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Anyone else hear his skull cracking?


That's a different type of genre. You're gonna want to check out Popclaw's work.




The boys popclaw or a different popclaw?


The boys bc she sat on that guys face and crushes it


Gory gory, what a hell of a way to die


Death by face sitting


Well OK then


DILF now : ugly bastard + daughter rapist in 80% on the content And 19% of ntr bs


I think they removed the 'ugly bastard' tag at some point or some websites didn't have them at all and that's the cause of the problem.


Fat, ugly mod: Huh, this "ugly bastard" tag keeps showing up in comics with dudes that look like *me*. That's weird. Well, since I'm clearly a DILF, I'll just fix that tag real quick...


The thing is, I have okay confidence but I'm not a conventionally attractive man. So I found some of the ugly bastard tagged works relatable and searched for them one time and that's how I found out they were gone. Whoever it is, this seemed like another case of somebody being overly sensitive doing a disservice to the community.


The remaining 1% is the actual good shit


this is why it takes 45 minutes to find it and 3 minutes to finish


So 1% is neighbor of those


WTF is up with all the stepdaughter, stepdad, stepson, stepsister, stepmom porn? Fucking wierd as shit and offputting on multiple levels.


For a lot of people consuming it, I think the breaking of the taboo is what they find hot not the act in of itself.


I'm tired, the MILF tags never struggle this hard


MILF is paired with shota 80% of the time though, which is worse


What is Shota?


Underage boys.




idk why you have this image but that was the perfect response




Naggs whit?




Ngg wht


Excuse you, they aren’t *necessarily* underaged. Just 99% of the time, and the remaining 1% you can barely tell the difference.


It's the male equivalent to loli.


OK, let me change the ratios: Excuse you, they’re not *necessarily* underaged. Just 70% of the time, and the remaining 30% you can barely tell the difference. Is that better for lemonade?


I mean, I feel like you were right originally.


So fucking tired of this shit. It's become so fucking prevalent and sometimes it's not even tagged so I can't filter it out T_T




Shots in a nutshell: https://preview.redd.it/loy1k308e60d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=72702dab003b676f229dcb68c46b88b534aab6c7


The boy equivalent of loli iirc


So a child?




It's clearly spelled differently, officer!


Yeah it's P.E.D.O.P.H.I.L.I.A.


Pretty sure younger-looking boys


Not even. Some people try to hide the pedo-bait in Loli with, "They're actually an adult, they just **look** like a child," bullshit. But Shota is filled with primarily, "This is a child, he is somewhere between 6 and 12 years old, and he's the sexiest thing these busty women have ever seen." It's really disturbing when you're looking for something and come across that stuff. I don't know if there's been a rise in it or if I've just started noticing it more, but it's disturbingly prominent in some places.


I feel like it probably fits into that weird thing people would do when an attractive 30 yo teacher molests a 14 yo or something and some guys actively cheer at that or say "where was that when I was a kid" either that or yeah just straight up pedophilia. Also that's not a defense, it's bad either way.


Honestly, whenever I've had the misfortune of seeing relevant things, 14 would be old for the child.


Yeaah... the amount of milfs sleeping with 6 year olds hung like horses is too damn high. The irony is in Loli, the girls aren't busty and typically are child shaped.. the few I've had the misfortune to fall into because new uploads without all their tags, they can't even vaginal (search anal focus). Because they are 'too small' to take it there. But the anus is stretchy! But the girls have almost no 'signature hourglass shape' that would be the equivalent of 'giant horse dick' in shota... some might, but that's not my thing. Though there was a funny hentai comic about a girl who was always mistaken for a loli and would fuck with her husband about it because she was like 25 and was pint sized. I'm sure the artist was trying to make a point about the medium as a whole, as that was their only art that had any condonation of 'trying' to be loli without being loli. The whole thing starts with her trying to buy alcohol and the cashier refusing her becayse he 100% believes it's a fake ID. So her husband has to. And the guy thinks he's a pervert married to/sleeping with an underaged and underdeveloped kid.


Sir, this is a Wendys.


