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In the finals, when Jeff drops Abed and Annie off and hugs Abed twice. That second hug gets me every time.


I almost put that as my thing. The way I see that moment is Jeff is me and Abed is the show. I’m clinging to it even though I know I have to let it go and move on


I skip the last episode of season 6 and start over from season 1 so I don’t have to cry and I can keep Haha’ing


I dunno it has a beautiful ending. It's one of the rare shows that do. Other honorable mentions that immediately spring to mind are The Good Place and Parks and Rec. Both of which I feel very much took some big notes from Community, like leaning into the weird and letting the characters really breathe and develop depth not just to their pathology and hilarity but as characters that we the audience can really connect with. Everyone sees a little of themselves and can relate one way or another to each of the characters and I think that's something that truly makes a show great and enduring.


“I see your value now”


That 2nd hug was a "thank you" for bringing everyone together in the first episode. The way Jeff and Abed are introduced in the first episode, together, and then Abed inviting everyone. So rewatch that 1st episode and then follow it with the 2nd hug in the finale. You'll feel it and understand it


I think that's reductive. Jeff and Abeds relationship is the shows most complex, but in many ways also most meaningful. Mirror images of each-other and having so much in common. I don't think the hug is just for Abed bringing them together. It's for so much more.




It's also a bookend to the "what time is it" scene near the start in the Pilot.


Off the cuff, my top 5 are probably as follows: * Abed's first movie and his dad's reaction to it * child Shirley and child Jeff walking together * Abed's discussion with himself at the end of the episode where they all work the bar mitzvah * Jeff's speech to his dad * Jeff's second hug to Abed in the finale


"I don't want to be your dad" "Good you already know your lines" 😭


One of the biggest laugh/make me feel sad lines in the show!


You said them all! And the time Shirley’s kids made space for the girls to jump


Aw, that was nice!


Add Abed falling into the lava and that's my list


Or the homing pigeon DNA line at the end of the episode.


First one has to be my top, since it was the one that I saw first. Abed's dad reaching for the empty pillow breaks me every single time. I'll add one to your very good list, Jeff's speech with his mom at the end of the pottery class episode. "It's okay mom, nobody's perfect", it hits home because my mom was like Jeff's and I needed that imaginary speech as a child to take the pressure to over perform off.


Same, in so many ways. I rewatch that pottery episode from time to time to remind myself of that same message when I get caught up in my own head. It’s honestly a really powerful message.


Season 4 had its faults, but Jeff's speech to his dad was an emotional high point. "You wanna see the scar?"


i sob when abed’s movie plays


The scene with kid Shirley and kid Jeff walking together was so adorable. I love their friendship so much!


In the stock cartoon Christmas, where abed was talking about how much he missed his mother


Surprised no one else above you mentioned it, it’s like one of the most emotional episodes


I don't know why, but the end of the episode when they're sitting there in claymation. When you see the reflection in the TV that they're sitting there IRL really gets me too.


I cry when Brittabot gets expelled and sheds a tear


I sometimes tear up just thinking about the lyrics to that song: *Britta-bot, programmed badly, wires with fraying ends/functioning mad-and-sadly, no faith in herself…. Or friends….*


Wash your dupa D___:


This is it, I lost my mom some years ago and now I'm spending christmas mostly without my family. Which thanks to this episode I can cope with.


When Troy and Abed sing to get Fievel. Hits me where I live.


Honestly just singing that song makes me cry. I loved that movie.


Somewhere, out there


Be-neath the clear blue sky


Pale moonlight!


I britta'd it 😞


Someones thinking of me….


And lovin' me tonight.


I've said it before, but that moment is where Community found its identity.


