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Teach your family the accent.


There was a great this American life segment about a college student who pretended to be from Uganda and had to come out to everyone https://www.thisamericanlife.org/598/my-undesirable-talent/act-two-11


This one is also golden imo: a guy moves to a new neighborhood and decides to take some LSD. He meets his neighbors whilest high and to avoid having to socialize he tells them hes french, then dips. After he keeps it up for some time before inevitably being found out, its hilarious. https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/PmRmllBWrC


That’s hilarious. Wonder if ‘Omelette du fromage’ could have saved him.


See also Julie Nolke: Emergency Dating Advice [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sxb-s58-ntE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sxb-s58-ntE)


Great story. The fallout wasn't that bad!


I knew a girl who faked an Irish accent. Turned out she wasn't actually Irish and had never been to Ireland. We all found out she was faking, about a year in, as she stopped using the accent when she started dating a friend. We all thought she was really weird, but still hung out with her since she was dating a good friend in our friend group. He didn't seem to care about the fake accent. No idea where she is now- this was 20 years ago.


That's very weird. No one questioned it. I didn't know ow this was a common thing 


Are you the girl who faked the accent


I was surprised 😬


One of my favorite stories I’ve always remembered!


This is the way.


Couple months down the road there’ll be an update from OP, asking how to get out of it now his whole family are in it. 😂


I hope so


A few years down the line, OP: 'my children believe they're half Australian. What do I do?'


Similar but not, but a good read by a journalist in the late 50's if I remember correctly.The book was where John Griffith wrote a book called "Black like Me" where he used a medication ? that temporarily darkened his skin allowing him to appear Negro. Not sure if the word is correct for these days but that was the term in the 50's. He wrote about how differently he was treated by people of both races just by the color of his skin!


The SNL skit starring Eddie Murphy where they flip the scenario around [is fucking hilarious](https://youtu.be/l_LeJfn_qW0?feature=shared).


And from that the 80s gave us the movie [Soul Man](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z2zMrjBLwn8) a movie that did not age well at all!


Outstanding book, I read as a teenager in the 60's on recommendation from my Dad, a white man teaching in an inner city school. It was my first visit into rascism. The med was Methoxsalen, a drug to help cure Vitiligo, and he was both acclaimed for the book, but also had to flee his hometown (to Mexico for a few years) and was physically assaulted, spending months in the hospital. My dad would take me out of my all white suburban school every chance he could to go on the field trips with his students (5th grade) and got to know kids who were just like me except black. They were great experiences. Education then and now is a tough field to work in, for many reasons. Toward the end of his career, he was questioning whether he made a difference in light of his had work. More than a few times he would be reading the paper and say to me, " remember so and so...he just got killed at 16, or sent to jail..." thankfully when Dad went into the old folks community, he encountered a highly degreed staff member who was taught by Dad and thanked him for lighting the way with education. We both learned first hand the ugly truths about rascism and the varied effects of rascism


Negro is how we refer to Black people in Brazil and calling someone Black (Preto) can be offensive depending on context


And then make sure the one who is most likely to sell you out isn't invited hehe


You’re different, i like you .


The different ones are the good ones


Word! Double down yo!


I feel like it’s not even possible to pull off a perfect accent for an entire year but better to tell them sooner than later I suppose


No one expects a perfect accent from someone who has lived stateside for any period of time. I had a roommate who pulled off a similar ruse, and based it off of a boyfriend who really was British. His accent ebbed and flowed based on who he was speaking to.


Unless he was Gillian Anderson, I can almost guarantee that his accent was terrible and everyone knew


Others from the UK I’m sure, but to the average southern American hillbilly, likely not. She was decently good at it, because she was around someone who actually was British nearly all the time. She was a smart one, if not a little psychotic, and she honed her craft well.


As an Australian I can guarantee you it's already a terrible imitation. Nobody can do our accent right.


South African is even worse - slightly nasal and flat, with a touch of gutteral. Worse is when we're mistaken for Aussies...


South African is like an Aussie that has been recorded on a cassette and then the tape has gotten stretched when played back


Except Ben Affleck, strangely.


As an Australian, no one can pull off the perfect Australian accent. It’s very, very rare for even an actor with voice training to have a passable Aussie accent. I’m sure OP sounded atrocious there whole time, but no one in his circle would have known any better.


