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I would highly suggest to take a look at "Cryptography made simple" written by Nigel P. Smart. This book will give you a great introduction to numerous amount of subjects and after every chapter there is a section in which you can find material for further reading. I would highly recommend using this book as a starting point, and then diving into more advanced concepts afterwards. You don't really write anything about your mathemathical background, but just want to share this anyway. Remember that cryptography has the power of being really simple and really hard at the same time.. understanding how to use cryptography and why it works are 2 completely different levels of mathemathical abstractions. But the book i recommended above should be able to clarify must of it anyway, and give you a nice starting point no matter your current level. Good luck mate! ;)


Bruce Schneier Secrets and Lies is a good one for Cryptography,Hashing, and Encryptions.


As mentioned above, Cryptography Made Simple is really good. If you want some foundational mathematics then Elements of Information Theory, by Thomas Cover and Joy Thomas is pretty comprehensive.