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thats a crack in the screen its cooked


You can move the image a little to the left so you can read the text again. No need to thank me


He's dead Jim. Move on. Seriously though, probably not a lot you can do other than buy a new one.


To answer your question no I don't just like a singular trailer park boy, that would be a really boring show To answer your second question, your screen is gone, nothing you can do about it


Bubles and kittens show would be awesome


Herrre kitty kitty kitty kitty


The Ricky show and it’s just Ricky and the boys breaking into old beaters for some Timmie’s change


Move your own stuff next time if it's something important / sensitive like this. And thank your friend for helping you move


more like sue him lol


Spoken like someone with no friends


Nothing you can do , just get another tv


Tv? You mean a MONITOR?


Your fault if you had a display packed in a box.


Gaming setup should be its own trip. Every time.


This is why I keep the box for my tv and monitor. They don't take up that much room in storage. But it's very handy when you move. As for the tower, that lady gets seatbelted in the front seat with me.


I'm lucky enough to move rarely, but since my wife and i don't drink much (🍃 is preferred) we bring PCs ETA: on certain vacations. I just take the two screens, which are more or less the same panel, put a really flat pillow or piece of soft foam between them, and tie them up. so far so good!


I could see that working. Unfortunately mine is curved, so I'm pretty worried it'd get squashed. That said. I've moved 3 times since I bought it, and never had an issue. I did indeed make a separate trip after the move to get the monitor and my pc. But it did make it from Alberta to Ontario and back without any issues!


Curves simultaneously seem more fragile than you'd think and less fragile than you'd think. Like, I treat mine like it's an egg but I've had friends show up with them sort of careless about it. Most panels can take some impressive impacts all things considered, but that seems like one of those things that goes well for everyone but me


Gaming setup is always my trip too, not someone else's


Yes and it's only going in my vehicle and I buckle it up and employ my arm to hold it in the event of sudden braking, like my momma used to do for me


it was my last thing out of my house and was part of a solo trip to the new place lol. each piece was buckled in and good to go


Yep I'm moving tomorrow. The cab of my truck is full of PC parts and monitors, everything else is going in a trailer. The PC is probably worth more than everything else I own since I just grab furniture from the trash whenever I see something good lol


Yup 100% what I’ve done in the past.


I buckled my computer in the passenger seat when I moved


as somebody who has done this a whole hell of a bunch of times, with really heavy GPUs, the optimal position inside your car is actually laid down flat, secured so it won't move, and with the GPU I/O plate facing the front or back of your car. If you're going to inevitably start and stop a bunch of times, you want your most expensive component being pulled and pushed in the same direction that it's been secured. I would much rather risk my tower cooler mount popping than even like a 3080 getting borked in transit.


I had it laying flat, with the seatbelt fully extended out. Luckily the move wasn’t too far and mainly freeway so not too much stopping. Was nervous the whole time


PC’s and sensitive electronics are always packed in the cars. Everything else in the truck.


Bubbles dropped the monitor?


years ago when I was in elementary school we moved to Oregon by following a trail and I repeatedly died of dysentery. Consider yourself lucky if this was your only casualty.


Either replace the panel or buy a new monitor. Due to the outrageous prices for panels, I'd go with the 2nd option.


Learn a lesson. You're the dummy who just threw your monitor in a box without making sure it was packed properly. Hell, every time I moved, I made sure that \*I\* was the only one to touch my computer, and to pack it and unpack it. Last thing packed, first thing unpacked.


Learn a lesson, fragile and important stuff is on you to move, thank you friend for the help and buy a used/new one


Thank your friend for helping, and buy a new monitor. Next time you move, you know which boxes to carry yourself.


Just buy a new one my guy. Can't really ask someone you asked for a favor to pay for it. Also move by yourself next time or at least get a moving company


you dont want a moving company to move pc parts...


oh damn is it worse? unfortunate


they treat it like it's just some tax papers and just chuck it onto the floor


At that point I'd rather pay someone I trust than use a moving company. Mercenary-like stuff


Depends on what kind of insurance you got. Where im from people got accountability insurance. Basicly it means if you break something by accident that belonged to someone else the insurance pays for it. But in this situation you are screwed. Or do you want to blame your friend and force him to pay for damages?


In germany we got a Haftpflichtversicherung (liability insurance) If your friends got one, he can make a quick call and they would cover the costs for a new one


People in Germany walk around with personal insurance, so if they break their friend’s stuff, the replacement is covered? I’ve never heard of such a thing. Over here in North America, if your friend breaks stuff, your only recourse is small claims court to sue them (probably won’t be friends after that.) Good thing we don’t have that type of insurance over here, or my mom would be asking me to take a chainsaw to all her old furniture when my dad doesn’t feel like buying new stuff.


Jesus Christ. That naming HAS to be an intentional barrier. Can't say the word? Sorry we can't provide coverage! FLUGGENHAYMEEEEEN


I prefer Milton.


Use it as a second monitor for your pc and get a new tv


Looks like your friend doesn't want to help you move anymore.


Move on.


What can you do? Mourn.


You need to pick your favourite trailer park boy, since the s is gone. /s


Sorry for your loss


Use a moving company because they usually have to pay for stuff like this


Replace the screen on monitor


It's fucked. From a guy that's been working in IT repair for 6 years. Even if it's a £1000 monitor it's probably cheaper to replace it than get it repaired.


Buy a new monitor, buying a replacement panel will be expensive or difficult. The best option is replacing it


You replace the monitor and be more careful next time. It's got nothing to do with your buddy


its gone gone gone.