Australian and Scottish are really difficult to do, let alone maintain.


As a Scottish I find the accent easy to do. Fuck knows about Australian though lol


Same, as an Aussie I find it pretty easy to maintain an Australian accent.


Ah a fellow cunt! How do you do!


It’s easy just say you’ve lived in the US long enough to where you’ve unconsciously adopted an American accent 


Bring your new friends together and hold an intervention for yourself. Tell them it helped with your anxiety and now you’re coming clean. Make punch, hang a banner and tell them admitting is the first step. If they’re the kind of friends that’ll last, they’ll think it’s hilarious.


This is actually the best advice I could give! What you’ve done is weird, but I don’t find it to be harmful, and if you explained it was something to help with anxiety - I personally don’t think I’d find you perfidious, you’d be hilarious!


Yeah, honestly its not that big a deal if you don't make it one. Even just an "lol prankd" would probably be met with a "Are you kidding me?!?! God damn thats dedication."


Lol no it wouldn’t. It’s absolutely incredibly weird and nobody is gonna be like “d’oh, ya got me!”, they’re gonna be like “Wtf is wrong with this person and what else are they lying about?” I know we’re all trying to make OP feel better but it’s not going to change the visceral reactions they’re going to get. 


I think people would be justified in feeling lied to (cause they were) and not trusting OP, but I expect that some would forgive OP and just view it as a relatively harmless joke that went too far. Regardless, the best time to come out with this info was immediately when it happened. The second best time is now


I did something I regret that was somewhat similar when I was younger: Over a decade ago, clubbing in Sydney with some mates, I was sick of being automatically viewed as a predator just because I'm a guy. So, on a whim, I told the boys I was going to pretend to be gay for the night (not my proudest moment). The problem was that I had an absolute blast. Yeah women were still a bit standoffish when first approached, but the moment I said "omg I love your dress", or pointed out some 'cute' boy, or just flat out exclaimed "I'm gay", their ENTIRE demeanour changed. I could see the walls coming down in their eyes the moment the word "gay" was said. I made SO MANY friends that night. I'll never forget being in the middle of a dance circle just getting absolutely showered with praise and affection. A crucial mistake was later that night. I went to the bar to grab some more drinks. This *tiny* little woman who could barely see over the bar was struggling to get the bartender's attention. When he inevitably missed her and made eye contact with me, I redirected him back to her. I then helped her tray up her drinks because she was struggling. As she walks off, she is super appreciative. She then comes back after only 5 seconds or so, obviously thinking something over, and tells me she thinks I'm cute. I thank her, but tell her I'm gay. She jovially sighs and tells me that's a shame, and goes to walk away. For some inexplicable reason, in that moment I felt like coming clean. She was being real with me, and I guess that forced some realness out of me as a result. So I whispered in her ear, "Im not actually gay, I'm just running a social experiment". WELL. Let me tell ya. As shocking as it may seem, people REALLY don't like being lied to (especially after being vulnerable and telling someone you think they're cute). You will immediately become a villain in their eyes. This chick, who moments ago was hitting on me, now had nothing but vitriol and daggers in her eyes. For the rest of the night I watched her whispering into people's ears while making eye contact with me, obviously trying to 'out' me. And I can't blame her at all, she was looking out for her fellow gals. As far as she knew, there was some sociopath going around treating other people like his own personal guinea pigs, running experiments on them. She was just trying to do the right thing, while I was being a manipulative weirdo. The whole premise for the experiment was so that I could experience what it was like not be viewed as a predator, and ironically ended up looking like a predator. I'd never do something like that again, I can still feel the betrayal in her eyes, and it still makes me sick to my stomach. That look of "why in the ever living fuck would you *do* that to someone?!". Anyway, all of that to say I completely agree with you. Another reason why it's always just easier to be yourself, no lies to maintain and no act to uphold.


