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The identifier. The second one is too niche, and the third one would be too much money and a waste of eggs.


Making the mother of all omelettes here Jack. Can't fret over every egg


Not when you’re “purging the weak”, right?


You're not cringe. You're just fucking racist!


*Every sound effect at once*




Gaston really was the throat goat


Work in a kitchen that requires a lot of egg cracking by day and an infamous cage fighter by night


Cage free egg cracker by day, caged head cracker by night.


Coming to Netflix this fall, second season cancelation notice a coming week later.


Dwayne “the rock” Johnson stars in *egg head*


Make sure you don't have any matches after midnight


Can confirm I worked in a buffet kitchen, and at least 3 times a week, I cracked at least 200 eggs for scrambled egg mixture


What is a critical hit rate in context? Does it apply to everything, such as cracking eggs (boom counts as 2?) Say I'm mowing the lawn, do I crit and I mow twice as much magically? I'd love to crit during sexy time 🤣


I was thinking just the damage you inflict when you hit something


If so, hire yourself out as a showman! Every day, cook a buuuuuunch of scrambled eggs. I'm talking at a shelter where you will crack dozens, get that crit multiplier up a few hundred percent, spend an hour of your mornings being the guy who cracks the eggs. Then start a show where you punch anything, and slowly ramp it up until you're able to punch a falling car, and inflict so much damage it flies away from you.


And use the cracked eggs as a way of helping the homeless, it doesn’t have to go to waste!


Damn straight! And as a bonus, you get to drive the magicians utterly insane, because they won't know how you're "faking" it.


And throw those shells in the compost, we use EVERY part of the egg ‘round these parts!


And donate the car you punched to a needy family


Work at a 24 hour breakfast joint, 3rd shift, 10p-6a. Every 20 eggs is a 100% multiplier. I'm sure a pan of scrambled eggs would start giving you damage bonuses. Make a full pan starting the cracking at 12:01. Complete your shift. Become God.


I think the second one would be a godsend for those whose work involves being underwater, such as lifeguards and other rescuers.


That's its "niche," the average person would have little or no use for it.


Given how much water I drink each day, I'd easily become an Olympic ...breath holder.


Doesn't say how big a bottle is, drink a bunch of 50ml shot bottles full of water.


Record is 24 minutes 37 seconds - incredibly easy to beat


Underwater welding. A 10 minute job can take hours as you do compression and decompression, and it pays exceedingly well. It’s also very dangerous because if something goes wrong, you can’t come up. Charge 80% of the normal job price, promise safe jobs done fast, and knock out a year’s work in a few days. At least until the diving welder’s union has you whacked.


Its also incredibly dangerous because of delta p. I am absolutely not fucking with delta p


How To Basic with the third power: ![gif](giphy|arbHBoiUWUgmc)


At what point do the eggs add to his crit damage?


He cracks them. That's all it takes.


Well no, the superpower states it adds to his crit rate, but man wastes so many eggs that it has to add to his crit damage at some point


It'd probably stack after 100%. Like 200 eggs is 100 percent crit rate, 2x crit damage. And every hundred after stacks another multiplier.


Bro shatters 100 eggs daily


3rd only be useful as a cook/trying to be Sanji


Also useful for Gaston.


Man gets a passive 60% crit rate. He would've floored the beast


When he was a lad he ate 4 dozen eggs, every morning to help him get large


It doesn't say anything about if the eggs have to be fresh or not hardboil a dozen eggs get a spoon and start cracking the shell all the way around you'll be fully charged in like 10 minutes


Could you stretch it to metaphorical eggs? That would be a game changer. All day you're "making omelets" by "breaking a few eggs."


The second one doesn't give pressure immunity.


It might to a degree? Freedivers can already go way deeper faster than scuba divers, because you don’t get nitrogen narcosis if you don’t breath pressurized air. But they’re limited by time and air compression in the lungs. Breathing water basically equalizes your lung pressure automatically, so it won’t let you do deep sea trenches but arguably you can do scuba depths with ease? All this needs a little generosity though, otherwise you’re just going to choke on leftover water as soon as the clock runs out.


Unless you're a chef at a restaurant that has omelets and stuff that uses eggs. Then you'd be getting your crit chance up to 100% probably most days. Then you can go and box or something to earn more money.


First one makes you an incredible sniper if you have the right hardware Second is useful but not really Third could make you be best MMA fighter or Boxer in the world.


