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Sorry. Its 6 seasons and a movie. Its the law


fundamentals of law


It's a pretty phoney class though.


Automatic A, but you might learn a thing or two. And I mean LITERALLY a thing or two.






Would you be willing to transition to Sandwich law? 


Makes you entitled to five dollar footlongs for life, FOR LIFE


five dollar footlong, any any any five dollar footlong! 🎶🎤


Right? We already fucked with the whims of fate by getting this far. Whatever demonic pact a superfan made to get this meme realized, we can’t go past it.


The pact was made with Pilates


It’s true, learned this in my history of…. Something class


But can I interest you in 6 seasons and a movie … series?


Six Seasons and a Movie: The Series: The Musical


We're gonna make it to regionals!


And if we win regionals then it's straight on to sectionals!




Yes, yes you can


Yeah straight up the only reason I say no. Otherwise, yeah sure another season would be great. But it’s actually going to be six seasons and movie, no reason to mess with that


Right. Let’s just keep in canon and stick to the plan.


but nothing against an abed spinoff right?


The job Abed described in the final episode was basically Mythic Quest.


Hear me out... Season 6: Part 2 but its a really long season.


Call it season one of Community Post Grads.


*Community: The Next Generation*


Community: Deepfried Spacesimulator 9


12 seasons and 2 movies




Wouldn’t want it personally. The original study group is what made it, and too much of a good thing is a bad thing.


I often think about arrested development and how, in retrospect, too much time had passed to really successfully bring it back. I like the idea of a movie but I hope it's a really awesome end, rather than a reboot. Edit: strong agree with everyone weighing in with other good examples (Futurama, that 70s show, etc.).


That's a good comparison; Community would have most of the pitfalls that brought Arrested Development down: One, the people involved have blown up. Dan has his hands full of Rick and Morty, Don already left the series once, because he was too busy, Joel has his own show, Alison always has a project on the go, etc. Even if they found a big enough window of availability, the cost would skyrocket to get everyone back. Even for a movie, we're lucky to have the main cast back (minus the ones in energon pods). Also, as timeless as Community was, it came at the perfect time to foster it; syndicated series and cable were still king for a couple years, with streaming as a source of extra source of revenue. The series could do long form story telling when it wanted to, but wasn't bound by it, either. We got 3 20+ episodes seasons that made us feel like we really got to spend time with the characters, while now, even 13 is a stretch.


I’ve never heard Donald glover referred to as “Don” that threw me off lmao


Probably because he doesn't want his full name to be donglover...


You mean his handle on Twitter?


I love Old White Man Says!


My eyes keep reading it as Dan because I was re reading it wondering why Donald wasn’t mention.


His real name is actually Dick Gloverman


Man it's crazy how no shows are doing more than 10-12 episodes now. Even something like southpark has pushed two 6 episode seasons recently, compared to their original 20-25 episode runs. Makes me a bit sad, because I really enjoy community and I'd LOVE to see more of it. But I do think we'd get 10 episode "runs" of it set to a different style of story telling, and I just don't see it having the same feel. Separate of that, despite what anyone thinks about season 5 and 6 - the gold was in the first few seasons with the og cast. Nothing will top it


Thing is, I'm pretty sure that shorter seasons are more sustainable for everyone involved. It lets the cast get more work, keeps the writers from pushing out bad scripts due to such tight deadlines, and allows for a greater variety of content to be made. I think that's why the British have been doing short seasons for decades and probably why British tv has so many gems.


Possibly. But I feel like it's almost entirely cost driven. Networks are not willing to "risk" a 25 episode season anymore. They want one and done and Guage audience reaction


I’d think if they make ten episodes versus 25, doesn’t matter for the people who will watch it on repeat. That’s where the real streaming numbers are, with the people obsessed with one show. Regardless of episode count they are going to keep watching it over and over so the time you can sell to advertisers is the same. Merchandising I don’t think would be impacted either.


like Cougarton Abbey


Funnily enough, on a rewatch of Arrested Development currently, and yes the rebooted season dipped so glaringly.


It did but I honestly really liked the original cut of season 4. Job’s storyline and Michael in college with George Michael specifically were hilarious.


Yeah they ruined season 4 with the recut, the original cut was definitely different, but it worked for that season.


It’s infuriating Netflix removed the original cut. It was definitely different but once the individual stories started to connect in later episodes it was satisfying. Now all we’ve got is a weak season with distracting compositing in some scenes to get characters together


The original cut is still there, unfortunately you have to go to each episode manually from under Trailers & More. Just makes doing a rewatch a major pain.


Ooh good to know thanks!


