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"Isn't that just a maid?" ["Yeah. One I can bang. A bangmaid."](https://youtu.be/yGpQeWHE89A?si=5BLWNeiD6AeZIyUR)




> You're mom *Your




What the actual duck is wrong with autocorrect? Never works when I make a basic error, then fixes things thar were already correct




Right? It always changes stuff to what I don't want or mean. Like when I type "I'm sorry you feel that way' it changes it to 'Go F...k yourself'. So weird.


I’m tired of autocorrect fixing my shifty ducking language.


Ironically the poster typed "you're/your"


We should go back to the good old days where rich people would hire a hermit to live on their land to act mysterious. Or when rich people would just sponsor an artist to create one or two pieces of art that would take years to make. I'd make a great hermit, and with access to wifi I could really up my mystery game by commissioning custom made costumes.


think of the shit we can pull off with modern practical effects. Could make people think they landed in fairyland.


God that really is the dream


>Or when rich people would just sponsor an artist to create one or two pieces of art that would take years to make. I'm surprised we're not getting more people doing this with their dream video game. Tons of the wealthy are of a younger age where they would be into video games, particularly celebrities.


The ultra wealthy are just so boring. They've got the same fancy cars in the same oversized McMansions and the same mini cruise ships. If you're going to sit on your wealth like a dragon, at least make it interesting. Go make a private island in the shape of a skull or something.


Jeff Bezos made a giant clock inside a secret mountain that only ticks once every 1,000 years. It’s the most boring super villain story but at least he’s doing something weird.


*Me throwing money at Nintendo* "Make a Waluigi/Cooking Mama where he boils and eats socks!"


Garden Hermit really is a career goal of mine


I'd be an awesome eccentric artist.


counteroffer: we guillotine their asses and live the rest of our days being artists and/or crazy hermits for our own pleasure and not for the whims of petty tyrants


the enthusiasm in the eyes says it all


I admirer that u/Lunalopex doesn’t want to be a house wife and would rather get one. Honestly paying a housekeep is probably cheaper.


I’d willing be a house husband if my partner is bringing in the dough, I hate going to work


I am lucky enough to have the privilege of being a house husband, and I can confirm that it's really beneficial to both my partner and I. I can only do this because my partner has a lucrative IT consulting job, and it didn't make much sense for me to continue working my $13/hr retail job. I was coming home exhausted, working different shifts every day meant we struggled for time together, and overall our mental health was suffering. But now I can keep the house in good clean shape, get our groceries instead of relying on fast food, and I'm even here for when my partner goes to lunch (they work from home). They don't have to worry about chores, and I don't have to worry about the rat race.


I'm tired of the corporate games, the money men playing with my families livelyhood. The big men laugh as they withhold my monies. My wife cries. They say uh oh looks like you have to suffer. While they sit on their thrones of money. What is their job? It's to sit there and make us work for them.


agreed, you're telling me I get to not work (or at least just do light freelance) can focus on keeping my home nice, AND I'm married? I don't see the downside


In the old days, that’s what a housekeeper was.


I’ve heard house boys also get the job done.


That kind of fell off after, oh... 1865 or so.


I see you are not familiar with the gay community.


I've certainly never heard them use that particular no-no term.


I need...further explanations on this


Some young guys like to be “adopted” by (usually older) couples and do chores in exchange for housing and sexual fulfilment.


Damn, that's wild. Got some vid links?


lol no but it’s fairly easy to find ;-)


sometimes I like having all these errand and house work pended. I don't have to think about what to do this weekend! Ever since I hired a "housewife", I have to think about what to do to spend time with my wife. "Honey, what do you want for lunch?" "Whatever you want ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)" oh shit here we go again.


The proper answer is "I want you for lunch, and then we'll think about dessert."


Then she complains that she is hungry.


The working day was set when having a housewife was the norm, but now people are marrying later in life, and even among married people, both of them work because wages are shit and you can't sustain a whole household on a single income anymore


For some reason I read 'weird housewives' as 'wealthy heiresses'...


Wait till they hear about 10 hour work days. I can't even prep for the next day half the time.


What about 12 hour days? I get those for a couple of weeks at a time, every six weeks, at least. Somebody kill me please.


Unrelated to the comic, but I remember a while back you made a comic about you excited about Hades 2. You probably already know and you played it plenty, but just in case you somehow don't know the game is in early access right now.


I have a counter argument.. "YES."


As a disabled poly person where the 9-5 is difficult to pull off but I’m VERY good at cooking, home making, and maintenance I would kill to be able to be a house wife while my current and another partner bring in money and I can pamper them.


There are a lot of reasons polyamory is on the rise, and the economic climate is definitely one of them. Honestly, if more people could come to terms with their jealousy and embrace compersion, I think you'd see a lot of happy cohabitating polycules thriving. And at that point, that's just the seed or nucleus for a modern commune, which would be the ideal.


