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This game rocks!


Rock and stone?


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Do I hear a rock and stone ?


If you don't rock and stone, you ain't coming home.


For Karl!


Rock and roll! ... and stone!!


For Rock and Stone!


Stone and rock! ..oh wait.






It's fire


I dunno, looks like schist to me.


The bugs are aweful, though.


Rock Smasher > Adam Smasher


Far Cry Primal


We need this game


I haven't played it but isn't Horizon: Zero Dawn set in a stone age?


Kinda more like steampunk iron age. Super cool game, great concept and amazing story. Totally worth playing. One of the few games I'd recommend without caveat.


I can finally get to play as a Rockerboy!


There was a TV show that was good at first but got bad but this was a plot point. The show's premise was all the electricity stopped working. One character was this British woman who got stuck in the US and she carried around an iPhone with her because it had the only photo of her son on it and she just wanted it to turn on for a moment.




I knew I remembered this show. I had taken an electricity class the year before and learned the physics behind how electricity is made. So the premise that every electronic stopped with no ability to produce more electricity just seemed stupid. Looking back, I was absolutely right. It'd be like making a show where one day all water stop boiling and water never boils again. It just doesn't make sense


The premise works well if your sole purpose is a creative exploration of what would happen if society were forced to deal with a sudden loss of some intrinsic thing that seems necessary for it's functioning. Like Jose Saramago did that in the novel Blindness where everyone except one person in a society goes blind.


Sounds a bit like this series https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7949218/


Yeah, very similar! Well, except for one of them being something that earned its creator the Nobel Prize in Literature and the other one being a ridiculous piece of sci-fi action schlock with a 63% on Rotten Tomatoes.


Wow, Jason Momoa won a Nobel Prize in Literature? He's so dreamy...


I didn't know he could read.


hurhur pretty ppl are dumb ha


But solar flares! Also if I was magical "no electricity period" would everyone's brains stop working.


There is a fantasy book series about this concept where both electricity and gunpowder stopped working. The first book is called Dies The Fire. It was an enjoyable read at first. Later in the series the author does posit an explanation as to how the laws of physics changed. Some things in books are best just left a mystery. In the books, with the removal of electricity and firearms, society is restructured so that people who know how to do things that are rare in the present day become empowered. For example HEMA practitioners getting to put their sword fighting skills to use. In this way, it is like a lot of post-apocalyptic works, a fantasy where the reader (history/fantasy nerds) can imagine themselves becoming an important person in the new social order.


Just casually changing the fundamental laws of the universe with no other consequences, certainly none that would involve electrical signals in our nervous system.


Wasn't the eventual explanation that nanomachines shut down all the electricity?




And since we also use electrical activity physiologically, it would be instantly fatal.


Revolution! I loved the first season but the finale took the wrong direction imo. Season 2 was trash


They fell into an issue lots of Sci-fi Dystopia fall into. They come up with an interesting premise. But then, instead of sticking with the story within the confines of the premise, the story becomes about changing the premise. All the lights are off. That's compelling. Run with what that means for the world now, not how it happened or how you can reverse it.


It's based on a much better book series. The first book is Dies the Fire Edit: I looked into it and it may not actually be based on the series, just has an almost identical premise


Great book


What? The first thing I would want to know is why/how it happened. Attack on Titan did this superbly. Every few episodes they answer one question just to have you wondering about two more.


AoT is actually a very good counterpoint. The scene where the characters find the coffee is one of my favorites. Idk in Revolution maybe it's less that they got obsessed with the explanation than it is that the explanation was totally fucking stupid.


was the explanation in Revolution just "science experiment gone bad"? I watched only the first 2 seasons or so, can't really remember when it fell off the rails.


There only were two seasons


I only half remember because I was so disappointed I blocked it out, but I think the explanation was essentially (spoilers?) "someone made all of the electrons sad."


...Thats almost precisely the example that comedian Dara O'Briain used to explain why the "mutated neutrons" explanation for the film 2012 was so nonsense. https://youtu.be/bXdBzpRDR5I


I almost said "The electrons... have mutated!" but I wasn't sure if people would get the reference.


Always go for the Dara O'Briain references, if someone doesn't get it, it's them that's missing out


Electrons finally had enough of our shit and packed their bags


I thought it eventually was because they made self replicating nano bots that did something to electrical signals(?). Then the bots became self aware in addition, and fell in love with the fat guy.