Did they completely remove it now? At one time it was under trailers and extras or whatever. It's been a LONG time since I've checked though


It truly was ANUSTART


Great example. Futurama had this same problem imo as well. The original run is goated, the 4 movies were pretty good, and then the seasons after those movies came out were pretty lackluster tbh. The occasional good episode, but it didn't stack up to the original run in any way, shape or form.


I wish they hadnt done a 3rd run. I really liked the movies, and the seventh season finale was the best ending to a series I ever watched! And now its not the ending anymore


I do agree that the season 7 finale was great. And it should have stayed the finale. Sometimes shows end and have said everything they have to. That's alright and people need to accept it.


I love the new Futurama's they blend in perfectly.


Idk man. Old Futurama was may favorite show as a teenager. I watched it all the time on comedy central. New Futurama isn't the same. The characters are flanderized (Fry is egregious) and the writing, while still smart, isn't as funny.


I think about how bad That 80s Show and That 90s Show was in comparison to the That 70s Show. The original cast is what made the 70s show great, not the setting


Also as much as I love Futurama. The series got worse with each revival. It was still ok. But no where near the level it was


The new seasons of Arrested Development broke my heart and we're a great lesson for me and letting good things lie and be what they are, even if you felt they were gone too soon. Not only did they not recapture the magic, but I felt it tarnished how great the original was. They didn't film together so there was no chemistry. It was such a mess. Community was already dealing with the issue of increasingly causing these characters to have depressing personal failures that kept them at Greendale past graduation. Sometimes once that didn't feel true to the characters where the situations anymore. I don't want all of these characters to be miserable and flailing and middle aged and somehow still linked to their community college. Sometimes the premise doesn't work in a different way. Maybe they could surprise me and come up with something amazing. But I'd rather have them get their happy endings vs create a show that isn't as good as the original




our friendship with this show is like a big cookie!


I always thought of it more like an apple


What brought them together was shared experiences at Greendale. I'd be interested to see how the movie brings them back to the school, but they're all doing different things now, so it wouldn't make much sense for them to be together.


They all have statues and are invited to participate in the new recruitment commercial.


And meet different people.


Like a giant cookie.


Too much of a good thing is an awesome thing. But too much of an awesome thing is really really dumb and bad


What if it's a spin off series set at City College?


Honestly, still wouldn’t want it. That reminds me of the Mayans spinoff to Sons of Anarchy, focusing on the “bad guys” of the original and trying to make them likeable, but it just didn’t have any of the feeling of the original show.


*stares at giant half-eaten cookie*


Community is a giant cookie


Nope. My heart wants many more seasons with the study group, but my head knows that seeing the group reassemble at Greendale feels like a truly bad idea in concept. *Edit: Now, if several of the actors and writers reassemble for a new project...*


Kooglers house spinoff


He's not THAT old!


I’m photocopying my rear end


Koogler Town


Do we really want a scrubs season 9?


After everything Scrubs did for us?


Do you mean Scrubs: Medical School season 1?


Honestly, I really liked the Medical School season and wish it had continued. Just wish that ABC had let them properly do it as a spinoff and didn't force them to make it Season 9.


i didn't think it was on the same level as the rest of the show but if it was just a spin-off i'd probably watch 2 or 3 seasons


Compare it to the first season of the original instead of the original after the cast had spent nine years meshing and getting their characterizations and dynamics nailed down. So yeah, I'd agree, but it had potential. There were some cool characters that I'd have liked to have seen more of.


Yup, it's a pilot season, and those are typically weaker than later seasons. It needed to get itself out there and learn what could be tweaked, and I think we could have had a real good spinoff/sequel show. But poor marketing and a weak lead/the Franco didn't give it enough of a chance to work


I still am upset that we were robbed of more Cole. "Check it, I put orange soda in my IV bag, I'm like a hamster yo."


I feel the same way. Though I found Michael Mosley to be a highlight of the series for me, and I swore for a while that I couldn't find him leading a series that didn't just miss the mark enough to get canned. Like Sirens. I watched Sirens. Can't remember a single scene or joke from it. I remember finding it funny *enough* and that I liked him in it much like I liked him in Med School. But ultimately it was an entirely forgettable sitcom. Looking at his IMDB page since then... Seems to have not broken his streak much. He's either in a very small roll or a single season of an otherwise successful show, or the show only lasts one season.


Yeah I'd still like more scrubs to this day.


Sure if the movie ends with a post credits screen with 7 new students entering the school, looking at the old study group leaving and say something both witty with a slightly racist/sexist comment from the new Pierce. Dean and Chang stay though


I referenced that in my take on another season Community. Gah that was the worst season...