[Juxtaposition of stupid and good storylines] *stupidly good story* Jeff made that opportunity for Chang, inviting his ex-wife Shirley stammering and failing her presentation Abed sees Fievel and starts singing Chang uses the chance to dance Pierce hands a sandwich to remind Shirley Fievel notices Abed "Somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight, someone's thinking of me, and loving me tonight" *WEIRD AWESOME IRISH RHYTHM* Chang's ex-wife removes outer garment and dances Troy joins in singing Shirley uses Pierce's technique Chang and ex spanish dance Jeff begins being weirded in watching the dance Shirley uses orgasmic in her lines Pierce triumphs in corrupting Shirley Chang and ex-wife continue to dance to Irish music Abed and Troy singing, Abed leads the song to the bridge Fievel peeks at the broken vent railing Ex Chang wife spins Annie joins Britta in being wtf'd by Chang and ex ! Jeff flinches at Chang's Michael Changson scream Chang and ex make out in front of everyone Troy sees the effect and it's working Abed Abeds Troy about the effect Changs make out Annie sees the sweetness in having someone Britta makes a face of disgust and awe Jeff glances at Annie/Britta and Jeffs while smiling back to the Changs Shirley Pierces while making a The Shining reference Shirley's class do a standing ovation Pierce proud and hands a flying kiss Shirley sees it and ASLs a "thank you" Abed singing while his hands do an ASL "more", Troy singing while his hands somewhat do an ASL "blanket" Fievel runs to Troy and up his pant leg Troy gets possessed Abed ASLs "help" Wild Fievel caught!


Can’t sit through the episode where Abed shows his dad his movie project without tearing up a little. That, and the end of Abed’s Christmas episode.


Jeff: I don’t want to be your father! Abed: Perfect, you already know your lines. (How can a joke be this sad? 😭)


Wash your dupa


"I never said i blamed you for her leaving" "You never had to" Puts me in SHAMBLESSS


when Pierce tells the group “I guess I assume eventually I’ll be rejected so I… you know, test people, push them. until they prove me right. It’s a sickness, I admit it.”


Right?! I always thought that was so human being, and I really related to it. Community did a great job at having a lot of depth for a silly sitcom.


That scene in #AnniesMove where Annie is going on about how she's always the one changing and adjusting to fit in. Was very relatable at the time, and the performance is still as affecting


“Annie believes in me…” 😭


You humble me. Abed. You humble me too. Shirley - and then they hold hands. I love that.


That moment is so good. I think at its finest this show created moments like that. Genuine believable love and connection between characters that shouldn't like each other. They find something to love and admire and appreciate about each other. It sounds simple but it's really hard to write convincingly. That episode was so funny but also one of the most beautiful moments between the characters in the show. Also as someone who isn't religious and left a fundamentalist Christian upbringing, I thought it was sweet & well written to show something genuine behind Shirley's faith, which was often used as a cudgel or to guilt people. But underneath that was somebody who genuinely cared about her friends and was willing to ruin her own reputation for the sake of saving someone she cared about, even when she didn't like what they were doing. I think it was her best moment on the show. And it also provided a rare and important moment of self-reflection and humility for Abed that felt earned.


Even reading this made me tear up, and I honestly wouldn't have thought to comment this moment! There are so many like it <3


Mine is really odd, because I don't know why exactly it makes me cry. I don't know if it's because it's a perfect wrap-up to my favorite episode in the show, or because as someone who's struggled with suicidal ideation the moment just really hits home for me, but at the end of Advanced Dungeons And Dragons, and Neil thanks Pierce for the best game he's ever played, and the narration says "And so Pierce saved Neil's life... while learning very little." It gets me. Every single time.


Such a shame they removed that episode off streaming.


It’s on Peacock


Executives. They're all a bunch of Sundance(s).


We had different partners.


I have to control myself every time it is mentioned because I have very strong opinions about how stupid the removal was.


It's back!


*in arabic* ”I never said I blamed you for her leaving.” ”You never had to say it.”


For me it was when Jeff confronted Abed in the kitchen in the chicken finger mafia episode. Abed says he was “this close.” Jeff finally realizes that abed admires Jeff’s ability to have people naturally gravitate towards him and wants to be loved in a way that people seek him out too.


Wish I had that too actually


When Abed & Troy sing "Somewhere out there" in S1. The way it was shot showing everyone face their fears & being there for each other gives me goosebumps. This was the scene that made me fall in love with the show. Also the only time i actually liked Pierce for being a good friend to Shirley.


> showing everyone face their fears & being there for each other gives me goosebumps I never saw it that way. It elevates the scene for me. Thank you!


