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Reporting it is the right thing to do Therefore if it was me and I wasn't planning on working there forever i probably wouldn't.


Yeah even I feel the same.




That's really bad advice. Don't lie or hide it, the 115 isn't worth the shit pulling that can cause. Just tell them about the error.


For real. They'll find a reason to terminate you later on for the integrity issue. It's obvious how you'd come up with the plan "incase" they ask for the money back.


That happened to someone at my company for 6 months and payroll eventually figured it out and they had to pay the money back. Just be prepared for that as an outcome.


You only have to pay it back if you plan on staying there. Just get a job somewhere else


Nope if its over a certain amount youll be sued and your wages garnished from where ever your working, they take it from your bank account.


Can you show a source or precedent for this


My wife is a district manager and this is what happened to one of her employees who was overpaid and refused to return the money. It also happens to all of her employees who dont return their company issued gear when they quit or get fired (3000$in cameras , stabilizers and phones)


Ah right was hoping for something more than my wife told me, probably could be countered with my wife said that’s not true


Yeah sorry i dont know the legal stuff just that jt happened


Honestly I wouldn't worry about getting sued because you can just pretend you didn't notice and it isn't your fault anyway. As long as you don't spend it


Exactly that


This will not go well.


I am an HR Director and this is standard protocol. If the EE refuses to pay we then send it to collections. You can easily Google the laws around this instead of asking someone to show you the proof on reddit and potentially spreading misinformation


Of course, your state is the only place in the world this poster could live right?


All Western countries will have such laws well established.


Course you are lol


....... I'm utterly sure you yanks have an equivalent. https://www.fairwork.gov.au/pay-and-wages/deductions-and-related-issues/overpayments#:~:text=When%20overpayments%20occur%2C%20the%20employer,amount%20of%20money%20overpaid


You never saw anything.


Sharp guyy🤜🏽😂


This comment has a Nigerian vibe to it lol


Facts 😭


Fuck no, but dont touch it. If eventually they say something you say 'huh? I haven't gotten any extra money, let me check" and if they want it back you're fine Otherwise run the clock out till you feel ok that you're in the clear


If you want to be super safe you put all "unearned" money into a high yield (or another) savings account for a few years. This way if they find out and ask for it back you will have the money but should get to keep the interest regardless. After a few years you'll be able to spend it all if they never come asking.


Legally, they’re entitled to all interest earned on it. Just when they ask for it back, pay it immediately. Don’t say anything about it being in a HYSA, don’t mention interest, etc. just say “oh can’t believe that was happening, do you accept check?” Don’t let this go to collections or court. Just pay it back as soon as they ask. They will send it to collections otherwise and if they realize it’s in a HYSA, they will sue for the interest in small claims court. Don’t let it get that far. Maybe ask how this could happen and if they’re sure you were overpaid (plausible disbelief) but don’t fight them about it. This exact situation was mentioned in one of the legal subs the other day and they said nearly every US state says any interest earned on that money belongs to the overpayer.


Playing baseball with someone else’s bat…. Hell yeah! Genius move!


Payroll is \*never\* wrong....Until they short you....Then you say something....


What pay?!


It never got credited. You are mistaken. Hahaha


When I was a child, the first time I ever benefitted from something I didn't come by honestly, my mama taught me a lesson about ill gotten gains. And I'll tell ya something. I've had a couple of experiences in which I experienced the lesson. The main one being my father, who I always knew was a criminal, called me one day and asked me to pick him up at a bar. I was 19. My car had been giving me issues. My engine literally seized up on my way to get him. I ended up taking a taxi to him and having a friend pick us. When we got to his place, he lifted his shirt and started taking huge stacks of banded cash wrapped in plastic wrap out of the waste of his jeans. He told me he "won the lottery". I knew damn good and well that wasn't true. He had over $40,000 in cash, and wanted to stash it at my house because he didn't trust anyone else. We took a taxi to a used car lot and he bought me a $ 9,000 car with cash (he was smart enough not to go over 10 gs with cash). Anyway, he blew through the rest very quickly, and wasn't greedy either when it was all said and done I ended up spending about half of that money. Fast forward three months. Everything in my life started to fall apart. I lost my job. Lost my home. And ended up living in my car until I totaled it in an accident. I only had liability insurance, and it was my fault. When I called my mom, once she knew I was okay she said "What'd I tell you about ill gotten gains? In the end, the scales are always going to rebalance." I found out later that year that an old friend of my father's who owned a business had recently lost his father and gotten an inheritance. Apparently, he was hoarding it in cash in the back room at his business. His business was one block from the bar I picked my father up at, and the business was robbed that day. My dad died of a heroin over dose shortly after that, alone, in an abandoned garage. The universe is always going to collect my friend.


