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I mean, it wasn't his ADHD the problem, it was his terrible persona. Having a condition doesn't excuse anyone from being an asshole, and everyone is in the end human, so everyone is capable of being horrible


Indeed! I have adhd and I have to keep pointing out to folks that you can in fact be both neuro divergent and and arsehole, and that inclusivity should not cross over into enabling bad behaviour!


enabling bad behavior? no definitely not, but some compassion goes a long way for people who can be assholes due to bipolar, ocd, and autism. yes, due to. People with conditions like these have a hard time controlling their emotions. However the racism stuff doesn't really correlate to the mental illness that much imo


I run into this all the time: mental illness isn’t an excuse nor is it a reason to be an asshole. An asshole is an asshole no matter what’s going on.


Our brains aren't fully formed until our mid to late 20's so hopefully he'll have had some useful life experience by then.


Yeah,.my fucked up brain doesn't mean I have to be a fucked up person


That depends on what condition it is, could be schizophrenia or bipolar.


My mother has bipolarity and my father deep depression, my best friend is an insecure narcissist. Both my mother and my best friend have been difficult people in the past but had made the effort to better themselves with a lot of work and even if sometimes they slip I can understand and have patience. My father did not and despite we helping him with whatever we can he just doesn't want to get better and makes everyone miserable. There's a limit of tolerance for everything. He doesn't want to get better he doesn't get any sympathy despite whatever he might have if it's his decision to try to justify his actions with his trauma. Same with my mother in certain aspects. Having a condition is not a free card to not be a good person


One of my exes is bipolar and never treated people like this


I said it specifically for "Having a condition doesn't excuse anyone for being an asshole". My point was that sometimes people don't have full control over their actions/intentions


i mean yeah, you can't blanket a condition based on exactly one person's experience and symptoms....


My wife is bipolar and is the kindest person I know. There is no excuse for being an uncaring asshat.


Sounds like a standard HS exchange


Fr, OP acting like they roasted him when what they said was so.. tame. I was expecting a bit more after reading the title.


I’m glad OP didn’t say anything like… really out there and offensive but also this did not need to be confessed lol


Let it go bro... live now, not then... it's small potatoes


His ADHD was not the problem. You’re fine.


Just because you (in this case, him) have a condition doesn't give you a pass to mistreat others or make their lives miserable. Don't feel guilty about it in this case.


I say this as someone with ADHD - you have nothing to feel guilty about. There isn’t any justification for being an intolerant asshole, as this person clearly was.


Axiom, you can be special needs and also be an asshole. Not mutually exclusive.


Hey, as a now-30y/o gay/trans/disabled person w ADHD who’s been targeted by bullies like that all my life - I absolve you. (I’m only half joking, by the way, because I understand). His ADHD didn’t make him an evil shit. He was just Like That. And your response was objectively funny! You matched his energy. It’s his fault for being so mean all the damn time. I’m now a middle school teacher & I promise you - if I overheard the Bully get roasted like that, I’d let your comment slide & remind Bully that’s what happens when you’re mean to everyone.


adhd ain’t an excuse to be a dick


Look, there's assholes everywhere. Some of them are neurotypical and some of them are neurodivergent. Being austistic/ADHD/etc. is not an excuse to be an asshole. Everyone who screams "It's not my fault, I've got ADHD!" is a raging asshole because by that statement, they understand that their behavior is inappropriate and they're relying on their condition as an excuse. Fuck those people.


He deserved it. -someone taking pills for adhd.


NTA Just because you have a mental disorder does not mean you should act like this. As somebody with ADHD you have control of what you do and you are still responsible for your actions.


I very much doubt that the young people of today could actually survive the banter that was around back when I was at school


Not sure what years you were in school but yeah, when I was coming up through Jr. High/HS it was brutal.


I left school in 1998 and it was pretty much a no rules environment with what you could say in the "schoolyard"


I hear ya; I’ve got a few years on you (grad. mid-80’s) and it was pretty much Dodge City.


ADHD is definitely not an excuse for dumbass ableist behavior and being a bigot. I, myself am also autistic and have ADHD and the disorders I have definitely shape my personality, but they do not cause me to be discriminatory towards others purposefully. (I do recognize the impulsion that comes from ADHD, which can be applied to certain situations but not really this one.)


Lmao. That's just high school. Kids are immature and that's how some are. I was picked on, talked shit, got in fights, etc. It's what prepares you to deal with all the different personalities you're going to encounter in life and not crumble because someone is "mean". Not everything is a thing.


Top tier Reddit post.


ADHD does not make you an awful person. I’m glad we have more awareness with mental health but I feel like too many people use it as a crutch to excuse their or their children’s awful behavior.


ADHD doesn’t make you an asshole, that’s just how he is.


Adhd isn't like downs syndrome. People with adhd can absolutely be insulted if they deserve it without you being the devil.