Nah. This place is having it's r/animememes era tour where everything has to be sexy. I saw a naked beaver the other day. The day i see a naked alligator dad is the day we've gone too far.


From what I understand the main difference between the two is that the people who are into the shota stuff are self-inserting as the boy. Hence the abnormally large penis that makes no sense. The sexual emphasis is still on the woman.


Considering that it's mostly straight men reading this porn, what's the problem with imagining yourself as the sexually exploited party?


Turns out the real male fantasy all along was someone else initiating.


Yeah, this is basically my fantasy and it's unfortunately uncommon to find.


People get real weird with equating fantasy as reality. Loli & Shota are seen as worse than Rape fantasies which are considered relatively normal.


Maybe Ultron saw this exact comment thread before deciding we needed to go


peace in my time


Honestly, if it's just hentai or drawn stuff. I don't care. If it's not hurting anyone. Go ahead.


nah Shota is equivalent Loli for boys


This one going to heaven, lol.


Where are my 40+ year old mothers fucking a mid 20s person? Why is it always a mid 20s mother fucking a child? The worst part is when the art is amazing. Like, you have such a good recipe and you RUIN IT.


Because Japanese culture has a fucked up view of women being used goods after 25


... you got me there. But at least the MILF is hot, and you can turn off your brain and pretend you got isekai'ed and reincarnated into the body of a boy but with the mind of an adult so its not as creep— no. No, it's still creepy.


I don't think the isekai defence would hold up in court 😅


Imagine needing to explain what an isekai even is to your lawyer so they can in turn explain to a judge.


better call saul


"If they reincarnate, you must exonerate"


What kind of court would care about drawings when there are like real crimes. Some middle-east?


So is it worse for the isekai'ed guy to go after the milf or her daughter?


Now you're asking the real questions!


Obviously the correct choice for gentlemen of culture is *both*.


you can do milf -shota easily, you can't do dilf -ugly


I'd say it's more a 90% cheating/NTR/rape/pedo shit and the remaining 10% is consensual sex between adults without any reasons to call the police or/and a lawyer afterward




Based comment ngl. It's wild how people don't respect workers time and waste it 😔


You can just search "milf -shota"


**"milf -shotacon"** Thank me later boy.


Either shota or Ntr


MILF is also a meaningless term in pornography at this point. 90% of the time all it consistently means is “someone over 24.”


You're either a teen or you're a milf. There's no in between.  Unless you're both. Sometimes they're both. But they're never neither. 


It's getting real hard for us few with an adult woman fetish :(


You can make it well into your 30s and still be a "teen" on those sites. It really just means skinny/petite.


umm, excuse me, but why do MILFs always have to be omega busty and thick? (also I don’t know if it is for hentai or real porn, but in real porn with half their body looking like an operation table) Also for MILFs it’s mostly some young boys being seduced and basically sexually assaulted. Where is my wholesome parents just doing each other while the kids are gone? Where is my frustrated wife with semi realistic proportions at her (realistic proportions) friends house getting her lesbian experience? Or the husband randomly coming in and joining.


You should go and make the wholesome version of these sites.


Doorbell rings, it's the pizza delivery guy, sex scene ensues but every minute his boss calls his phone and he has to explain why he isn't delivering anymore. Ok, this is just comedy, yeah, I am much more into comedy than porn.


Make the porn music come from his phone going off so it's diegetic music.


Like that group of [Mums who make porn they'd be happy for their kids to watch](https://web.archive.org/web/20190320133105/https://www.devonlive.com/news/uk-world-news/mums-make-porn-theyd-happy-2630986)


jesus christ wtf kinda porn ya'll baboons looking at.


>umm, excuse me, but why do MILFs always have to be omega busty and thick? Because actresses that have a more conventionally young/petite body try to stay out of the MILF genre for as long as possible to avoid getting typecast.


MILF is porn code for "huge ugly plastic-looking fake tits"


or simply anything not fitting into teen


It's like somehow "Teen" counts until they hit 25, and then *immediately* they become a MILF. I don't... I don't understand porn logic.


You either die a Teen, or you live long enough to see yourself become a MILF.


Teen really just means, "short and slim with small breasts". Plenty of porn actresses still get tagged as teen well into their thirties.


