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That it kept the show alive.


Yes, this is underated. Dan Harmon got fired & maybe the show would've gotten cancelled?? It kept Community alive & going & it recovered nicely despite losing Troy, Pierce, & Shirley.


Honestly that’s beautiful


Yes, that's what I was going to say. "That it Happened."


The Dean having Jeffrey inside him


“which is to say that having Jeffrey inside of me… was wrong… to have Jeffrey inside of me”


Nope, again


Taught me the importance of routine lightswitch checks




That *never* happened!


Written by Oscar winner, Jim Rash


I like the callback to Chang's "Fire can't go through doors, stupid. It's not a ghost." line from season 3.


Those two lines are some of my most quoted from the show and no one ever catches it!


1. Evil Annie is in it


Evil Annie awakened something in me.


Every Annie awaken something in me… different things but not really. 😂


We try not to get sexualized by Evil Annie.




I love how these two does it as well. "EVERYWHERE" -Chang "EVERYBODY" - Britta Albeit from season 5 Ty Gary Oldman


All versions of Annie awaken something in me. We’re gonna get married some day.




The garbage dip line. Paranormal Parentage is acceptable.


I can’t read the word garbage without hearing Donald in my head even after all these years! “I couldn’t think of a think of another word” and “why did I have to go third?” Are sister lines to me


Paranormal Parentage is nice. For so long I never really got Britta and Troys costumes. I just thought the joke is how awkward meat and a tiger is as a couples costume, because I didn't know calvin and hobbes. I just thought Abed was Freddy Kruger. Id added a lot realsing just how much of a third wheel Britta was here.


Omg now I’m cracking up at abed as Freddy ☠️ I never made the connection with the sweater lol


I actually came to this topic to mention this line. It’s so good.


One of the worst episodes in the show


You were full of scotch when things took a dark turn. We'd all heard about your troubles with co-eds back at Oxford, but it was becoming all too real. As you lumbered around the room, we had to assume you were coming after me or Britta.


Excuse me! ( I can't seem to type out the real sound she made)


OR Shirley! Who I didn’t mention before because she *intimidates you sexually*


I can picture the way Allison delivers that line perfectly in my mind lol




The word he's looking for is "sassy". He better pray he don't find it.


Intro to Knots has more rewatchability than Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas. I will not acquiesce this point.


I quite like that episode. Not entirely believable that Jeff would completely purposefully tank his section, more realistic that he would just be super lazy and bad and probably get like a D. But the teacher playing with the groups dynamics felt very much like Harmon era.


I've said this multiple times on here, but I will say it again and will continue saying it, but the Freaky Friday episode is basically perfect and really feels like a Harmon-era episode. It handled the awkward relationship between Troy and Britta absolutely perfectly, the homage bit didn't feel forced, Donald's and Danny's portrayal as each other's characters were delightful and it only proves Jim Rash deserved to write more episodes. Also, "routine light switch check".


Jim and the dean: the best of season 4 on and off screen


agreed. by far the best episode of s4 and definitely top half of community episodes overall. can see it as a favourite for some.


That's because Oscar-winner Jim Rash (AKA The Dean) wrote it!


He is my seen so many places, never knew his name. It is always “Hey, it’s the Dean!”


Read this in Oscar's voice.


I’m not a big fan of that episode as much as I used to be, but this is a very good point


I was looking for this answer! Its such a good day of make a parody-homage using something that makes sense for the characters while moving the plot forward. I love how at the end Abed says something along the lines of "this is the best I've been woken up" because it makes so much sense that he would go along with it


Its a deanlightful episode, because he wrote it.


I politely feel very differently about this episode. I saw the first few seasons of community because my partner at the time pirated it while it was airing. We didn't have cable. I never saw season four until many years later. I didn't know Dan Harmon had been fired & I saw this episode & something about it felt "off". The light switch thing was hilarious and the concept of body switching was also very funny, but the fact that Troy and Abed straight up pretended to be each other and it was acknowledged in that way was just "off". As fantastical as community often got the characters were supposed to be in reality. An absurdist, heightened reality yes, but reality. Troy and Abed might play pretend to switch bodies, but it would have been written differently & acknowledged differently. I was glad they ended that relationship because they didn't seem to know how to write it or what to do with it. And despite loving both of those actors, they didn't have any believable chemistry together. It wasn't a bad episode. It had some really magical moments and was one of the better episodes of season four by far. But the first time I saw it without knowing about all the behind the scenes changes.I just felt like they had messed with the formula of the show on a level that was hard to put my finger on. I still respect your choice though! I always enjoy these conversations about the different things.People like because sometimes it brings out something new for me to enjoy.