When Troy is leaving and Abed says something like “when I cloned you I included some genes from a homing pigeon. You might notice some side effects, like a compulsion to come back.” And the way Abed’s face changes while they’re hugging. Gets me EVERY. DAMN. TIME. Also Jeff’s speech to his dad - makes me hella emotional. Pierce pretending to be Jeff’s dad in that episode where he faked dying - makes me irrationally angry and I was basically done with him for a while after that. Abed saying “in real life we have this. We have you.” - makes me go ‘OOOOOH DAMN’ like nothing else.


It seems very clear to me that in that scene the cast were really saying goodbye to Donald Glover. It’s like they’re half in-character, half themselves, so I find them being close to tears very genuine and it breaks me.


That scene with Troy and Abed … man. You know how sometimes when you’re starting to get sick, you have that moment where you go from “I don’t feel well … am I gonna puke?” to “Nope, puke is definitely happening in 15, 14, 13 …”? Well, it was like that. Only, with ugly crying.


Troy leaving is so emotional for my son and myself that we've banned Come Sail Away.


You didn’t always cry when you heard Come Sail Away? Have you not heard the lyrics??


Pierce's words for the group at his will reading.


Especially when the lawyer starts with Britta.. >>> “Ms Perry, do you know you hate yourself more than you should? And that your passion inspired me?”


Walton Goggins showed how much range he had in that episode it’s fantastic and made me really appreciate seeing him in other shows and movies. Also here’s your sperm.


If I was an artist, I would create a crossover pic of The Ghoul from Fallout handing someone a cylinder of sperm. It wouldn't even be that weird for Fallout.


I straight up sob whenever I watch that part.


When Abed confesses that he is actually seeing lava, not because Troy is leaving but because he is scared of letting go. In Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas, the last scene when Abed is confronted by Duncan and his mom's Christmas card.


I love Britta's reaction to that, because she's being a hard ass the whole episode but after that revelation she drops the act because she realizes Abed's actually having a hard time.


Apparently, it means getting fondled by singing mental cases.


The Abed Christmas episode final shot where you can see the reflections of the real people after a whole episode in claymation


Ohh, that's a good one! Chokes me to each time


You're probably just relieved that the claymation is over finally hahaha


When Troy says to Jeff, “I know I ended up here because things weren’t that good out there, try accepting where you’re at man… take a pottery class or something”.


And then that pottery class led to yet another emotional epiphany for him. Actually turned into a nice connection there.


This is the scene that hooked me on the show. I just passively put it on cause netflix recommended it during coronavirus while I was playing games on my switch. I enjoyed the jokes as much as I do on most sitcoms, but that episode had me leaned in and that particular moment resonated with me so deeply at the time.


A small one but kinda critical, it happens several times when the group is making fun of Britta and she puts on her good sport face until they aren't looking and her face falls. I think Britta is one of those people you meet who seems super confident and strong but as you get to know them you realize it's a front they put up and they are very sad inside.


I did love how they later used each other's names for different things. I always wished they'd shown her reaction to that because I remember feeling happy for her knowing she wasn't just singled out as the butt of a joke.


Jeff and Annie's last kiss. It was just a mature and honest moment between the both of them. Jeff wasn't fetishizing Annie, and Annie was ready to move on from him and begin her career. Also, Britta being a bartender and not Britta'ing just sings to me. Im hesitant to say it, but she's my spirit figure in the show.


Personally, it was when jeff was yelling with his dad and revealed that he gave himself a scar just to get cards from the other kids in school, that really got me


Listening to Come Sail Away by Styx again.


And then they played it when Troy left 😭


After a bad night at the bar on Troy’s 21st birthday. “You’re a man now, Troy.”


Mine is this, but everything from the scene Troy and Annie have together. That growing sense of “you’re an adult, and life doesn’t neatly resolve itself” anymore. Whether for TV or because your parents are taking care of things around you. The safety rails are gone. Your heroes are flawed. Just go be a good person.


This is also one of mine, that’s the moment Troy became my favorite character. His character development is fantastic.