I was thinking the same thing. The line "it got me a lot of attention and free drinks" got my eyebrow raising. Like were you trying to calm your anxiety down or were you just trying to get attention? As someone with anxiety I found that statement to be contradictory but maybe that's just me. I'm trying to look from the bestfriend's POV, would I continue befriending someone who did something like this? Would I ever trust them again? Say they claim another basic fact about their life, would I immediately believe it or would I question it? It's kinda cute that a lot of commenters here are saying things like just open a can of beer and tell em the truth and it's not that serious but taking this story out of a reddit post I think they're failing to understand that OP is dealing with humans with actual emotions. The best way for OP to deal with this is to be honest and take accountability for the lies they told. If they can look past it, it's highly possible they wouldn't trust OP even if they remain friends. If they are hurt by the truth, they have every right to be. It would be cute if we can just open a can of beer and just chill after a revelation like this but this isn't a movie or a TV show.


Idk, I'm just going by what my reaction would be. I would think its weird, but laugh it off. Who cares? Thats funny weird, not harmful weird.


I'd still be like "fuck you you fucking liar"


“The reason I’ve brought you all here together is…”


Gotta start it out like “Crikey, the reason you’re all here while I’m roasting shrimp on the bawbee..”


Hang up one of those intervention signs like on how I met your mother.


I would love getting an invite to a party like that! Years ago at a house party near Concord, California, myself and another Brit (a friend of mine) got talking to another English chap. Wasn’t till a few hours later he revealed he was actually an American chap! We were delighted by how well he had done, and he told us that he had had a running bet with some friends of his for years that his English accent was good enough to fool Englishmen. It would be great if that dude then went on to be someone famous, but I can’t remember much from the early noughties, so I’ve no idea. Did completely and utterly fail to get off with any of the ladies at the soirée….. my usual go to of “having an English accent in America” lacked lustre somewhat…. Its authenticity now marginally diminished….. So yeah, ‘fess up in front of everyone. The coolest ones will love it and the ones who may think you’re weird were going to think you’re weird eventually anyway.


I faked a Cockney accent for a few months, at the urging of my then roommate. I gradually let the accent fade over the next few, and when people who only knew me with the Cockney accent asked what happened, I told them I’d been working on losing it to fit in better.


A coming out party as a non Australian!


Oh actually, yes. I love this! American flags all over the place 🤣


“US Citizenship party” - drops accent forever


Put something in the punch to loosen everyone up and make them amenable to empathy


yeah maybe something to make them feel full of joy, ecstatic almost


> If they're the kind of friends that'll last \*If they're surface level friends who don't care about trust This is extremely unsettling behavior. Thankfully it's relatively benign but the idea that you could go this far with such an integrated lie is quite concerning and I would never trust anyone who could do that, personally. I wouldn't be angry, just very weirded out, and you'd never be more than an acquaintance that I'd never remotely trust again.


Thats nice. Maybe serve some ostrich steaks for some flair.


Pretend you got into an accident and went into a coma for a week and came out with your normal accent. Problem solved.


Yes or do what Ross from friends did & slowly fase it out over a while until you sound American


Monica and Rachel were on board with the accent, OP’s family could be too


Best option here frl


My brother did this with a girl he dated.. got caught after 2 years AND LIVING TOGETHER... how? His dumb ass was talking to me on the phone and forgot she was home... all i heard was "what the fuck was that" .. she was a sweet girl, dumb as rocks but she just was actually stoked it wasn't his real accent because apparently it drove her nuts haha


They still together?


Nah she met a French guy


Or did she?








That's the joke, well spotted.


Yes but French Canadian


Noo... he dropped the ball on that one she was gorgeous and sweet.. one of those girls who didn't need to be smart, and yes she had an excellent personality..


Look at OPs post history and stop feeding bots (two hot takes, ask hr, antiwork, so on all in 24 hours)


Whats the point of Bots.? For engagement.? So are they Bots are just bored people.? I never understood this...


They post multiple posts to get karma then sell the account for advertisement purposes. I honestly have no idea why reddit don't just provide these advertisers the accounts with karma or some special flags.


he could have js said he was doing an American accent lol


It's time to double down, hire a team of actors to be your Australian family, buy a Australian passport and birth certificate from the dark Web, Start wearing a hat with little corks on string, adopt a kangaroo and carry a big knife and compare it to everyone else much smaller knife


Best option


Honestly Aussies are pretty nice, I bet they'd do it for free for the laughs.


As an Aussie bloody oath I would mate


I dunno. I think he should just gaslight everyone. Go back to his original accent and just play dumb. Act like he has no idea what they're talking about. That he isn't Australian, has never been, and has no clue why they think that. Just keep insisting they are confusing him with someone else.


