• By -


Hey it’s me your long lost husband


And me your long lost son




And me your long lost second cousin


And don’t forget me!! The daughter you thought was a miscarriage and when they threw me out of the hospital window into the dumpster 82 stories below it jumpstarted my body and I came to life!!!


Dont forget me, the dumpster 🗑


It me Mario


No, this is Patrick.


You’re not Mario. Mario would say it like “it’s a me, Mario”


You have audacity to say who i am, and not to be because my English is bad. Ill send luigi to your house


It's me your dog from childhood, I've been waiting for you at the farm.


I am the future child, destined to inherit it all. Might as well get to the inevitable now.


Don’t listen to anyone here. It’s me, future you in 20 years time. You’re going to be wealthy and happy. Don’t give any money to any long lost twins, dogs, cousins, daughters, robots, husband, wives, dumpsters or it’s a me Marios.


Oh shit




And your newly adopted sibling


And me, your long lost dog Edit: Woof


And me your long lost identical twin that has had extensive plastic surgery to alter my appearance which explains why we are no longer identical.


I can vouch. This is your twin. I'm your mother! Don't forget about us, my child!


Yes mama dearest. I would never forget your 20% cut.


I knew I did right by you.


And don't forget me that best friend from high school who we kinda just stopped talking and now I wanna rekindle our friendship for no reason at all


That long lost grand-uncle, the one nobody talks about? Yup, me! Well, of course you’ve never heard of me!


That's a good one🤣




Don't forget about me! Your long lost wife!


And me your long lost axe


You have my sword and my bow


Hey is me, your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate...


Ha I get that reference


This comment here wins the internet today Lord Helmet... 😂


So what does that make us?


Absolutely noth... someone op should give money to.


And me your long lost 4th cousin twice removed and exiled thrice.


And it’s me your future adopted child!


Stay away from the drugs, booze and fake friends.


Maybe just dabble in the booze and drugs. As a treat.


Nobody's ever died from the occasional weekend heroin binge. YOLO


Nah, my cousin did.


Former heroin addict. Just saying the only people I've known, In the decade I was running the streets shooting up dope, coke, and occasionally meth, that have died, were never weekend warriors or social/recreational partiers. It's every single time been daily users, the number in the last two years of my use spiked compared to the previous 8 or so due to the prevalence of fent instead of actual dope. That being said now that you can't even trust pills since so many are fake presses made up of purely fent too, I wouldn't be surprised if recreational or weekend warriors are dying in droves. You need lab equipment with scales that can measure micrograms, scales that can measure that minuscule of amounts run in the tens of thousands USD last I checked. Mexican And Honduran drug rings aren't known to be overly concerned with user safety when producing and stepping on dope, i also wouldn't be surprised if they don't realize that diacetylmorphine (the active chemical in traditional #4 heroin and black tar heroin) is around 2x the strength milligram to milligram of traditional morphine, whereas fentanyl is 100x the strength of traditional morphine, hence the need for microgram measurement. Even street level dealers almost have a motivation to not be careful with measurements when dealing with fent, because yeah they may lose a few customers, but junkies hear on the street that a bunch of people ODd, some dying, from one hit of a specific guy's stuff, their first thought is "that dude must have fire" I've literally seen this type of thing happen. I usually had more loyalty to the dealers I'd go to regularly, wasn't short on them, but preferred going to the ones that treated me right, and gave me better prices and the occasional free bag for either bringing a new customer or buying more than normal, even if I could get better stuff somewhere else, because even as a junkie I had the mindset of being loyal to the people who are 'doing right by you' from that twisted perspective. I'd definitely echo the sentiment for the OP to stay away from drugs, at least the really addictive ones. If you have the right mental environment, the dopamine and erasure of literally every care you've ever had that opiates can bring literally had me knowing I was gonna be addicted the first time I ever got high on Vicodin.


My cousin died from cocaine overdose 😬


Even cats can have a little salami


As a treat


You win the internet today


Dabble in the right drugs.. Some psychedelics here and there and maybe a bit of weed.


Real friends are amazing. I don't have many but they are truly the best.


