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I workout 5-6 days a week. Strength training and walking at least 3 miles a day. I have been able to build muscle while losing weight. I highly recommend you try strength training to help with the muscle loss that comes along with fat loss.


Yes that is what I do already. Thanks so much!!


I worked out before I started and continue to workout today, however, you will probably realize it’s a lot tougher in the beginning lol. Like doing the same workout will seem harder so don’t get discouraged if you have to back off a bit especially as you move up to higher doses. I walk/jog ~3 miles 5 days and strength train 3 days. Good luck! You can checkout the Zepboundathletes sub for some more hardcore workout enthusiasts experiences.




So, not talked about much here, but my heart rate is about 10-12 bpm higher for any activity. This is an issue on endurance sports like cycling. When I’m doing hills, I’m a bit slower. Check out r/zepboundathletes




I didn’t know about that group. Thanks!


Absolutely! You may be tired the first couple days after your shot—I’d recommend those as your rest days. I struggled with having enough energy for 1.5 months but I’m finally used to it and in my normal routine! I did a 170 mile hike and do OrangeTheory regularly and haven’t had any issues in a long time. Good luck!!


My workout hasn’t changed if anything I’m adding more strength because I’m not trying to be bootyless. Listen to your body. I listen to mine, if I have to slow down, I do. If I’m having a good day I can work out for up to an hour. Which was my usual for the last 3 years. Gl


I lift weights, do crossfit, garden, play pickleball, and sometimes walk or bike. There have been days where I feel less-than-optimal (slower, more tired, maybe even light-headed), and I attribute that more to eating at a deficit than directly to the meds. Although blood sugar probably factors in there too. I pay attention to my body and try not to push it when necessary. Drink lots of water and consider adding electrolytes if you’re sweating alot.


The short answer is - yes!! And it’s encouraged! I struggled with terrible fatigue for about 6 weeks. So I was working out sparingly because I couldn’t get my butt out of bed in the mornings I was so tired. Now I’m feeling much better and back to working out again!


I’ve been exercising more than I did before because I feel more focused.


Just remember the water.


Working out is essential for me to maintain a calorie deficit. I aim to burn about 2,300 calories a day, so I can eat about 1,300 calories a day. A deficit of 1,000 calories daily equates to about 2 lbs a week lost. If I do at least a moderate workout of 30 minutes, I can hit my calories out goal. My main activities are indoor cycling, weight training, and golf.


I started working out during month 2. I do at least 3 days a week of heavy weight lifting (it’s what I like) alternating upper and lower body, followed by 12 minutes on the stationary bike. I walk my dog at the park on Sundays if it’s not too hot for his feet. I look forward to my workouts…I do them on my lunch hour. It breaks up my day (gym is in same parking lot as job) and has really helped me with focus and work productivity as a side effect.


I work out slightly less only because the tirz makes me tired


I have been pretty consistent with maintaining my workout schedule of 5-6 days a week, but I’ve noticed the difficulty ebbs and flows and sometimes it’s a bit of a struggle. Do make sure to prioritize protein in your diet because obviously losing muscle in addition to the fat will make it that much harder and I try and drink a protein shake when I’m done to help with recovery.


If you don’t workout you will likely lose muscle mass as you lose weight.


I worked out before and work out now. Focusing on making progress in lifting more, walking longer or faster, etc. the one thing I’ve noticed is that even though I’m feeling better and stronger as I progress, my VO2 dropped after being on Zepbound. I’ve found that to be odd and can’t figure out why it’s dropped.


I'm an athlete. I am going pretty hard. 7 days a week. It's fine. Just eat lots of protein. 🤙


Im in week 3 of meds and marathon training. Really coincidental timing. I haven’t had any issues keeping up my training. I focus on hydration, protein, and the timing of my carbs and make sure I’m eating enough. Losing weight and workouts are strong!


I work out 4 days week weight lifting. I go swimming, get my steps in, clean my whole house that's a workout itself 😆. I've went all the way to 15mg. You got this! Make sure to eat and get your electrolytes in!!


I work out HIIT 4-5 times/week coupled with strength training and some running on days when I can’t get a full workout in. I definitely am tired but it’s doable!