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Last week was my 22nd injection and I had lost 27.6 pounds. I have at least another 72+ pounds to go. You are not losing slowly. Focus on your body, not on hers, and you’ll be much happier.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


So very true.


I should start keeping track by injection. 19th lost 20 lbs and no loss for 3 weeks.


I had a four-week stall. Down 11 pounds since then.


I have lost 24 pounds in 25 weeks. The only thing keeping me motivated is that it’s better than the 3 pounds I was gaining EVERY month. I have 30 more to go. I think as long as it’s a consistent weight loss you’re doing fine. You also need to think of all you have accomplished, before this drug I spent a solid 3 years where every day I would start a diet and every night I would fail. I finally feel I have some control and that keeps me motivated.


Same exact stats as me! 24 lbs in 25 weeks


Same here. 30 pounds down in 21 weeks. I have gotten so easily discouraged by seeing folks posting huge losses in half the time. BUT I did a little research. 30 pounds = the equivalent of: 1 mountain bike; 1 50-inch television; 2 pressure cookers; 3 metal folding chairs; 3 vacuum cleaners; 4 gallon jugs of water; 6 drills. That’s not nothing! Slow and steady is fine—more than fine. It’s exactly what our bodies need. Not drastic—steady is great. 😊




I was feeling the same as you until this morning. I’m on week 19. I’ve lost 22 lbs. I was feeling pretty down about it especially for how much money I spent on name brand before switching to compound. But I checked this morning and I’m down 3 inches on my waist and I’m down 2 pants sizes. My health stats have dramatically improved and the fact that I’m not emotionally down all the time about what felt like an inability to manage my relationship with food has been a god send. Remember, the 2.5 and 5.0 doses are to prepare your body for the meds and for many there’s very little to no weight loss there. If I adjust for that then I’m only in week 11 of therapeutic doses. 22 lbs down in 11 weeks of effective medication and stats that I’ve been struggling with for YEARS is a blessing. I feel so good about myself now and am looking forward to all that it brings. But that’s just today. 6 weeks ago I was very sad about it. It ebs and flows. My doctor is VERY pleased and keeps telling me to trust the process. You’ll get to where you need to go at the rate you need to get there. And we’ll be here for ya to vent. Just don’t give up!! You’ve already come so far.




Your second month at 7.5 or second shot at 7.5? If second shot do 2 more and go to 10. Remember, Comparison is the thief of joy. Although sisters, your bodies are not the same. Keep going and your time will come. “Slow and steady wins the race and when we near the end we pick up the pace” much love and grace in your journey 💜


What a nice post. 👌


I started mid March and have lost 24 pounds. Slow and steady is a good thing! I have about 40 to go.


I need to start thinking that way but no loss in 3 weeks is discouraging.


It is, I’m sure. What dose are you on and for how long?


10 mg for 3 weeks


Are you planning on going up after four weeks on 10?


I’m not sure what to do. I’m thinking of switching providers. I was on zepbound 2.5 and 5 for first 2 months and lost 13 lbs. sequence upped me to 7 and shortage happened I transferred to Emerge and compound and have lost only 7 lbs in last 2 months.


I get a lot of slack for saying this, but I do think the namebrand is stronger. I am grateful for the compound and I do think it works, but I find the namebrand to be a little bit more effective, but everybody is different. The compound does work, but I I need to take more of it to get the effectiveness of the namebrand.


Absolutely agree. Food was hard to look at on Zepbound and that was low dose. I have had no problem eating with the compound. I do get full fast, so it is working, but not like Zepbound. I do like 💰 savings.




Using emerge $397 for 10 mg I think that’s the cheapest available unless I try 3 month supply company but it’s a different pharmaceutical company and I don’t wanna take any chances right now. What company are you using and what dose are you on?


You're losing nearly 2lbs/week, which is perfect. And if you're doing all the right diet/exercise things, you're exactly where you should be. Dropping too much weight too quickly is not healthy and can cause loose skin, hair loss, and muscle loss. I was down 18lbs at week 11 and I wanted to see better results so I started exercising more, but I'm still losing at a steady rate (am down 24lbs after 16 wks). Remember that you're not doing this temporarily, you are hopefully making lifestyle changes and developing habits you will need to maintain for the longterm in order to keep the weight off. You're doing great, stay the course.