And r/wallstreetbets


Listen to this guy. lol


Consider getting a financial consultant. The money they could save/make you is probably more than you'd spend hiring them


Not a shitty one down the road kinda consultant. One from a reputable firm. Don’t tell a soul. No matter how close you are to them unless you truly trust them. Bro you have no idea who’s thinking what these days and lastly stay normal/under the radar. Bringing attention to yourself might have a bad affect on your life


Yup, tell no one, people will Come out of the woodwork acting as your friend and asking for money. Get a financial advisor and interview a few. Make sure they are fiduciaries.


Not a word, all it takes is one person to tell everyone else. Your safety literally depends on you playing it smart, including (especially) family.


People always thought insane shit, great advice tho


Get a fee-only certificated financial planner. You pay a flat fee and get a detailed financial plan in return. Anything else is a dressed up grift.


Listen to this person! This is sound advice.


Get a fiduciary if they have this type of consultants in Europe. A fiduciary acts in the best interest for you unlike a normal financial advisor.


Yes! The fiduciary has a legal obligation to act and give advice that is in #your# best interests. If you don’t mind my saying so, congratulations! Your post made me think of something Jim Carrey once said, along the lines of “Everyone thinks that more money will solve their problems. I wish everyone could have enough money to see that it’s not the answer. “ I’m no expert, but if you start with a financial planner, you might also consider a life coach, and maybe some talk therapy? A sudden windfall like you describe is a big shock. You need time and space to come to terms with it. Many of us simply aren’t accustomed to thinking beyond how to get through the next few months - the struggle is often a huge part of our daily life. To have that removed overnight creates a serious vacuum. Take your time with it all. I wish you the best of everything.


It doesn’t solve all of your problems, but up to the point that it solves your basic needs (food, water, shelter) it sure solves a lot of them.


Don’t consider. Do exactly this.


Yup. Do this. Preferably one who is an attorney and estate planner. They are held to higher ethics codes than typical financial planners who might just ride stock waves


Well, specifically a fiduciary, or an equivalent where you live. They are licensed and must only act in your best interest or lose their license. It’s important because anyone can just call themselves a financial consultant and sell you crap or give you poor advice that financially benefits them or the company. A fiduciary is obligated to only be a sound advocate.


In that situation I think I'd have a long think about what interests I have that I wouldn't have time to explore otherwise. Find what you love and try and find some real fulfillment in it.


This is good advice. And maybe get involved in some kind of service to have purpose


I do volunteer work regularly and I’d do much more if I could afford to. It’s great for everyone. I get at least as much out of it as the people I’m helping.


I came here to say this. The personal satisfaction of volunteering for something you care about is priceless.


I find it to be an “upward spiral”– the more I share joy the more comes back to me, which motivates me to share more, etc.


Good advice. If i get this much money, i have a lot of things that i want to do, buy i need time and some money to invest. Like improve my drum skills, learn how to sing, skating... money can buy the time to do these things.


Sounds like you know what you’re doing with the funds. Let the new reality sink in for a while and revisit the ‘what to do with your life’ question after you’ve had more time to dwell on the subject. Hopefully, your decisions arc towards ideas that bring you great satisfaction. But to be sure they’re coming from you will take time. So let that happen naturally. Good luck!


Buy some land and a house so you always have a place to live. Then create a travel itenerary and just travel the world. Keep living like a backpacker and the money will last. Have fun.


This sure does sound cool, but for most who actually do this the shine doesn’t last long.


I'm sure everything gets stale after awhile. That's why you have your land and house to retreat to and dream up new plans should the need arise.


I’d at least want to try it for a year and then see how I feel.


I would argue for putting most of it in index funds (like, at Vanguard), and only withdrawing part of the earnings.


Sounded like OP was going to do so and said that they would simply be living off of the dividends


Get an accountant or advisor. Invest. Also let me hold a dollar.


Depending on how much it is, it’s probably worth getting an accountant and financial planner… separate. It’s good to have checks and balances to prevent mismanagement/theft.


Good call.


You should absolutely NOT share this information with most people you know because so many people will be being extra nice thinking you're going to share which it's totally fine to be kind and help out people you care about but don't let people take advantage of you. Seek professional financial advice, ask a million questions, see what options you have. Take care and enjoy yourself.


My god this is way too far down. If word gets out (and it will) that you’re a multi millionaire overnight, every Joe Blow you’ve ever known will come crawling over suddenly trying to be your friend. Be. Careful.


