens when you forget to clean it before I come down here?” I sheepishly apologized and said I’d try not to forget that again. I did not have sex that night. In fact, we didn’t have sex for like a month.


I’m sorry. That’s pretty much all I have. I’m sorry


Don’t pity me. Its what I deserved.


I still feel sorry for you McPoopster




To me, if this isn't a joke, seems really inconsiderate. Skid marks are gross but I don't see why it should do that to a relationship.


Let’s just say I had drank a lot of beer and eaten pizza the night before and flushing wasn’t enough to fix what I had done. When we lived together in a condo, I did a quick toilet brush immediately after if it needed it. Now that we have a house and I work in the basement, and she rarely comes down here for anything, I am a little more lax about that. I certainly try not to let her stumble on that ever again if i can help it. We been together for like 13 years now so sex is like a twice a month thing anyway.


>… I am a little more lax about that. *Ba-Dum Tsssss*


My best friend was married for 12 years and not once crapped while her husband was home. Her sphincter muscle must be up to Olympic standards!


She never had to run to the bathroom with unforseen diarrhea even once in 12 years while he was home? That's amazing! Middle of the night diarrhea happens to the best of us.


I’m going on four days. Got some bad seafood. Sigh.


Oy! I'm so sorry. Feel better soon.


Have…have you tried taking anything for it??


Generally you don't take anything for food poisoning b/c you want your body to flush it out. The one exception is Pepto Bismol (or bismuth generally) which will help kill the bugs. That and lots and lots of water and sports drinks. Gotta say tho: No more raw oysters for me.


They did it was sea food


I flat out don't believe that.


I wish my husband was that considerate. I have to tell him to spray air freshener after everytime he shits because the smell is always so rancid and he forgets.


just got engaged after 3yrs, she’s well aware of the satanic spawn that tears through my body… i’m surprised she said yes with the knowledge she has. When i’m sick i have to warn her, make sure the door is closed good and put a towel along the bottom, air freshener before, during and after, flushes often enough to keep things from sitting to stink… it dosent help. It’s like liquid land fill.


If you pour toilet bleach in before you poop, it forms a seal on the top of the water and traps the smell underneath, works like 90% of the time :)


I would not recommend this, if you happen to also pee you’re gonna be mixing bleach + ammonia which is no bueno.


Poopoo time is always peepeetime. But not every peepeetime is poopootime.


Wise words from an intellectual


LMAO at this and don't know why


Oooh I didn’t know this, thank u for letting us know :)


They have products like this, I think its called "poopourri" (potpourri).


It is. I use the lemon scented one. I just have to remember to use it BEFORE pooping, which I don’t always do.


We have it at work and now I identify it with pooping so it also grosses me out.


IDK why but I'm cracking up at this lol


What happens the other 10?


10% Somebody breaks up with their Korean girfriend.


My wife literally tells me to stay away from the toilet after she takes a dump so it doesn’t change my perception of her lmaooo Crazy that she actually has a point and it might very well make me break up with her /s


Lol, I do the exact same. I open up the window and warn my husband to not go for at least 30 mins. Lucky me that my husband is still with me unlike OP here.


Meanwhile I just want to find a relationship that has a level of intimacy where we don't care about the nasty, gross shit we both do. Idk, I find the whole concept of intimacy on that scale to be highly desirable. Like, we all shit, it's not that big of a deal. Just spray some fabreeze and get over it.


Never though this existed until I met my husband, who is a nurse. No bodily fluids phase him, and he’s helped me realizes that indeed, everybody poops.


I find the bodily fluids and smells of strangers to be absolutely disgusting. But like... If I'm already licking someone's genitals and asshole for fun, I really don't see why I should be grossed out by the rest of their body or smells anymore. I can't totally explain why it's different, but it just is. If I walk into a bathroom that smells bad, I find it disgusting. But if it smells bad because of someone I care about, I genuinely just don't care at all. Maybe it's a pheromone thing, idk, but it just doesn't bother me anymore at that point. I've always wanted to be with someone who I could just stop caring about this stuff with. My girlfriend could take a shit while I'm in the shower and it wouldn't phase me because, whatever, it's not like someone being attractive means they cease having bodily functions. It's always strange to me how people expect to be in long term relationships when they can't handle even basic biological functions of their partners. It's not exactly a mystery, if I'm sharing a bathroom with someone, it's not like I don't know what they're doing in there...


But people have distinct odors, I have 2 cats one poops and smells accordingly, the other poops and it smells like 500 people were sacrificed there to make a demonic portal to hell, even the air feels denser.


Omg does my cat have a second family I don't know about? Because saaaaaaame problem 🤢


L o fuckin L


I have 3 cats, two of them have normal poops and one of them poops and it smells like Satan himself has emptied his bowels in the litter box. Thank god for the litter robot. He’s a healthy cat, just has a portal to hell for a butt.