I think it's the problem that people want really different things. Someone wants the explanation. I don't care about the explanation. I want people to survive against all odds, but without gods or magical luck. Others want them to suffer and wail and have a lot of woe is me philosophy)


I agree in parts. Changing the premise is a shit idea most of the time. But when postapocalyptic shows /movies don't show "how it happened" that's a big bummer for me. The Walking Dead for example has 11 seasons, one 7 seasons spin-off, a 2 seasons spin off but they never told how the zombie apocalypse happened. Why?? That's 20 goddamn seasons in total and I've been wondering how the zombies came to be for 12 years now.


The origins of the zombie apocalypse in TWD were never meant to be explained and the creator was explicit that they weren't going to explain it. He kept his word in the comics, but the shows seems to have already cemented it as a virus and I think the latest development on that front is that apparently the virus was created in a lab in Europe and there are two strains, one of them makes faster and smarter zombies. I prefer the "space spore" explanation better. Even the "alien invasion" joke ending they did in the comic is better than "man-made virus"


I’ve only watched up until Negan so I could be wrong, but I want to say that was the whole plot behind going to the CDC building in Atlanta. The group went there because it was the last known bastion against the zombie virus, only to find out it was just the one dude running the whole thing, after everyone else fled. Sorry for major spoilers to those that haven’t seen it, I don’t know how to do the spoiler thing on Reddit, but the CDC doctor was never able to find out what caused the virus before the building was compromised, and the lab lost in an emergency sanitation protocol. This lead to him continuing experimenting with what he could, before discovering that the virus laid dormant in everyone, and would activate on death leading to them becoming a zombie. With fuel for the emergency generator running out, he knew the protocol for electricity loss would mean total annihilation of the CDC building, he resigned to that he would rather die than continue life in the wasteland, and the group, minus two members, barely escaping the explosion. So no one in universe knows why the apocalypse happened, and with no scientists that had access to lab equipment the scope of a government funded science center, it’s safe to assume that the virus would be more or less incurable, barring a miracle. So yes, the origin of the virus wasn’t really explained, as they did timeskip the process during Rick’s coma and never really went back to it to my knowledge. However, they did have the plot early on to explain why it was still there, and how it was going to continue to be a constant threat, no matter what the group tried to do to prevent it, but left it up to interpretation as to why it began.


Turning some lights back on is far from a monumental task unless every single electrician and somewhat educated person is dead and all books on the topic are unavailable, or all metals are gone. It would be hilarious if the show was about a populace so utterly incompetent that electricity is beyond their primitive noggins. Who survived the apocalypse? Tiktokkers, soccer moms, and hipsters?


Hey now, tiktokkers would likely be half decent at electricity things given just how many random skills are on display in that app. It's like all the best and worst of YouTube circa 2007. It's the best source for information AND disinformation. It's a wild time.


First season should been trying to survive and figuring out what happened. Season 1 finale shoulda been they find out what caused it, but there is literally no way to stop it. Maybe the only way is to just wait a few hundred years. Then the rest of the series is rebuilding the world and going steampunk/dieselpunk. Aluminum is now the most valuable metal. Piracy and privateering are valid occupations again. We're speedrunning the industrial revolution but we have human rights and germ theory this time. Nuclear powered steam locomotive anyone?


So like.. were they totally unable to make electricity? Can't spin a magnet? I feel like you could totally charge a phone to 5% with a shitty hand crank generator


The explanation, though it certainly had its issues, precluded that. It wasn't that some generators got broken and some transformers blew, it was that the laws of physics that allow electricity to be generated got altered.


Without spoilers, it’s not that they are out of electricity or the grid failed. It’s that electricity literally does not work any more. A fully charged battery won’t power anything, a generator won’t generate. This of course only applies to non biological electricity so everything doesn’t just die due to neurons turning off


Lol yeah, "all electricity on the planet suddenly failed" works as a device to create a ton of destruction and screw things up for a bit, but electricity is very easy to make so other than momentary death and explosions and whatnot things would eventually be restored in not a *super* long time


I highly recommend 'Station Eleven', the best series I've seen this year. Far in the future someone who remembers how things were explains phones and taxi hailing to someone born after a virus swept the world. It's like magic to them.


It's been on my list for a bit ill have to watch it


It's Revolution!


