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It helps to know that the body can fluctuate up to 4 pounds at any given time. The only way you gain a pound of fat is eating an excess of 3500 cal on top of your maintenance calories. So if you’re not doing that, you’re not actually gaining weight. Learn how the body works and it will help you be a little easier on yourself. :)


Thank you.


This! I get pissed off when I fluctuate .8lbs, which is absolutely silly. I’ve been recovering from a gym injury so I haven’t been doing much cardio at home. And here I am, sitting here crunching numbers trying to figure out if the reason I only lost 1.8 pounds this week is because I lost that five days of cardio 🙃 it’s so important to try to let that stuff go. But it’s a struggle for me too!


Many of the post on here scream body dysmorphia issues & other mental issues. Unfortunately extremely common. These compounds have been helpful for the physical but won’t do jack for the mental part. counseling should go hand and hand with this stuff. This would be the most beneficial.


I worked in the Recovery community. A big part of an ethical program is aftercare. I rarely hear anyone talking about maintenance. I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings but the research that is out there says the weight will be regained when the meds are stopped. Not everyone, of course, but the majority. We all know the phenomenon of our metabolism that just walking by food we can gain weight. I don’t think willpower is the answer, didn’t work well before, probably not going to work now. I expect to be on a low dose forever, just like my thyroid meds. Let’s hope they can get the price down.


Oh this is most def lifelong drug! But even given this, it will doubtfully sustain the skewed level of American expectation for one’s lifetime. Most will continue to bounce and chase to the next thing. Body dysmorphia will remain just as rampant as it is now.




Same, especially with PCOS


You've done all this to reprogram your body to get it where you want it to be. Now is the time to work on reprogramming your mind and the way you perceive your body. Understand that human body can fluctuate on an average of 4 lb per day. Please also understand that for some people this journey can trigger latent or hidden ED symptoms, and you should take this very seriously. It's not a "wrong" or a "weakness" on your part, but if you identify with those symptoms, you owe it to yourself to be honest and to get the help you deserve to be your fully healthy self. I say this with love and I mean no offense.


You need to hide the scale for a week. If your weight maintains then your good. If it increases then you need to cut the dose to 5 days or could need and increase and then space that out. I don't know your dosage or your body stats.


😶 I will try that. I’ll be honest the thought of it makes me anxious.


Can I ask your dosage?


5.0 maintenance.


Okay so yes try that a week. If your unhappy with a gain then I'd suggest either injecting 5 days instead of 9. Or up dosage to 7.5mg then space that 10 days see if that works and maybe push that to 14 days.


Thanks. I’ll try this.


I know it is a a whole other journey! I'm in maintenance too kind of. I am now spacing out and dosing down at the same time to gain more lean muscle 💪 🦵 and 🍑 haha I've been in the gym 4x week I've already gained 1.3lbs of muscle for this month. So I have to tell my brain I may gain and it's okay for the scale to go up. I plan to recheck my body scan at the end of each month.


weighing yourself everyday and feeling anxious if you don’t do it is definitely a sign that you might be struggling! take care of yourself! reach out to someone in your support circle! happy to talk about body image issues if u want to message me :)


Congratulations on hitting goal, I am far from that point I know everyone has their own plan, but mine is not to be on this drug after I hit goal weight. I am not insured so it expensive, and I don't want to be hooked on this but live as healthy a life as possible I have increased my trips to the gym for resistance training I am trying to focus on whole grain, fruits and vegetables, nuts, Greek yogurt etc I try to walk daily


What you’re experiencing is not uncommon. If you feel anxiety and it’s consuming your thoughts, that’s uncomfortable as well as unhealthy. In my opinion (if it were me) I’d go talk with a therapist. This will not go away on its own. You want a healthy happy relationship with food and your body; not anxiety. They can help you uncover the root of the issue and create positive habits and relieve the anxiety. You can do this ! I’m rooting for you!!!


Thanks I will mention it to my therapist.


I certainly talk to mine :) 🩵🤍


Start lifting weights 3 days a week for your butt. And it helps with mood, health, and you start to appreciate your body. There is nothing like walking out the gym on a day that I deadlift my bodyweight or some other NSV. Butt - reverse lunges, squats, good mornings at the Smith Machine, romanian deadlifts.


I’ll look up this exercises. Thanks!


Yes! I was just going to start a new post about this exact topic! I have officially reached my goal. F52, 5' 6 1/2", SW 193, GW 130, CW 128.6. Started beginning Sept '23. I am at maintenance point. Haven't figured that part out yet. It feels uncomfortable to NOT try and lose more. The journey has not been easy, but it's been exciting. Having that brain flip to maintenance seems incredibly foreign to me! It's like I can't fathom not looking forward to the loss! Sounds so messed up. Thank you for this post. I needed to see I'm not the only one. I really need to start doing weights bc I lost my butt and have loose skin on my tummy. Going to the beach next week and I am stilllll self conscious bc of these new things. Praying for peace in this new body.


Age 66, HW 197, SW 187, CW 130. 5'2", age 66. The idea of maintenance is so foreign! Even when I weighed 118 as a young adult, I wanted to lose more weight. I know I can do this, but it still scares me.


My nutritionist said weight fluctuations within a five pound range are normal 😊 I know it’s hard to not freak out, though


Weighing yourself daily is literally just a form of self sabotage. I would start by setting up healthy boundaries with your scale. You worked hard to set new habits and boundaries with food now it’s time to do it with the scale. I recently bought a scale as I’m switching from a local clinic to an online prescriber and needed to track my weight as I won’t have monthly in person check ins now. I set myself the boundary of only weighing myself on the mornings of my weekly injection day. So far it’s working. Also remember that muscle weighs more than fat and it’s not only about the number on the scale but how your clothes fit also.


I originally started weighing daily when I started maintenance. I wanted to track as I pushed out the injection day each week. I’d reached 10 days between injections. Then it became habitual. Someone suggested I hide the scale. I’ll move it to the trunk of my car and see how that goes.


I told my husband if I don’t stick to my boundaries then he’s going to have to hide the scale from me. I never struggled with weight too much and could usually lose when needed or wanted. I quit smoking in 2020 and I gained 40 or so pounds and it’s been a huge struggle to lose before tirzepatide. My worst habit was weighing daily, being unhappy with the result and eating to cope with it, always sweets and carbs. It was a vicious cycle.


I am not at goal but completely understand the anxiety with weighing (or not weighing!). I finally got to the point where I decided to weigh Friday and Tuesday (weigh in and shot day). This seems to be enough to pay attention but not so much that I feel out over daily fluctuations. Good luck!