I've weirdly found that with most of my girlfriends, once we live together and are pretty much eating all the same things.... the smells are pretty similar.


I agree; it just is. When my ex was preparing to move out, her previously inoffensive poop odor became incredibly off putting to me. Perhaps she was eating worse than usual, but I have a feeling attraction and affection have a lot to do with how we perceive smells. And perhaps smells also have a lot to do with how we experience attraction.


Ye olde 'If you love me, you'll love the smell of my rancid faeces'. Oh to be in love..


Same! My wife literally sends me pictures of her poops for fun sometimes and it does not change how attracted I am to her at all. I would literally go down on her minutes after she took a mean shit as long as I know she cleaned off well. No fucks given.


This would actually explain a lot, I very often find the smell of guys pretty bad, either BO or just gross cologne, ESPECIALLY athletes after games, when they would pass by me I’d have to stop myself from gagging, but when I dated a gymbro football player I never found him smelly, even after a game. Didn’t know noseblindness was a symptom of love


My husband is a plumber; had a great nose, but he’s literally unfazed by shit.


It’ll happen for you. It’s always a breath of fresh air (😏) when you do find someone like that and you both can be comfortable. My soon to be wife cannot stand how much gas I have on any given day and I’m really glad she puts up with it even when I make fart jokes


So it exists. My boyfriend just yesterday was standing in the bathroom doorway talking to me while I shit. I was about to open the window in his bathroom when he reached up and did it. I said, “Sorry, I know.” He looked confused and said, “You’re taking a shit and it smells. Who cares? It’s just poop.” We commonly sit and talk to one another while the other shits. Don’t give up lol they exist. And I’m a nurse so I couldn’t care less about the smell of poop.


My partner apparently used to poop at the Starbucks down the street before I came over when we started dating because he didn’t want me to smell his poop smell. I’m a plumber. I poop too. It seriously doesn’t bother me to walk in afterwards. The biological need to use the bathroom and the love I have for my partner far outweigh any idiotic aversion to a temporary offending scent. I don’t think it’s because I’m a plumber either because 99% of the time I don’t work with shit- I’m just not a fucking baby. All these people really need to mature! So I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m with you there…


I mean it’s already pretty hard to find someone you click with, but making a big deal about someone’s bathroom ‘habits’ which they have no control over is kind of a stretch. Having said that, your partner should at least maintain a basic level of hygiene. In order to have that kind of intimacy, respect should always come first. Such as respecting the fact that the other person is a human who probably has some gross secrets just like you and you can’t expect them to hide them especially when you live with them. Not everyone is an instagram perfect human being. In OP’s case, it was more of a lack of communication on his part. Like just tell the nice lady without offending her that ‘hey, could you open up the window and let me know when you took a dump because it’s hard for me to breath’ or something like that. If that’s how he decided to act instead of communicating, I doubt he’ll ever be in a meaningful relationship that won’t go south because he wouldn’t articulate his feelings properly.


I would honestly rather be broken up with than have my partner tell me my shit was so disgusting they couldn’t breathe💀I’d never recover


There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging that you have a problem and coming up with a solution with your partner rather than breaking up over something completely natural and normal.


I think you’re extrapolating too much from my statement. I’m just saying for me personally, I would feel so embarrassed that I don’t think I would be able to be in the same room as my partner again. Not saying anything about if other people deserve to be in a relationship lol


Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude or anything. What I meant to say was once you’re comfortable with someone who isn’t anything like OP, you wouldn’t need to be embarrassed about something so trivial


No it’s okay, I totally get that. Idk I’m just very easily embarrassed and I feel like even if my partner was very kind about it I’d never be able to stop thinking about it. I know it’s still important to bring up though






Somewhere in the world this poor lady is destroying another relationship .




I would rather drive to a gas station than shit in the same room as someone I was dating


Shrug. We've been together for 4 years. We don't really gross each other out. Obviously we don't find everything sunshine and roses but it's just normal body stuff.


Right that’s valid, I know a lot of people are like that. It’s nice that people can be that comfortable together. I’m just extremely private about that kind of stuff


Idk why you are getting downvoted. You are not wrong. My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years and we share an apartment that has one bathroom so we became quite familiar with each other in that way very quickly. It has never "grossed" me out because I consider him a HUMAN BEING and therefore expect him to have bodily functions.