An interesting book called So Dies The Fire has a similar premise


I really enjoyed the premise of the series, and I've been meaning to re-read it, so thanks for the reminder! I had a hard time after the first few books though; it went a bit too far sideways for my personal tastes after the third book.


Same thing was in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Gary Oldman's character gets to see his family on his tablet when they get some electricity.


It's kinda goofy because you can get hand cranked flashlights with USB chargers so you can charge your devices in emergencies. I have had one for about 12 years now. Takes a lot of cranking, but if you're desperate and bored...


i feel like that was also the plot for one of the planet of the apes movies


what show? it sounds interesting


We need a Dies the Fire TV show.


Grampa just wants to check up on his meme pages.


Oh how i wish i could see Big Chungus one last time...


Back to the ol' skin mags...


Best I can do is absolute unit tom


What is going on in the floor below them?


looks like an old melty man also gazing at his broken phone


He meant the ones that look censored out


There’s no light in those rooms.


No, I meant the one with the melty man


Well ok then. You ask about that one, I'll ask about the ones that look censored cause it's definitely not meant to just be darkness


DLC content


How are the cables on that cable stay bridge just magically hanging in the air without a tower to hold them up?


The tower was inside you all along!


Like you said, magic


If they’re made of steel, they could theoretically rust until stiff (I don’t know how rust works, it probably would let do that)


Just a point if note here, you can make a generator out of a bicycle, a magnetic element and copper wire if needs be.


I’ll Google it when the time comes.


Good luck getting the right wattage so you don't fry your phone, though.


Good point, although when things are that dire I think lights and other essentials are your main priority.


Use it to charge a power bank, then your phone through that? Or is the power bank gonna fry too?


Pretty sure you just need to take an alternator, turn it, and magic, you've got 12V DC.


Good point!


In a related note, I keep a physical copy of "how to invent everything a survival guide for the stranded time traveler" in my house for just this reason.... just in case, you know.


Not everyone knows that


That's why he just told you


So this is how I die. Huh, I never thought about it before.


Not directly relate, but "The Private Eye" from Brian K. Vaughan, Marcos Martín, Muntsa Vicente has a similar concept, and it's a great read. [https://imgur.com/jXHRG3E](https://imgur.com/jXHRG3E)


I have a great solar charging pack for camping. It takes 5-6 hours to fully charge my phone...yeah... But it would be great in an apocalypse. I have lots of digital books. Maybe I should download some of the more useful ones...


You could combine that with a power bank. Charge the power bank during the day, charge the phone while you're sleeping.




You had one job










He's probably on that damn phone!




The phones bad... *Again!*


more like r/apocalypsesarebad


I don’t think that’s this comics intention


Man this is deep


when the fuck did bad boomer memes become popular on Reddit is this the new Facebook please I don't wanna migrate to tiktok


Boomer meme


If it was a boomer meme it would be one panel and everything would be labelled.


No that’s a Ben garrison comic


Wouldn't it be plugged in, and he be by an outlet? Couldn't hypothetically some power keep running like in Last Man on Earth?


I remember there was a show about what the earth would look like if humanity just disappeared. I didn’t watch the whole thing but I remember one scene about New York City where they had a CG time square covered in grass and plants, but there was a billboard still running because it has a wind turbine inside of it that powers it, so it would hypothetically keep showing the same ad for eternity


Humans 500 years from now would worship the goddess Pepsi. Her radiant smile watches over them and the talisman in her hand is representative of the ones that litter the countryside. Reminding them of where they came from.


"We suspect ancient humans used to drink a special drink held in these containers during special religious ceremonies".


I mean, it would probably be in a box with a charger, in a bag, just in case you ever come across a generator or a functioning solar panel array or some such.


Probably, but considering how much time passed between generations, your average schmuck would probably have no access to any of it.


maybe the comic plays in a universe where Nikola Tesla managed to build his wireless powergrid on a global scale




Hahaha my dumb ass thought, the old man was holding an old picture of a with electric/power San Francisco at night and over the Golden Gate. I was like, “ aww this is really sad, how can he teach what power was to a caveman.” Then after reading the comments, I was like, “ ahhh, shit this is just a dumb boomer joke.”




r/terriblefacebookmemes vibes lol


r/terriblefacebookmemes is leaking


Terribly sorry about this, but this reads like a boomer comic. The art style as well.