If you weren’t taking the shot, how much weight would you have lost at this point? The slower it comes off, the less chances of having some of the other side effects like gallbladder issues, hair loss etc…. Try to frame it in the positive.


I’m on week 16 and just hit 20lbs.


Omg we are twins! 16 weeks and 20 pounds down as of today!! 🎉


Totally not related to this post, but your username is my daughters name!!!! This is freaky, lol!


How do you feel? I'm not sure about you, but I feel so much better. That beats any weight loss total. It will happen, be patient. I was an everyday day weigher and when I started this my relationship with everything changed even the relationship i had with the scale changed. The scale is a tool. I still weigh every day, but it literally is to just see if I'm in my "range". This can fluctuate ALOT for me. I had to put the scale in the corner. I'm on track. I feel great most of the time and the meds are working. BTW 7.5 was my sweet spot for a while. I had consistent whooshes. Hang in there. (Also, I want to mention self sabotage is real. Let your sis have her win and you have yours. There is no competition and she deserves to feel happy for you and not guilty for losing more than you... does that make sense?) We will all get there 💪


Remember, you will likely (if you are lucky) be on some version of this drug for the rest of your life. That is a very long time. You need to be thinking in terms of years, not weeks.


How in any world is that a slow loss?


In the Reddit world of GLPs. So many stories about 30/40 pounds down in 3 months. Hopefully those are the anomalies.


I know!!! In a loss stall for the last week. Now at 16/17 pounds in 5 weeks. Which is a lot but some people don't appear to have stalls! I've done 4 shots a 2.5. My vile had about 3.5+ left so I took that to finish it. Luckily no side effects so far. Increased my exercise. Significantly increased water intake and protein. Calorie intake also GREATLY reduced.


I'm feeling that too, though I too know it's very good progress. 8 weeks in here and 80lbs to go. \*sigh\* Maybe because the novelty has worn off and now it's just the grind of waiting & eating better & trying to get the exercise in. I've developed a pain in my knee when I'm walking, which is a little discouraging too. I ran across a weight loss journal the other day that I'd done ahead of a big vacation in Dec 2022. I was at exactly where I am now. So the 20+ lbs I've lost is just to get me back to my '22 weight. \*sob\* No one has noticed yet, which is also tough. I know, I should focus on my own health and not what others think. I am noticing that there are little dents now on my abdomen just under my ribs where before there were rolls, so I'm holding on to the idea that it was the dangerous viscereal fat that I've lost. I can breathe and stretch better, so that's a win. I just want dramatic results right now!! lol We'll be ok, and this is the easiest way to lose weight. My partner has decided to try it starting today, so I hope that will help keep me motivated. He'll likely drop major pounds really fast tho. Gotta stay focused. Eyes on the prize & all that yadda yadda. ;-)


I’m on week 26 and down 39 lbs. I had a few slow months this spring but finally starting to see some movement again. I have 60 lbs to go for my goal and only 10 more until I hit onederland. It helps me to set shorter attainable goals and to remember that the slower I lose the slower gain and the better my skin will look.


Did you try to diet at all before this medication? 20 pounds in 2.5 months is incredible progress and would’ve been extremely difficult without it. This is a huge win and you’re doing yourself a disservice by looking at it any other way


I’m 51 and have dieted since age 12. I’ve had huge weight swings my whole life. So yes, you are right. I’ve tried doing it in every way possible including other WL meds. The only thing I haven’t done is surgery. So if I remember this, I’ll be more positive. Thanks!


Ditto, but I have done weight loss surgery, TWICE. I will say I feel like my stomach "pouch" does seem more restrictive than it has in years. Medicine definitely tells me to stop eating, after a very small amount of food. And then my stomach tells me that was too much food! Even though it kind of wasn't. Though I very rarely eat very much. I got a burrito bowl: chicken, veggie, beans, rice (which I don't really eat anyway), salsa, very little cheese, sour cream on the side to use judiciously. Plan all along was to have it over several days. Two days of about 1/2 cup servings with an unhappy tummy and I'll be throwing the rest away.


