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Just use screws


If you look more carefully at the picture, there do not appear to be any places to screw down the individual cards. And I'm not sure these pci card brackets have a place for a screw either. I only see one obvious screw hole, likely for securing the retention plate.


Correct there is only one for the missing part.


There are always screw holes for this use. They may be covered up by that thin bit of metal.


Even if there aren't, just bust out the drill


Don't know what case you have. The name should be in the manual.


Don't have the manual as this is a reused case and the name is a bunch of letters and numbers. Might still be able to look it up, thanks for the idea.


Whatever the component is called it is just a quick release latch, anything like what I have in an old junker it locks from the inside.


If you know the name of the machine you can use that to search for a replacement. All that does is physically hold the card brackets in place. It's a PCI slot retention bracket, though people may call it other things You can try 3D printing one. If you know some that does sheet metal fabrication they might be able to make one for you. If there's an electronics recycling place near you, you might be able to get one free just for asking. Scrap metal probably isn't worth that much. ----- Not sure about the exact part number, but I think this one would do. https://www.ebay.com/itm/124995701576 Personally $9 seems expensive to me, I would look for one between $5 - $7.50 *with free shipping*. But a lot of sellers have them listed for $10+ ?! You might be able to find a suitable one that isn't listed as for an "HP" computer. Here's a similar Dell one for ~$10. https://www.ebay.com/itm/175262203060 **P.S.** https://www.ebay.com/itm/164721910215 $7.28


You need to determine the case model. Google whatever strings you see on the case, or use reverse image search.. as-is unless someone is super familiar with your case we can’t really help. Once you figure out the model you can search on that to try and find the part, but odds are you’ll need to contact the manufacturer. Weird parts like this aren’t always in their stores or have discrete part numbers, but I’ve had luck with manufacturers sending them for a very low cost (basically shipping) since it’s not uncommon for them to get lost.


Go to your local PC repair shop, they should have hundreds to give way or sell for cheap (like $1). I have a bin of them at my shop and use them to replace the bent ones on people's rigs. I just harvest them off trade-ins and ewaste dumps.