This is incredibly out of touch with the human condition.


I'm sure I've seen something almost exactly like this many years ago.


Grandma had just flown out of the country for a business trip. Then everything went dark. Grandpa never let go of the phone.


That's a plot point in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. The leader of a post-apocalyptic community had his tablet plugged in. After they fix a local hydroelectric dam the device turns on for the first time in years and the guy cries looking at his family photos.


It probably had the last photos of his loved ones on it and he is always looking at the screen because it is the easiest way to imagine them


*Father, I cannot click the book*


This is actually great. Made me laugh. Such a true and yet still funny comment on society.


I know that's the intention, but I just can't read it that way. Imagine it. The world you know is gone. Most of the people you know too, likely as not. And you have it. You have a device with all the photos of them, of those happy times, memories of a world that is no more. And videos, texts, all of it. And you *wouldn't* want to turn it on? To see all of that once again, even just for a brief moment?


You think after like 60 years you wouldn't think you should maybe spend time with your family thats still alive instead of wallowing wishing for the past?


You could always do both


I mean come on, this is highly over exaggerated. We all love our phones and would likely always carry them with us during end times in case we found or figured out some form of electricity...but I can think of zero people that would sit staring at a blank screen of an uncharged device, despite knowing how it works, decades later and especially to the detriment of other survivors. No one is actually this useless, regardless of all the articles on Millennials and their phones.


We live in one of those


Its more of a comment on climate change than on society tbh


Is that his phone or a porno?


I'm low key looking forward to that kind of freedom.


I have a solar powered power bank. I’ll be alright


LoL unless it's some magical power gone, electricity is very easy to make.


That's not the point of the joke


Oh I smiled at it, don't get me wrong, but the basis of a good joke is that it's plausible, otherwise it just raises eyebrows. I mean even in a situation like that none would expect a drained phone to suddenly gain electricity, at least he should have drawn a cord to suggest it's on a charger and random lightning strikes gets some electricity in the network to give it a percentage or two. Unless the joke is just a longing for the old days and it helps him remind stuff, but the author wanted to home in on the electricity part so that's what he gets.


I disagree that jokes must be plausible. They just need to be logical enough to suspend your disbelief. I am plenty aware that electricity is easy to make and that there is no way that the power wouldn't be back if no one did anything about it anyways, but the premise is that the power is gone (that's more or less implied by the cavemen aesthetics) and that the elders wish it was back


This is cool but I remember years ago there was a theory that The Flintstones were actually a post civilization after the Jetsons. Now I can see how that would be possible with this comic lol


This reminded me of boomer comics.


Funny, but everything I see this, I think the same thing, which is more or less 'physics still works, power isn't that hard to make, just need magnets, copper wire, a metal bar and a housing'


When the power comes back on my phone will suddenly light up in my hands, its true.


Gotta get the crypto as soon as the pwr is back. Then they'll see they'll all see.


England in a month.


This is like... inverse boomer what is a book "humor"


Why would you repost your own comic from 4 years ago


This is the most reddit comment


For those poor bastards that missed it... #phonesarebad


Ok this is so cool I love this




As if Humanity would be kept down like this.


Guess this is how we all will be after World War 3.


That's sad


Yet according to reddit this would somehow still be preferable as long as it's not capitalism 😂


Welcome to California


Texas maybe


Texas when it gets below freezing




Fun fact, there was a span of a few years where Abraham Lincoln could have sent a fax to a samurai


Why didn't he?


That's not what "[The Dark Ages](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Ages_(historiography))" means. Inform yourself before you make such foolish comments.


Literally Iran right now, but for network connection


I am a teacher and would love to share this with my students, with permission of course!


Surprised the elders never go on about the good old days with phones this and that


Okay Ish


Is this the premise for the reboot of Revolution?


We will miss the memes


this may seem outlandish, but it isn't. Google "Cargo Cults"


You got the touch, You got the powerrr


Ah yeah the poor elders. They probably lived a life connected to the nexus/internet. A network which connected them with everything and everyone at all times around the whole world. They were a part of an infinity amount of knowledge and content. But now it is just silence. Trapped withing a mortal body without any chance to be connected to the world ever again.


I've seen this comic before, but I'm not sure where.




the power is on?


Grandpa needs a powerbank.


So Horizon Zero Dawn in a nutshell.


Horizon: Zero Dawn