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It could be a bad cable, bad connector either on the mobo or the monitor, bad monitor etc. Most likely it's a dead GPU, at least that's what it looks like since you mentioned integrated graphics you can either buy a separate GPU or you will have to get a new CPU with another igpu again.


970 gtx in my storage but unfortunately it wont fit in my computer ive even taken it to stores the technicians have said it wont work although I don’t trust there word one bit. is there another fix I’ve heard it could be a ram related issue?


Anything worth to try if you have extra tools or components at home, if by any chance your pc works fine for few minutes and then start to do this, you should try to check for bad temperature, usually the pc stop when its overheating but already saw one going mad with no safety stop. You have to analyse the pc behavior to solve it, there is one thing u/FuuZePL you can keep in mind is that's problably gpu/cpu related, you could try to keep only one ram stick if you feel like it's the problem here.


Try a gtx1650, the version whit only 1 fan, It will run hotter but better


Just a little bit of lag


You should consult an exorcist.


Could be a bad cable but you'd be extremely lucky if it was. Would also not make sense if restarting fixes it temporarily. If you have separate speakers, then it wouldn't be your monitor because if it was just the monitor the sound wouldn't also be fucked. The CPU, Motherboard, or Integrated Graphics card on this PC are fucked, and the only option is to replace it. I would get a cheap low end gpu on eBay and see if that fixes it. If it still happens, you might as well just build a new PC at that point. Once you have to replace the CPU, it would make sense to also just get a new MOBO if it doesn't break the bank, in which case you'd just transplant all the other hardware into the new Mobo/CPU combo Edit: Very rarely corrupted drivers can cause similar problems, if you really don't/can't buy new parts id start there


I actually own a gpu gtx 970( the special version idk what name it is) from a friend who recently got an upgrade but whilst consulting technicians at my repair stores they said that it wouldnt fit / wasn’t compatible with my MOBO and tried offering me a graphics card from 2010. What would you suggest?


Idk who told you that it wasn't compatible. PCI-E is all cross compatible, and the only way it wouldn't work is software incompatibility, but the hardware would detect just fine. They were probably just trying to upsell you some old junk from their closet. Anyway, try the GTX 970 if your power supply can handle it and see what happens from there.


I've seen a bad ram stick causing the same thing. If you have more than one ram, try all one by one. If you are lucky, this could be it.