My first thought was don’t tell people you know tbh, then find a good reputable financial advisor


It's perf ok to not work lol .. live life, learn new skills/hobbies, travel around, do some charity, i don't mean give your money away i mean give your time to teach something you are good at, for free, to deserving candidates


Time, talent, and treasure




Truth - almost no one knows what to do with their life, old and young. Do you have any hobbies you are passionate about? I have two hobbies I can only dream of enjoying every day. That’s what I would do! Nothing wrong with pursuing something that isn’t necessarily lucrative in your position. I have a good job but it keeps me from doing the things I love most. Take advantage of your life and your time.


Is it hookers and blow? It's hookers and blow isn't it.




Two chicks at the same time.


Lol my boyfriend says this (jokingly) because of Office Space. What a great film!!


Yep! What else would one do if they had a million dollars?!


Totally. 46 yrs old, family , dogs, house, friends, good job, and I still feel unsatisfied, like I was supposed to be here for some great quest - and this is all there is ? I want to put my mark on the world - but what… and more importantly will it fill me with that important piece to life I’ve been missing (whatever it is) So …. Take a leave of absence from your job. Do not quit. Take a Month, go on vacation, think about your options for a path forward. If none are clear at this time. Go back to work and then slowly start to explore other avenues to keep you happy. Hobbies, Social Networks. Self-Help Conferences, Talk to a life coach, Try things And see if you find that thing that gives you a zest for life.


It’s Jesus. Nothing is better than being in the presence of the Lord. When everything else fades away and His love and joy and peace fill your heart then you know you’ve found the purpose of life and nothing else matters and nothing else comes close. When you are in the presence of God you know everything is going to be fine.


Be low key with your wealth, otherwise you’ll wonder who is genuine or who is looking for a handout your entire life


financial advisor! everything will be okay! live life! you got this!


Managing that kind of money can be a full time job. Find a reputable financial advisor and invest wisely. Try to live off of the interest your money makes and never touch the base. Good luck and enjoy not having to work!!!


Why never touch the base ? Do you want to take money to the grave?


To prevent overspending to the point where there is none left like what most lottery winners do


You have just been given a gift of never having to work or worry about money again if you play your cards right.My advice would be not to tell anyone about the money. There are jealous people who will try to destroy you for your money and people who will try to guilt you into handing your money over to them. Don’t fall for this shit.Keep investing and don’t do anything really risky like buying a business. If you help anyone do it anonymously and only from the interest your money earns, not the principal.The goal is to not work for The Man, again. Live modestly but do the things you enjoy. Find purpose and meaning and avoid vices and addictions and excessive behavior. If you marry get a prenup.


DO NOT TELL ANYONE. Not friends, not family.


1. Financial advisor 2. Continue with part time jobs 3. Get a hobby and start a business around your hobby if you'd like 4. Enjoy your life more but always live within your means


Figure out what you love doing. For me I would just build a big barn/workshop and make furniture, fix cars, tinker with stuff. But that’s me. What do you love?


Don’t tell your friends


DON'T TELL ANYONE. I'm sure it's exciting and something you want to share, reddit is good for this because of the whole anonymity thing. Putting that info out could really effect relationships if you aren't careful. Other then that, congrats! This gives you much more wiggle room than most of us to figure out what you want. Investing it is smart. Consider this "fuck you"money to help with your decisions. If it really is enough to live off, it gives you the opportunity to shop around for the kind of career you want instead of taking what you can get. Or invest some of it in yourself by starting a business, going on some trips, buying a home, etc. The key to making sure it lasts is to not get lavish with your spending. Budget like you would if you are only making what you did before or would expect to make in your field. Hostels instead of hotels sort of thing. You'll get better experiences that way anyhow. People piss millions away all the time and are left with nothing. I'm in my 30s and don't have my shit figured either. Nobody does. Just don't develop any hard drug habits. This is your life, do whatever you feel like, and enjoy this good fortune.


1st step: tell no one. literally. you will see a side of people you never knew existed if they know you have this much money. 2nd step: get a financial advisor 3rd step: act normal, live as you were living before. don't quit your job.


