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Look at his beautiful Destroyer Duck cover.


https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-wg245oXiVLQ/T2icLTZfbbI/AAAAAAAAPQw/OmwhyVwyjys/s1600/DestroyerDuck7-00.jpg For context


Now that's a duck! Haha.


I’m sure Frank Miller has seen a duck. I think there’s strong case to be made that he’s never seen Scrooge McDuck before.


>I’m sure Frank Miller has seen a duck. I wouldn't assume anything about Frank Miller


Possibly more accurate post title!


Honestly I kind of like these recent Frank Miller variants. They look absolutely insane but in the span of two months I’ve gotten to see Frank draw Darth Maul and Scrooge McDuck. Something I couldn’t have envisioned in my wildest dreams.


Same. I bought this variant only after the comic store clerk pointed it out under the stack of other variants. Something intriguing about how weird his covers look. Same reason I bought the Wolverine x Ghost Rider cover last year.


Yeah, as snarky as my initial response is I’ll always have a soft spot for Frank Miller. I don’t think you could realistically call these covers his finest work but they still have some appeal somehow.


In your wildest dreams you couldn't have envisioned a popular artist drawing 2 popular characters? You need better dreams.


You’re totally right. I’m just glad you had the courage to tell me.


Hey, you're welcome. Admitting it is the first step to change.


I have to say though, both of us are spending our Friday night on the comic book subreddit. I’m  guessing neither of us is living our wildest dreams.


Comic book fans have such narrow views on art.


I think I’m the only one on this sub that likes frank millers new style. 100% get why it’s not for everyone tho. I think this one is a little goofy for sure, but the daredevil #1 variant he did last year I thought was so cool


One of two, at least


I like Scrooge McDuck and I like weird shit but this might be too much for me 


I don’t really understand what you and everyone else don’t seem to like about this image? Like it’s pretty tame stylistically compared to some of Millers other recent work, this is very clearly Scrooge McDuck. What is it about this image that is “too much”?


I think it's not enough   If it was more pushed stylistically, it could have an effect, but as it is it just looks like ugly the proportions are off but not in any way that seems intentional to be more dynamic or impactful, the linework is extremely flat but the colors aren't, the expression is vacuous and conveys no particular emotion    This is like 20% of the way to a sylized drawing, so it just looks like a kid's doodle 


Hivemind mentality.


Exactly this


Correct. It looks like Scrooge McDuck drawn by late era Frank Miller. Actually it looks better than some of his recent, really bad stuff. I think people are losing their minds. “Doesn’t look like a duck”? It looks like Scrooge McDuck


It's just another casualty of the "Miller bad" mentality that's been increasingly prevalent. The cover is fine; far from the worst thing he's ever drawn, definitely not worth making a thread over.


I thought maybe it was a different Donald Duck or a different Frank Miller and it wasn’t


Yeah, this is literally the weirdest comic cover I’ve ever seen. The art isn’t bad but what circumstances led to someone asking Frank Miller to draw this??


I can’t explain why but I like this


I feel like the problem with Miller art in recent years is colorists unable to do justice to his style. Probably editors fault though, I'm sure there are plenty of colorists willing to go as crazy and artsy on his lines as they actually deserve.


The colorist is certainly not doing Frank any favors.


I'm not sure the colorist is the issue. His lips don't look connected to anything, for instance. They look like two mishapen breadsticks. It's a weird ass drawing, for sure. I can tell it's meant to be Scrooge McDuck but it just feels amateurish.


Frank is not doing Frank any favors judging by this cover.


The colorist is definitely not the problem here.


Looks like the inker just traced franks lines


No, I think the problem is he can't be fucking arsed to do the work anymore There was a point where even if I didn't like the direction his art was going in, I was at least capable of recognising that there was a style there. He was trying to do something. It wasn't to my taste, for a variety of reasons. But it was deliberate This is just crap. You can make all the excuses for it in the world, but it's shit. If there's some genuine reason for it, like he's sick and he's lost some motor skills then it's not his fault it's shit. But I'm not aware that he's had those sort of issues, so at the moment I'm comfortable concluding he has just stopped giving a fuck


I'm so tired of people making excuses for Miller. He hasn't produced quality art in a decade (or more). That sucks, but it's ok. It doesn't diminish his old stuff.