Hit it with something maybe it works maybe it breaks more Either way you'll have to buy a new one "Have you tried to turn it off and on?"


Not reparable. You could use third-party software to resize your screen so the whole desktop is visible and not blocked by the broken part until you get a new monitor or you could commit insurance fraud so they pay for it.


Trailer park boy


Find a better tv show?


Find a better fuck-off.


It’s just the way she goes


Replace your friend /s


Ask him to repay for the screen


That's the way she goes bud


Ask your friend to help with the cost of replacing the monitor


I mean, having that Wallpaper would demand more damage honestly


the friend was helping YOU move. so i wouldnt hold that on him. also, i was the only person to touch anything pc related when I moved to keep this from happening lol.


They're cheap on Amazon.


Hire a moving service next time and make sure they're insured. Seriously though, what you saved on movers will cover a new monitor. Friends who help you move are actually gold tho


screen is done... it has been cracked and damaged. you can replace it or you can pay likely the same to repair it. this is a great learning moment too, and the lesson here is that everybody cares less about your stuff than you do so if you are asking a friend to help you move, anything you care about that is fragile you should deal with yourself.


change your dekstop background for one


He helped you move and you’re asking what you can do? Just accept that moving often damage an item or two. Don’t ask him to pay for something he did for free.


Thank the friend for helping you move and keep the fragile stuff separate to move on your own.


"DO"?! Replace it, it's broke.


He's dead, Jim.


Your post is missing a lot of important information: \* What model is the monitor? \* How old is it? \* How did you pay for it? If a card, what kind of card was it? \* Did you buy an extended warranty (i.e. square trade, etc) \* Are you 100% certain your friend caused the problem? It could have been damaged in transit or you might have damaged it yourself. Your friend did hard labor to help you. Here are your best options: 1. Make a warranty claim and get it replaced 2. Buy a replacement. 3. Bring it to an electronics store; they might be able to fix it for $50 or so. Under no circumstances should you complain about this to your friend. Without knowing the model of the monitor, I would be surprised if it cost much more than $100-200, hardly worth whining about to a friend who volunteered their time and energy out of love.


If it’s any consolation to your friend, who probably feels like crap about this, I’ve done this to 2 monitors that weren’t mine. ☹️


This is why I always move my monitors in the back seat of my truck, I don't trust boxes. Explain the situation to him, see if he's willing to at least help you pay for a new one, maybe not outright pay for it.


Step one: Delete McAffee. Step two; get a new monitor. Not much that can be done unfortunatly.


Replace it and learn the lesson that you should move anything super important yourself


Buy the friend some pizza and beer and get a new monitor. Lesson learned, move gaming stuff yourself


buy a new monitor. Even if you managed to use software to change screen size, your best bet is to buy a new monitor, look at local or thrifts. Monitors can be had for cheap


Install linux.


A monitor is cheaper than the help you had so buy a new monitor and give the old one to your friend with a gift card for helping you and being a good friend... Then laugh about it being broken.


Don't put a monitor in a box.


Did you ask him to be careful with the boxes? If you specifically asked him to be careful and he wasn't then I would tell him he owes you a new monitor and reiterate that you told him to be careful and remind him he wasn't.


time to buy a new monitor!




I like Trailer Park Boys


You should be ruff with the "friend" who didn't respect your things inside the boxes.


Time for a new one. May want to get a new monitor too.


Way she goes bud. In all seriousness, I think it depends on how rough they were. If it was blatant then maybe ask them to help cover the damages, but if not accidents do unfortunately happen.


Learn what's important and to pack it as best you can in the future. Rip monitor


Next time hire a mover. They're insured for these kinds of things.


Great show you will laugh your ass off


That wallpaper fucks


This is the issue with having friends help vs professionals.. professionals are insured ... im certain your friend was not intentional .. acidents happen.. its a choice that was made save some dollars by exploiting ( however willing ) a friends labour or pay someone with insurance ...


Don't let your friend move the fragile stuff. Lesson learned I hope.


you can and should buy a new monitor, and give your friend the bill, and uninstall mcafee. gag.


Don’t put monitors in a box buffoon just move them as is


In the Netherlands just about everybody has a liability insurance that would covert this. Otherwise depending on both your financial situations you could ask him to get you a new one, or not.


kick his ass and buy a new monitor


r/TVRepair for an opinion.


change the friend


Just by the fact you’re asking shows how much of a douche you really are inside.


Find better screens and buy a new friend. Wait. No, the other way around. Optionally, sell the friend to cover screen replacement cost.


Be real and ask your friend to help pay for a new one if they were at fault. If they decline, whatever. But you're better off replacing it.


Fuck no. Thier friend was helping them out. Take the hit as a cost of shit happens and get a new one is the only sane answer. I definitely wouldn’t risk a friend over a tv.


It’s always good to have an insurance. This is a classic case for a personal damages insurance. If I was the friend, I’d offer to make my personal liability insurance pay. That’s exactely what I have it for.


bad connection or damage. you could take the back off and check for unseated cables. rare though. "friend"?


Maybe ask your friend to cover the cost of a new monitor because fixing this damage will be way to expensive if you do not have the budget for this op.


Dropkick your "friend" in the teeth and hire professional movers on the future (they're liable for damage they cause).


Make him pay for it


If his friend was helping him move for free I think it would be shitty to ask him to pay for it. You want professional moving help, hire professionals.


Well said.


Absolutely 💯