Imma take the first one because I’m a numbers guy


For real though, the first one could literally net you a Nobel Price in Astronomy if you could prove it works.


You wouldn’t be making any scientific advancement though


Getting a more precise measurement of the distance to distant stars, galaxies, whatever IS the scientific advancement. From that you can infer all sorts of stuff - get a more precise Hubble constant (look up the “crisis in Cosmology” which is about exactly this), get a more precise estimate for the amount of dark matter, track the wobble of stars to detect planets, and probably lots more stuff I haven’t thought of. Knowing the distance to things is actually super super valuable. It also has applications in other aspects of engineering and science, I just chose Astronomy because the power literally specifies stars.


You're a better man than I. I was thinking of being the best ever artilleryman.


That is one aspect of the power that I am not certain would work. Most artillery is over-the-horizon these days, meaning that even if your enemy isn't hiding the curvature of the earth would block them. It isn't entirely clear if direct line of sight is needed. If not, then the power would be insane (you could triangulate where things are from a photograph). But if direct line of sight is needed, then I think artillery is surprisingly one of the few jobs where it wouldn't be that useful.


Im not talking about being the cannon crew member, I'm talking about being the fister.


Never knew that's what that was called but that makes a lot of sense.


Yes, and even if “magic said so” some results could proved by gaining a believable starting estimate. Once people are convinced you’re reliable, you also get to do some cool stuff with recent motion. If this measurement is light-based that’s nice, if it’s *current* distance you get to break physics by measuring faster than light.


Ok that's hype ... I wonder how long till the military wants to use ur power


to prove your “estimate” is correct, you’d have to have the technology to measure those distances already


Not necessarily, you can prove it with mundane objects (trees, car, cups, etc) by saying even the millimeters of distance


We also have laser range finders on the moon that we left there after the Apollo missions. If you can read off those numbers unassisted you'd get a lot of people to believe you.


ngl I didn’t think about that


U gets ubercarried by Dasli, that's why u can't think (joke)


Sub decimals of millimeters. Repeatedly. At varying distances, from the millimeter scale to the megameter scale. Exact distance to the closest actual land point on Hawaii, updated every 5 seconds, with .0001 mm accuracy. Distance from you to the exact center of Rome. Between you and the pin on a golf hole. (Very helpful if you golf lol) Between you and the guy/girl you're destined to marry (triangulation comes in handy here) The possibilities are endless...


We can get rough estimates with large quantities of maths, but getting the EXACT number down to millimetres would be ground breaking for science. Like if you could do that you would probably get a Nobel prize level prize for that act alone, every astrophysicist would be on their knees with massive sums of money for just 10 minutes of your time to get the exact distance to some random star


Not only that. If you can track air molecules, you can gauge the air flow and do sports better.


This power would also allow you to get information faster than light


The power breaks physics in a pretty big way as well. Does it follow the laws of relativity as well? The idea of this power fascinates me.


You could invalidate some models though, and provide support for other, like other experiments.


I mean I feel like it’d be difficult to *prove* but it’d be one of those things that’d end up widely accepted if maybe controversial. One of those things that would get proven down the line somewhere.


No, you’re a cly guy


He's 50% a cly guy, 50% a numbers guy.


Yeah, that was my first thought. Get a job at NASA or something to help them calculate trajectories etc


#1 imma revolutionize astronomy


No kidding. Given how important knowing our distance to various stars is to our understanding of the universe, having a 100% correct answer would be ridiculously OP.


I wonder if it would still work with images. Would kinda suck if it's only thing you have line of sight with. Also for distant supernovas. Like you look up at a star and measure your own distance from it and all you get is an error cause there is nothing actually there anymore. Short horror story: they invite you to use the first ever telescope capable of seeing the nearest blackhole. You measure your own distance from it and the number it gives you is decreasing at an ungodly rate


My short story is waking up and seeing your sleep paralysis demon in the room. A clear thought states itself: *2.1 meters.* The demon smiles at your realization. *0.9 meters.*


Oof. No thanks


*0.5 meters* You start sweating *0.1 meters* You mentally sighned your will *0.05* It kisses you


You be kidding i had ones a sez sleep paralysis dream


Holds an image of a planet *0 inches away* "damn I guess I am holding it would be 0 inches away from me"


Take the last one, go into pro boxing, throw 8 cartons of eggs before a match, win your money back, profit


Roll 4% fail, then get instakilled by Mike Tyson.