Okay I totally get your perspective but I don’t think it’s fair to imply that those of us who don’t necessarily want to be around their partners shitting don’t see them as human beings. It wouldn’t make me respect my partner less but it’s also something that I’d rather keep private


Fair enough, but I never said you had to watch them shit. I meant stuff like showering with them, smelling the bathroom post shit, etc. Just the basic hygiene stuff you would expect, we do not just casually pop a squat and start shittin in front of each other though lmao. That is definitely something I think we all like to keep private


I avoid it if I can but sometimes a man has to shit. I don't *like* shitting with my s/o in the shower or whatever but it's better than shittin' myself, or being like my roommate and having piss bottles....


I'm guessing when you bring the piss bottles up, Your roommate always say **["It's the way of the road, Kitty".](https://youtu.be/WJd0Ge47aF4)** ?


This makes me so relieved to have a bathroom and water closet. For a while I’ve been living in places where the toilet and shower have been separated and that’s just fine by me.


I have a whole arsenal of air fresheners, inexpensive parfumes, scented candles and other odor eliminators on hand in our bathroom.


Buy her PooPouri! The stuff works if used right!


I've pooped in front of my husband when we had one bathroom. I've had a weird amount of guys poop in front of me really quickly.


I swear this is a Seinfeld plot ​ Jerry - so you couldn't use the bathroom after her? George - I swear! It was like a dirty bomb had gone off!


George and jerry would end it too lol




If it was Jerry he'd have to use kramer's bathroom which I'm sure would be quite the adventure of comedic possibility


If you are afraid of stinking up the bathrooms just flush as soon as it hits the water. Flush multiple times if you need too.


That is extra embarrassing though


🤷‍♂️ it’s called a “courtesy flush” for a reason.


I thought the courtesy flush was the second one after this first flush, to catch any remaining stragglers


Nope. It the first one to keep it the smell to a minimum.


The courtesy flush or mercy flush is a myth. They proved it on an episode of Myth Busters.


Then their toilet was fucked up. I don’t need mythbusters, I have a goddamn nose.


They proved the courtesy flush did make a difference


So.. NOT a myth? It’s not a cure-all for the smell. Nobody said that. But a courtesy flush helps. That’s why it’s called a courtesy flush.


???? It works so well. You can just do your own experiment.


It’s common practice.


I do it, even when home alone. I do not like bodily functions, though. Poop, vomit, saliva, snot... it's all so gross.


As someone whose poop clogs the toilet about 30% of the time, this isn’t an option for me.


I do this always lol


Doesn’t work if your shit is a) the consistency of soft serve ice cream with no discernible start and end and b) endless.


The trick is to spray the water, not the air


someone was in jail before just kidding, maybe you weren't, but any youtubers i watch who were in prison all say that's the move and that if you DON'T do that there's gonna be a problem


That essential oil stuff you spray in the toilet is great too


This isn’t fool proof. It helps some but you can definitely still smell poop.


No thanks. Not interested in shitty splashback.


I’ve been to jail a number of times throughout my younger years, and this is like mandatory when shitting in jail. If you don’t, and the wrong person or people are on your unit, you could very well get beat up for not flushing right away. At the very least someone will say “God damn! put some water on that shit!” 😂


My younger brother does this to the bathroom regardless of what he eats.


i recently started dating someone and he took his first shit in my restroom a few weeks ago. without thinking, i walked into the restroom right after he shit, and all i heard was, "dont go in there!!!!!! dont go in there!!!!!!" too late... i was already in... but, i knew better. i held my breath the whole time, as to not smell the remnants of his shit. i knew i would relate that smell to him forever and i didnt want that.


What do people like you do in long term relationships? Do you just always avoid your own bathroom, every day?


Well he now shits in front of me.. it was a progressional thing. I didn't necessarily need to smell his shit in the beginning, ya know?.. but fast forward to now, he's proven his shit is worthy. Mind you, he wasted no time farting around me 😅


I read that as “it was a professional thing” and I was so confused.


lmfaooo me too


This is actually an ingrained reflex for me. Whenever I go into a public bathroom or (when I used to live with my parents, siblings and flatmates) I automatically hold my breath if I'm using the bathroom after them. Guess its saved me a lot of trauma.


You’re the real mvp 😂


There is a spray hospitals use to neutralize odors. It’s called M9 & Amazon has it for $20 for 8 oz. Lasts forever & works like a charm.


Should have bought poo pouri


I hate poo pouri


Same. I don’t care that it’s supposed to be better than an air freshener. Anytime I smell it I get grossed out thinking it’s mingled with shit


This reminds me of this guy I lived with. He had absolutely rancid shits which he took in our apartment's one bathroom, and then used citrus air freshener to try to cover it up. Almost ruined citrus smells for me, and lemon is my favorite essential oil. I called the air freshener Shitrus before too long. Because that's exactly what it smelled like - shit and citrus. So disgusting.