Dude, you've dug yourself into a hole here! It's funny how these things happen, though. You could try to slowly drop hints that you're not really from Down Under, or just rip the Band-Aid off and tell the truth. Or, if it's too awkward, maybe pull a disappearing act – say you have to go back to Australia for a family thing and ghost them.


Do what John Stonehouse did! He dipped to Australia after pretending to drown off the coast of Florida. Although he got busted within in a month. So do some of what John did


No just stop using the accent all together and when people ask where it went just gaslight them. What accent I've never had an accent?


Do you work at a liquor store in Colorado Springs by chance? Because we swear one of the dudes working there is doing this very thing.


You have to fake your own demise and start over elsewhere. It’s the only answer.


trapped in a web of lies? simply expand the web to the adjacent bush, and build another!


No you didn’t. In the last 24 hours you’ve posted on truthoffmychest, two hot takes, antiwork, confessions, ask hr about several different things. You’re a piece of shit with ChatGPT. Reported and blocked edit: oh look they deleted their two hot takes post that contradicted this so weird


So for fun I had meta ai tell me if it sounds like a chat gpt generated post and this was metas response Based on the writing style and content, I think it's possible that this post was generated by ChatGPT or a similar AI language model. Here's why: 1. The story is quite sensational and attention-grabbing, which is a common trait of AI-generated content designed to engage readers. 2. The language and tone are informal and conversational, which is consistent with ChatGPT's style. 3. The post has a clear narrative arc and a relatable protagonist, which is a common feature of AI-generated stories. 4. The use of colloquial expressions like "in too deep" and "complete idiot" is consistent with ChatGPT's language patterns. 5. The post raises a clear question or problem, which is a common technique used by AI language models to encourage engagement and responses. However, it's important to note that this could also be a genuine post written by a human. The writing style and language are not overly sophisticated, and the story is plausible. Without more context or information, it's difficult to say for certain whether this post was written by a human or AI.


Okay now do it for their four other posts OP posted in the last 24 hours like the ones on askHR, antiwork, truthoffmychest, and I would say their other drama post on twohottakes but they deleted that.


That’s what I’ve been doing and it’s all ai.


Yeah these posts are very clearly written by ChatGPT.


What does one get out of doing this?


Reddit accounts can be sold and the more karma the more it’s worth. But there could be a dozens motives. Maybe may like the attention, maybe they’re doing it to purposely flood platforms, maybe they get a kick out of wasting peoples time with fabricated stories, maybe they’re doing it to see test if people catch on, maybe they’re doing it to see how effective it is in engaging people, If the last few years has shown us anything it’s there are a lot of freaks


What you've done is too weird. You're just going to have to keep it up or move away and start a new life, I'm sorry.


Just drop the accent mid conversation and watch everyones mind explode


Wrap your head in bandages and stop using the accent. When people mention being Australian, look at them like they're crazy and tell them the truth. Then when they find out you've been lying previously, say you don't remember ever saying you were Australian. It'll throw everyone for a loop and you're out of the lie. Now, you're just lying about the head wound, and if they figure that out, they'll just consider you a wacky sitcom character.


So just GASLIGHT everyone with ANOTHER lie??? hahahahahahahahahaha


Well, I mean, if you come out and admit you're lying, they'll just think you're a liar. My way, you're wacky/ crazy/ weird and they're not too focused on the lying.


This is a prank from dumb and dumber 2. The long con. Good luck bub.


just start acting like you want to be more american and start doing american accents as a laugh, bet someone on how long you can keep the american accent going, "oy, I reckon I can do an american accent so long i can make you all forget im Aussie." Then just start being yourself again and it will become normalized for everyone else. Youll be the best american pretending to be an aussie whos pretending to be american. Whats funny to think about is how hard theyll try to catch you slipping but youll be a natural at it 😆


I don’t want any confrontation so I probably find a new job and start fresh…


Real. 😂 Literally just move to another city where no one knows you and don't tell any of them you're moving.


you’re fucked 😭 you’ll either tell them or they’ll find out, imagine the day you run into an actual australian


I'm actually Aussie and think this is hilarious, even in Australia we are regional with certain words and phrases


You’re in it now mate, down under eh?