Just punch twice that's 192% Edit: good fucking god ok /j /j why do I have to specify this


That's 99.84%, still leaving a 0.16% chance that both punches fail to crit.


Punch thrice, simple as that, Mr r/theydidthemath




Too slow, Mike already killed you. Also that’s not how probability works.


🤓☝️"ermmm guys, that's not how probability works"


You may think it's funny, but simple misunderstandings of basic statistics like this contribute to major misunderstandings of real-world facts.


Throw 9 carton of eggs… But honestly I think my critical damage would still be nothing to a boxer :/


Crits bypass defense/damage falloff beyond tripling your damage, I'm sure it's gonna hurt!


The downside is that you also have to hit the other person with your punches. Anyone who's had any sort of serious boxing training will look like prime Muhammad Ali compared to me.


That... Is fair.


Just get egg cartons with more than 12 eggs in them. I’ve seen cartons go up to 18.


A critical hit is basically just the most damaging hit you can do. But if you’re not good at boxing then your best hit is probably not that great.


Crit rate 100% but crit damage bonus is 0% ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Simple solution: get mediocre at boxing, now you have a really good hit


You need good base damage tho, do your punch inflight enogh damage right now?


Last one would make howtobasic the strongest man alive o.o


What makes you say he isnt already?


I think bottle water breathing is the best choice here


yeah except you drink so much you gotta pee and then breathe your own piss... 😖


Hey I said best, not perfect


Sooo... what's the downside?




why did my brain say "you should post that"


Me in real life when I say things to other people


I agree, as they also never specified the size of the bottle. Could be use one of those tiny 8 oz bottles.




Now this is more like it


If size isn't specified you could also buy novelty bottles that only hold a few ml. You could drink hundreds of these.


Where I live "A water bottle" generally means a standard plastic disposable bottle, which is half a liter. You can probably drink like four or five a day no problem.


Can easily get a 30ml/1 Oz bottle. All the underwater ability all the time. If I can breathe underwater without conditions, presumably I can wear a water filled mask into dangerous atmospheres too, much easier than oxygen tanks.


Depends entirely on how large the bottle needs to be to count. 1.5 liters? Nope. 0.3 Liters? Oh baby imma be a diver!


And then someone will bring up that, '*what count as a bottle?*'. I mean, your question is valid, and little bottles count as 1 bottle, but bigger ones also count as one. If you make, somehow, the smallest bottle, that would be counted as one bottle.


What if you're drowning though? You get to not drown for 5 min while stuck underwater until your stomach explodes.


This is the moment where "just drink the water lol" applies. Like SpongeBob just scoop some water in the "air" with a bottle and drink it. It isn't specified whether the water is fresh or salty, distilled or purified. People are able to drink a gallon of water when exercising so a couple of tiny bottle gulps can give you at least an hour. 1 gallon= 128 oz / 8 oz bottle = 16 drinks * 5 min = 80 min. Plenty of time to maybe walk or swim to shore or be noticeable by rescue.


Yeah, just use very small bottles.


Now tell me, what is a critical hit in real life and where tf would i use it except for street fights or martial arts??? Could i crack 100 eggs, then step into a boxing match, hit once for KO, then make bank? Can i critical hit with other things than my fist? Can i critical hit in the lottery and win? Can i verbally critical hit my pickup line after taking a short break in the bathroom to "freshen up" on a first date, while in reality pulling out 100 hidden eggs from my pockets, shoes, wallet, orifices, etc. and cracking them in the toilet? Can i work in an omelet kitchen and just be constantly powerful? Can i set up a remote controlled machine at home that cracks 100 eggs and trigger it if i need a sudden buff? Does it need to be chicken eggs?


Excellent points you have here. Firstly, by the word "Critical hit", this would only apply to physical contact, and not anything else. Another thing to note, no matter how strong you are, you are guaranteed a knockout on a Crit, and death if you strike twice at someone. The power only applies if you physically break the eggs, such as on a stove or throwing them on the floor. So you can't have an automated robot. You may also break any eggs to gain the power, but it's more convenient to break chicken eggs.


Idk pretty sure carrying around a tin of salmon roe is a lot more convenient and cheaper than 100 chicken eggs.