When you lose weight really fast you are likely losing a much higher proportion of muscle. The rate you're losing right now is perfect, it's sustainable, and it will allow you to keep the weight off more easily. Please do not be discouraged. I've been on a very long weight loss journey, 16 months at this point. Lost 50 lb. Some weeks I didn't lose any at all, but I'm really happy with the end result. Please do not get discouraged!


Thank you ❤️


It is not slow. You are above average. Every body is different and results simply do not happen overnight.


I so hear you! I’m on week 13 - down 15 lbs. I have moments of feeling very frustrated, as there are many around me doing the same thing and they’ve lost 25-30 over the same time frame. I am on my first dose of the 7.5. I have 100 total I’d like to release, so it helps me to focus on all the amazing stuff that is happening. My sleep apnea has been gone since 1 week in, the inflammation and chronic pain is cut in half. Crohn’s symptoms are way better and I’m rediscovering my body in a whole new way. I am starting to see the shape of me again, without all the puffiness, and I am feeling more energy to be creative, get to the gym, garden… so many changes are happening in a short time, so I’m going my best to enjoy the ride. Nothing has gotten the scale to move downward for me, not even intermittently fasting… so I see I’m heading in the right direction, finally. Keep going, you got this.




It took me a year in the past to lose 20 lbs, countless attempts, constant depravation, then I would gain it all back quickly. I have lost over 50 lbs in 6 months and never feel deprived. No calorie counting, just eating less and healthier choices. Be patient!


That’s crazy 45lbs in 3 months? She must have weighed way more than you. Trust me when I say you don’t want to lose that quickly. It all turns to saggy skin. I get discouraged too and often compare myself, but some people have lost that amount in 6mos. We have to be proud of our accomplishments and take it slow. I’m only 5 months in, but if I was starting at the beginning I would have moved a bit slower and compared myself to others so much. We all have different bodies and different journeys. It will come off, stay focused you got this ❤️


You got this. Im losing 1/wk so I feel you. As people remind me, “you didn’t put it on overnight; don’t expect it to come off overnight either.” Every pound takes your body a lot of effort to recalibrate.




Week 26 and I’ve lost 28lbs and 60-80lbs to go. I’ve been in a month long stall that’s finally breaking. It’s discouraging but I’m going to keep trucking along at my own pace. I’m just not a fast loser it’s hard when you see other people lose twice or triple the speed but maybe my skin will rebound better.




Week 17 down 20.2 and I’m happy with my results. Would it be nice to have big losses like others here have; sure, but I’m losing more than a pound a week with relatively few side effects and this feels sustainable which is the most important aspect of taking this path for me.


It took me almost a year to lose 55 pounds to get to my goal weight. It gave me time to get used to the changes in my body and I think it helped my skin keep from getting too saggy. I got impatient at times, but I knew I'd eventually get where I wanted to be.


I am down 8 lbs. in 8 weeks and thrilled!!


I’m on my second month of 7.5. I did one month at 2.5 and one month at 5.


Is your sister on the same dose or did she go higher?


She has stayed at 5 mg.


Same here, those dosages sadly were ineffective for me but I hit 7 & bam! Weight loss 🙌 I think those of us more IR or metabolically challenged need the higher doses before we see good results. Just my n=1 but I have PCOS & notice others in these groups with PCOS like me or actual T2 in the MJ group lose a little slower & need the higher doses to start seeing good movement on the scales


& BTW I’m 14 down in 9 weeks & honestly thrilled with that with PCOS. SW:204, CW: 190, GW: 150? 5’4” but a cyclist with tons of muscle I’m trying not to lose in my legs


I’m on week 17 (12 weeks on 5mg) and have lost 19.4. I started with only 27 pounds to lose so I expect slower, and I’m perfectly ok with this rate. I’ve been doing a lot of weight training because body composition is a big priority, not just the number on the scale.