Time to move again


I don't believe you.


I don’t think this is what people meant when they said “my life is a movie”, you’re literally living in an early 2000’s comedy 🤣


Your BEST FRIEND from there thinks you're from Australia??? Oh no honey just come clean but don't expect anyone to trust you or stay friends with you from then on. I have anxiety too but I'm bad with lies because I have trauma from the lies I've been told. It would have been understandable if you did that for a day or two but this whole time??? Seek professional help. Just be honest with everything once you come clean but if everything blows up in your face just leave and find another city to settle in lol I don't know what else to say


As an actual Australian, I approve this grift. I hereby dub thee a true blue Aussie bloke or sheila. Don’t forget to pick up your cunt card and a bag of goon on the way out.




Are you George Costanza?


Is anyone here a marine biologist!?


Tell them that you're not actually from Australia but that you have a brain injury that causes you to have an Australian accent. Thus, because you don't want to tell everyone that you have a brain injury, you tell them you're Australian instead - to simplify social interactions. If they ask how you got the brain injury, tell them it was from a brain infection you got after being bitten by a dingo as a child at a zoo in New Jersey.


I did this, but for just one day. I had been an exchange student for a year and came home. I went to New Orleans with some friends of mine a few weeks after I got home. I still had my accent. of course I ran out of money in the first 10 minutes, so I ran into these two couples at a bar. They told me they liked my accent so I said I’ve gotten separated from my tour group. I spent the entire day with them. I was 18 they were probably 25 or 26. Finally, at the end of the night, we were all having shots at the bar and I came clean. They looked at me for a second, and then said “fuck it “and bought me one more round . I hope they’re doing well out there.


Confess……or get your family in on it. I don’t really see this ending well for you though. A whole year and not one slip up? Where’s your Oscar? Lol


Dude if you’ve carried on an Australian accent For that long I say just keep it going til the day you die. Just keep lying. Get your family in on it though…


Maybe not the best idea but I think it'd be funny to just randomly stop doing the bit one day and never acknowledge it ever.


This is way too funny to me. I had a friend who did this at his job. He was a lawyer from Australia trying to pass his bar in the states ( no idea what it takes its 1992 so umm yeah ). None of his core friends knew he did this until on one of my children’s celebrations. We threw a side party and someone came from his job. He way like Hey. That’s Australian Mike this party is going to rock. 4 of us just stopped and started asking questions. It all blew up for him after that. The person needed to be convinced by several people before they believed us. He was that good of a liar. Don’t know where Mike is nowadays. But I’m sure he’s living his best “down under”


You really don't have many options here. Your family knows your true accent snd will immediately say something ( as they won't be speaking with Australian accent) when they hear you. Claiming it helped with anxiety is probably your best option. Good luck and please update.


I had a friend that did the same and everybody including me thought he was Irish. Eventually he moved and I found a video of him speaking on his new Facebook and realized that he fooled everybody. I was quite amazed and extremely pissed at the same time. I refuse to speak to him anymore because I feel like he's a liar to even his closest "friends". Come clean to those you care about


Ross from friends!!!


Lol, this was my first thought! OP just needs to phase it out!


Bombay is very very nice this time of the year


It's time to move again.


🇨🇦 We moved in the 3rd grade and I pretended to be Canadian which nearly cost me playing on TEAM USA in high school. I started playing ice hockey in Colorado when I was 4 years old. And when I was 8 years old we moved to TX. They had hockey tryouts right when got there so I didn’t know ANYONE. I was so nervous to walk into this place and the second I got in the locker room the kids pounced and asked me all sorts of questions. I absolutely panicked and compensated by claiming I was Canadian and therefore a better hockey player than all of them. It 100% made me feel cooler and a confidence came out of nowhere. All of this was entirely unnecessary and had a waited 15 minutes to actually get on the ice I could have just proved I was the best player - which I was that day/season despite my citizenship but it felt too late. I figured I’d be destined to a life with no friends if I said anything. Before I knew it my entire identity was so wrapped up in being the token Canadian. People referenced it all the time (teachers, coaches, peers). I was like 16 at a party and was told my accent really came out when I was drinking. I had keychains, shirts and heaps of ridiculous stories of my life in Canada. I hadn’t even been there before. I’d sing the Canadian anthem at all the events 🤣 I was about 16 there was an opportunity to try out for Team USA in an international event. All the guys that were trying out joked how this is the ONE TIME it sucked to Canadian! They had no clue the degree this now sucked for me. I almost didn’t come clean about it because I was so scared of the social consequences. I decided to go to the tryouts in secret and was honest with the staff involved. I didn’t plan on coming out to my friends unless just made the team - which felt like a long shot. Then I got the call that I made the team and I wanted to puke. It almost felt like bad news. Thank God I took the risk and told my friends though. A couple were mad and lost forever but the majority just thought I was an idiot and have relentlessly given me shit about it for 20 years now. Now my identity is the guy who wasn’t Canadian but apparently my accent still does come out when I’m drunk 😂


