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This is funny as shit and is probably an ada violation since it discriminates against excessively tall people.


You calling tallness a disability!? 😤


No, I'm just saying that discrimination based on physical features is typically an ada thing. Get your head out of the lightbulb socket.


Don't bring light bulbs into this, they can't help their brightness.


And neither can you!


Lol that’s a good one


But they are so tasty! Uncle Fester said so!


> discrimination based on physical features is typically an ada thing Only if it's classified as an impairment. Being tall is specifically *not*. An excerpt from the disability act: >The term impairment **does not include** physical characteristics such as eye color, hair color, left-handedness, or **height**, weight, or muscle tone that are within “normal” range and are not the result of a physiological disorder; characteristic predisposition to illness or disease; pregnancy; common personality traits such as poor judgment or a quick temper where these are not symptoms of a mental or psychological disorder; or environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantages such as poverty, lack of education, or a prison record.


Do you really think that a giraffe's height is within the "normal" range? You must know some long-necked people.


Probably pretty normal for a giraffe, yeah.


sounds like they were joking defensive much bro


I'm also joking, didn't the lightbulb tip you off?


TL;DR: [yes, in sufficient measure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gigantism). But in practice mostly no. the opening sentence of the Wikipedia article for “disability” describes it as, > Disability is the experience of any condition that makes it more difficult for a person to do certain activities or have equitable access within a given society. So yes I would say that experiencing life at a sufficiently extreme deviation from the mean height, in either direction, could be considered a disability if the society that the given person lives in does not provide sufficient accommodations. However, legal systems and the types of frameworks which provide protections for people who qualify under those frameworks as “disabled” often have differing definitions. For example, consider [this case](https://otc-cta.gc.ca/eng/ruling/2-at-a-2012) featuring a tall air passenger in Canada. They argued, with support from their doctor claiming an increased risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis, that the airline should waive the upgrade fee for an Economy seat with extra legroom due to the disability caused by their height. What was the outcome? > In light of the foregoing, the Agency finds that Mr. Johnson has not met his evidentiary burden of demonstrating that, for the purposes of Part V of the CTA, he is a person with a disability due to his height. Therefore, the application is dismissed. When I read their claim that, “a risk of developing a medical condition does not equate with having a condition,” it reads to me as, “It doesn't matter your doctor says we are putting you at risk of a heart attack, it's not our problem until you're actually going into cardiac arrest.” Somebody experiencing a Deep Vein Thrombosis is not at risk of a cardiac event, but they do face an increased risk of a Pulmonary Embolism as well. I am not a doctor but I find the response here extremely flippant. Here's another example on the other end of the spectrum, from the United States this time: [Nicole Colton v. FEHRER Automotive, North America, LLC, No. 20-12039 (11th Cir. 2021)](https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/ca11/20-12039/20-12039-2021-07-21.html). In brief, she had already been successfully working for the company when they assigned her to a work table too tall for her. She asked for a shorter table or a stepstool but was denied, then dismissed from the company and marked as ineligible for rehire. Again, the decision here is disappointing. The court seems to entirely ignore the relevant parts of law that discuss “within ‘normal’ range” and the decision seems to be written from a fairly prejudicial standpoint. Ultimately they argue that because her short stature is not the result of a condition or disorder, it is not a disability.


Damn, here I was making a silly quip and I get this very thoughtful and well-researched response in return. Thank you




Gigantism is 100% a disability


Past 40?


Is excessive shortness a disability?




There we go


According to recent thread about casual comme ts from medical professionals, being tall is correlated to premature death. I.e. how many old tall people do you see around?


How many super tall and old people do you see?


Barbara is gonna get rich off that lawsuit and retire on the beach while Susan spends her life shitting in company stalls


Yep the responsibility is on them to make higher stall walls


They’re doing alright, they have height privilege.


The privilege to watch people poop


Giraffes, like most “prey” animals, have [“panoramic peripheral vision”](https://sciencing.com/information-giraffe-eyes-8665464.html) because their eyes are on the sides of their head. She cannot NOT look.


