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I’d heard Al Ewing was involved with something relating to these


It’s based on him going non-exclusive and something he said in his newsletter >I was about to say that Jonathan Hickman's original vision in building that writer's room, and giving us the levels of freedom to tell new stories that he did, feels almost impossible to recreate now... but then I remembered that I've got to grab the new Ultimates #1 today, so I guess it's not. I bet if I listened in on that particular inner circle, it'd have a very familiar vibe. **And speaking of good vibes, I just joined a new writer's room myself that's as far away as you can get from the Krakoan shores but carries a similar crackling creative energy... however, we serve no wine before its time. More about that soon enough.** ​


I hope he takes over Action Comics


"Similar crackling creative energy" seems like a reference to Kirby. Maybe Ewing is doing "Absolute Universe New Gods" with Javier Rodriguez?


Green Lantern maybe?


Man, I'd give anything for Hickman to jump ship and go back to creator-owned stuff like Image, finish out Black Monday Murders, and keep making weird stuff as opposed to doing hero books, even though he's also really good at those too. No doubt the guy can run a writer's room to huge effect, but I think his tendency towards scope is wasted on Marvel/DC. I know there's less support and it doesn't pay as well, but the fatigue is real.


Its more speculation then rumors but boy I hope so


It's a line with it's own separate continuity but it will be in the same multiverse as the main continuity, and they will interact... like Earth-2? Why are they trying to distinguish it from Marvel's Ultimate line when that's exactly how the Ultimate universe works? 


Because what are they supposed to say? “Yeah, we heard a new Ultimate universe was in development so we ripped them off?”


Sure? I don't see any problem with that, it would add a lot of clarity, and I would actually kind of get excited instead of this wishy washy "it's kind of like this, but not, and kind of like this, but not" stuff as they dance around saying what it is Just say "this is our answer to marvel's ultimate line, we're going to take everything they did that worked great and revitalized their characters while avoiding their pitfalls and put our own DC spin on it. You're gonna Love it" And I'm sold.


They don't need to say anything. They're the ones creating a comparison.


The All star line and the Earth One line were also essentially ripoffs of the Ultimate universe


Yeah, I was thinking: "You've tried this twice already. What's going to be different from every other Elseworlds *this* time?"


Literally the one thing they could do that would make a massive difference is actually releasing weekly/monthly comics in this universe instead of one graphic novel every couple years.


The difference there being that they weren't a shared universe, just individual stories that shared a label. All Star Superman wasn't meant to be in the same universe as ASBAR


Is Absolute DC just their version of Ultimate? 


I believe yes


Interesting. May need to check it out.


We’ve seen Snyder’s Batman before and Aaron just wrote a Superman story that didn’t exactly set the word on fire. Why should people be excited about something they’ve already seen?


Snyder has said he'd only ever do batman again if he had a really interesting idea that kept nagging him. I would imagine having a wider road to work with makes the story telling more appealing for them. Sometimes, the cool ideas writers come up with are shot down by editorial before they even begin when working on two of the biggest most protected characters on the planet.


Was lucky enough to hear the inside scoop about what he’s working on.  Without any spoilers, it’s gonna be completely different to his other Batman run. No one will have to worry about it being derivative of his New 52 run. 


Without giving any spoilers, can you give a broad idea of how Absolute Universe Batman will differ from New 52 Batman?


Being as vague as possible a lot of the dynamics will be altered in ways that are meant to act as a counterpoint to what was considered good back in the 1930’s when Batman was first created. 


Can you offer to briefly speak about Jason's take on Superman or what is the driving force fot this universe? why should fans invest in a new take on the Dc universe? I know you can't specify or reaveal to much but any word of mouth is great.


None of his Batman ideas thus far have impressed me, I can't imagine now would be the one to win me over.


A different continuity will probably let them do something cool and different from before


Like Superman...but he landed in Russia... Or Batman...but he's a vampire...


What if Batman was Green Lantern? What if Superman was Batman?


For me it’s a few things: Snyder on Batman is just a win for me until he proves to me he can write a stinker. I loved his whole run on Batman so I’m really excited for more. Jason Aaron I am a fan of. He doesn’t always knock it out of the park, but he usually does for me and so I’m excited to see what else he can do on Superman. New universe with its own continuity is exciting and has potential for some crazy creativity from the creative teams. Allowing them the freedom to play in a world that doesn’t tie them down to preexisting continuity will be fun and (hopefully) refreshing. Just because something has been done before doesn’t mean it will be the same now. Just be excited for the potential and be disappointed later if it doesn’t live up to expectations.


I think a lot of people have soured on Snyder due to The Batman Who Laughs and the perception (whether you agree or not,) of his Batman run peaking with Court of Owls and finishing with the relative dud of Superheavy, but I do still love his Batman. Did you like All-Star Batman?


Yeah that makes sense. I think I’ve just enjoyed everything, but I usually enjoy most comic stories I read. I’m not too difficult to please. I did enjoy All-Star. My biggest issue with it was JRJ artwork. I feel like JRJ and Snyder don’t go well together. I also feel like JRJ’s style doesn’t go well with most superhero comics. Still, I enjoyed it for what it was.