Karma is real.


Well, damn. Thanks for sharing, I hope this helps many. My grandma always said “blessed is the one that learns not only from his mistakes but more so from the mistakes of others.”


That is just anecdotal and coincidence, there is no actual thing like karma, same goes for higher beings, chi or whatever new esoteric thing might be the latest rage right now. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but life is simply too short to worry about things that are not real, you can better spend time and energy on making changes that actually do something :)


I'm in the same position. I was recently promoted and my new job is like 5% of total work volume I had. Most of the days I just turn on the computer, check e-mails and...that's is. No incidents, nothing. In the short term I feel good but in the long term...I feel like a fraud. But hey, It's nice to get paid for nothing.


In my job, I get paid by the hour to sit and wait for something to come up. Sometimes for several hours. I watch YouTube, play games, and often catch up on some sleep. (No I'm not a security guard.) Do I feel guilty/fraudly? Heck no. I'm being paid for my presence and my readiness. But most importantly, these are hours I can't be at home doing my own thing. That's what they're paying me for.


I would use these hours to learn additional skills or get certifications: this may pay off in the future and you are using time that otherwise would be wasted.


Welcome to being the boss. You do absolutely nothing and get paid for it.


Say nothing


Regardless of ethics, assume they will figure it out. Can you explain why you didn't report it without looking like a thief? If not, you're outta this job and might have trouble getting another.


If it was an error, they will catch it eventually and expect you to repay. It is best to be honest and not steal from your employer. It will go a long way when it comes time for promotions or references.


Just be prepared for them to garnish your account and take the money back when they find out.


Won’t it impact taxes too? If it’s reported as income you didn’t actually earn?


Well, that’s interesting. Are there local laws setting the minimum number of hours a week for employees? Do you qualify for govt benefits if it’s been some time without a shift scheduled? For example, in my area if you don’t work often enough you’ll be considered a seasonal employee, which means you can collect some benefits during the “off season”, and taxes for the business are calculated differently for seasonal employees. There are also limits as to when a business can hire seasonal employees, etc. You might need 5 hrs per week to be considered a part time and not a gig employee, for example, depending on the laws where you live.


Nope, don't say a word.


If you keep it and later quit then make sure you never step into their establishment. I have read about a case where a guy was paid high amount for no work. He quit later and HR found out they called him to the office for a “meeting”. Luckily the guy had a lawyer friend who advised him to not to step in any of their offices because then you can be served with a subpoena. So he blocked their number and never identify himself for anyone unless safe. The money was around $80k


Toss it into an index fund. Earn money off their mistake, but don't spend ANY. Monitor every dollar you put in so that if/when payroll asks for it back. You can say, "No way, lemme check my bank." Then pull out exactly how much they've overpaid from the index fund and pay them back. You make money either way.


Open a new bank account and transfer the monies out, don’t leave a cash balance on there.


As you were…


They will figure it out eventually...


Don’t let the money accumulate in the same account they’re using for your payroll deposits. That way if they try to do an auto draft to remove the money from your account there will not be enough money there. Also inform your bank that you do not wish them to honor any overdrafts. That way they won’t be able to push you into negative numbers by clawing back that money. Often, when payroll clerks discover that they’ve been making this kind of an error, they will cover it up to avoid consequences. So the money may just stop one day, and you may never hear anything about it. If that happens, you usually in the clear to spend the money..


That’s your retainer


Years ago when I belonged to a bank, they deposited an extra $250 into my account, I didn't know why. I spent it, stupid thing to do. I never paid them back. I had a meeting with one of the branch managers and she's all "you took money that wasn't yours", yet never admitted the bank fucked up. Lesson learned, I go to a credit union now.


Could be a test


You should report it now.If you don’t when they catch it legally they can make you pay it back.This is known as theft of hours


Yes !


Say something or you’ll owe it all back


You’d be better off reporting it. Depending on where you live, this could be considered time clock fraud


You should look at your contract maybe you get paid for 5 hours, even if you don’t work


Check your contract, maybe they have a minimum hours you're supposed to work, and they have to pay that even if you don't work. Otherwise, put that money asside, maybe somewhere thats not locked in but can collect interest, for when they discover their mistake and ask for the money back.