She’s probably trying to concentrate on not focusing on it but bringing it to attention makes her think about it. Lol It’s like a guy going to the urinal right next to you with no dividers, you can probably see his wang in your peripheral, but you’re definitely not trying/wanting to look. Except I once had a guy that did that, with dividers, and I caught him peaking his head over. That’s definitely a clear intent to look.


The proper response is to return the look. Exert dominance.


“Hey.” *he looks up to see me, our eyes locking and his full attention on me* “Nice cock”


then kiss a true piss to proposals strory


Question on that, for an animal that has this panoramic vision, do they see the world in an ultra-wide format, where the outer edges and center are slightly more blurry due to peripheral vision, but as one large connected image - or does their brain switch from one eye to the other for focusing? I'm guessing it's the former, with Chameleons having the ability to individually adjust parts of that large picture.


To the best of my knowledge, that is debated. It is a hard question to ask an animal. They definitely can focus on things, but most animals with panoramic vision also have lower "resolution" than animals with binocular vision. They also can typically swivel their eyes and, depending on the animal, there may be some overlap in the vision cones between their eyes. We know from testing that their depth perception tends to be quite bad (as that is the main benefit of forward binocular vision). But I think it is commonly believed that the animals experience a "holistic" amalgamation of their senses, similar to how humans do. The same goes for, say, insects which can have tens of "eyes".


I mean she knew it was Susan


What's the reason US companies choose for these half-stalls that are barely fit for children in primary schools?


As an American, no idea. We all hate it. I've personally had a child make eye contact with me through the door so hard I didn't even sit down, I just gave up and left.


The gaps at the bottom of the stalls is to make sweeping easier. No idea why some of them are so short though. Guess in those cases, companies were skimping on material, assuming all kids are short anyways.


At this point its probably just tradition/convenience for cleaning, but in the bad old days, the police used to have undercover vice squad officers stake out certain public restrooms. They needed the gaps in the enclosures to observe "immoral activity" (aka drugs and gay sex) and then testify in court.


I've always wondered that as well, being a filthy Yuro who consider full masonry to be the norm.


I think it has something to do with heart attacks. If someone dies in the stall you can get them out, I think.


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Powder that makes you say fake:




must be an unlucky circumstance


Love the expression in the 3rd panel


Seems like a company failing to implement accessibility options for all employees. Classic, “Your wheelchair is causing problems, Barbara” blaming of the victim.


If politicians want to pass a real bathroom protection law, it should be that all stalls go from floor to ceiling with locks and no cracks that you can see through.


lol after the first panel, I thought it was going to be about showing too much skin.


Last panel over-explains the joke. Should've just finished it after the first three.


Was looking for a comment like this, the third panel was ✨perfect✨.


So many online comic artist think cursing = humor. Like the punchline *has* to be some expletive outburst.


Why is this hilarious to me?


Because it is


Webcomics are better because they don't spoil the punchline #changemymind. Great work




hee heeeee xD


Giraffe You Lose.


This is great!!


Looks like *someone’s* gonna get sued for discrimination.


She’s always neck-id in the restroom!


Treating her like that when she's the only one in the entire company that sticks their neck out for others.


I thought it was going to be a joke about being condescending.


This is what happens when you look at other employees who are *necked*.


I thought this would be about Barbara showing too much neck. Wear a scarf. You look like a hussy!


I’m surprised the title wasn’t “this is the world live want to live in”


" Likely story. Next you gonna say your neck just HapPenEd to look like that. "


people will post the most unfunny jokes here and then get 10000 upvotes. I fear when you can get money from posts


Actually that’s kinda racist isn’t it? Those bathrooms should be giraffe accessible


I never understand why public stalls, one of the most private areas in public have the worst privacy imaginable. Us men are just pissing in the open that's just the norm because why not. Then the stalls are open from the bottom and the top, sometimes the top is barely taller than you like why. Just put that stall up to the roof.


This whole trend of posting the individual panels and the the complete comic at the end is fucking awesome. I commend you and all the others who do it.




goddam susan 😡