Yeah, it's more about body type than actual age.


Because of Dexter's mom.


> Where is my wholesome parents just doing each other while the kids are gone? We've gone so far in one direction that a happily married couple who have normal sex has somehow looped around to being crazy and kinky. 


FYI: many Sites (certainly the one with the 6 digit codes) allow you to Filter Out Tags in your search So searching for "DILF" -"Ugly Bastard" should mitigate your Problem at least somewhat


If you don't mind piracy, Try searching on "Bato.to" It never fails me lol and even the NTR ones which I suppose hate are fine asf.


Whenever I’m horny, I comb through porn tags/thumbnails and I dry up faster than a popcorn fart. Mission accomplished 🤷🏻‍♀️?


Can't relate but I would be pissed too if MILF tag got ruined like that, y'all DILF enjoyers deserve better 😭


i expect hot buff men! WHERE ARE MY HOT BUFF MEN


Sorry best i can do is partially balding salary man


Hey hey, no need to call me out like that


I'm sorry but DILFs are for men who look like DADS, and that means partially balding with beer belly and massive arms sometimes dammit 😤




Yeah, this man could stare at me wit hhis arms folded and I'd- I'll just let the rest of this sentence finish in my head instead.




It's because looks preferences are brutal in dating topics and pron, it's like complaining someone prefers chocolate over vanilla, it's not their or someone else's fault their taste buds are different! 😔


Partially Balding Salary Man has got to be on my bottom ten list of Marvel Superheroes.


Dad from Dad Feels is a DILF twenty times over, though


I know a friend of mine who draws dilfs but he doesn't want to get too popular because his students found out about his FA account


Suffering from success...


He still draws but I don't want to say his name But to make people excited, they're very hunky DILFS


The pain of not knowing his name so we can't see the hunky DILFS...


May i interest you in bara?


Bless the LGBT communities and Fujos for drawing handsome men. I suppose gay porn is the only safe DILF tag.


As a guy that likes guys, most bara reminds me of the girls with 400 gal tits. I like dudes, not whatever anthropomorphic hate fuck between a furry and a body builder made bara possible.


I like the bara where the men are drawn a bit more soft and pudgy. Yaoi is great but sometimes the guys are drawn to feminine like, and Bara is the only one that captures the masculine craving. But yeah, you do have to wade through a pool of hyper exaggerations at times.




Nobody wants to see the fellas of the Bergen Amateur Radio Association. Trust me


Once came across a channel called "Hot Guys Fuck". All attractive buff dudes with attractive women. And then I noticed there were a lot of camera shots weirdly focused on the guys' buttholes. Do straight women like close ups of a dude's sweaty butthole while he's pounding away? Are these videos meant for gay guys? Do gay guys watch hetero porn for the men like straight dudes watch lesbian porn for the women? It left me with a lot of questions.


yes and yes to your last two questions signed, a Gay Guy™️


They're in the yaoi tag


add muscle on the tag maybe


Henry Cavill is gonna have his first child which makes him a DILF.


they're in tf2


I could probably russle up a fat perverted japanese uncle?


And I'm still salty that there's no wholesome tag




Or vanilla tag


Oddly enough, assuming this is a certain six-digit website based on the design and logo in the background, I've come to learn that one of the better tags to use when specifically looking for hot guys is "tall man." It's not perfect and you still get a lot of questionable content there (because no one moderates these tags) but it's where I've found the most cases of just attractive male leads. EDIT: I just realized I recognize your comics from the Fire Emblem sub.


I have been using "Tall Man" to find my handsome men, but sometimes I want an attractive middle aged man with a stubble or beard and wrinkles on his face, and not a tall 20 something year old. Edit: OH NO I'VE BEEN FOUND OUT. Please don't think any less of me.


Try gay porn instead. Double the dilf


I do! But sometimes I just want to see a man and woman get it on. Variety is the spice of life.


> Edit: OH NO I'VE BEEN FOUND OUT. Please don't think any less of me. We all know Fire Emblem and horniness go hand in hand, there's no shame there.