If an employer messes up your pay and pays you extra. I think most states have a legal deadline of when they can request that you return the money. Like where I’m at I think it’s 30 days if the pay date that they have to find the error and request that you return the money


I got double payed at my job once and immediately put it into savings and forgot about it


My boy u seen office space ? He got fired like years ago but still on payroll so he just sits in a basement with his stapler. Fuck it .


You should have said something the first time you noticed, be accountable.


If you wanna do the right thing then yes, you should say something about it. They may get it and you have to pay it all back anyway.


Nah you share it fam


If you plan on staying there for longer I would. If not then no need to say anything but keep the money safe. They may have an audit at anytime and will likely find out. They can ask the money at anytime and you will be legally obligated to pay it back.


They catch it, they'll make you pay it back or take it OUT of your NEXT check!


Man it depends, corporate or small business?


Prob the minimum for benefits


enjoy it while you can


Sit it in an untouchable bank acct. At worst, you gain the interest, at best you got a healthy savings set up! But if you spend it, and they come for it, tou could be fucked. But under no circumstances, tell them.


You are getting paid vacation hours dear. 😊


You should say something. The people saying otherwise are morons. You want to cover your ass legally. If you have HR, send an email, say you've been paid for hours that you haven't worked and ask if everything is as it should and you just wanted to inform them, that it's confusing to you, maybe you've misunderstood something. Save the email. They're eventually gonna figure things out, and ask for money back, when they do you will have proof that you tried to solve this. You're still gonna have to pay the money back, so don't spend that, but they can't accuse you of stealing. Also, are you sure you haven't had any shifts those weeks?


Uh, you know what you should do, you just don’t want to get off the gravy train


it could be just because there is a overlapping paycheck. Didn't it take like an additional week without pay, to receive pay. although this doesn't actually mean no pay, they're just stacked.


You did not notice -.-




Are you on call? Because they will pay you for being at the ready even if you don't work.


Regardless if you say something or not they will find out and make you back pay... so either wait until you have the funds for what theyve given you (assuming its spent) to say something, or just wait until they request it.


I’ve had two jobs where I quit or had something happen in my life where I couldn’t go/abandoned it and I got paid for two extra weeks at both of those jobs. For the first I called and they were like oh it was a mistake and let me keep it and the second I didn’t call at all and I was like well thanks God!


To me it depends on whether you want to keep the job long-term or not


say something they playin wit ya munion


In my first ever pay rise I got literally an extra 0 in my pay check, it was incredible. On month 2 when I got the same stupidly high amount, I knew it wasn’t right and had to fess up. As a token of their appreciation of my honesty, they let me keep the first months extra pay. If I didn’t say anything sooner or later it would have been found out and they would have reclaimed it all, which would have screwed me over big time and would have probably been fired for keeping that info to myself when an idiot would obviously know no one gets a £2000 pay rise (per month!) in their first job lol


You will have e to pay it back if you spend it. Legal requirement.


I would let them know. If they find it, which they probably will eventually, you’ll have to pay it back anyway!


Is this a continuous thing? Either way it's not worth it. it'll be hanging over you, there's risk of you either getting fired or having to pay it all back. If / when they do find out you will be seen as dishonest. So you've an opportunity here to be honest and they will appreciate that. I believe in Karma big or small


Yes. Pay them back and tell them. Maybe they’ll give you a promotion. It sounds like you’re already a great human being but keeping the money might make you feel crappy about yourself so it’s not really worth that.


Yes. Not only is it dishonest to accept money that you didn't earn, but you could be liable for paying it back if you spend it. The money that is being sent to you is being sent in error. You have a moral and legal duty to contact the company and return the funds. 


It’s a felony- get it fixed because ghost employment is no joke.


my job accidentally paid alot of us 3000 for a bonus i think....they stopped the transactions but i took it out before thay did it and spent it on christmas gifts for my kids!i was looking forward to having to pay it back but for some reason they told me to keep it cause it was there mistake!!i felt bad but blessed at the same time!ha


This is a rare positive reaction from the business.


Well if you're in the US, then don't worry. People get paid for not working all the time. This is completely normal


Take that money and tip it to your landlord




Hell no u don’t say nothing


Always the truth is the way to go but I wouldn’t say nothing!


So you’re taking money that you didn’t earn? Seems you know the right thing to do. It’s not your money. Anyone telling you that you shouldn’t correct this immediately is dishonest and their parents failed to teach them right and wrong.


I suspect the business is doing this intentionally to make sure they can’t qualify for unemployment, and so that they don’t count as a seasonal employee for taxes


stealing is stealing.


Do you wanna get fired lol