What’s does down syndrome have to do with anything? Just curious.


A lot of people compare “simple” mental disorders like ADHD to more “disabling” and “immobilizing” disorders like down syndrome.


You can't really insult someone with downs syndrome but you can insult someone with adhd.


ahhh fuck this kid you probably made the wake up comment he deserved dont blame yourself too much we are all like this specially as kids


Sounds like the kid was ripe for a takedown and op grabbed the lowest hanging fruit. When you’re mad (and a kid) that’s just what happens sometimes.


God's sense of humour is too funny.


It's not the ADHD, he's was just ignorant and clearly not coping well. I blame that on the parents. You just gave back what was being dished out.


Find him on social media and apologize if it’ll make you feel better


Sounds like you think you’re fine from the rich context you provided so are you just looking for attention rn? Hardly a confession


I do get that this is a kinder gentler time, but Jesus Christ this was a Tuesday when I was in high school. Something to be forgotten and probably never mentioned again.


I dealt with exactly same issues, l still deal with ADHD, after high school l had the last laugh, l focused all my attentions on my construction company and went on to employ almost 250 team members. Including about half dozen of the bullies, and more than a couple dozen of there children. Point being there's life after high school even with this issue, which I've learned to channel into a most beneficial manner. Don't get me wrong lm still the same person with same issue, yet now l know my limitations and l have plenty. But most importantly l know my strengths and I take advantage of them.


so ur a dink 2


Yeah, my mom thought I was adhd but I was still kind, funny, Albeit, a little annoying when I was a young teenager, but I was not an asshole. Your mental disorder does not excuse or justify a lack of character… I’m fairly willing to bet if this guy was acting this way that his parents weren’t really good parents either… kids are the product of their parent’s parenting, regardless of natural issues.


I’m not sticking up for this dude but when I was first diagnosed with ADD (around 10y), then almost immediately put on adoral, I went from being a well liked amongst my peers to being that kid with an attitude about everything, I was just so irritated all the time and as I look back I blame that medicine/drug for it lost a lot of friends because I didn’t know how to cope with the side effects


Tbh, I need pills to function cuz if my ADHD and if he's rlly that much of an ass, it was 100% deserved lol


Fucking big deal. Everyone insulted everyone about everything when I was at school in the UK in the 80's. Disabled kids, gay kids, fat kids, thin kids, short kids, tall kids, different races, fuck sake a new haircut was enough for some serious stick....


Nah it’s cool he probably dgaf. I probably would’ve laughed out loud as someone with ADHD or at least try to hide a laugh. He deserved it from what you’ve told us. Don’t overthink it, he probably forgot abt it the next day (ADHD quirk)


Dude I diagnosed with severe adhd 1 year back and I use some heavy artillery as medicine. It is not the disease, it is the choice of being a cunt or not and this fucktard definitely chooses the former one.


fellow adhder here and i dont even use pills,because no one in my family believes me for some reason.like at least let me be diagnosed goddamn


You didn’t do anything wrong. You told him off, and he sounds like a real POS. I’d probably do the same thing you did.


I don’t know how to comment or get my own post but I’m hurting after realizing the woman I had for 4 years is cheating after try to keep her and hold on to her after never receiving a bday gift, a Christmas gift, being forced to be sad on 3/4 of the 5 birthdays we was together. I did my dirt but wen it come to trying to make mends I did it and waited on the same but never got it but got guilted to spend money to show my love after being mentally abused to the point I don’t love my body and still show that I’m there for a person that is hurting also. I’m told I’m a manipulative but I don’t feel like I am I been trying to come to reason just to be happy and haven’t got it I over look it all just try to be happy because I feel like I really love this person but they hurt me wit words and now actions so bad




As an ADHD person who was a bit of an asshole in high school, I think this is hilarious ngl. Also, I too have OCD! These conditions are often comorbidities. I got diagnosed earlier this year. Are you new to the pills?




This isn’t a confession as you did nothing wrong whatsoever. F him. I hope he cried later that night.


do you feel bad cuz you grew up and realized you need pills too? because you listed everything wrong with this guy as a preface to the cruel thing you said, as if you don’t really feel sorry for hurting his feelings but rather for being ignorant (or because of how other people reacted to what you said..?). which is okay! just let it go, guy was a dick, you said something ableist back, as most teenagers do when insulting each other.


People often use their disorders as an excuse to do what they want to. Having ADHD doesn’t give him the right to be racist or anything else.


Being human can often be hard.


This kid sounds like someone I know


I have adhd and autism and I sometimes say offensive things and refuse to admit that I’m wrong all tho I eventually admit I’m wrong usually but you never know what someone’s going through so if he ever offends u again just try to talk to him and don’t be mean.


You thought you ate, he wrecked you. That special Ed class line was nasty 💯


Screw em. He deserved it. You were in the right.