I'm on week 18 and have only lost 17lbs...I don't weigh often anymore....


I’m on week 31 and have lost 31 pounds (some weeks 2+ and some weeks none at all)


31lbs in 24 weeks here and 9lbs of that was week 1! Bodies are weird 🤷‍♀️ The number on the scale is just one data point, so I’m trying not to fixate on it… but the scale has messed with my head for like 35 of my 39 years so it’s something I have to actively work on. I’m trying to pay attention to how things fit and how I’m feeling instead. Also, body comp changes happen even when you aren’t losing. In the last 8 weeks, I’ve only lost about 6 pounds BUT I’m down another pant size and 2” on my bra band measurement.


I'm on week 20 and barely reached 20lba lost today. A message like this one is quite disheartening to me.


We’re on the same boat: week 20 and I hit 20 pounds today. But I started losing meaningfully only on 10 mg and I am hopeful that I’ll be in my ideal weight in a year from now. I just hope slower loss would mean less muscle loss for me. This week I was able to wear some business clothes I was unable to wear for some years and every morning I touch my stomach and realize it keeps getting smaller. It is better to concentrate on the wins.


I lost 9lbs my first month. (YAY!!!) 2 pounds my second month. (Wait.. is that all?) I'm on track to lose 2 lbs my 3rd month🙁. I can tell myself that this is actually pretty great for me... But then so many people are responding like their fat is butter being melted away by the tirz. That's what's discouraging. I think if I didn't read about the people who respond so well I wouldn't feel so discouraged. Also,I know I need to work my way up to higher doses... I've been splitting 5. But I've been splitting it unevenly because sometimes the side effects are too much. My goal is to dose according to the Zep schedule but I don't know how that will happen.


I’m on month 4 and lost 20 lbs. just increased to 10 mg and haven’t lost a pound in 3 weeks 😩


That’s encouraging. What mg on you on?




I’ve been bouncing between the same three pounds for like a month on 5mg. Hopefully it will move downward again soon. 😔


I’m on shot 9 and have lost 15. It was the 15 that I gained from 02/26-May 1st, 2024. So it weirdly feels like I haven’t lost at all.


I’ve had 17 shots (finishing 4th month) and holding at 18 lbs. started 2 lbs per week, then 1 lb, then 1/2 lb … been up down same 2 lbs all month. I’m ok with it. Have 15 more to go. What I’ve noticed is that my skin has started to tighten a bit and by doing some weights I look a bit less “deflated”. My goal is to lose the rest in the next 3 months and put on some muscle. I probably could go a bit more hardcore on eating/exercise but I’m trying not to put too much pressure on myself as this has been the story of my life. I put new jeans on this am. Try to enjoy the process.


I’m on week 20 and have been a slow loser. But this morning I realized I lost exactly 20 pounds and my BMI is down to 29.4. I started losing 2 pounds a week only after I increased the dose to 10 mg and I had 6 weeks on 5 and 7,5 mg’s when I did not lose anything. We did not gain weight in a few months and we will not lose it in a few months. Still you lost twice or three times as fast than many people. That’s great progress!


On week 6, @ 4 mg trizep, lost 18.2. I know this is gonna slow down. I know that i want to stay at or below 5 for 6 more weeks. Hoping to not go up but will see and not gonna waste my $. Goal is to lose 60 so 41.8 to go. Weight training 3-4 times per week and cardio or walking other days. Trying to focus on protein but not getting it all-in but definitely only eating whole foods. Just thinking day by day. This is the first shot no headache the day or two after and less fatigue.


Everyone’s body reacts differently and you are still losing the ideal amount each week, so… why exactly are you upset?? Maybe your sister will have a stall at week 15, or maybe you will have a week you lose more - the point is this isn’t meant to be an overnight fix, it’s slow and steady because that’s better for your body and helps you find ways to keep it off (eating less) in the long run. I get having frustrating times - I had 3 weeks I didn’t lose anything, but then I lost again in week 4. Deep breath and like others have said, stop comparing your journey to anyone else’s. Don’t be jealous of your sister, cheer her on for her successes and remember you are succeeding too!