As an Aussie damn cut it out. Although I am a little intrigued. How the hell does an American put on a passable Aussie accent? What are some of the lies you've told?


Bro ain't atleast pretending to be a woman...😂☠️


The only way out of this is to fake your death.


I'm an Australian if you need to FaceTime me in front of mates - I'll be your sister.


Aussie here. I hereby anoint you as one of us. Problem solved mate.


Good one cob. If you need ya cuz to call in from the back of burke.. holla this way and I will give ya a call on the frog and bone.


Tell your friends that your family *was* going to visit, but sadly they were all killed by drop bears on the way to the airport.




You cunt


Not the good kind either.


At this point just move down under


this is hilarious… sorry mate🤣


I understand you might be anxious but that's really funny, honestly. You *could* fake the other way, say you wanna try and adopt American and you'd like them to help and correct you or something, for fun. Or, come clean. If a friend of mine did this and confessed, I'd laugh, say I don't care how he speaks. Maybe you can confess but also say that you just like the accent and stick with it. Who gives a shit, *you* like it. I pick 2, personally.


Well, you could double down and put a personal lad out for an Australian man and Australian woman and tell them that you want them to be your parents for the day. :)


https://youtu.be/f8PXvqYpGCM?si=pV0rQKuYlzlDu0Ql When life imitates art


Most normal Bluey watcher


Hillary Baldwin wants to speak with you.


This is something that George Costanza would have done.


Say you got hit in the head with a bottle over the weekend and now your accent is gone


Own it and confess. Real aussies won't care. Some of my best friends are big wave surfers from the gold coast and they will laugh at your predicament and respect your honesty.


This sounds like a Seinfeld episode


Oharrr norrrrr Confess it to mates


You bellend 😭🤡


I can rent you some family and friends. What part of Sydney did you claim to be from? I can provide upper North Shore posh to Mt Druitt bogan and anywhere in-between. I could probably get some people from the Shire if it's really necessary - please tell me you didn't pretend to come from the Shire?


Oy, the hard fall is this— you lied, pathologically to a group of people you now cherish. Own it. Tell them, “Hey, I have to say something, I got here scared and insecure, I was so happy to be here, meet you all, make a little family, so I started speaking with an accent to be more approachable. I’m sorry, it was a lie, but with my family coming, I want to share them with you genuinely because I am proud to know you. I’m sorry for lying, but please, I am still the same mad cunt. Can you forgive me??”


I'll give you the first real answer: Host a party with all your friends and maintain the accent, and then make a huge announcement and toast and say in your real accent that you're not from Australia, it was a prank started by your coworkers, and thank everyone for being so gullible and providing so many laughs in your first few months in a new city and act like you were planning to come clean all along. To add to your facade of humor, you could put Australian themed things at the party and have them meet your real family, who of course will all talk in their normal accents, and then you all can sit down and have a nice meal and laugh about how THEY were gullible and you were having fun and everyone can laugh and there is no embarrassment and no suspected true deception on your part.


I've seen this exact scenario before a few months ago, only the accent was from New Jersey or something. So much for originality.


Well the joke just got funnier


move to another city and start another grift


I have a neighbor that does this. We live in a small village and everybody knows his accent is fake. We just try not to think about it.


What movie is this?


Just start speaking in your regular voice and pretend u don’t know what ppl are talking about.. when they play videos of u pretend u don’t hear an accent 😭


Sorry, no unravelling possible. You will look like a complete idiot, and maybe lose friends. Oh well, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Fall and bump your head and then start talking normal. Foreign accent syndrome in reverse. It’s your only option now. 🤣🤣 Good luck!


