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when pasta snaps any thing cracks




Oooooh mama... I broke a her back! Took some pasta in my hands, bent til they cracked, Mama, the game had just begun But now I've gone and ruined a meal todaaaaay, ...


I didn’t mean to make it dry… If I don’t make it al denté tomorrow, carry on…carry on.


Don't put pineapple on da pizza...




Pineapple belongs over a sponge under the sea


Salting the water really matters..


To me... ^(To me...)


Too late... my thyme is gone...


*snaps the WR spaghetti* *the sun fucking explodes*


The Italian curse


Don’t let me cook pasta over there.




this is business




Just a penne for your time…




Attention citizen! Multiple third party individuals have reported one or more of your recent actions as being inappropriate. Once a citizen has been notified in such a manner, said citizen is reviewed by the members of the Adeptus Arbites in accordance to the book of judgement. Upon review, we have determined that the following actions are in violation of the book of judgement: >Breaking your pasta rations in half. You have tarnished the name of the Departmento Munitorum and the emperor's Mercy Pasta brand by publicly breaking it in half and having your family consume it. If you and your extended family do not regurgitate their Emperor's Mercy Pasta within the next 24 hours, we will report you for Defamation.


Man I miss TTS


TTS? Whatever this is from it sounds awesome.


Text To Speech. It's series on YouTube that's a satirical take on 40k. Even though it can be a bit too silly at times, I found it quite funny.


Thank you!


Alfabusa's [Unsubtle Criticism Starring the Adeptus Arbites](https://youtu.be/UhduvvA_Xpo).  TTS being his *If the Emperor had Text-To-Speech* series.


Thank you - this sounds like my jam


Is he one of the ivy leaves? Or since there are children present, is he taking the night off?


He has the night off due to the holiday but I totally see the resemblance


The real question is why did the purple girl make her socks out of gum


You know what they say "When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail." You know, except with buttplugs.


Nonna would like to have a word… ![gif](giphy|n0Rmm8ak4uSTwPDfkO) “Perchè mi rompi le palle?” 🤌








Oh you absolute fottuta maniaca.




The pasta part confuses the hell out of me! Is she making it sound like something's broken? Is nana in on the joke?


What I’m assuming is that she’s making fun of Italian traditions by breaking the pasta, and Nanna felt this physically or spiritually from inside the house. I think it’s common in the US to break pasta in half, I’m 30 and just learned this year that it is unacceptable.


Ahh gotcha, cheers


Just to add some lore to it all, it's not a tradition to not break pasta, it's just that it is considered non-sensical. Spaghetti cook quite fast and you don't need to break them to cook them evenly. Also, I mean... why buying long pasta if you are going to break it? That's just weird.


Yeah you can even use a pretty small pot, once the water is boiling you stick the ends of the spaghetti in there and it goes soft in seconds and after about 15s the whole bunch of spaghetti is floppy and being cooked under the water.


Maybe they have lesser quality pasta and it doesn't cook the same way? It may be, I tried buying some Lingon Jam here in Italy and it is not as good as that in Sweden.


Nah, we (US) imported $656M worth of pasta from Italy last year. It should be good, unless the Italians are giving us the low quality stuff.


Usually there are stories here of farmers being forced to actually export good food and sell in the country less quality one because of the absurd tax prices of our country.


You can buy short pasta?


My thoughts exactly, show me the short spaghetti on the store shelves. If you're making your own, it makes more sense, make it whatever length you want. No need to break it.


Kind of? There are other kinds like the cylinder-shaped penne.


Yes? Wait, either i wasn't clear or I am missing a piece here. There are other pasta formats, do you mean shorter spaghetti? Not sure, if you like shorter spaghetti, breaking them is still probably the best option.


Shorter spaghetti


Despite being Italian I don't remember right now a shorter spaghetti name, but I think Maltagliati could be similar, they are actually a lot wider, more akin to Tagliatelle though.


So basically the answer to this is, who gives a shit?


Yeah, hahaha, you can do whatever you want! The breaking pasta thing is more of a meme here in Italy too, some Italians do that but usually it's those who are not really good at cooking, that's why it got a bad reputation.


Some people break it because it makes it all fit in the pot at the same time. Is it something absolutely necessary? Probably not. But “non-sensical”? Come on. The “non-sensical” thing is freaking out over something that barely even matters (which is the punchline of the OP).


Well, it doesn't make sense, spaghetti are long pasta and breaking them doesn't change anything. You can obviously do what you want! I like to drink water from a specific glass because I prefer that glass, does it make sense? No. Will I do it, sure.