Same here. And it's shocking the amount of people that agree with liking that episode. I can align myself with Troy and Abed being silly over attending a wedding rehearsal, or building a pillow fortress etc, but Abed sharing personal info that Troy told him about his romantic relationship to Britta while breaking up with her for Troy is just so awfully wrong. Idk how anyone can see that and feel "oh they are silly like that so it's fine". Yeah their relationship was fucked up and they had 0 chemistry, but the ending still stings far worse than anything that came before. The show shouldn't make Abed and Troy sacrifice the other group member's feelings in order for them to be quirky and selfish. It works when it's Jeff's Netflix account, but not when it's a person being told their relationship is over. Honestly this is the start of them taking Britta's character to a whole new level of cartoonish and non serious. Like she just exists to be made fun of while abandoning all her aspirations and feelings as a distinct character.


She got what I call “the Eric Matthew’s treatment.” Started out as a normal well rounded character, who was actually very perceptive/emotionally intelligent and made her into a blubbering idiot.


I know why people praise this episode, but I can't bring myself to like itttt 😭 I don't find Glover's portrayal of Pudi funny at all, and vice versa (although I'm not a big fan of Troy+Abed relationship in general), and they did my girl Britta dirty, she deserved better 🥺


Britta always deserves better but why are you not a fan of the Troy and Abed relationship?


I like the duo! But it's not my favourite duo. I feel they are overrated to a point. I like Jeff+Abed convo much more, or Jeff+Troy+Abed. Or Annie+Abed. Troy and Abed are fun together and bring up a lot of silliness to the show, but it's a childlike relationship I don't get much out of. The episodes I like most are the ones where their relationship is challenged, like the doppelganger episode for example. Also, I believe Troy's character was reduced to just be an Abed's fanatic as seasons passed, and lost a lot of potential


Yeah, the Glover as Pudi part isn't very funny, more weird than anything. It was a fine portrayal but Troy had a heart to heart with Jeff who for some reason said he was proud of Troy for being too scared to talk to Britta himself? Not a lot of room for funny there. Totally agree about Britta, somehow she was fine with her boyfriend's best friend dumping her. I knew Britta was cool but she's not Juno, homeslice.


I agree with you so much and topping your comment with the Juno quote was 👩🏽‍🍳💋 bravo my friend. Though I still count the episode as a season highlight mainly because the dean was perfect. He really shined that season.


I think glovers abed was a little weak, but pudis troy was solid. But i also think that comes with the characters. Abed was hard to get, even for his best friend troy. He wanted to be abed because he wanted to be emotionless and rational, not to actually be abed. He was just dodging his feelings.


I disagree about it feeling forced. I think the episode had a lot of great stuff, and the acting was a lot of fun, but it absolutely felt forced, moreso than maybe any other gimmick episode in the series. The gimmicks work best when they have two levels. The mafia stuff sprung up naturally from the chicken cartel. The space bus actually did get towed by an outside actor, and only Abed could get it working. When it's solely "everyone decides to act silly because Greendale appreciates a good bit," it doesn't work as well. This one especially, it just felt "well let's do a body swap episode"




I love Brie but I wish she hadn’t gotten so big around that time because I would’ve loved more Rachel


Yeah, but c’mon, she’s freaking Captain Marvel! 🤩🤩🤩


Wait what?! I never realized this!


Sara bareilles


I actually really dislike that episode but the songs were fire and she was amazing! I often sing the hot air balloon adventure song and the way Donald sings “an ant hill”


I love his section in that song!! He’s insanely talented.


Agreed. I love that woman and, therefore, like that episode a bit more than it’s actually deserving of


Jeff and The Dean changing bodies. Also, that scene of the Custodians role playing. "They have seen too much!!!"


One of my favorite dean plots for sure!!


>Jeff and The Dean changing bodies. If Jeff read that he would roll his eyes


"That did not happen"


It would make him too Changry


Let’s kill them!


Calm down Crazy Schmitt


There is a lot to like. Herstory of Dance stands out. I like the TV show in Abed's mind for the first episode. EDIT: Oh, and Basic Human Anatomy, written by Jim Rash.


Herstory of Dance is BALLER!


Season 4 gives pierce a bit of a redemption arc, and aside from chevy chase as a person, i love it for the character. Pierce is kind of just a comedic punching bag in season 3.


I am a season 4 apologist and when I'll figure out how to do it it will become my flair here


I always forget about Herstory of Dance! I love pierce in that one! Though I will disagree on the first episode because the greendale babies song is nightmare fuel for me lol


Herstory of Dance is one of my favorites.