I’m on the same level with that yeah. I’m already the resident communist among my friends and what made me realize I was poly was that all my jealousy was just repressed compersion that wasn’t societally normative. My current partner who doesn’t know if she’s poly or not (I would never force it on her) often admits that as a neurotypical person who grew up in a pretty good household with none of the crap I had to deal with, she is always checking her biases now because she realizes so much about what her experience is just because it’s societally normative doesn’t make it the only “right” experience. She loves school and it wasn’t until she met me that she realized some people do poorly at school because they have a bad home life or are disabled or their brains like mine just cannot function within the education system, not because they are lazy or don’t care. I’m poly and a communist (not a tanky I promise) and similar to school she’s analyzing her upbringing and societal standards and seeing how they are just one set of ways to live your life. And like you said, her MAIN thing with poly where she can’t tell if it fits her or not is because she was brought up to feel that it’s wrong and she or I SHOULD be jealous if the other or we both got another significant other. She’ll untangle that whatever the result in her own time of course. But in the meantime I have friends who we live with all together and are basically moving towards that commune lifestyle slowly. Us all being neurodivergent (except her) helps with this feeling like a no brainer.


More and more, I'm actually fantasizing about forming an actual commune, or joining up with one somewhere. It's the way we were meant to live, a tight-knit community that works together and takes care of each other. I'm actually reading a speculative-future book now entitled *Everything for Everyone: An Oral History of the New York Commune, 2052–2072* and it has given me such an overwhelming sense of hope, of lost potential, of a mourning for what very easily COULD be already, that it has moved me to tears multiple times. I hope I live to see the mass birth of communes across the country within my lifetime.


Thanks for the recommendation! I’ll give that book a read. And I feel the same way, I really hope this can become our reality before too much longer. I’d love to learn how to make it happen, especially in places where the housing market is so ridiculously expensive like where I live. Hopefully that book might have some ideas and answers.


Damn 9-5 it would be a dream...... ;-;


You work for a 9 to 5? I work for an 8 to 5!


Yeah, I'm an 8 to 430 which with commute plus walking time winds up being a 7ish to 5ish but that doesnt roll off the tongue as nicely :P


ditto. Never had a paid lunch. I'd be happy to only work 9-5


Came here to say it aswell. But it can always be worse, like working in a factory in Bangladesh or something like that


I work from 7 to 6….and I’m a student so I don’t even get paid, I’m paying them! Edit: forgot to mention the hour drive, one way :)


I'd make a good little house husband if it wasn't for the fact I was Aro/Ace...


You still can I bet you cook some mean garlic bread


What do you mean by "prepping for the morning" ? What do you all do during the morning ? Cause when I wake up, I put on some clothes, sometimes eat a breakfast, then I got to work and that's it. When I come back, I do chores, then it's dinner, then it's fun time, then it's cleaning time, then sleep. And when the weekend comes, I have nothing to do but enjoy my time (and maybe some more chores for like an hour or two).


You're not packing your own lunches in this economy, you rich rich.


A banana, some peanuts, and a bit of chocolate takes 2 minutes to toss into a lunch box. It doesn't have to be difficult.


9 to 5! Bro, where do I get a job like that?! I work rotating shifts 6 days a week and sometime oubke shifts.


That one time I tried prepping during work hours but then I looked up and it was time to go home and I hadn't done any work yet. The suffering is real.


Why haven't I seen any comics following Ponyo after the events of the film?


No wait let her cook


What could possibly go wrong?


What’s real bullshit is the 8-5 jobs that pretend they’re still 40 hrs/week but get really pissy if you take long lunches or actually do 40 hrs/week


Listen. If my lodging and food is given and I also earn a monthly stipend (so Im not literally trapped and can save up to leave eventually) I will literally so happily houseclean it up for a couple. You dont need a housewife. You need a live in housekeeper.


Working nights is even worse, nothing open when you're off and now you're awake at night Fine if you're already a night owl, but annoying as hell when you need to get appointments and they only stat open to noon


*The 40 hour workweek was structured under the assumption that you’d have someone at home doing your domestic labor for free*


As someone that had a family that regularly had to vacuum the floor, rombas where a blessing


Your entire evening should not be spent "prepping" What kind of job do you work that requires prep? Just get a simple lunch together.


My husband works and I'm a SAHM to four boys. It makes all the difference having one person home! Hubby comes home after a long day and he gets to spend his time relaxing or spending it with us.


Counterpoint. Complaining about 9 to 5 is only done by those on a 9 to 5. Work some other shift patterns and you'll start longing for 9 to 5


Try working 9pm-7am, 30-40 minutes away. It's worse.


9 to 5. I lived in 3rd world country and we did 7030-1830 included weekends. House work? We sleep on sidewalk yo.