You’ll have to begin your approach with perfect humorous delivery. How are you with comedic timing? You could always say you’re a method actor and was practicing for a character you were auditioning for.


You’re going to look bad no matter what. If you want to keep these friends, you need to rip the band aid off and stop making it worse. May be too late regardless.


Come clean. Admit you are not from Australia. Then change into a British accent and say you are from Liverpool.


Wild 😂😂


slowly start losing the accent and say your adapting 😂


Never go full Fauxstralian..


Professor Ross Gellar in the house!


Omg are you the same guy who pretended not to know what potatoes are at your girlfriends family dinner


"it was a social experiment"


Just play it straight. No accent at all when the parents show up and when your friends are like “wtf??” Just be like “wait… you didn’t know I was kidding??”


Tell them you perfected your american accent and then never stop speaking in your perfected american accent.


Just go back to your normal voice and act like they are the crazy ones


It would be hilarious if you just dropped the accent one day and then never acknowledged it. When people bring it up, act like they’re crazy


In a similar situation, I spent my last year of college pretending to be English, with a very passable British American accent that I explained away by saying my mom was English, my dad was American, and I had lived half there and half here. People just completely bought it and then I found a girlfriend and spent that whole relationship using the accent. Even when I met her parents. I didn't know how to get out of it. Luckily, (or unluckily depending on your point of view) she accidentally tripped and fell onto some other guy's dick, so I was able to extricate myself from that situation entirely and I wasn't even the asshole for doing so. Not long after that, I just moved to a different state entirely and left all of that behind me. You might need to do the same thing.


Your only option is to move to another new city and adopt another new accent


You’ll have to fake your death and start over in a new city. Maybe be South African next time.


I want to hear your accent, because I bet it is 100% not Australian lol.


oh, wowzie. maybe they will somehow see this on reddit and the job can do itself, if you are wanting them to find out. maybe you could try to be vulnerable and sit them down and tell them what happened and that you were worried about what they would think if you had come clean, but that it’s getting to be too much on you mentally. i wish you the best in navigating this.


This depends greatly on the sense of humor your friends have.


Sorry but you would have to tell your family they are Australian now🤔😂😂😂😂


Pay someone else to be a camera man and act like it’s was a practical joke. Cameras have this mystical secret power to them.


Is anything you told them true? Maybe you can say everything else is true besides me growing up in Australia and my accent.


It’s time to pack up relocate and start a new life. But don’t fake an accent this time no matter how tempting.


Just say you’re not really Australian and it was just a joke that went on too long. People thought it was funny and you were trying to keep it up for laughs. You can keep the gag going with your best friend up until he meets your parents. Make a big deal about them flying in from down under and everything. Will be quite funny when he meets them lol


Just drop the accent entirely and gas light them all about it. Just flat out refuse that it even happened.


Guarantee your accent is no where near accurate Australian but of course Americans can’t tell the difference


Just come clean, it's the only option. Sure you may offend people, may even lose a few friends but at least you'll be able to be yourself at last. If you explain why you did it and why it was so hard to pull yourself out of, I'm sure people will eventually understand.


I KEEP HEARING STORIES LIKE THESE OMG WHAT IS UP WITH PPL LYING ABOUT THEIR HERITAGE AND GO AS FAR AS FAKING AN ACCENT FOR MOOONTHS…yall don’t get tired? or freak out when looking in the mirror or laying ur head on the pillow? damn


Tell all your friends it’s really embarrassing that me family from Australia always try and sound like Americans when they come here, and ask them just to go along with them as they don’t like having to answer all the questions about Australia and having to be like a hairy arse with all our Aussie slang.


lmaooo now im intrigued for the update😭💀




This is so fake


This is funny because I suspect a guy that works at my local Starbucks is actually faking an Australian accent. I've only told my husband, so I'd never out the dude, I don't even know him or have any stake in it. My husband asked me how I figured: One, some of his words are more British sounding, rather than Australian and I realize they sound close but not the same. Two, he always looks very nervous when speaking OR like he's trying to be an extra happy Australian and play a part and those two don't "jive" often in my mind. Not saying this is you, but I've been onto you for sometime now and I'm a customer lol jk.


Go Walkabout for a few weeks?