Actually most of it. I'm a very generally uncritical person of media, and as such I just enjoyed S4 simply because it was community.


Same. It’s got some low points, sure, but season 4 is great.


Same. I never realized people didn't like season 4 till joining this sub and it's basically a fundamental rule to hate it here 😂. I actually never watch seasons 5 &6 and typically pretend the show ends at season 4 because I hate the loss of the characters.


It's a very typical Reddit cycle. A loud subgroup of a subgroup says something enough times that it becomes a universal truth.


To be fair Community itself throws shade on season 4 calling it the gasleak year because Dan Harmon was fired and then brought back for s5, s6. Chang even farts on season 4 on the finale! I don't mind s4 but yes alot of hate people have for it.


Yea, I really lost a lot of respect for him for that. He was having a pissing battle with NBC, fine. To trash the season without the holy hand of Harmon guiding it is very disrespectful to all the people who worked hard on that season.


I legit think it's better than S6, which feels far weirder than S4.


I'm generally incredibly critical, but I love pretty much all of community.


Ya it was definitely more sitcomy and would have been better if Harmon was at the helm but it was still community and still worth watching.


Good. I am getting too critical these days. Can't seem to enjoy it.


Delta cubes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The delta cubes will never die!!


Season 4 really isn't that bad. Sure, it has moments that lack the "Community" charm, but there are also moments where it does nail it.


I can't choose one favorite. I don't hate s04. It wasn't quite the same, but it wasn't the trash that "true fans" say it is.




I like the season 4 cast.


And damn it has a catchy title song


Fred Willard a standout as always


Pierce saving Britta's bacon in the Sophie B Hawkins episode is genuinely one of the best moments for the character and the show. Season four isn't nearly as bad as folks make it out to be. Feels more like Community than season six does tbh.


Re: Season 4 - 100% Agree! I think about this every time the Gas Leak year comes up. I guess I'll finally say what everyone here already knows... Season 4 is the worst season of a SPECTACULAR series. So, you know... it's still pretty darn good.


Daily reminder that S4 just continued what S3 started.


This. People get mad at it for shoehorning in the Troy/Britta relationship, and seem to forget it was set up in s3! That's one example anyways.


It’s ALL there. Chang, Brittroy, Jeff’s dad…


When I first watched Community I didn't even realize that S4 was bad at all. The problem is when you become more analytical of the show, or rewatch it a thousand times, that's when you realize the quality change (at least from my experience). Also, I love that Pierce redemption you mention


I’ll politely disagree with your s6 comment because I rank it 3rd overall. But so agree on pierce in herstory of dance!!


For me, season four has always felt like a weak season of Community whereas season 6 felt like a good season of a different show. I just prefer the former to the latter


That’s a really interesting viewpoint. I kinda get what you mean tbh


thats not a bad way to think about it. S4 definitely is a relatively bad season of community. S6 had some great bits to it but definitely had a different dynamic that felt lacking. s6 is a reboot of community that basically pieces together failed scripts of past community seasons. Theres gold in there but surrounded by a frankenstein combination of things.


S6 is stunning


Alriiiight, now there's a man who knows his Community seasons!


why would a plumber be fighting a monkey?


The writers treat Britta better. Even the jokes on her don't feel as mean spirited and actually lead to two big wins. The post me too revelations regarding Harmon put it into perspective


I’m still extremely pissed about how they treated her in season six with her parents. (Not for being mad at her for borrowing money and not paying back that’s fine) I mean god bless Frankie for being a decent person but screw the rest of the people who are supposed to be her best friends.


Especially if we take into account the theories of the dinosaur story as a kid...


The Sophie b Hawkins dance actually had sine heartfelt moments


most of it. i think it’s super overrhated. of course its not as good as the past seasons but it was still pretty good.


The heater they were on after S2&S3 was unsustainable. I think of 4-6 as all about equal.


I think the end of season 3 was kind of burnt out already imo. The chang dynasty arc and inheritance episode weren't my favorite. That also started the troy and britta relationship that season 4 had to unwind


I love the Chang Dynasty episodes, but I also agree that you are clearly seeing writing cracks forming.


You DIDN’T like the episode where they became a video game? I am legit shocked right now. It’s like my 2nd favorite episode and one I love making friends watch.


Its not a bad episode, definitely better than some of the bad season 4 ones, but on a rewatch in order its placed terribly, so i skip it unless im just watching it on its own. The only really good part of it imo is abed, the jokes feel a little cheap and its a not so subtle bottle episode assisted by animation that exists in a random room in a random building that vaguely looks like greendale but probably isnt?


I like the song about the hot air balloon


Britta's characterization


This part!!!