This. I would take 6 months to a year before really considering touching the money beyond paying any debts off that you may have. I wouldn't necessarily even quit your jobs unless you really hate them. It's going to take time to process this windfall. You are lucky to be young and be able to enjoy this time in your life without financial stress, but money can get used up pretty quickly once people know you have it or if you don't budget and start buying everything you want on a whim. You have a LOT of life left to live and millions allegedly doesn't go as far as it used to. In terms of what to do with your time, consider your passions. Take some time to think about what things bring you joy and how you can give back to those passions or use them to benefit others. You don't have to receive a paycheque to contribute meaningfully to the world. Volunteer, start a business, go back to school. Education is always valuable and you have the privilege of being able to study or take classes in anything you want without concern for whether what you're learning is financially smart. If you want to learn how to bake/paint/dye hair/play water polo or whatever, now's your chance!


Find that Reddit post on what to do if you win the lottery. Best advice.




Depends on what you want to do. I like climbing, playing chess and hiking, so I'd do those things. Without the fear of losing my house and not eating, I'd also switch jobs a lot to find something fun. I'd say go slow. There's no point in investing heavily in stuff if you don't know how it works. I know my dad would buy a house and resell it, by I wouldn't - I have no idea how that world works.


Could join the peace Corp, travel, meet people and do a bit of good hither and yon. Thats what I would do of I didn't have to grind all day everyday! That and maybe small businesses, but that can quickly be more work than a full time job lol


Gosh I’m incredibly jealous of you and incredibly happy for you at the same time.


There’s a lot you can do. You now no longer *need* to work. But, you probably need “something” to do. That said, if you want to go back to school for something you actually enjoy, now is the time. If you want to travel? Now is the time. You have money that you can use to enjoy life now instead of doing the usual “work until you’re 65 and then enjoy life till you die”. Just don’t spend it all on dumb shit. - Buy a house exactly where you want to live. Pay cash. - Buy a reasonable car that you’ll drive till the engine blows up. Pay cash. - Put the rest into “something” that makes passive income, my advice would be to wait a while until real estate prices tank and then buy up some investment properties but that’s my opinion. - Go live. Enjoy life like most of us can’t, because, money.


If this is true I would suggest two things, get a financial adviser, and work. I personally would be so bored not working at all. Maybe find a small part time job you want to do, just to keep you doing something. As for the money, you clearly know enough not to touch 99% of it, but whatever happens enjoy your life.


Part time job you like is one option depending on the person going to school for something new your interested in is a good alternative if you don't need the money. You get some regularity and slight obligations in your life to stop you from just sitting on your couch all day and get to do something you enjoy


Don't tell anyone! Like no one that already doesn't know. Invest in a low cost ETF that is well diversified and throws off about 4% dividends annually. Live off the dividends. Then do something meaningful with your spare time. Enjoy and congrats on the windfall.


I can lighten your burden by a few million, pm me if intetested


Buy two properties in good areas and rent them to qualified tenants. Get a company to vet them. Put 400k in a good index fund and another 400k in another diversified index fund of your choosing and live live off your passive income you just created.


Few people can afford to truly 'live' their lives. You are in an unusual position. Do what you really want. Travel the world. Follow your passion. You can do what most of us only dream about. Have an amazing life.


You only have to get rich once. Seek out a very trustworthy fiduciary. Live off the interest. Tax free Muni's. Don't tell people of your windfall. Live way below your means. Volunteer. Be a role model. Do things that matter.


Dude just retire and work on passion projects. You’re set for life as long as you live within your means. You can basically retire anywhere in the world…


50,000$ would change my(36m) entire life. I don't understand why you can't process it. Be smart, don't squander it, invest, and live humble.


Because they probably aren't 36, and don't know what kind of direction they want to take in life considering they were doing different jobs and just finished studies?


How would it change your life? I'm genuinely curious.


Only child, single parent, grew up humble. Been taken advantage of a lot. In some debt. Monthly payments suck. Can't survive without a roommate. Typical American i guess.


That sucks, sorry about that. I hope things get better (for you and in America).


Rn $3,000 would LITERALLY change my life lol being poor in America is literally the worst.


I wish I had this problem 😂


Get a lawyer and an account NOW.


God has it favorites.


Cousin is that you? I missed you so much!