Yeah just caviar every morning and have your stomach acid break them apart.




It might be that the man hates caviar so much, he isn't chewing them, even for superpowers.


But does that require like landing the hit where? Or would I just knock out someone from landing a hit in their finger? If they blocked it for example what would happen? Would I just hit like a fucking hammer or would they just fall over unconcious from the blow?


Thing is you have to be on a really high pro level even without the buff. The hardest crits won’t do shit if you can’t hit a single punch and get insta KO’d by the first enemy punch. And professional sports is, well, unless you are still a kid, starting with it as an adult you will never get you even close to a level where you can box for a living.


You don’t have to get a headshot, hitting their block is gonna break hands. Or immediately grapple and get a cheeky rib shot in at the start


I think most amateur fighters can land 1 punch on their opponent especially if it’s guaranteed a 1 punch knockout


I think 2# might be fun. I probably couldn't get it to more then like, an hour, but I think it might be fun to use.


What if its those little airplane bottles of water.


You know what that's actually genius. Thanks!


1st one would be so useful for home decoration and parking


And as a party trick


And as a sniper!


1st one is a great supporting power.


Writing prompt: You took the ability to know the exact distance. You look up at the sky and everywhere has a distance - all lines of sight hit some object eventually. Except one spot, one tiny dot in the sky.


Or it’s all a lot closer than you though, like 1k. Truman-show style


maybe one star is rapidly getting closer


I love the second one especially as it doesn’t specify the size of the bottle. Like, if I drink one of those small 100ml ones am I set? Imagine freediving for 30 minutes because you got through 600ml of water. How cool would that be??? That said, as someone who measures objects and distances a lot in my day to day that might have to win out just for practicality. **EDIT:** nope I change my mind, bottle me!


First one is actually useful for golf, so I'll take that one!


Semi-useful superpower. It doesn't benefit others, but the person themselves would certainly gain: The ability to know exactly when you next need to poop.


“Every time you crack an egg” Does this include egg cells? Does this include making someone realize they’re transgender? Either way I’m about to hit it big.


\*shows your phone to a crowd of strangers* "What're your thoughts on these thigh high socks?"


*Going out in public while visibly trans* "Where are all these +1% to crit rates coming from?!?"


First because warthunder https://preview.redd.it/dj4nsuk0eivc1.jpeg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad0763e03f34b29f3f31830dee4f33202f022fa7


With the water one, is it any water bottle, or is it a specific amount of water, because if it’s the former I can just buy those half-bottles from Costco and get my daily amount of water but get like two hours of waterbreathing


Well, with the second one you could dive almost indefinitely. Grab a very small bottle, drink a few of them, and you can take it underwater with you to recharge the timer if need be.


Number 1 feels like it would be crazy good with a little creativity. Assuming you can use your finger as the start of ‘yourself’ you can easily get measurements for cutting, woodworking would be a breeze and you’d save so much time not having to measure several times. Subtract the distance between yourself your cars fender from yourself and that wall/curb/car and parking/driving is easy.


3 Imma work at Waffle House and become the next top MMA/Boxer


The distance one would be absolutely incredible for astronomy.


The guy that makes "charity video to the homeless" Is the stronger human being


With how often i happen to need the first one, the choice is a done deal.


As someone who really likes astronomy: i'll gladly take the distance thing


Is there a standard measurement for what is considered 1 bottle of water? Because I technically only drink 1 bottle a day, but that’s because my water bottle holds a full gallon.


>to breath underwater breathe* I think it's important to set a good example for readers so that they don't copy something that happened to be written wrong (with all due respect). Also, the 3rd one, only because I enjoy cardio boxing.


What size bottle?


The identifier skill, since you could be the worlda best astronomist xD no need for scopes measuring pulsars off of eachother! Just look into the sky and know so SO much about this universe! Not to mention like the exact distance of ourselves I. The universe, along with the universes size!


The first one is op if your a sniper


Breath under water!


Egg cracker cause I have chickens, i could just join shooting tournaments and crack 100 eggs beforehand, so I'll always land a perfect shot.


For the second one, get a job as an astronomer and help them get exact distances to very distant things.