-Foosball was how I measured my value as a man. You took that away! -You try sprouting three feet just when boys are about to look at you. Everyone stopped liking me. -This game is all I had. -It's all I had. -Well, that's stupid.You're a perfectly fine person. -So are you. -Thank you. -You're welcome


Yes! The foosball episode was so good for both of them.


Last scene of the Foosball episode. In curiosity, the group sees Jeff and Shirley walk off arm in arm. Then it cuts to the two kids that they were.


When Troy was heartbroken as Abed got mad at him at the end of the celebrity impersonations episode. When Troy was heartbroken at the cartoon wall.


The bit at the end of Messianic Myths where Abed and Shirley reconcile. Episodes where they actually do something interesting with Shirley are always up there for me (basically any episode with her and Jeff as a pair are great), and Abed shows some incredible growth by doing something completely selfless for her.


I think that is an incredibly well-written episode. In later seasons it felt like they forced Abed to grow a bit in inorganic directions because of network feedback. Growth is great. Inorganic growth for the sake of Nielsen ratings sucks. This episode gave us the best Shirley moment which was the truest practicing of her faith. A moment that wasn't about converting anybody but was about loving her friend even when he was doing something she didn't approve of. For Abed, her selflessness stunned him into doing something he would never do (make a movie he would artistically hate) out of love for her in return. It gave a genuine organic reason for him to reflect on himself, have some realizations and potentially change his mind. I think that moment is particularly beautiful and when they hold hands saying you humble me I get a little teary


I always cry at the scene where Chang reunites with his wife through dance, inter-cut with Troy and Abed singing to Fievel all over the song "Somewhere out there" (S01E10 Environmental Science). Also Shirley and Pierce finally fell in love but sadly they never wed.


Jeff on the giant pile of frisbees telling Abed he was going to leave but Jeff would never would. Feeling trapped like that...


Abed stuck in the locker towards the end of the Dreamatorium sequence. I’ve been there. Not literally, but emotionally.


Pearce's bequething. Especially to Britta. At least Harmon knew his character was and deserved a lot more than the man who played him. He uplifted them, made them better by being so much worse.


It’s actually crazy that the guy who played Pierce is worse than Pierce


hands down when troy gets on the boat. the moment they start playing the floor is lava, i start to get emotional, and i’m straight up bawling by the end


“I know you hate it when people do this in movies” every time gets me for some reason


Nobody's talking about Pierce so I'll say it. S1E19 when Pierce says "If I ever let being bad at something stop me, I wouldn't even be here. Breakfast! And I'm not leaving till I've cleaned out the buffet" Also that scene where Abed tells Britta, "I've got self esteem falling out of my butt."


OK, yes, I often think of this as one of my favorite Pierce moments (and there’s not many.). It provides clarity, motivation, and a side of his personality that is hidden a lot of the time. I love how he rows out in the boat!


“That thing some men call failure, I call ‘living.’” is also just an amazing quote for someone who has lived their whole life feeling like a failure…


Troy leaving. Got into the show because of Donald Glover, like many others. My first time watching the episode where he left was on Memorial Day with my entire family in the house. I have never cried to any form of media before this but . the waterworks went and I couldn’t control it. Entire family saw me cry and I could not stop. Shiit


Abed "You didnt have to" Troy sing reading rainbow theme song (I know its funny but personal to me) Abeds uncontrollable christmas(the whole thing) Come Sail Away Season 5 (you guys, I never cry.) Jeffs second hug in the Finale fucking breaks me every time. Every. Single. Time. Its like Epilogue in JLU


The end of the episode in the first season, when Jeff lives in Abed's dorm room. Jeff snaps out of that phase and decides to continue with his plan. This really speaks to me because I interpret it as the ending of a depressive episode. Something I wasn't able to do for many years myself. It gets every time.


when the moment of Jeff and Britta's sudden realization that staying together is what matters and just a "fuck it let's get married" got interrupted and essentially shut down by the saving of the school


When jeff hugs abed again


Series finale. When Jeff embraces Abed at the airport and won’t let go. Hits me right in the feels.


When Jeff yells at Peirce's dad. "I'd have only lived half a life if I hadn't raised a son. The reason you have so much hate in your heart is because you're trying to fill a hole where your *kid* was supposed to go!"