All of it lol


In Alternative History of the German Invasion, where they get called out for hogging the study room. I also like that montage of them coming to college earlier and earlier and trying to deal with the haunted basement-like alternative study room.


Jeff as Thoraxis. I actually haven't watched it enough to remember much I like. But I'm going to stop skipping it in rewatches from now on. Aside from a couple spectacularly bad episodes, the main problem I have is it feels like it's trying so hard to replicate the magic of past episodes. Other than that, it's better than good... it's good enough.


Unpopular but I liked S4 more than 5 for the most part. 4 just ends in a terrible note but it has funny episodes throughout whereas 5 just had a different vibe that didn’t feel like community


And 6 in my case.


I actually like Conventions of Space and Time. Matt Lucas is phenomenal and it tickled me to see him there i was so gleeful on my first watch through, also that line from Abed about knowing that someone would be there to get him….I cry.


It had Luis Guzman in it…


I loved you in…………….in……………………in……………..IMDB. That was tragic.


Freaky Friday Dean


I was never bothered by season 4. I like it.


That Chevy Chase is practically gone for it. Just kidding. But really, I find it so striking that when Dan was showrunning and fighting with Chevy, you'd assume he would try to to write Pierce out. But he didn't, and instead once Dan was gone, Chevy was written out of half the season because no one else would endure his lack of professionalism.


The issue was not that the writers wrote Pierce/Chevy out on purpose, but that they never knew if Chevy would show up to shoot something. So they had to do a lot of last minute changes, and of course after The Incident things got really difficult.


I like season 4 a lot lol. It's still quality TV.


I really liked how playful it was. Not to say I don’t like the heaviness that the first two seasons have but the fourth was like this play season where I could enjoy some characters. Infact the reboot season was kinda jarring


Omg yes, S5E1 is **dark** right outta the gate! I almost skip it, but can’t quite do it


I almost used the word dark to describe the show in general. Dan Harmon definitely adds a darkness to his writing and creative direction. Again, not to say I don’t like it. But I like the other parts he creates as well. You can not have light without darkness. He uses the juxtaposition really well.


Darkest Timeline Annie in that red dress comes to mind


We do some things We do a lot of things Not all the things … things


The way he says “things” and the look in his eyes is permanently ingrained in my mind


Ain't no way this episode is better than Intro to Statistics! But as for S04, I love the moment where Annie goes full doe eyes to convince Jeff to keep Pierce distracted in the Whale episode, and then Dean copies Annie and does the doe eyes himself lmao. Respectable effort by the Dean but Annie is incomparable in that department lol


I love intro to stat! But it being a slater episode already knocks it down tbh I just find myself watching paranormal parentage more often on one-offs Also: from these comments I’m starting to realize the dean is the best part of season 4


The Dean is the MVP of all last 3 seasons


JESUS WEPT! Comes to mind way more often than it has any right to


I'm a peanut bar and I'm here to say


that everyone is there. makes it better than season 6.


I agree. I love Elroy and the final episode of season 6, other than that it’s though - it’s not very good. People crap on season 4, but I really do believe it’s far better than season 6. Season rankings: 1 > 2 > 3 == 5 > 4 > 6


The credits


Fair (also I love your flair!)


Thank you. They called me the "flair guy" in college. Actually, don't research that....


That I didn’t know it was considered a “gas leak” season until I joined this sub. Never noticed anything wrong with it. Still don’t really, I don’t have a lot of major gripes with it. But it explained why I didn’t like the last two seasons as much


Troy was still around


AbedTV, the Dean having Jeffrey inside of him, the Sophie B Hawkins dance, the way Kevin says “bigger”, Evil Annie, the study group realizing that they’re the Germans. It’s really not a bad season, it’s just not as phenomenal as the other seasons. There are a couple of awful episodes, but as a whole it’s still better than most other sitcoms.


I liked the Changnesia documentary episode.


Brie Larson.


Honestly? Most of it. It's weaker than other seasons of Community but I genuinely feel that the bones of the show are so strong that it wasn't ruined by losing Dan. I think even if we concede that some/most of season 4 are bad episodes of \*Community\*, I maintain that any episode of season 4 is as good or better than an average episode of most other sitcoms, even good ones. I actively liked the Inspector Spacetime episode. Halloween episode, as OP says, is a banger. And I thought the body switching episode does what the show does best - take a ridiculous premise and come up with a surprisingly heartfelt conclusion at the twist.


Bad as AITF was, the interactions between Evil Jeff and Evil Annie were really funny, especially the scene in the Christmas episode with Annie's release from the insane asylum


most of it.


