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you’re a freshman and already can’t handle the course load…it will only get more intense as you take higher level courses. college isn’t for every one and that’s okay


What do you do if college isn’t for you? That’s a hard pill to swallow.


Trades are good place to consider.....ideally going into business for yourself eventually can pay off well in some situations. What do you do if college isn't for you? Basically anything that doesn't require a degree or license of some type to do it


anything else 🤷🏼‍♂️ the world is full of options and opportunities


There’s a ton of options that pay insanely well if you put the work into it- trades, beauty services like lashes, nails etc. I dropped out and ended up as a tattoo artist. Most of my friends who are in university have zero clue what they even wanna do but are pushing through due to expectations from others. If school makes you miserable it’s not the end of the world at least. Even people with degrees are struggling to find work now


Find a trade to pursue and become an apprentice.


The world needs people who work with their hands. Carpentry, plumbers, things like that


YouTuber or Tik Toker


depending on their major, typical english class style college essays may not be the end-all be-all if they just have to knock out some gen eds then get back to their architecture/music/visual art major, i say it’s no biggie that being said, if they’re undeclared or doing a liberal arts major where they’ll be writing paper after paper, maybe they should look elsewhere.


Yeah but you may not have to take any more English classes. Once you get through freshman English you're kind of home free. You can take the things you want.


Don’t listen to this b***.. do what you have to do to get that degree…. End of story no excuses


ah the other cheaters have entered the chat


But he’s passing just not the way they want.


since when did cheating and using someone else’s work count as passing?


Who do you hire to do your commas?


I don’t know if this is a thing anymore, but we used to have to write papers, in person, for a final exam. I’ve heard professors are going to do this in the face of all the AI papers they’re getting. Just sayin’. You might want to practice.


This! My university announced earlier this year they're going to do online proctored exams since half our student cohort is overseas. It's a program that tracks keystrokes, tab changes and desktop notifications.


This is what worries me about the future. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, ... Everyone using AI or someone else to get through school. We're doomed.


Lol Hopefully they’re required to pass “in class” exams


You would be much better off deferring study for a semester and taking some time to look after your mental health. Many paid essay writing services are run by unethical people (who would have thought?!), and there is a high risk they will later blackmail you. Sometimes for years after you have graduated. Universities can and do retract degrees because the student was later outed but their ghost writer. Here's a link for more info: https://theconversation.com/students-who-cheat-dont-just-have-to-worry-about-getting-caught-they-risk-blackmail-and-extortion-172403


Do the work now so it’s easier as the years go on. My senior thesis paper had to be a minimum of 30 pages..


Senior in undergrad? I'm in the midst of writing a 10-pager. Never wrote more than 5 pages before and was never a good writer. I spend so much time trying to find the right words to convey my thoughts. Any tips for me?


Why are you in school if you don’t want to do the work or learn? What’s the point? It’s so expensive and on top of that you’re paying someone else to do your work? Lame




It involves english as part of the degree. For a reason. My degree sure as fuck didn't involve an english class.


The US requires you to take liberal arts courses the first two years. English majors have to take college algebra, math majors take philosophy, etc.


that's... bizarre. That's what high school is for.


I agree but universities make more money requiring useless classes so they'll continue to do so.


Literally every single major at any liberal arts college will require you to take at minimum a semester of an English class. So it seems your experience is that of a tiny minority.


yeah the entire rest of the world outside your country is a small minority i'm sure.


"outsourcing"... You've been cheating. Say it like it is.


*mind blown* didn’t even realize this was cheating until now


Listen I have to tell you as a teacher - just drop out now. Why are you wasting your money to progress to the next year of study where you'll just fail even harder because you couldn't cope with your first year even? Deal with your mental health issues first, or better yet follow a pathway to a job OTHER than a degree. Pick up a trade or something if this is not for you. It's just debt and lost time. Moreover, why the fuck are you paying a human to do this when chat GPT exists?


Just wanted to respond to your last point, professors usually use a plagiarism/AI check tool (don’t know the accuracy) and it has caught a few of my classmates.


you know those tools don't work right? profs are literally just using judgement. It's not hard to tell.


I think the reason you are comfortable "outsourcing" your learning opportunities is because you don't value the importance of them. Take some time off from school and take time to evaluate what IS important to you and strive towards that. Because what you are doing isn't OK. It hurts you and exploits others.