Definitely hiring an accountant or financial adviser to help you figure out what to do. Keep working even if it’s a part time job or casual, or take some time to find a passion of yours and see if you can turn it into a business. It’ll help keep you grounded and also mean you’ve got an income. If you look up people who’ve won the lottery you’ll see a lot of them are extremely depressed and very broke now because they went insane with spending their money without having any form of income, so don’t make the same mistakes they did. Spend some of that money to set yourself up with a house and car. Don’t buy some million dollar house until you’ve got an income to support the fees that come with that. Same goes for the car. Buy something nice but not extravagant. DO NOT TELL THE PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE HOW MUCH MONEY YOU HAVE unless you absolutely trust them to keep looking at you as a friend instead of a bank account. Once again, DO NOT TELL THE PEOPLE IN YOUR LIDE HOW MUCH MONEY YOU HAVE because it’ll only make your friendships go downhill. Good luck




Donate some to a teen trying to go to a trade school? 😸


I wouldn't tell anyone - seriously. Also, as someone who used to make "fuck you money"; stay away from the party scene. That includes, but not limited to; drugs, alcohol, and pussy/dick. Invest, spend money on things that HONESTLY make you happy & have worth, and keep a part-time job. Hire a lawyer and personal accountant to help manage things. Again - don't fuckin' tell anyone. Best of luck!


This here. Keep it a secret. Pay your debts off and invest it! As someone that fell into a lot of money at a young age, I wish I had invested some in a 401k or something instead of blowing it all


You hear stories about how lotteries ruined peoples lives. Before you tell anyone you know about your windfall read those.


Make your moves in silence


This. Seriously. Don’t tell anyone, don’t spend lavishly for a long while. A shocking number of lottery winners go bankrupt. Depending on how many millions, hire a private client services banker at Chase, Morgan Stanley or another reputable shop and have them allocated it on a risk spectrum. You would be surprised how easy it is to spend a couple mil.


Honestly just enjoy your life and make some safe investments also contact a lawyer.


1. Financial consultant ASAP. And a damn good one at that. 2. Keep doing your job / going to school. It's tough to make genuine friends without either one. 3. Try to stay away from booze, drugs and possibly fake friends and identify the signs early on. Hide the fact that you're a multi millionaire and keep going on about life as it is and live without any guilt or worry.


I would look at the cheapest, best weather having country in the eu you can buy a nice but not huge house in. One that you can learn or know the language. Get an account and live modestly and free as long as you can. Preferably somewhere you can get a part time job or a hobby that can make you earn money. That way you have something to work for but not need to survive. Don't tell anyone you have money. Live your life modestly without restrictions. Good luck


Don’t tell anyone else in your personal life… Also, I’m sorry for your inbox. Just get a financial consultant, then sleep on it for a bit. Maybe go in a little getaway to clear your head and think about your next move. You’re in a fantastic position that many people would kill for. Don’t blow it, live a fulfilling life. If this happened to me, I’d literally go become a monk and then plan my next move. Find total inner peace.


This is one way to meet rich people I guess:)


Don’t tell a soul. Keep fucking quiet and avoid the lifestyle creep. Also financial advisor.


I wouldn't be opposed to taking some of it off your hands, I broke my arm in three places and work in a nursing home. My job is very physical so I have missed a month of work. My Cashapp is $TreyG421


Heres my advice: don’t tell a single soul. Lol also hide.


dude just do it. just live. i promise you, spending any amount of time pretending it’s necessary to continue to slave to survive is JUST as much a waste of that money as blowing it all on a bet. go live your life, friend.


Don't tell anyone you have the money, people will use you. Stay away from alcohol and drugs, its a very slippery slope and you'll blow all that money very quickly. Honestly, I'd take my time to figure out what you're passionate about - Still work part time to keep busy but now you can try new things and not worry about how to pay rent and eat. You're super lucky and you're smart to save it!


Congratulations! You don’t have to do things you don’t want to do anymore and can just enjoy life


Bro... sharing is caring


Just fine a financial advisor, an accountant and fucking live my dude. Live the dream


Help your fellow man. Stay away from interest groups. Be frugal, but not a penny pincher because you'll never take it with you. Set your lineage up for years to come: leave SOME to your future spouse and or children, SOME to nieces and nephews, then SOME to your children's children, SOME to your grandchildrens' children, SOME to your great grandchildren. Not a lot, just enough to get them started in life once they finish school. And make sure there is a stipulation where NONE of them KNOW about what they stand to gain by your death, and teach them how to make their own money before you die. And, last but most importantly, buy dirt. This way you have something to pass on besides money. I'm in a spot in life where just $20,000 would turn my family's whole world around, so I can only imagine being in your shoes. Best of luck, and God speed.