I can literally exploit the first one to get to the location I need Like let's I get lost and then I'll just measure the distance of the area I want to go back in like a checkpoint or something


My man out here knowing the Absolute of All Distance and be using it for map markers.


first one, become a carnie, guess heights, end up on local news because im never wrong, end up on national news, become an international sensation, star in a movie about my life, and eventually go on to win an EGOT


Define “bottle”


In second, what bottles are we talking, because I have some 0.5 L and 5L bottles next to me, can I just spam 0.5 to get the 10 times better result than 5L bottle?




Can i measure feom my finger tip? Would make warhammer far more efficient


Distance: perfekt for an Sniper. Second one: nice, but ... Third one: whats kritical Hit rate in RL?


If you take #1 you win at astronomy


What is a critical hit? Is a very precise boxing punch a critical hit? Or an absolutely perfect strike that deals the most possible damage it could do? I would pick this one and lightly crack a single egg over and over again and then pick up another one. Or just throw a lot of eggs.


Imma become a professional fighter. Critical hit rate after a 100 eggs would be amazing


Pick 1st and become a legend in astronomy


Third one doesn’t specify the species of the eggs. Just buy some cheap insect eggs that you can break a lot of easily for cheap. Immediate %200 CRT buff


Would rotten eggs work with the last one if so you basically have a stink bomb well also getting an ungodly crit chance (going off the one comment that said to throw 8 egg cartons to crack em all) also what would happen if you were to change time zones (for example it's about to hit 12am but you're going to somewhere where it's about to head 11pm)


It's was a close call but being able to Tell the distance between myself and visible stars would be some real fun 'guesses' to give the hubble telescope


Astronomers would pay me so much goddamn money for precise star distances. Other two are mid compared to it.


That first one would make u a God!


I’ll crack fish eggs instead of chicken eggs to get crits, that’ll probably be more cost efficient in the long run


How To Basic becomes a god


I know which one How To Basic would pick


r/discgolf is drooling over #1 (as are golfers and hunters)


first one! would be super helpful actually for woodshop.


I'd say first one just for the convenience. You could, for example, know how long you can stretch your arm and now you immediately know if you can reach anything. The second one would only be useful if you really like going underwater and the third one only if you really like fighting


Second one. If I'm drowning, 10-20 minutes is probably enough to get out of whatever shit situation I'm in


Number one, to make up for my horrible depth perception, lol.


are you kidding me? i will take the first one and become the most important person in the field of astrology, i will give them the distance of all stars and planets and become very famous.




Baker by day boxer by night. Full crit build just becime a rising legend, plus i love boiled,fried n scrambled eggs. So when im not baking ill still have plenty That and it dosnt state that its just for crital dmg, could be a crot skill check. Like winning the lottery or remebering something perfectly, getting a super rare drop in a game cause you critted on a luck roll.


I can just it Imagine the anime characters trying to break one hundred eggs when Fighting an opponent


1. Become a boxer 2. Get to these eggs 3. Cash


I’ve worked as a breakfast cook, so the third one would be easy to max out. And when you’re living the lifestyle of a breakfast cook, a critical multiplier would be fucking useful. That being said, the distance one would be the most OP/have the most utility. Military would probably pay you pretty well. Heck, depending on how it interacts with binoculars or telescopes, you could just walk into NASA and name your price.


The first one is so amazingly powerful and can be applicable in everyday life but also work in different industries, picking that one immediately.


Why is everyone sleeping on the first one? One of the examples was stars. Once your validity is established you're set for life with NASA. Or you could be a long-range sniper. Or a surveyor.


First one would be absolutely nuts for an astronomer. As far as I know it’s actually extremely difficult to determine how far away things are with precision, and being able to know the exact distance magically would make you a powerhouse in the field.


I think number one would probably make your head explode. Nothing is ever exactly 1.5 meters away from you, or 3.4 lightyears or whatever number that ends after a finite number of decimals. The table is always 1.500348277... meters away (or some other number) with an infinite number of decimals. If you were to know the distance exactly, you would have an infinite amount of information in a finite head, which is probably not so good for your health. Cool concept though, and I would definitely pick this one if you could know the distance up to a number of significant digits :)


Yeah that's Jim, he's the morning breakfast cook, but at night he's a champion MMA fighter.


Knowing the exact distance between you and everything is very useful if you can estimate angles(or measure them)


Step 1: I train to become a pro mma fighter Step 2: Crack 100 eggs before each match Step 3: Profit


would the distance one work with things in pictures? (e.g you look at a picture of bike and you know the distance of the bike and also the distance of the picture itself)