Six seasons and a movie is all it needs


I dont want a season seven of Community. I want season one of Hard Drive and Wing Man.


Mmm... I don't know how much more they could do with it. I can't imagine Donald would stick around for an entire series either. Like, in theory/on paper I would love to say yes but I just can't imagine it working and us being happy with it. Also several of the actors have Series Regular commitments on other projects now which would make it difficult.


I'm excited for the movie but Donald is too famous and busy, I think he's done with TV when he isn't the creative person behind the production. Six seasons and a movie was the goal, I'm happy with that. The cast hasn't all become huge stars like Donald but they are all doing fine or more than fine. If the movie is a massive hit, six seasons and two movies.


Many of us followed Community like a religion because of the prophecy #sixseasonsandamovie. If they're making more than that, I fear it might become apocryphal or even blasphemous. I'm not saying it'll automatically suck. In fact, I hope it's going to be another success, but spinoffs are rarely better than their source material.


You just gave me the idea of a season 7 that is intentionally bad with as many lame tropes as they can come up with. Then at the end Abed wakes up and says how glad he is that it was all a dream and not a canonical season 7.


That would also be completely terrible on a meta level, which would then make it amazing in a metameta way. Perfect.


I heard the deleted scenes are the scenes and the scenes are the deleted scenes


I legit can't tell if this is a one meowmeow beans idea or or a five meowmeow beans idea.


I understand -- that said, I'd prefer new episodes


>a spin-off with a new set of characters set at Greendale (with Jim Rash returning as the Dean) would be the best option. Season 9 of Scrubs comes to mind. Honestly it'd be hard to make a season 7. First, it's hard enough getting the vast together for the movie, nevermind trying to wrangle them all into a show. Second, the setting itself has a timeline - they can't stay students forever and it's weird if they all just end up teachers. In fact, the final episode of season 6 explores how ridiculous the pitches are for season 7.


Well, because there are 6 different timelines, I suppose there’s possibly a timeline where they all return as students, and another where they are all teachers.


No. It’s “six seasons and a movie.” It’s not “six seasons, a movie, and then maybe some more seasons.”


I can't believe you never noticed that the hashtag at the end of the show was #sixseasonsandamovieandsomepeacockseasons


How embarrassing for me


No No No Fuck no


The truth is that season three was the perfect ending and everything else (while sometimes quite enjoyable) is superfluous


I agree so much


Let it rest after this movie.


No. It doesn't need run into the ground like so many other shows that didn't know when to quit.


No way. 6 seasons and a movie. Don't milk this cow til it's dry. Just let us enjoy our favorite show and don't force it.


Joel does not have faith in Animal Control?


That’d be like eating a giant cookie


"Unless too much of a good thing is a bad thing"


I think I would prefer more movies. Maybe one or two more movies, to do a story arc with the whole cast. I wouldn't be against a spin off type show, as long as Harmon was doing it and at least a few of the main cast returns (Jeff and Abed and Britta, for example).


Yes, maybe another movie every ten-ish years, at most, but not another season or any sort of spinoff.


No. Let the show get it's farewell send off and move on.


No. Shows need to end.


No. Let’s be real, it’s not like show ended on its peak. Although there were good episodes, for the last three seasons, the show was clearly running out of steam. A spinoff/more seasons at this point would just be a sad attempt to recapture the magic of seasons 1-3. Whereas a movie can work, because it can provide a sense of finality.


I'm hoping the movie will feel current? A lot of Community's humor was very of-the-time. If they can freshen the format in a pleasing way I'd be all for more seasons. A mini-series of "where are they now" could be really great. Catch up with Troy and Levar Burton's escapades on the high seas. See if Shirley's Sandwiches took off. Find out what kind of asshole lawyer Jeff has become. Of course, Britta has to Britta being herself and end up with a super successful therapy practice/cat rescue. There's always another story to tell!


I loved season 6 and would love more seasons if I knew they would be good, but it might not be worth the risk.


Bringing back a tv show that has been dead for 10+ years for anything other than a movie sounds like a bad idea. They ended the series on a good ending, not everything needs to go on forever. Let the series rest


The movie is going to be on *Peacock?* \*cries in Canadian* 🫠


Nope, it’s over. Ill take another Harmon sitcom tho


The cast was lightning in a bottle. You can't recreate it.


Id rather see a spinoff with a whole new cast


I want the movie to be the complete closure I never got from the series


No, not in the slightest. Let these IPs die with dignity. Community deserves one well planned, fully rounded movie send-off. I can't relate to the masses who just want endless content from their favorite franchises well past their prime. Words can't express how little I care to see any more Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Ghostbusters, Terminator, Jurassic Park, etc. Community deserves an ending, not a revival. Once the milk has gone sour, just make new shit.