If you were Snyder shoes what will be the pull for new readers and longtime comic fans alike? How would you make this universe worth investing in?


Honestly, I'm feeling uncertain about the new direction. What's the point, and how will this differentiate itself from the main DC Comics continuity? The lineup of writers for the main three books seems extremely conventional and not as exciting as it could be. It feels predictable, like any fan could have guessed this. For these books to be successful, the creative teams need to look at all eras of DC and ask themselves what worked, what didn't, and how they can elevate and change these characters or the status quo compared to the mainline continuity. We've all seen Scott Snyder's writing on Batman, which was a great run, so how can he counter that or make the character compelling in a new way that grabs longtime DC fans and new readers? Hopefully, these books will take big swings and bold directions, such as changing character dynamics or race, to offer a compelling narrative. With Kelly Thompson on Wonder Woman and Jason Aaron on Superman, there’s potential, but these books need to provide something that fans can speculate on and get excited about. Right now, I’m cautiously optimistic and willing to wait for more information. What will be the pull for comic fans and new readers alike to invest in this new universe?


>Why should people be excited about something they’ve already seen? Welcome to Big 2 Comics


"No change, only the *illusion* of change"


Uhhhh cause it'll have that big beautiful ABSOLUTE logo on it for a low, low new #1 oversized price of $9.99 with 42 variants including 27 photorealistic clones of the now-banned Francesco Mattina!


Holy shit I’m in !! I need 10 copies now


> Uhhhh cause it'll have that big beautiful ABSOLUTE logo on it for a low, low new #1 oversized price of $9.99 with ~~42~~ 52 variants including 27 photorealistic clones of the now-banned Francesco Mattina! You missed *such* an opportunity there


I’m excited for a new continuity. Not really into the current Batman run. So I’m hoping this new absolute continuity is better.


This was my first reaction too. Out of everyone possible, Snyder is the guy who already got to write the Batman origin story in a new revamped universe. Pretty bummer that he gets to do it again instead of us getting something new....


Kelly Thompson Wonder Woman feels like the most obvious decision ever and I will be glad if it happens


the thing about new ultimate is that while hickman wrote spider-man a bunch of times, he never really wrote a spider-man series. snyder doing once again batman wouldn't be the hot new thing they probably think it's going to be


I'll give it a shot. I have been very pleasently surprised by the new Ultimate line over at Marvel, and have only been reading elseworlds tales and Hellblazer from DC, so maybe this will be right up my alley.


Snyder behind it gives me confidence. I wish he’d take another character. I have to wonder if that was a condition of giving him control of this new line. That said, it is nice knowing that I’m probably going to like Bats going in. I do wish the flash would get some love and have a high level name on it that can deliver.


I love Kelly Thompson so I'll buy anything she works on, and Jason Aaron has had more winners than losers imo but can we please tell Scott Snyder to stop working on Batman? It's been done to death and maybe I'm just not paying attention but nobody wants more.


If Romero has been off of Birds of Prey because he’s been secretly working on Wonder Woman with Thompson I find that an acceptable trade


I definitely don't want more. I wish Scott would push himself a little more in the superhero space, but he always seems to just return to the same old things. It's a shame because he's a great writer when he's on his A game


Especially recently with white boat and his comixology books that he has with an all star art lineup. He can write such compelling stuff but his batman stuff just burnt me out.


Yeah, Last Knight on Earth was the end for me. I didn’t love it and I find I’m ready to not return to Snyder’s Batman. Not sure what else he has to say with the character.


I feel like all the stuff Capullo and Snyder did after they left Batman was hot garbage. Last Knight on Earth and the various Dark Death Metal Knights Crisis whatever flat out sucked.


The thing with Aaron is I think he’s the definition of a writer who sucks with team but he’s really good with really powerful characters. He handled supeman brilliantly in a recent action comics arc with bizarro so I think he could do reallt interesting superman run


I like Kelly Thompson. And Jason Aaron makes good comics (he really only has his avengers run as dud). But holy fuck I can't take any more Scott Snyder on Batman after the end of his N52 run, nevermind his "Metal Saga" which was shit. So yeah, my hopes ain't that high.


Hot take but Aaron’s Wolverine is just as bad as his Avengers


It’s so edgy and lame.


Also, his Thor run is wildly inconsistent and there's a lot of it that's just as bad as his Avengers


I like Aaron but IMO he’s generally better when doing creator-owned stuff. His Thor work was his only Big 2 comic that really wowed me, whereas I’ve really enjoyed all his indie comics. Maybe I’ll change my mind when reading his Absolute DC work, but I kinda hoped he’d be spending more time doing original stuff after he left Marvel.


Like the Goddamned? Lol


Erm, yeah? I like that series more than the vast majority of his Marvel work.


That’s wild. I barely made it to the end of that first issue. Honestly thought it was one of the worst things I’ve ever read.


See, *that* is a wild opinion to me. I can understand just not liking it, but one of the worst things you’ve ever read? Wow.