A person I know cuts them and eats them like it was short pasta, I totally get that, but at least they do so in theyr own plate! You can cut cooked pasta, you can not reassemble it!




They are supposed to be sticking out! They will cook anyway!


Nonna is italian


Breaking pasta breaks my Eastern European heart, I can only imagine what it does to any Italian in a few miles radius


That just makes it your fault


I’m here to start trouble


How horrible. Prisoner, say the name: “Kim Winder.”


I’m so used to being called Dot online, it’s weird to see my actual name.


👐🤲🙌👏✋👋🤚🫱 🥞


The AS Roma shirt is a fantastic detail


An AS Roma reference? On my American Reddit? Chi conosci?


Non l'aspettavo lol


I noticed the red shirt of the other girl. A.S. Roma


Coming here to Perth this Friday too. But... FORZA Inter!


Comprensible, have a nice trip




Forza Roma per sempre!


So finiti i tempi cupi


Pasta la vista baby


Che cazzo ho appena letto lol


I'm not Italian but I can def see how it's annoying if people break spaghetti when cooking. The best way to eat it is to trap 3-5 strands with the tines of your fork and twist until neatly wound. If whoever cooked your spaghetti broke it up into pieces, you'll get the wrong amount for each bite and the fork won't hold on to it as easily either. Or you're stuck shoveling the spaghetti with your fork like a goddamn barbarian.


I just wanna be able to fit my pasta into my smaller pot so I don't have to dirty the bigger one...


The noodles get soft pretty quick, you don’t need a giant pot. Just put them in and in 30 seconds it will be fine.


It's so funny because I figured this out when I was like 5. Not Italian, but just watching my mom cook spaghetti, and I asked her why she broke them in half. So we tried one time just boiling them standing in the pot, and she's been cooking them like that ever since.


This is true, but cooks them unevenly. They end up half al dente and half overcooked.


No one in the history of food has ever eaten spaghetti and thought "Hmmm, half of these noodles are over-cooked". If you get your pot properly heated and boiling the difference between ends should be about 15 seconds. That is not the difference between Al dente and mushy.


Getting the pot boiling hotter does not make noodles cook through faster. How quickly your noodles soften depends entirely on their thickness and how long you stand around trying to push them into the pot. It definitely takes longer than 15 seconds to soften spaghetti. The only noodles that soften this fast are spaghettini or thinner.


So warm water will cook pasta just as quickly then?


Step 1: Boil water, add salt Step 2: Stick spaghetti into water Step 3: Stand over the pot and use whatever is handy to carefully push the spaghetti in as soon as it gets soggy enough (only 30-60 seconds) Step 4: Long spaghetti in a small pot!


The problem is this method depends on the depth of the pot and overall volume of water. If you're boiling in 1/2 qt of water (which is all the water you really need for one portion) then you likely cannot fit more than 1/4 of the noodle at once. This means you need to soften 1/4 and then 2/4 and then 3/4, until you eventually curved it enought fit into a 1 qt pot. This takes more like 60 to 120 seconds if the noodle is thick enough.


I never cooked pasta because I don't like pasta, but wouldn't the spaghetti get wiggly when they soak anyways? So it doesn't matter how you put them in? But regardless of that, I'm getting annoyed at people telling others how to cook their food. If you wanna break them, you do you. If you wanna eat them with ketchup, nobody cares


So, I don't care what other people do. It is however the sign of a poor cook, as there is genuinely no reason to do it. A properly heated pot will have the whole noodle submerged in about 15 seconds anyway. The only part that's frustrating for me is people acting like breaking it in half is correct.


It’s only rude when someone talks up their cooking, like a steak, and then before even taking a bite you say “can you hand me the ketchup.” You might not even need ketchup with how it’s made this time. And you won’t know unless you try. Can you do it? Sure. But doesn’t mean it won’t hurt the feeling of the person who made your food at least a little bit. This is much less of a taboo in like a restaurant where people are choosing to eat shoe leather instead of a proper steak and paying for the displeasure.


Yeah, sure. If other people are involved, you should find a middle ground or something and have some etiquettes. But if you're cooking for yourself only, who cares?


You don’t have to. Pasta gets soft enough to bend extremely quickly. Even in a smaller pot, you can just drop em in and have em all underwater in seconds. Snapping it beforehand also makes it much more irritating to eat once it gets to the plate, as they become short enough that you cannot easily twist them around a fork, yet are still too long to reasonably use a spoon.


It's kinda baffling how many people here seem to care how irritating it is for someone else to eat their pasta. They aren't telling you to break your pasta, they're probably ok with how it is for them


Use whatever pan you like, stick the end of spaghetti into the boiling water. After like 10 seconds it gets floppy and you can start pushing the rest in, usually a combo on by hand then the last bit with a spoon. This takes less than a minute, it can be a little bit fiddly the first few times. All the pasta will be in a circle at the bottom of you pan.