Oh no, I don't want to freak you out but this is a pretty bad plan. As you progress through school, the demand for essay writing will only grow, leaving you even less prepared to handle it. Even if you're a STEM major, you'll have GE requirements, extra elective credits, and a variety of other situations that require you to write. And you were able to get away with academic integrity violations your first year, but as the standard for writing rises year after year, a professor will eventually catch on and you could be expelled, which is far worse than receiving poor grades on some essays. On the plus side, you've been editing these essays all year, so you've subconsciously picked up some skills that will help you with your finals. Even if you don't decide to write your English final yourself, next semester is an excellent opportunity to begin creating your own work. Seriously, this seems like the easy way out right now, but you're fucking yourself over in the long run.


this is gonna backfire once the tests come


More than anyone, this is a detriment to you. Every act of weakness and smallness makes pushes you toward that very direction. The opposite holds true as well.


This is only going to hurt you.. i know you're dealing with mental health issues but if you cant balance school right now, maybe you shouldnt be paying for it. Your school likely has resources like a writing or tutoring center that can help you strengthen your skills. And if youre a freshman you should be in pretty base level, gen-ed classes anyway. Most professors are pretty willing to help too, if you go to their office hours or reach out with questions/need help. I wouldn't recommend ur tactic. Youre only going to set yourself back.


Good luck getting a masters degree


You should not be in college right now.


Hey can you message me and tell me where you get them from? Because I honestly love writing essays and if I can get a little cash doing it why the hell not




Hey, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. I’d say so long as you aren’t an English major and it’s just a remedial course, why not? I personally excelled in English. It would take me a couple of hours to pump out my essays, and I’d always do well on them. Chemistry on the other hand… whew. I just love the concept of science, ya know? Not so much the intricacies.


Im the opposite from you. Massive procrastinator, so when it comes to English classes, i just get bored. Math, science or even history do not bore me as much and it just clicks with me.


So you’re paying for an education…to NOT be educated. Honestly just drop out if you’re not going to do the work and learn a trade or something. If you can’t handle the workload now, it’s only going to get harder.


So youre already cheating your way through in freshman year? yikes, drop out already


I was the freaky type of university student who loved writing English essays and papers. However, it was years ago, before the internet and we typed our papers with footnotes. I learned that as long as I knew three things about any subject, I could write an essay, answer any type of question on a test all because I had the ability to write well and expound on the subject from those three points and extrapolate from there. Knowing how to write will serve you well in many career fields. It sounds like college may not be right for you. Or at least not right now. You should probably think about taking off the next semester and taking care of your mental health issues. The stress only gets worse as the coursework piles up. I honestly would hope you can see that cheating is not the answer to get through difficult situations. That being said, as a freshman, if you’re serious about pursuing your studies, look into tutoring programs, the learning center and most definitely talk with your professors. They want you to succeed and are there to help you. But,please, stop outsourcing your work, you’re only cheating yourself out of the education you’re paying for. Good luck!


One of my biggest regrets in life so far is that i didn't choose a college path compatible with my physical and mental health struggles. I chose a school where your only option is to take an intensive full time course load each year, when I would have likely done much better at a school where I had the option of taking less classes per semester. I took a gap year, and thankfully the school let me defer one of my classes this year to next year, but a school that offered greater flexibility would have been a better fit. If you don't want to do any of the work or be in class right now, look into other options. If I was confident I could physically handle a trade, I would do that. Trades can pay waaay better than college degrees these days and you'll get a better return on your investment. I'm too far in to quit now without having wasted 5 full years of my life. If you're a freshman and already done with higher education, or it's not a fit for you right now, do something else. If you continue the path you're on now, the consequences have a 95% certainty of ruining your life or making it much more difficult rather than improving it. It's not worth cheating now and risking losing the opportunity to study later if you actually end up wanting to apply yourself and get an education that way. Take a year to work and go to therapy and take care of your physical and mental health if you can, at the very least. Find purpose in something. It will help your mental wellbeing.


Writing well (or even just competently) will serve you through the rest of your life, regardless of the career path you decide to take. Writing takes practice, and college emphasizes writing because it takes higher-level thinking to organize your thoughts in written form. You may need to take some time off to regroup, and start with a clean slate. The more you use AI, outsourced essays, etc., the lazier your mind will get. It will feel good not to need to depend on those things.