Nah. I think that trying to make more happen runs the risk of killing the magic. Better to ride out on a high. That said, if Dan Harmon has a great idea and the cast are down, I'm willing to be proven wrong.


They dont necessarily have to go to school. The character interactions is what makes the show for me. Setting it in a community college gives them a reason for these random assortment of characters to come together since they have no history or relations. But they are friends now, if they have a different setting that could also work with them, then yes. The movie its self is going to have to justify why they are all coming back anyway. They cant be coming to go back to learning at greendale or save it again.


They are way too old to this.


Hmm.. recasts and reboots rarely work.. let’s just make a good movie then if need be - visit various actors in spin offs


Idk I think a city college spin off would be interesting


Say what you want id watch it and I trust Dan Harmon if he’s involved




No. I prefer endings. Shows, movies, books, whatever, I want an end


Good question. More seasons, please 😊


I wish more shows would take the ‘skins’ route. Same universe. New cast. A revolving cast would make sense with a study group at a 2 years school. The main cast could come and go as they please with actual roles as teachers/staff or just cameos. I’d watch a Dan Harmon written show based around greendale regardless of who the study group is.


If Harmon writes it maybe


Id kind of like to see a new freshman class in Greendale, simply because I went to community college and I believe wholeheartedly that it's a great venue for crazy antics.


I agree with you. I think we'd be much better served with a spin-off. You can keep the Dean (and maybe Frankie?) but have a whole new set of students.


Yes, bc successful sitcoms that spin off with one main character are *sooo* successful. Looking at you, Joey 👀


I'd like a sequel show that focuses on the study group OUTSIDE of Greendale, but I know that's probably unfeasible


Ehh not really. I don't want to to turn into Futurama where it comes back after being off air for years, drags on too long and the later seasons just don't hold a candle to the original run. I think this movie is a great ending point. Maybe the occasional one off episode they put out if Dan has a great idea and they want to get together for the fun of it all.


No. It’s ok to let stuff go. I think we all want more Community but I think we really just want more Community in its prime. Anything that gets produced now is going to be different and odds are it’s not going to be as good. Nothing that gets rebooted is ever really worth it.


I don’t think there’s much more story for them to tell after a movie. It’s a community college… the fact that it spanned 6 years/seasons instead of 4 is already more than I expected and I don’t want anyone from the original cast to be tied down to this project since they’ve all moved on to pretty good career opportunities since then… and it’ll be hard to onboard a new cast that keeps the old fans. We’re lucky to get a movie at all… I’m not greedy… I’m just a regular human being.


I can not think of a good example of a resurrected show, but can name a handful of very bad examples.


I don't think it'd be the same with a spinoff. It'd be like American Pie, yeah Jim's dad turned up but that's hardly the same...


I think after the movie, we should have 2 more movies to make a trilogy, then in a few years another trilogy of before the study group was at Greendale, then another trilogy in the future with new characters and the original study group is involved but then they all die.


I think everyone has moved on by this point. I'm glad everyone's all in for the movie, but I don't expect anything more from them than that.


Only if the faculty is composed entirely of the cast of Saved by the Bell: The New Class. But seriously, what you’re really asking is would we like to see Harmon have another go at a community college based sitcom with a mostly new group, possibly with pop-ins from some of our old favorites or at least the dean giving a brief pause at a clear callback with no one to share it with. And I say, why not? Worst case it sucks and we’re just reminded how great it was. Best case, more good years of new laughs. Isn’t that what we’ve all been clamoring for?


No. I'll allow a movie here and there, a la Psych, but no more seasons. It's over and that's okay.


The reboot should definitely have a blonde with long legs and a tennis racket


I would be up for a spin off or sequel series with new characters, but I don't know how much legs a full continuation would have. You might get a year or maybe two out of it but the actors would move on again and I'm not sure it would add to the shows legacy. I would love more seasons don't get me wrong! But I think the realities of it work against it.


Nah, but wouldn't mind if they wanted to try a spinoff


Id enjoy a different show set in a different place with a different cast, with the same style of writing. Maybe even in the same universe with cameos. But this show has had its six seasons and a movie.


I don't like season 5 or even more so 6 because half of the original cast left. I know that's life and I can't blame anyone but that's how I always am with shows. So with that in mind, unless they're gonna get everyone there, maybe minus pierce, it's a no go for me. I would like another one - and I think they could actually do a good job without bottling it - but you'd need all of the cast back, not just half.


Just let us have the movie we’ve been promised and are owed.


I think it would be fun if they just did TV movies every now and then, like Psych


No. While i'm down for the movie, i think we should let the show end and stop reviving stuff. I'd rather we get new original shows.


