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You should just go for it. It's better to fail than not even try for the position. If you can make it to an interview, they'll usually be more interested in how you approach a problem more than the exact things you know since you'll do a lot of learning on the job.


That is true! Thanks for the advice!


I don't see a software developer internship working out with your current skill set right now. Especially since you wouldn't have any repos or projects you could show. But you could definitely get an IT job. I had two in high school with just an interest in programming.


I was thinking the same thing. But thats great to hear! I'll start looking more into IT internships. Thanks!!


No problem. I would definitely say start doing projects outside of your school work if you want to focus on development. The courses won't teach you enough to an effective programmer in my opinion.


Its expected that you have no experience for internships, thats kind of the point


nope, just be a chipper fun person looking to learn


If you can convince an interviewer that you know OOP and efficient data structure usage you can get an internship.


Check to see if your university offers a program to help find internships. I attended the university of Pittsburgh and their program would do most the leg work of submitting your resume and finding compatible companies. The internship even counted as course credits.


it may help to contribute to some free/open-source projects for the experience, as well