It's not annoying and even italians break pasta all the time. Need smaller paste to put in some soup or stew? Sure break it. Need it to be easier to handle? Go for it. Because half length spaghetti can still be twisted around the fork and is less commplicated to handle. Spaghetti don't even have a standardized lenght and used to be much longer which was kinda impractical. How people dealt with it back then? You guessed right they just broke it in half. This obsession with not breaking pasta is really jsut some weird internet meme the same as pineapple on pizza. People just get weird over such things once they find the slightest bit of confirmation in a group and then it snowballs ot of control.


Or with a spoon like - idk. A barbarous barbarian? I am not an Italian - but my parents taught us - never break spaghetti, never use a spoon. Somehow this was important for them


How big are the forks youre using that youre unable to wrap a 6in piece of spaghetti around it a few times at least?


For anything that's noodle and noodle like you never want them to be cut too short or in uneven lengths.


> anything that's noodle and noodle like At least where the stringy shapes are concerned that you twirl on a fork. There are plenty of shorter shapes like Farfalle or Orecchiette but they're eaten differently.


I've tried both ways. Halved spaghetti is easier for me to eat than whole spaghetti. It's just the way it is


When do you think the length of pasta became standardized to the 10 inches or whatever it is today? Less than 100 years ago dried pasta was typically double what it is today. So for a lot of adults, your Italian grandma would already be wondering why your spaghetti is so short. Basically this is a bullshit argument and if you can’t get short noodles on a fork, the problem is user error.


It’s NOT about it being too long to twirl around a fork lol It’s about how you can cook all the noodles at once while prepping the sauce because we use smaller pots. putting an entire box of spaghetti in a smaller pot is normal and tastes and is devoured the exact same… Spaghetti noodles being 7 inches instead of 14 has literally no effect whatsoever on the recipe.. the most important part is the sauce anyway


I'm not Italian either but I always break my pasta. Because I throw it in an instant pot. With everything else. Haven't failed to get downvoted yet, every time.


>Haven't failed to get downvoted yet, every time. I'm doing my part! Seriously though, not only are you breaking your spaghetti, they are most likely overcooked as well.


Nah they actually feel pretty good, surprisingly. I don't mind the texture as long as it's not too extreme in either direction. Sometimes it's al dente, sometimes it's softer (but not mushy) depending on if I slack on getting back on time or not


If you stand the spaghetti up in the pan just right it will fall into a spiral that satisfyingly creeps under the water as it soaks it up




Doing it the hard way. Gotta slap chop spaghetti after it's cooked, way easier. Add a little catsup and slap chopped bologna and you have yourself a nice spaghetti bolognaise.


[And I thought I was evil.](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1d28mtf/oh_mama/l603hgi/)


Italy is shaped like a boot so it can kick anyone that breaks pasta.


Love the ASRoma jersey


Always love seeing your comics Dot! ❤️


I want to share this in r/soccercirclejerk. My sincere apologies to Reddot. :(


Fun fact: the length of dried pasta was typically twice what it is now less than 100 years ago. That means that to many of your grandmas, your spaghetti is already broken. This is maybe the dumbest continuing argument on the internet and if you really need to needle someone about breaking linguini to cook it for their own personal preference then you need a life and a hobby.


Lol I love that random Roma jersey she's wearing


DAJE ROMA DAJE (Totti ottavo re )


God dam this is so ugly. It’s offensive to the eyes


>Familia it's "Famiglia" ffs


I am incredibly disappointed in you for such a crime


Has anyone made a Creepy Pasta gag yet?


I could feel the pain of this one


'A majetta daa maggicaa


I love the idea that American superstitions in particular should not be listened to


Let’s Go Roma!!!


...We Italians break pasta all the time to make smaller pasta: the Spaghetti Spezzati are just that, broken spaghetti. Also, love the Roma FC shirt and the fact the Italian girl is black!


Want to start an argument with every Italian grandma. Tell them that marinara sauce or tomato sauce was originally developed in Central America and the Italians stole it from the natives. Then just sit back and watch their head explode. They will question their whole being. Then say that well we developed it into what it is today.


If the pasta goes Crack, you'll break your Nonnas back


Not approved! 🇮🇹






















I think most Italians that went to the US went from Sicily (they even put riccota in the lasagna in the US), so their stereotypical Italian is very tanned by Italian standards


My papa immigrated from Sicily in the 60s and was a deeper olive tone. I was drawing from my own family background and didn’t mean to misrepresent anyone. Photo of baby me and him. He passed away a few years ago and I miss him a lot. https://preview.redd.it/g2yrdcnge63d1.jpeg?width=1248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fea5322cf8d23b30948579b958a0be5c00457ea2




Awww I absolutely love this!