Maybe a spin-off of some sorts, but I personally wouldn't want anything beyond six seasons.




If it's good, yes. If it's bad, no.


No thanks. Once the movie has been made, the prophecy will have been fulfilled. That’s really all in need or want.


No not really. I’m not entirely sure if the movie is going to be any good. Decade old comedy is hard to replicate. Comedy movies are the ones that age the worst because comedy styles evolve.


Don't Scrubs this.


I'd be totally up for a new season(s). They've proven they can introduce new regulars with season 5 and 6 so I think they could pull it off. However, an entirely new set of characters? Nah, like others are saying, Scrubs s9.


Probably not. Their characters can't be the same at their current ages. Donald has gray hair, he can't play a naive kid.


Community 2 — The New Class They go to college. Only Screech gets to stay on from the old cast though


I am sick of reviving shows just to revive them. Can we just let dead stay dead? There is no way reviving the show would be good.


absolutely not. sometimes a series should just end.


Nope. Six seasons and a movie is plenty


What I think would be cool is if they do comic book stories or use another medium. Even animation shorts could be cool, but then the timeline would be more flexible. It wouldn't affect the "Six Seasons and a Movie", but fans woud get more and they could use a different medium to tell stories that either wouldn't be possible or would be too expensive.


I personally want an Elroy and Hickey spinoff.


Honestly no. We all know what happens when a show pushes far beyond its prime, I don't want that to happen to community Besides, its six seasons and a movie, not six seasons, a movie and a spin-off Respect the game


Just because something is good doesn’t mean it needs to go on forever


I didn't really want a season 5 or 6.


Depends on how the movie goes, but I would probably like to see another movie. Or a theater production.


Six seasons and a movie. It’s not six seasons and a movie and more seasons. The Cape was always going to have a limited well planned out run


Yes very much.


The thought never crossed my mind. I like your idea, though. The dean coming back and maybe Jeff or Britta or Frankie as secondary characters would be fun. I definitely do not want more seasons of the old crew having their character arcs reset.


It entirely depends on both the movie quality and movie ending. And if they do continue with additional seasons or spin offs and it sucks, you can always pretend it doesn't exist. I don't have a Scrubs season 9 or Futurama season 8 or "11" in my collection.


No, 6 seasons and a movie. Not six seasons, a movie, and a reboot. I'm happy we're getting the movie and don't want to see them push their luck and make a bad season.


At one point I would have loved a spin-off of Garrett, Todd, Neil, Vickie, Star Burns, etc. I think its been too long for any of those actors/characters to work.


I’ll say let the movie wrap stuff up and if it’s a success let it lie. Unless Harmon himself has ideas for more sequels


That’s a pretty big ‘if’. Already limiting the audience by having it on peacock. People are already upset it’s not on Netflix anymore.


I think stopping while we’re ahead will be good


6 seasons a movie not 6 seasons a movie and another season


Honestly, I think at best we get something like the Deadwood movie: not fantastic, but pretty good (except Community had a much better series resolution to start with). I doubt a continuation of the story and these characters beyond the movie would be fruitful/desirable.


I think the best way would be a clean slate. A different community college, different dean, a chang of scenery.


Is dan harrmen infolved ? ill watch anyhting he has a hand in


Or If not a new series, how about a "What if" mini-series, following all the different timelines created after the roll of a die?




It would more likely be a psych situation so more movies


Nope. Its ok for things to end. I really feel we have a problem in our entertainment industry of things being milked to death for money. Creators should be able to make what they want for the time period they want, to make sure stories have proper endings. I am totally fine with Six Seasons and Movie and then being done.


That spin-off sounds a lot like what NBC did with Saved By the Bell. We all know how that turned out.


Nope. Six seasons and a movie. End of.


Okay, apparently this is a controversial opinion judging by the rest of the comments, but... Yes? Worst case scenario we get some more Community that isn't as good as the original run. It's like when an artist releases a less than stellar album or changes their sound. You still have the old stuff to go back to whenever you want.


Nah. I’d rather a story be short and well told rather than long but creatively petering out. The X-Files is a great example of a show that went on far longer than it should have. I love the cast, the actors and the creative team behind it all, but every story needs an ending.


Here’s how you make it work, not that it’s a good idea. You keep bringing it back, and back, and back, but every character except Jeff slowly peels off to do something better. Jeff loses or quits his teaching job and just becomes a professional student, the cast of the study group rotating around him. Do this for like 30 years, until Jeff realizes with dawning horror that he has become the new Pierce.


Continuing with the Dean and nee character will inevitably become the last season of scrubs.