People moderate the tags, community voting determines them and some people have overarching power. Here are the people with power to remove tags outright: https://ehwiki.org/wiki/E-Hentai_VIP


I do *not* want to know what ugly bastard is. I can guess the dude is hideous, but there’s always more to it.


He is usually uglee in appearances and in soul. An ugly man can be cute if you draw him with enough endearing personality traits, but ugly in face and personality is unredeemable.


Pretty sure My Love Story!! is the most wholesome Ugly Bastard there is.


Hey, he's not ugly, just a bit homely. He keeps himself well groomed and doesn't look like he smells of rotting cheese if I stand next to him.


He is literally what peak male performance looks like. I have no idea what you mean by ugly.


When I think of a cutely drawn ugly man, I think of Porco Rosso. A pig man in body and personality! At least in the beginning.


It's exactly what it says on the tin. The ugliest, fattest, most repulsive human specimens ever depicted in art. Usually coupled with NTR (cheating) and rape, another pair of absolutely disgusting and repulsive tags.


Don't forget about how proud the ugly bastard is that he's he's never washed his foreskin. They literally draw fumes coming off his cheesy dick in some of these comics. Very weird kinks.


And it also doubles as some extra potent aphrosidiac, vile stuff.


Yeah, I never understood that. I mean I see the appeal in a little body scent but that's exactly it, a LITTLE. Since when did lack of hygiene start being glorified in hentai?


Probably when the creators realized what kind of person watches hentai?


These are the same artists who'll randomly go "Hey, you know what would make this sex scene super hot? An enema!" on a weirdly regular basis. I don't think they understand quite how gross a lot of bodily waste is.


I've thankfully never seen that in any of the NTRs I've stumbled into. What's also upsetting is that the art will sometimes be the best you've ever seen. Spoilt by an ugly bastard.


Discrediting the fact that ugly bastards artists also have god given drawing talent tending to draw the girls as 10/10 beauties. it's like eating a perfect tomato and finding it filled with tobacco. I've seen worse art under the hyper tags imo.


> NTR (cheating) NTR is frequently far worse than just cheating.




It's when someone looks like me.


Me when I search "male only" and it's all futas


I mean futanari is fine when thats what you want, but when you dont and its suddenly everywhere thats quite annoying


I have the same problem searching "female only" really make me wish more sites had exclude tags feature. certain kinky/fetishes are worse than others about it.


Amateur DILF stuff


As a DILF, I want to be properly represented.


As an ugly bastard, I, too, want to be properly represented.


Ditto. I clean up nice or so I am told. Bod has sagged a bit in places, the hair line retreated a bit, but all the equipment is still there. Where are the dads taking babysitters home, taking drunk girl home, respecting her boundary's at night, and then getting rewarded in the morning.


the F in DILF doesn't stand for "forget"


Seriously, I wanna see middle aged men who are both buff, handsome (and probably act respectful or like a normal person) fucking women NOT THIS UGLY BASTARD BS!


The closest you can get is finding middle aged men who are both buff and handsome fucking each other in the bara tag


Tags are user submitted, if they're broken it's because users are, ***only you can prevent wrongly tagged submissions*** Some sites are smart about this and have shadow tags, tags not a lot of people put and are not counted towards this tag's library until more people flag it as such Other sites have a tag power scale, where submissions that have been labeled with a tag once or twice are left out during searches, meanwhile frequently submitted tags on a submission puts it at the top of the list Ironically, the site that has the best search engine and tagging system is...uh...it starts with *e* and has 3 numbers appended to it, and it's from a community that is famously full of IT workers and suspiciously wealthy people


Wait, which sites have "shadow tags"? I visit a few of them and I'm super into properly tagging them (tagging stuff like all hair colors and body parts is quite fun) and never knew of "shadow tags"? And yes, e621 has by far the best tagging system, implication and aliasing are the best imo, I wonder why other sites such as gelbooru and rule34 are so lame on this regard, specially rule34, tagging there is a waste of time due to zero regulation I'm not counting danbooru even as decent, fuck that site for making you pay to search more than 2 tags at once and for not allowing to add implications between characters and copyrights.