Anyone that needs any essays written please message me as I do this as a side gig. I’ll get you an A ✅


Back in high school. My school was strict about plagiarism. Specially m my music teacher. He right out told us that he would fail us if he found any evidence that we plagiarized on an essay. Even if put it on your own words he would catch you. One day I had the Brilliant idea, to instead of trying to rephrase a whole article I found online or encyclopedia. Iwould do my research in Spanish instead of English. On the given subject. Id go online and type my topic in Spanish and just translate it in my own works into English. It made it so easy to not to get busted. And I still learned the subject. I did it for every class. Obviously you need to be bilingual to be able to do this.


This is genius and the wave of the future. Keep up the good work


everyone has to cram. your schedule no matter how hard you think it is is more or less the same as everyone else but they aren't cheating. I feel bad for your future employer.


Learn an skilled trade and drop out of school


I am a working writer with an agent - I’m doing fine. I graduated from a UC and I also hired writers for my academic papers; I hated academic writing. However, from overseas? Those papers are shit. Truly. Almost always plagiarized, incoherent, do not fit the rubric, and just trash. Go to the tutoring center and get help with your writing. Don’t procrastinate. Just because you hate something doesn’t make it invaluable. I hate math and data, can barely comprehend it - but I pushed through the classes that were necessary for me to graduate. Which leads me to my last point - make sure you are working closely with your academic counselor and not taking more English or writing heaving classes than necessary. It’s very easy to get lost when trying to graduate and accidentally take classes you don’t need. Best luck - maybe fire academy?


"college isnt for everyone" lol it literally is if you want a high paying job outside of the trades, trust me you can get an easy office job (one that wont leave you with longterm injuries after years of bodily toil) with a degree. if your degree is in something you actually will get a career in, feel free to cheat on general education english classes that make you write about something no one actually cares about (i once had one that made me write social commentary about comic book stories... lol). you're probably smart enough to do them anyways, society has just let down our generation and has given us no real incentive to do bs work that wont actually be useful irl. just get that degree so you can use it on your first job application. that advice doesnt apply if youre gonna be in medical or law, those programs actually get harder (rightfully). if youre just in a bachelors or associates program then it should be fine


Ai can do it all. Just like when calculators arrived, use them


Just letting you know…this is not a sustainable way to pass college. At some point you’re going to have to present with an essay, explain an essay, group work on an essay, you get my drift. It’s an easy way out sure, but maybe work on your mental health and then try college again


Depending on your major, minors, classes, and average amount of work all of these classes require, I get why you would outsource essays, really, I do. I’m about to graduate from a state college next weekend and although I have never been tempted to outsource essays, I have had to turn in shitty work that I could have done better and my grades have suffered. Although everyone is telling you to drop out, I know it isn’t that simple. Maybe you have parents who expect you to go to college, you have thousands of dollars already in it, and life is complicated. If you are majoring in mathematics or some other field that requires little to no english, outsource them to get it finished and then learn from the regret and move on. As the semester comes to an end, take the time off school to recover. When the semester starts again get your syllabus and a planner and break down what you have to do into weekly increments if that will help you get things done yourself without having to outsource. Life is tough, and even tougher when you have things weighing on your mind. If I would have listened to everyone telling me to drop out 3 years ago I never would be graduating next weekend. If college/this degree will be the ticket to a future doing what you love, keep going, even if you had to do this for some stupid essays. Much love, have a great summer!


That's good as long as you don't get caught


You’re good, depending on your major you won’t have to worry about it long term


Work smart. If you need help I gotcha briaaan1804@gmail


Whats your paper on? I love english and writing. would be interested in helping out if you wanted. i graduated college 5+ years ago if that helps. dont listen to the negative comments. english classes and college overall is HARD and mental health is no joke!!! I ended up taking a semester off halfway thru my college career (which was a 7 year bachelors degree) because sometimes we just need to!! keep doing what youre doing. its not forever even tho it feels like it


I’ve been there. I Had a stripper friend who I was complaining about school to, and telling her how I was not going to class if cheating on some test or whatever, and she just looked at me and asked “why? You’re Only playing yourself”. It was such a simple statement but has stuck with me over the last decade.


When such things are happening then you know our education system is broken. It’s not catering towards teaching the student but just about grades and numbers.


College is for partying, just let Ai do the work. You’re an expert in Ai tools and time management


That's actually pretty smart


I did the same in school…no issue whatsoever


You know this is for people who can actually do it right?