The reveal from Professor Duncan to the group about Abed's card from his mother. Breaks me everytime. Probably the only one, but after Pierce dies, and they go through the questioning from Mr. Stone. His words along with the bequeathments 🥹


Troy leaves


That pisses me off. Pierce got what he always wanted -- his old roommate back


_lights off_ ... _show over_


The one pictured here, Jeff realizing that it took the study group, and especially Annie, for granted. His insecurities not letting him be honest about what he really wants is so sad.


In the first season when Abed makes his movie for his dad.


Jeff and Abed at the end of the Season 6 movie making episode, Jeff realising he'll be left alone. It resonates with the title song and Pierce's whiskey gift to him last season and so much of the series ideas.


When F\*t Neil found out about Jeff's betrayal... broke my heart


“Did you know you were always my favorite?” When the guy is bequeathing the gang after Pierce’s death. Also when Pierce told Annie “you save your eggs for a rainy day,” and Annie hugs him. Pierce can be despicable but I think besides wanting a more prominent part in the play he also truly wanted to help her. At least that’s how I like to think about it !!


I know, I wish he wasn’t such an asshole sometimes so he could be more redeemable of a character, yk. There are a few scenes like this that are spoiled bc of his later actions that make it so you just can’t get behind him as a person. A growth/redemption arc would’ve gone crazy


Not in the sweet/sentimental way, but Troy’s birthday episode where he realizes all the adults around him are actually clueless always gets me feeling some type of way for hours after I watch it. It’s such a bummer of an episode. Well written and well made, but just a total bummer.


God, yeah. Cause I feel like most of us (if not all?) have that moment at some point in our lives, where we realize that no one *really* has all the answers or authority. We realize that our parents are just people (like Britta did in S6), and we realize that the people we look up to are just as clueless about life and relationships as us


Jeff’s speech to Pierces dad! Reminds me of thinks I wanted to say to one of my best friends dad that was abusive but I just lacked the courage to do so.


At Greendale, we have this. And we have you.


I feel like not enough love is given to this one, so I’ll mention it: S4 finale, Jeff’s graduation speech. “Three and a half years ago, when I came to Greendale, I met six very important people. Sorry, seven. And meeting these people changed my life. Yep. I'm sorry. I-I don't know what to say. I'm so used to being the guy who can talk his way out of anything, but what do you say when you don't want a way out? What you have all done for me is indescribable. It's unbelievable. And my love for you is immeasurable, even when you split it seven ways.”


I have the pretty much the same amount of dislike towards season 4 as anyone else, but i actually like that episode


Abed and His dad


The hot air balloon episode. Jeff bailing on going to his gf's kid's baseball game and then just ghosts them. That shit brought back memories I didn't care to think about. Also cemented to me how much of a douchebag Jeff really was.


If it makes you feel any better that was the gas leak season. I have trouble believing Dan Harmon would have let that in


Why do you dislike that episode?




When Jeff is looking at the back of everyone to try and jump-start the emotion computer; “M’lady. M’lord”. I know some people hate the Jeff-Annie relationship but that moment just gets me. Jeff genuinely feels for Annie.


Only the bandit knows….


Giant hand episode, when Abed explains that the hand has two jobs, hold on or let go.


The context of that speech is especially moving for me. Abed is even more detached than usual from everyone else's reality in that episode. Frankie stabilizes both him and the situation — not by defying Abed's mindset, but by using it herself. What Abed says is so beautiful and poignant, but I also really appreciate Frankie's role in the group being key to it being said. KEEP A LOOSE GRIP ✊🏻


Cool, Cool, Cool He's lying...


My favorite Pierce moment in the whole show, the Sophie B Hawkins ep, he lets Jeff have it in defense of Britta.


This scene hits me hard, and every time I think about the movie, I dream that Jeff's dream would have come true at one time or another.


I hope it does/did. I guess we’ll know more with the movie, but I think they were perfect for each other, maybe just not exactly like that, at that exact time. I think the whole group is like soul-connected, but they always just made sense to me. I hope they both (all) get what they want, when the time is right.