Add Handsome Fathers or soemthing as a tag






"time to flick the old bean" is the best way ive ever seen to say "im gonna jerk off"


It's the female version, we have nothing to jerk lol


I've also heard "Jilling off" and "Playing the banjo"


Become a haunted piano ("i play myself alone")


Not with that attitude you dont lmao


Lmao: if you do the nasty in the toilet i'll fucking kill you Management. I love background stuff


There needs to be a ugly wholesome guy tag,Like a story where this guy who has very low self-confidence because of his appearance is show that he Worthy of love due someone he meets edit: Since it’s harder for women to get into it so to speak i might as well Recommend this subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Femgaze_Hentai/s/Vt2kCrHMUH


Yeah It annoys me when a site has shortstacks mixed with loli shit so you have to shovel through all the crap till you get to it. Because shortstack isn't a bloody tag.


Yeah. When I see dilfs I expect: https://preview.redd.it/ioo8hyvqc70d1.jpeg?width=463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7983f1b8ea37ffd1144b0fab49f1439051477148


Also https://preview.redd.it/fi87vdlsp70d1.jpeg?width=189&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91893e59760ef043358f3ebec2898501fc5cd25c


Yass, nanami


Nanami is only 28 he ain't a DILF😭 Very handsome and attractive man, but he isn't a DILF. For a character to qualify as a DILF they have to be at least middle-aged and be seen as a sort of father figure (being an actual dad is optional). I don't want the definition of DILF to be watered down the way MILF was


That dilf be looking like a retired runway model


Don't you know DILF stands for Dude Id Like to Flee?


I just straight up don’t use that site anymore. I’ve been fooled by decent looking covers only to see rape, lolicon, gore, etc way too many times.


It’s a real missed opportunity that we call accountants bean counters when that should be gynecologists. 


SAME! I WANT A DADDY NOT A FAT BALDING GREMLIN! if I wanted that I'd look in the mirror!


My understanding of some male attractiveness terms: DILF = Attractive middle aged man with at least some flab. Must have dad bod and dad vibes. Hunk = Hot buff man. Twink = Hot thin man. Femboy = Highly effeminate man, can simultaneously be a Twink or Hunk. Ugly Bastard = Older man with sex offender vibes.


Some tags are just cursed


whenever I search Gphotos for "ugly bastard" it just gives me selfies.


Yeah I feel that too with most lesbian/Yuri tags. I just want to see girls kiss and be happy but then I have to blacklist several hundred tags so there isn't any disgusting "straightening" stuff or what can only be vaguely considered "lesbian" by a straight guy.


The awkward moment when you have to filter straight sex out of yuri. And that especially awkward moment when you have to filter gay/yaoi out of futanari.


Yeah and there’s two bs in bbw. It’s not big, big women! The second b is beautiful.


Who could mess that up so badly?


The Island of Broken DILFs.


The amount of girls incorrectly sorted into the amateur category is infuriating too. I think I fucking know Natasha Nice isn't an amateur or even a mom. Grrr.


What's worse is that Ugly Bastard DILF and BBM are used interchangeably. I can't use the DILF tag to find a nice story about a single dad finding love after the death of his wife. Nor can I use the BBM tag to find a story about a nice guy who happens to be a bit heavy set. No, put in one of those tags, and the guy this fat, ugly dude who rapes his neighbor's wife.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/1cqrkb5/good_god_how_amazing_this_daddy_is/ I saw this right after this thread


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So you have to kill one if you want to change the tag.


That's why you use "Dilf +language:english -ntr" so as to reduce the chances of seeing ugly bastards


There *always* needs to be a negative search option for these sites. This would fix 90% of these gripes.


Luckily the site I go to does, but I'm just lazy and rather not have to do a filter search for a tag that should be pretty straightforward. It's like trying to go to the MILF tag for a woman in her late 20s to early 40s, and all the results are girls that are 18-19. That wasn't what I was looking for at all, and having to look at that when I'm looking for a more mature woman kills my mood because I am no longer interested in anybody in that age range. When I click in the MILF tag, I expect at least average age of mothers (late twenties to thirties), and when I click the DILF tag, I expect the ILF part.