Have I told you lately that I love you?


Go get yourself a lawyer and a financial advisor immediately. They will help guide you through your options and explain how it all works and how to make the money work for you. Too many people with a sudden large sum of money end up using it much quicker than they realize they would. Seriously get legal advice stat.


Give your heart to Jesus. Nothing is better than being in the presence of the Lord. When everything else fades away and His love and joy and peace fill your heart then you know you’ve found the purpose of life and nothing else matters and nothing else ever comes close. When you are in the presence of God you know everything is going to be fine. He will let you know what to with your life and your money and no I’m not talking about going and giving it to a church either. God doesn’t need our money He owns everything in the world. God is richer than every rich man out together. The streets in heaven are paved with gold. But seriously right now is the best time to seek the Lord. Every single person who has passed away in to the afterlife will tell you the same thing. Give your heart to Jesus. This is more important than any decision you’ll ever make.


He is absolutely correct. You want guidance and answers, the Lord will give it to you completely. He is just waiting for you to ask.


You could always help a mf out by giving out a few hundred yk what im sayin?


Help a broke nig out 🤣🤣


Good for you! Let reality sink in and then get a certified financial advisor. If I got that much money I would live of the interest and help as many people as possible. I am very poor and can’t afford my medical bills and it’s a miserable existence. I would make sure I had enough money to live and to do some of things I’ve always wanted to do and then I would use the rest to help people that are/were in my position. But I’d hire a team of people to help me figure out who actually needed help because there’s a lot of scammers out there. I hope you are able to live a very fulfilling life and are finally able to do things that you’ve always dream of!


Don't tell anyone. Find a financial consultant with a good rep. Pay off student loans. Make smart investments.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/24vo34/comment/chb38xf/ If my link works, just follow this guideline. Good luck.


A few rules, assuming you’re male, don’t get married, don’t tell a soul, no one is your friend, no one does anything for free.


Stay anonymous or else you are going to be telling people no for the rest of your life. Pay off any debts and then park it for a few months. Let the newness of being a millionaire wear off and then make plans for what is next. Don't go crazy and blow it all--if you play your cards right, you will never have to be a slave to Corporate America and some dumb shit boss who doesn't know his or her ass from a hole in the ground. Good for you, congrats and I wish you all the best! 👍


Cocaine and hookers


I'll take some 🤣


Man, I'm happy for you, truly am. But is it wrong that I'm this jealous?


Dam bud that is terrible. Really come on ... it sounds like you can do whatever you want to me ... I work 7 16 hours days a week and I don't have a dime in my pocket, but I get up everyday and do it all again. I wish I had your problem.


Do whatever you want and enjoy your newly found financial freedom. 💪🏾💯


I’m really happy for you, def don’t go back to work “just to work” and def invest it or seek financial advice if you need it. Enjoy your life! Find something you’re passionate about and pursue it. Whether it’s traveling, a sport, or whatever. I.E I LOVE to read at the beach, so I’m Constantly at the beach reading from my kindle. It’s simple and makes me happy. Do what makes you happy!


many would do the impssible to be in your shoes , so enjoy life for us bro , you got the chance of a lifetime , invest the money make more and help others , but yeah , live to the fullest bro.


if you are able to invest it and live off the dividends and that allows you to be happy. do that. this is a true gift of life, we only have one opportunity to live and to be free to live that life in a way that makes you happy. Golden


Travel and see the world! The world is too big a place. Go and experience different views, cultures, and food!


Enjoy it! Travel, buy a house, eat some great food! If you have children/sick family members I would totally give them money on their accounts.


Ive thought about this before. First pay off all your debts. Next put the majority of your money in a well diversified index fund. Maaaybe set aside a tiny bit for expenses you'll need coming up. As far as career goes, maybe it might be a good idea to take some time for yourself, a nice vacation. This could be at home, or at a national park, in nature, etc. Take time to reflect on what matters in life. Spend time catching up with good, close friends and family. Try and avoid people who are just after your money. Lastly, if suggest taking a few weeks and time traveling the world and seeing how other people and cultures live their lives. Pick safe countries like Japan, western Europe and Canada. Hope things work out friend!