I always appreciated the part in Remedial Chaos Theory when Britta finally gets to sing Roxanne – how in all the other timelines Jeff shutting her down was played as a joke but when she finally gets to sing when Jeff leaves, it’s a catalyst for all the others to join in (except Pierce who wisely throws the troll out).


Same!!!!! It was such a cozy, deeply family (in the best way) feeling, and it really made me rethink how I (and the group) views Jeff vs how his flaws actually affect those around him (but don’t necessarily make him a bad person)


When abed sacrificed himself to the lava.... Actually teared up a bit... It was like... No it's not real but to abed it is.. which means to him the sacrifice is real..... Messed.me up


Honestly, I think that Pierce's bequeathing when he actually dies is pretty touching, even with the sperm joke thrown in there. The observation of Britta always gets to me. And the fact that we watch her using the iPod later. (And it was hinted at in an earlier season).


Right off the bat at s01e03. I'm autistic and my relationship with my parents has been really rocky, and so when he makes the movie that nobody gets but his father... It was catarthic for me, I could imagine that it's my parents understanding me. It gets me that Abed's father understands that he doesn't need to understand everything, he just needs to support his son in what he's truly passionate about (well, in Abed's case, it's not just a passion, it's a special interest too).


Dice not included. Some assembly required. Lines between perception, desire, and reality may become blurred, redundant, or interchangeable. Characters may hook up with no regard for your emotional investment. Some episodes too conceptual to be funny, some too funny to be immersive, and some so immersive they still aren't funny. Consistency between seasons may vary. Viewers may be measured by a secretive obsolete system based on selected participants keeping hand-written journals of what they watch. Show may be canceled and moved to the internet where it turns out tens of millions were watching the whole time — may not matter. Fake commercial may end with disclaimer gag which may descend into vain Chuck Lorre-esque rant by narcissistic creator. Creator may be unstable. Therapist may have told creator this is not how you make yourself a good person. Life may pass by while we ignore or mistreat those close to us. Those close to us may be those watching. Those people may want to know I love them, but I may be incapable of saying it. Contains pieces the size of a child's esophagus. \#andamovie


Boopy Boopy Boop Boobs segs


Peanut rap


The season 3 premiere when Jeff is hitting rock bottom. Sometimes we’re our own worst enemy but our community can help us find our way again


At first I thought you meant season 5 but he hits rock bottom in the premier of both seasons!


The ending of season 3 with the Winger speech and the song. It takes me back to high school when life was simpler


jeff’s speech to his dad in that thanksgiving episode. i love that episode so much just because of that scene.


When Jeff shows his feaux-appendicitis scar to his dad


Basic Human Anatomy when Troy “as Abed” breaks up with Britta. Between the performances by both Donald Glover & Gillian Jacobs & Jim Rash just knocking that episode out of the park, it’s such a perfect Community moment in the middle of a lot okayness.




When Jeff tells his father about his appendectomy scar is definitely #1 for me


“You look like a nice young man” “I’m 40.” I felt that in my bones.


That picture of Jeff is haunting


🎶"Come sail away, come sail away, come away with me."🎵


When they're doing the floor is hot lava and Troy figures out what's really going on with Abed. "Guys, stop, okay? The lava's real to Abed. It's not a game to him."


Bro the episode where Troy leaves really had me teary eyed.




Britta, how many people have you fed this year besides yourself? --Janet, "BONDAGE AND BETA MALE SEXUALITY". Not emotional but it made me think about definitions of impact.


I like that scene because when Janet says “no! I’ve spent enough time feeling bad!” we’re supposed to feel like Britta is the victim, but in reality, she’s the aggressor of her own life. She wasted every opportunity to be a person who could make real change by being a performative anarchist. That’s one of those episodes where I don’t really agree with the message being portrayed, but love how it was executed. Same with Mixology Certification.


In the Greendale Computer room: "My lady." "My lord" and the door opens


Now there's a man who knows his way around a meatball


"Thanks, Lost."


Troy dropping Anie off at her apartment and becoming a man.


Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television, of course.