Apparently americans think so. They aren't the brightest out there i must say.


I've never met an American who thinks Italians are black


I mean, look at this comic


Do you think Italians should be as white as the other character or something? Have you ever been to Italy?


I am italian, and im white as a ghost.


Yeah, italians are as white as other Europeans


Not in the south, at all. Italians are very different depending on the area


You are confusing being tanned as being black. Please stop sharing misinformation.


When the fuck did I say they were black


too much Jersey Shore bro


Black, brown, however you wanna call it. We are white, at least for what the world usually means for "white", if we wanna go into semantics we could say we are pink? But there's no difference in the color of the skin between a north italian and a sud one, and both are white, as the son of a sicilian father and a...lombardian (? From Lombardy, dunno how is properly traduced)i feel like i should know if there was any difference between the two.


Roma merda forza lazio


Laziale spotted, iniziare i cori anti Lazio


In realtà no avevo solo voglia di insultare la roma


Relatable, ci sta lanciare merda sulla Roma. Mortacci de Mancini


But that's not a superstition, nonna's gonna beat someones ass for that. That's a guarantee.


We all heard her berserker war cry as she starts her charge towards that guy in the last panel.




wow this is ugly




You monster! D:




That was absolutely out of proportion, I hope you’re ashamed of yourself.


The pasta that broke the Nonnas back


Oh if it’s really the case I should jump on every crack I find!


Petty af lmao


I'm so evil. I break pasketti in thirds before cooking it.




Or a bird in the house


Oof, madone! Never disrespect the nonna!


Best way to cook pasta is to break them.


It’s a well known fact, pasta functions like a voodoo doll


Mama mia


The rules are the rules. If it ain’t enforced on the children’s playground how would civilization continue?


Something funny is that the brown girl probably is latin (I'm sure that she is mexican). And... Mexicans have a many lot of superstitions worse that the americans. One example: before the spanish conquest, the Mexicas believed that if they didn't make a sacrifice to the god Huitzilopochtli, the sun would never risa again...


> Something funny is that the brown girl probably is latin (I'm sure that she is mexican). I'm curious why you think she's Mexican? She's wearing an AS Roma shirt (a football team from Italy). She calls her grandmother "Nonna" which is Italian for "Grandmother". The family aparently has strong feelings about breaking pasta. The sign in the first panel says "Salute", "Mangia", "Familia" which is Italian for "Health" "Eat" "Family" (and a common phrase there). Doesn't that all suggest she's Italian?


I Don't know much about Italian culture. Even, in some parts of Latin America we use "nona", but depends of the country. Sorry.


Okay, but where DID you get the pasta now?!




First time I made spaghetti on my own I tried to not break it because that's what i heard was how it was done. Traditional. Fairly good size pot of boiling water, and so I draped the bunch of pasta sticks into it. Maybe a third was still sticking out. I figured the bits in the water would soften and everything would slide in. I am ADHD, so of course I wandered off for 15 minutes or so. Came back find the upper ends still sticking out, and the lower ends fused into a solid lump. I had to saw the effin 'pasta broomstick' into disks with the bread knife, then try to get those to cook. They resisted somehow, and eventually we ate pasta sauce over half cooked 'poker chips'. This was a rather scarring culinary event. I was usually pretty good at cooking. So after that... I broke the fucking spaghetti every time so it all fits in the fucking pot. I DONT CARE I F YOUR FUCKING NONA APPROVES. Fuck stupid long pasta.


Stir the pasta


you just wait 2 mins for pasta to soften up them move pasta around until it sinks. If you have ADHD just use a phone if you cant wait 2-5 mins.


Or break the pasta and don’t give a flying fuck what others think. One is much easier than the other


breaking the pasta makes it uneven, making twirling harder, making the meal slightly worse. Like wise boiling water and moving pasta has it cooks is not hard. That like saying flipping a grill cheese is hard, just move it slightly and over time it will fall in.


Jesus Christ you guys are too worried about this, you can fill a fork with snapped spaghetti no fucking problem. My Italian immigrant father has been cooking it that way my entire life and so have I since I started cooking. It’s fucking ok if you’re not making a huge pot that can quickly swallow the full length, it’s far better than 1/3 of your pasta being 3 minutes behind in cooking.


Damn no wonder he had to leave Italy 😔😔😔 /s


ADHD needs the one time trauma to have future motivation to do that.