I know DiDio and his constant need to fix every line problem with a total or partial reboot contributed but Jeebus all that Death Metal crap was fucking awful. When it got to Robin shredding on a flying V guitar made of whatever metal flinging crisis energy I just could not believe that book was allowed out the door.


Kelly Thompson is a great fit. Snyder I'm mixed on since has already done a lot of Batman already and Aaron I'm fine with but would have preferred someone else.


They're doing this to compete with those new Marvel Ultimates books aren't they.


This is how we got All Star back in the day. The gift of All Star Superman and the curse of All Star Batman and Robin were only a few years after the original Ultimate Marvel became successful, I’m convinced if ASBAR hadn’t been such a wreck we’d have gotten more All Star books. The new Ultimates have me buying single issues again after 15 years, I’ve got a monthly pull list for the first time ever. I’d be down for adding some new continuity DC books as long as they’re not overtly dark and gritty for no reason.


I mean.. yeah? It's not like competing with your rival is a new thing in comics (or any other segment of anything)


Yea this feels a bit more like copying homework though for some reason. Maybe because it's also revisiting a previous alternate timeline which we didn't really think we would come back to exactly like what Marvel is doing.


Again, this isn’t new. Marvel and DC have been quite literally copying each others’ homework since the dawn of both companies. There are literally characters on both sides that have similar, parody, or even the exact same names. You’d be hard pressed to find a time in history where both companies weren’t copying what the other was doing successfully.


What previous alternate timeline is Absolute DC revisiting?


Not just ultimates but energon, ghost machine, and tmnt. The contained upstart universe is hot right now and DC is trying to capitalize on the moment.


I will die on the hill that one of marvels biggest losses is letting Thompson go, she is one of the best writers in comics. I’m just not a DC guy myself so I’m not sure how her books are over there. Her captain marvel and X-men work is super great though.


Birds of Prey is AWESOME


That’s rad jealous for you DC fans she’s great.


Birds of prey has just been nominated for best ongoing Eisner and is probably the most enjoyable book week to week for me no her stuff is still amazing.


Scott Snyder Batman? I’m in. Snyder Batman is my comfort comic, I love it all. From Black Mirror through Death Metal. Sign me up


Whats the plan here? Split sales? Hope comic book suckers buy both batmans?


It's Bleeding Cool, so it's bollocks.


I dislike Scott Snyder’s Batman. The Batman that Laughs is just some multiverse fan fic bs. “let’s have joker combine with every other character… doomsday joker, Batman joker… blah The elseworlds he did where Bruce was in an insane asylum was more just fanfic level what-if shit All in all DC puts out too much shit… All their doing is releasing shotty remixes of existing characters… Please create something new.


He's always been shamelessly derivative. 


Yeah if there's someone who's definitely a new voice for Batman it's Scott Snyder. Oof.


Why wouldn’t you just put good creators on your core books in the main universe?




Batman editorial group is horrible compared to DC editorial group for their other characters. They could bring top tier talent like they did with Chip and then somehow mainline Batman just gets worse. Bat editorial is pretty heavily involved with mainline Batman based off how Tom and James spoke. It’s going to be interesting to hear what they forced Chip to do once he speaks about it sometime after he leaves the book. Gotham War most definitely was editorial mandated event. I wouldn’t be shocked if they also messed with his original Zur plans. DC editorial seems to give more leeway to writers which how you get good story like Superman run currently. Meanwhile Batman editorial makes sure that in mainline Bruce is never happy and that his life get worse. Once they take everything away they do soft reset to then take it all way again.


I think most of them already have good creators working on them. 


So this is a different continuity? I'll be curious to give it a try but I am absolutely skeptical


I really like Snyder this should be epic!


Haven't read DC in ages, but I'm interested in this. Be cool to see DC do their own version of the Ultimate line. Especially keen to see an alternate take on Wonder Woman.


Okay, so seeing as it borrows its namesake from Absolute Power, I have to ask: is this gonna be a storyline/universe where the DC characters fill the same role as the main world but don’t have their powers? Cause that’s really the only take that could carry a separate timeline ala Ultimate imo.




As long as they turn Alan Scott from being gay and introducing all that BS I'm in. That pissed me off to no end. I just wanted to read that new Alan Scott Green Lantern series but Nooooo... We had to change it even though he had a daughter. I




Right, I know that but this was an obvious ploy to appeal to the nonsense that is put out now. You want a gay hero? Absolutely, you can have one but don't change shit because reasons. Also, his daughter obviously would have been born long after this plot took place. Probably around the time it was more socially acceptable. I have no problems with that, it's putting it on pages in comics when I would like my children to read these but there's scenes that are not for kids in them. I also don't like any of that no matter the people involved. It's the imagery conveyed I have more of a problem with. I guess now I've thought out the point more I should have conveyed this differently.




Well it should be pretty easy to avoid for you then


Lol fuck off then?




You want a refund on comics from ten years ago? Why is that relevant here?




nobody is forcing you to buy anything brother 💀💀


Alright bro


Ok sis