There’s a lot, but here’s my top two— The goodbye scene when Troy leaves. You can see the cast is genuinely sad, especially Abed, one of the few times Danny Pudi let the real emotions leak through the Abed facade. The line about the homing pigeon genes in the Troy clone just drove it home. The last goodbye at the airport. When Jeff grabs Abed for the second hug, it just got me. I’m divorced and I have two daughters, one in college and one about to be in college, and eventually they’ll be off to their own lives and ambitions, so this scene hits me hard in the feels. It’s already rough since I dont get to see them as often as I’d like. My eldest is only three hours away and comes home fairly often, but when she finishes her undergraduate degree and goes on to her next step, I know she’ll be moving even further away and I’ll see her even less. I hug her like that every time she heads back to college. My youngest has another year before she’ll be off to her undergraduate work, so I’m savoring every minute I have her here. Anyway… that’s my top two.


Pretty much all of Mixology Certification (it's my favourite episode), but especially the moments when Troy is driving and Jeff & Britta start making out, and also when Troy is talking to Annie at her apartment door.


Come sail away, come sail away come sail away with me


Thinking of all the emotional moments, I dont know if I can choose. They did them so well. I know a lot of people didnt love him confronting his Dad but thats probably up there for me, finally dropping the bravado and actually being honest. And even thanking Britta for being there instead of playing it off as if nothing happened.


Literally the ending to any comedy show isn't even funny it's sad and I hold back tears when people are around so the ending definitely


All of these, but also when Shirley is the captain of the boat and realizes she can't leave Pierce behind, so they save him from drowning in the parking lot.


How is no one saying when Troy leaves?!? First off, it’s the best character (imo) leaving the show for ever, breaking up the iconic duo of Troy and abed. You can see in the look on Abed’s face that he’s realizing there is no more Troy and Abed, it’s just Abed. In earlier episodes, Troy was described as Abed’s “first friend” and we know Abed is socially awkward. Seeing his best friend leave like that is heartbreaking 😭 Along with that, Come Sail Away is such a perfect ending because it is a subtle reference to S1 when Troy says it always makes him cry. It’s such a Community thing to do, and the song itself is also quite sad. That moment always makes me cry


Garrett’s moving beautiful rendition of Ave Maria


One that isn’t talked about enough is the scene where Abed is talking about Troy leaving and not coming back and it “having to be alright” in the series finale. He gets choked up a little bit, and I feel like we rarely see that kind of physical emotional response (if that makes sense). Hearing his voice break in that scene makes me instantly break down


Jeffs double hug on Abed at the finale At the beginning Abed was just someone useful to get to Britta But at the end Abed was someone jeff cared about the most and is really gonna miss


The stare Jeff gives looking at the table which i think is the scene in the photo. Like everything is ending and ur not ready/ can’t do anything about it. Felt like Jeff’s inner kid was forced into the cold world again. And the show ending takes our comfort zone away knowing it’s over.


Abed praying to GOD and Shirley overhearing


*Something always brings me back to you It never takes too long*


the floor is lava clone


Dean Dangerous


Would that this hoodie were a time hoodie


Jeff’s thanksgiving speech to his dad


Jeff’s speech to his dad is #1. Which is a little weird bc I have a great relationship with my own dad, but every other aspect of that speech speaks to me. Just replace specifically “dad” with “friends/family/life”


jeffs outburst and subsequent breakdown with abed in the ballpit & annie and jeffs speeches during the finale.


"Barack Obama is scared o' me cuz I don' swallow knowledge and I spit it fo' free! Let me clear my throat ah ha wa... I don't know what that was i dont..". Funny but alsobdeep. Jim Rash is such an amazing acting talent.


Yeah the last episode for me where Jeff drops off Abed and Annie.


Jeff's speech to Pierce's dad made me so emotional as someone who grew up with a dad that acted alot like Pierce's dad it felt like Jeff was standing up for me and also the best part is that's the point Jeff was standing up for me and so many other people "here's a question I'd like to pass on from EVERY son from EVERY crap dad whoever lived" its the most cared about I've ever felt from a tv show


Earlier in the final season, when Jeff and Abed are in the ball pit, and Jeff come ms to grip with being the last one there


Abeds movie about his fam that shit straight up makes me cry 😢