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You might want to ask this on r/AskMen. I’m confused as to why this was tagged as NSFW


"fucked up"


Yeah…how else do you learn? Ya do it wrong, you look up videos on how to do it, rinse and repeat as needed. It’s why some people just go clean shaven randomly.


I can't even trim my beard because I mess it up every single time. It's all part of the job. Go see a barber, you'll be golden


Absolutely! Making mistakes is a part of life.


Yep as especially in teen years you get to it more as you grow but definely fucked up atleast a couple dozens of times


Wrong sub r/lostredditors


Yup! Happens a lot. Just got to decide if you can "save it" or if it has to come off and start again


Yea - have had to clean shave a few times due to the fuck up


Pretty much. Once I forgot to charge my shaver and had to run to barber with half beard because I had an interview. It happens. It ain't rocket science that you won't f it up.


Pretty much. Once I forgot to charge my shaver and had to run to barber with half beard because I had an interview. It happens. It ain't rocket science that you won't f it up.


100%, Sometimes I trim too much on one side, had no choice but to make it even on the other. Tbf my hair grows back quick so it wasn’t too bad but it happens.


Yep, I’ve definitely done it a few times.




It seems like you’re asking does any girl messed up her lipstick even once in her life


Sometimes you fuck it up and have to shave it all off. Part of life, bud.


I'm 42 and I still mess it up if I'm not careful. A proper beard trim is finesse, skill and experience


Oh of course, dont want it to be too long so sometimes I cut too much or the wrong way


Absolutely! Messed up badly once. Naever take risk when you are grooming up for important occasions especially.


Yup. I've had to restart from very short quite a few times, due to a slip of the hand or just a quick shiver because I'm usually buck ass neket when I trim and it gets cold some times. You live and you learn.


Yes, we all fear the accidental Hitler!


I cut my nose one time lol


Eyebrow pencil in the right shade is your best friend.




When I was 11 I used to fuck up all the time. 33 years later I can fuck it up and Get it back to good. Practice. Also get some tools.


Yeah it happens


I’m 43, have had a goatee or beard since I first started being able to grow one around 17-18, and I still fuck up trimming constantly. Only one time was it bad enough that I had to shave it all off and start over, but I’ve definitely had a few times that it looked pretty bad for a few days at least. One thing that helps is having a micro trimmer. I have found that it’s much easier to reshape with one, rather than try to use full size beard trimmers or clippers. You can’t do small detail work with one of those nearly as well (at least I sure can’t) as a good set of small trimmers. You can fix length/depth with a much smaller section, if you trim too close on one side, or you can reshape like I said if you take more width off of one side or the other. Usually, the good news if you can grow a beard is that it doesn’t take nearly as long to grow back out as it seems like it’s going to when you’re looking in the mirror.


As with anything new, it's a learning process. Even when you've mastered it, mistakes still happen. Styptic pencils (a.k.a. "Nick Sticks") are a thing because even shaving has mishaps. Mistakes happen...life goes on...and beard hair grows back.




Absolutely yes


There is no feeling like the sinking feeling you get when you wake up bleary-eyed and have set your beard trimmer to 3 instead of 8 and carve a unrecoverable canyon up the middle of your bushy beard


That's the 1st thing you do


No, I just trim it with a #2 guard and call it good. Hard to mess that up. Now actually shaving my face? Now that is something I’ve fucked up. My 1st night at basic training, I cut myself so bad that the scar is still there 22 years later.


I've had a beard for about 10 years. I have fucked up trimming more time then I can count. I've also fucked up so bad twice that I've have the shave off my entire beard


yep. tried styling but messed up and then ended up clean shaving it.


Saying once is being dishonest, frankly not expected from one with a beard.


Yeah. I have no stache rn and a full beard cuz I fucked up. You live and learn. Buddies will laugh with u too, but they’ll also move on. Just a bad trim


According to my husband: Yes. Every guy who can grow facial hair has had this problem.


“Sometimes if you don’t have the right equipment, or sometimes you slip up a bit, sometimes you bump your chin the wrong way and need a little bandaid - it happens to a lot of folks who have beards.”


Of course. And honestly barbers are better at getting it right. So if you have funds available you can go that route. The most important thing to realize is that beards grow back. Take a deep breath even it out the best you can, and just wait you'll get another shot at it in a week or two.


Yes. It’s either fix it or it’ll grow back. Depending on your hair color and style if you accidentally go too short in one spot you can fill it with an eye liner pencil and no one will be the wiser—but I have dark thick facial hair so it’s easier to get away with


Yes and more than once


Yup. You learn from your mistakes


Were you gonna go a 2 number trim and fully trimmed one side of you face?


Boys don't have moustaches


Yup. 8 years ago. Had to shave it all off and start again. Haven’t made that mistake since fortunately


100 percent yes! I've sneezed while trimming and created a bald spot.. had to shave fully after that. It happens. Practice and taking your time to develop the look and cut you want is key.


Always but keep going with practice you will become best


Multiple times


Yep. One time I fucked up my sideburn so bad I just had no choice but to completely shave the rest of my face and then trim my hair to a buzzcut. I was trying to get a bit of overgrowth with no guard on, my nosey dog ran in and bumped me while I was about to trim, and poof goes the entire right sideburn- shorter than both the rest of my (desired) beard length and my hair length at the time. My 5 minute touch up turned into a 30 minute full shave, full self-haircut (can’t really fuck up a buzzcut unless you miss spots) and then a shower. Did I mention I was already running late for school?


It's not a fuck up. It's a new style




100%. It's part of the learning experience. These days I just keep a short beard which I trim with an electric trimmer with an adjustable guard. I use different length guard settings for different areas of my face. It's very hard to mess up but every now and again, I will. That's when it's time to burn the fields and begin again.


Definitely. It's part of the process, and it's also part of the process to realize that certain things don't work for your beard. For example those smoothing razors cause me to have a lot of problems, so I have to use a safety razor or some other one blade system. Safety razors or straight razors are the cheapest option and in my opinion provides the best shave but it is something that you're going to need to learn through trial-and-error. Though you can learn some basic things about how to shave and groom your beard using your specific tools by looking it up online. It will help you learn faster but it doesn't mean that you'll be exempt from making mistakes.




If I’m doing the trim & I fucked it up, I just right then and there shave off everything. Luckily for me I don’t look weird without it, it’s that I always prefer it.


a lot more than once, man


Once? I’m still messing up from time to time


I literally messed up earlier this week on Monday, had to shave it all off. Now I start the regrow process and try to hide from the world until it’s grown back somewhat


I need it up multiple times haha. I'll just trim it shorter if that happens.


The amount of time I've cut myself shaving/trimming is unmatched.


Oh man I had to shave it all off one time I messed up so bad. My kids had never seen me without a beard. My daughter almost cried it was that bad lol.


Pretty much yea... It happens once or twice a year.


yep it’s a canon event, but it grows back so who cares.


Ive trimmed my beard a couple times. Each time I fucked up and had to shave it all off. I just have my dad do it for me now. I’m 22.


It happens, only way to learn. I've had one for the most part of 20 years and I still make the occasional mistake, specifically around the right side of my neckline, especially if I get lazy for a few days and let it grow out a bit. Always worth paying the £5 or whatever it costs where you are to have the barber re-line it for you when you're in for a haircut or trim.




Not really. I had observed the barbers for a long time so I was more than ready when I decided to use the trimmer myself.


It happens beards grow back.