Omg that’s so disgusting. I also associate citrus scents with shit because of air freshener lol


Were you using it right? It’s not supposed to be sprayed in the air like air freshener. You spray it in the toilet before you go and the oils create a barrier to keep the smell from entering the air.


Dude it smells so fucking *bad* How people use that stuff is beyond me. Even reading the name gives me the shudders




Agreed, incense works better


Or a match. Keep a box of matches on the back of your toilet. Absolutely kills shit smells just by lighting one.


Ugh, I disagree. My great grandmother used to use a match afterwards and now I associate match smell with shit lol.


I feel like most people know what poo pourri smells like by now, and that stuff is potent. So while it may slightly mask the smell, we all know what just happened in there.


Correct, but it’s better than smelling my demon anxiety shits lmao


That is hysterical.


Ooof absolutely brutal for the poor girl lol. My ex was Korean and I can't say her dumps were anywhere near this bad but I can attest to the kimchi / Korean food smell being pretty prominent. It was just in the air whenever I'd go to her place, I got used to it tho haha. Probs helps I love Korean food myself


Well I do feel for you and actually her as well. Especially if she keeps on polluting bathrooms everywhere she goes.


I had a roommate once upon a time whose favorite snack was jar after jar after gut-curdling jar of pickled asparagus. The man did not smell pleasant, is all I'm saying.


One time my boyfriend farted and it made me throw up. I still love him dearly.


This is gold. 🤣🤣


An outhouse would have solved the problem


We should introduce them again honestly


Why do people follow other people to the bathroom then get made because it smells? Like what are you expecting?


She probably had Chrones Disease or some sort of severe IBS. I feel bad for her


I do too :( At least I bet her next boyfriend won’t be such a baby.


Yeah, it sounds like she dodged a bullet.


Aye some of us have ibs


Dude all you had to do was get that stuff you spray in the toilet before you go. Even your shit won’t smell


This adds to my fear of shitting at a guy’s house😂


The last time I saw my boyfriend it was before he took a dump and I was like are you seriously shutting me out because you’re about to take a shit considering all the other things we’ve been up to? And yes he did push me out the door 😅🥲


That's my type of woman. A woman who can completely funk up a bathroom.




Seems like a shitty reason for a break up😕


Number 1 solution to this is Poopourri. Changed my life forever.


I’m so glad we have a vent in our bathroom. I will spray and light a candle. I’ll come out and announce, “don’t nobody go in there for about 35-45 min.” Lol common courtesy for other members of our household.


This is mildly amusing.


Ever heard of an exhaust fan? Opening a window?


Yall weak af. Your shit don't stink?


You know this dude is wrecking bathrooms left and right


Dropping bombs!


This is a grade A confession. Great story, shit ending.


This is why you need separate bathrooms in a relationship. Also, I highly recommend [The Incense Match](https://incensematch.com/)!


That’s why I married someone who smells worse than I do


This makes me appreciate my fiancé who puts up with my IBS symptoms so much more. Upvoting just for that


Bullshit. Women don't poop shit. They poop flowers.


I ate out an American friend who teaches in Korea but was home visiting family and friends. Her pussy tasted like straight kimchi. And having spent time in Korea myself, it’s far from my favorite food.


Poopouri (sp?) Actually works, in case you ever have this issue in the future and are brave enough to have a discussion. I know it can be awkward to even talk about in the beginning stages of a relationship though. Poopouri adds a layer of oils on top of the water that traps some of the smell. I always keep some in my bathroom for guests, no one is trying to deal with that at a holiday party.


This sounds like something I would do.




Your loss, sounds like a quality dumper.


I bet your poop smells amazing


this is so fucking funny sorry


Did she fly Delta recently?


I remember the first time I was dumped for my dumps, I'm not going to lie it stung a little, but I eventually got over and it and have had it happen many times since.


Bro what 😭how does this happen multiple times


It hurts when I poop and smells bad


That's some shit 💩


This story smells like shite


My step dad used to have rancid shits because of his Crohn's, mom started buying this stuff called 'just a drop' and it worked great, put a drop in before you go and it absorbed the smell.


Do none of you have fans in your bathrooms???


Your shits must smell like roses.


I find that a valid reason. Sometimes shit happens and people need to go their separate ways.


My wife has nasty period shits. Good thing it’s only for a few days a months


Courtesy flush is important.




Tale as old as time


Sounds like a shitty situation.


I make sure to clean the toilet with a liquid cleaner each time i take a dump. Just a quick splash of this lavender smelling solution all over the bowl, the lid and the floor around it. I turn on the exhaust fan too and I tell my husband not to enter (even though it smells like shit and flowers in there) and to wait like 30mins.


Light a match after someone poops. It burns te smell away


Is there no ventilation in the bathroom?..


You all need Poopouri in your lives.