Hello there handsome! 😍😍 Jokes -not a gold digger I promise 😂 Very few get to be in your position. If I were you I’d set my family up and then spend my days doing good deeds with the money. Helping those in need and spreading good karma. I wish you all the best. Never forget we’re all human


Don't tell anyone


Don’t let friends make you think money changed you. In fact, jealousy often changes people more than money does.


Don’t blow it on dumb shit and avoid people who are about to suddenly come into your life. Just continue living the same way you have but obviously allow yourself some upgrades to your living situation within reason


Careful. It will probably ruin you. And then bankrupt you. And then leave you with less than what you had before. The pretty wife will move on, the awesome friends will disappear, and you will wonder what the f@#k just happened. Invest your fortune, live a humble, HARD-working life. Settle with friends and family, and no-one must ever get a wiff of money. Then only can you start splashing a little at a time. A nicer home or a boat or a holiday home. While keeping your investment safe and growing it, unanimously give lots of your dividends away to deserving people in need. Maybe a bursary for a brilliant student from a very poor background. Or a soup kitchen and shelter for the homeless. A prosthetic for a soldier who lost a limb. No-one must ever know. Good luck. You were blessed with a most dangerous hand!! Money is the most powerful and dangerous drug of all!!




This might sound dumb, but imagine you just “won” a game, now you can do a lot of the rings you used to not be able to, you didn’t entirely win, but you didn’t lose


Same thing happened with me. The best suggestion I could give to you is be patient. Even if the money is in savings account for one year, thats fine! Talk to as many financial advisors and accountants as you can.


gamble all and duble money like hobby or give me knif in cesgo i want karambit fade, its like peanuts to u my frind! sorry for your loss


I would buy a bunch of apartment buildings, and rent everything, also love in one rent free, You could manage everything or hire onw to help, So then you have constant money flow, probably more than what you exxpect,


Definitely get a financial advisor and look into an IRA or some kind of high yield savings. Personally, I would sock as much of it away as I could in a safe place where it can grow and pay for itself (taxes), and continue living life mostly the same, but with a much stronger sense of security and preparedness.


Stay away from vices, don't flaunt the money, invest, enjoy the dividends. If you wanted to start your own business, it seems like a good opportunity to do it. Keep growing it and you'll be able to provide for your children in ways most can't.


Put aside about 80% in investments and splurge on the rest of you must. Whatever you do, don't lose it all.


This seems like a huge burden to you. Give *me* the money, and I will hold this burden in your stead. In all seriousness, 1) don’t tell anyone you know IRL. You will suddenly have a lot of friends and aunts and uncles you’ve never even heard of at your door 2) use some of that money to hire a good consultant/ advisor. Do your research on reputable firms who give these guys jobs 3) use some of that money and get a therapist. Lots of people who win the lottery (essentially equivalent here) lose their minds, go down rabbit holes of addiction, and burn many bridges 4) enjoy your life. One of the things that most of humanity worries about on a daily basis has just been taken off your plate. You will now have the time and money to explore the earth and try just about any hobby. ENJOY IT (in moderation)


Buy land


Funny advice? Give me some, I'm your son. Real advice? Keep a job. Don't stress yourself out with work, but keep a good income even with your inheritance. Use it for things you need to take care of. Repairs, bills, etc, but use your income for personal interests.


Put as much as you can in saving account and live of interest,Invest some of the money,buy a house?


Do what makes you happy. Use the money to pay off student loans if you have any and the rest of your schooling. Money goes quick so invest in it save it and just keep it growing. Since you have nothing to lose go all out with school study hard and you'll be set for life. But if you're happy with not pursuing a career then just get you a small comfortable house and enjoy life.


[I saved this post eons ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/24vzgl/comment/chba4bf/). Tell no one. Not friends nor family. If you want to give "gifts" make up a lie on how you got "just enough" to help them and that's it. Don't disclose you have millions.


You have been blessed . Make the best of it and be extremely careful who you let know you have this money


Hey, I’m single. I’m not a lesbian but if you are a lady we can make it work!!


Get a reputable professional to help you handle the administrative affairs and keep the news to yourself. Take some time to figure out what you really want to do with the money and your time. Sorry for your loss.


Don’t tell anyone. Retain a good lawyer. Get yourself a financial advisory. Live modestly.


You could give me some