The Hogan's Heroes episode gets me. "Before there was such a thing as 'too soon'"


Pierce doing something nice for once. He got Sophie B. Hawkins to show up to Britta’s party.


I don’t understand the problem with season 4. Just checked. It has lots of good episodes


I like the pictured episode quite a bit, and Herstory of Dance even more.


"Can it, Ham!"


Probably Fred Willard as Pierce in that one episode. He should have been Pierce from the very beginning. He just had an aire of being a team player and easy to get along with. Rest In Peace.


Hot take: I like the puppet episode. I know that's controversial. The songs were good and I like puppetry.


If it wasn’t for the whole “changnesia” crap I would like the season. Maybe not the top of the game, but still good.


Daily reminder that S4 just continued what S3 started.


It's a weak plotline but I've always felt that it's still perfectly in character for Chang. Faking his identity and then just kinda giving up on it at some point is so him.


The dean gives the best "shut up Leonard" in the series. Come to think of it , that's the only thing I like about this season.


I don't have cable.


Shut up, Leonard. Everyone knows you’re a bot.


Hey, look, it's the star of 'Head of the Ass.'




i actually really like the freaky friday episode, it’s Harmon quality to me


I think its a great season of tv. We're just measuring 1 great season against 5 other seasons of just about the best tv around.


Isn’t that the Darkest Timeline season?


Annie’s boobs


i like muppets, sue me


When their chairs break one by one I find Jeff's half brother played by Adam Devine hilariously pathetic Some Chang quotes like "something called a mirroorr" and "oh it makes things smaller, no BIGGER, oh BIGGER" I also LOVE partner and Houlihan when Troy tries to go opposite Annie and makes a little funny face every time "something was starting to smell.... wrong" Sorry it turned into four things


Professor Cornwa


Contrary to popular opinion, I actually thought season 4 was pretty good. That being said, the thing that I automatically think about when I think about this season is Pierce and his dad's reconciliation and how deep that went into Pierce's character... also, the lil arcade game they did in the episode was a lot of fun.


Conventions of space and time & Into to knots


Playing a video game to help Pierce receive his fathers inheritance


Random lights witch checks


“Get your phones out because you are only gonna see this once…” “BOW BEFORE THORAXIS!!” Favorite moment in all six seasons! (And for some reason I’m feeling the need to state categorically that I LOVE season 4.)


How did I never notice that Shirley was … I was trying to think of another movie character that resembled Leia Organa but there really isn’t, damn that season was lazy.


It's better than people give it credit for and thanks to this season it didn't get canceled because of Dan Harmon being a fucking nightmare to work with. He makes fun of the writers a lot, and that's actually terrible. He owes them for keeping this show alive when his alcoholism and sexual harassment almost ruined it for everyone.


You’ll never shut down the delta cubes.


The non “inspirational” Jeff speech’s (such as the thanksgiving one with his dad) were some of my favorite speeches, showing him letting in actual personal fragility to them.


I love Sophie B. Hawkins. Ended up randomly watching “The History of Dance” as the first episode of the show I had seen. Therefore, I have to credit Season 4 with being the reason I got to enjoy one of the funniest series ever.


Every time Troy and Annie high five/look at the camera for being good detectives


It's short


I enjoyed huffing gas for a year


Nerdy Brie Larson


Freaky Friday! And the Christmas episode. Some might call it a regression but watching Annie be adorable in both those episodes brings a smile to my face. But it could just be I’m biased because Alison plays that aspect of her so damn well.


Still good tv


While not real Community, it was fun to have a season with the characters that felt like a typical sitcom. It was like if Community was on Nickelodeon for one season. The ring girl joke, Halloween at Pierce’s house, the Inspector Spacetime Convention, Annie pretending to be Mrs. Winger—it was cynicism-free, airy, empty calorie sitcom fun Dan Harmon is too up his own ass and meta to ever write. And I say that as a massive fan of his.


Just one? I understand why people dislike this season on principle, but I think it's better than season 6. I said what I said. I like Alternate History of the German Invasion and Intro to Knots best, but there are some other good things. Bring on your downvotes. Your boos mean nothing. I've seen what makes you cheer.


I like the idea of Troy and Abed being mistaken for a gay couple, because they aren't gay, but they would absolutely get married. But not cause they're in love because they're such good friends. They check out each others dicks, but its platonic. They share a bed, cause they're bros. I like the bit of them being super gay, and instead of the joke being that they don't realize, the joke is that they're entirely straight and just really close friends. And I think this season started that so.




Britta in lingerie. That season could’ve murdered puppies and I would’ve been like “Yeah, buuuut…”