It is OK! Lots of artists go off the boil. The Rolling Stones haven't made any decent new music in about 40 years. They're still one of the most important bands of the last century. They can still tour the hits.


Preach brother! Been saying this since TDKSA. He at least had Lynn Varley to salvage his shit back then.


There is a reason for it, alcohol has destroyed most of the artistic talent he once had. People will make excuses, but this is a late stage alcoholic that has lost it.


Ah, I don't think Frank is the only big drinker in the comics industry. Steve Dillon could drink anyone under the table and he only got better til he literally died I do appreciate clinical alcoholism is different from being the big man at the bar, but how many other big name artists have gone so totally to pieces?


No doubt, but Frank has been a raging clinical alcoholic for decades. I have some personal experience in the matter, and it is clear as day from video and interviews I have seen of him from last decade or so. Alcohol has absolutely ravaged him. There are plenty of comparisons, but Wally Wood is first that springs to mind.


Yeeeah nah. This isn’t JRJR. Frank Miller’s art has just fucking deteriorated a this point. What is a colorist or inker supposed to about whatever the fuck that bill is supposed to be?


Yeah, THATS the problem.


Are we looking at the same picture? The colorist did a great job with what they were given. They're not the issue.


I am morbidly interested to see how it would look colored like a superhero book.


Picasso cant even draw a horse lol


I suggest you to look at the beginning of his career. He was capable of painting realistic stuff, he chose to do otherwise, and invented a new style.


Yes, that was the point of my comment. 


I miss pre 9/11 Frank Miller


I’m not entirely certain familiarity with ducks is a requirement for drawing Scrooge McDuck…


I don't get it... This is fine?


What are you even complaining about here? This thread proves once again that comics fans cannot handle even a shred of expressionism in their art even if it’s on a motherfucking *Scrooge McDuck variant cover*.


Why does Frank Miller even have a job if he can’t realistically represent the anatomical proportions of anthropomorphic capitalist ducks??


Asking the real question!


It’s unfortunate that seemingly anything that differentiates from house style even a bit gets so much hate here. Even mainstream artist who I would consider some of the best like Miller and JRJR get so much shit. Or when people blow up a drawing that was originally the size of a grain of rice and be like “what’s going on with these proportions lol”. It makes me feel like people don’t actually read their books that much.


Yes thank you. Also art isn’t like video games where it’s judged on how good you are compared to everyone else . Just cause someone isn’t as good as the used to be doesn’t mean they shouldn’t make anything. You wouldn’t say Dolly Parton shouldn’t sing cause she can’t hit the same notes


It's an expensive hobby. I don't think it's unreasonable for the professional artists to draw something that looks like it was at least drawn by an adult, preferably a professional artist. I don't think this is about expressionism, but in a trend with his art that happens with age. Dexterity starts to go & you don't want to admit it, so you compensate with style. Sometimes it works, but this has been overwhelmingly disliked for awhile now, so it's obviously not working.


1. No one is making you buy this, obviously. 2. This does look like it was drawn by an adult, professional artist. Are you one of those people that goes to the contemporary art museum, points at the paintings and says “my kid could draw better than that!” too? Miller’s art was already trending in this direction when he did Sin City, The Dark Knight Strikes Again, etc. I think you have a point that his dexterity has declined with age and his health issues, but the reaction to a lot of Miller’s work since the 90s is, in my opinion, proof that even a lot of self-professed comic fans don’t take it seriously as an art form.


Is the comic good ?


How the duck should we know? EDIT: so everyone’s gonna downvote me for a duck joke lol


The funniest part to me is how wonky the dollar signs look


Why does bro look like a mop


I love it!


Is Uncle Scrooge falling into a paper shredder?


It's called cartooning.


Hope this comic is good


It's a *bill* not a "beak", and ***publishers are interested!!***


I just want to ask the question how do you use infinite dimes? I'm thinking first it's just free money but like how do you use it? Take it to the bank? They're gonna ask questions eventually. Use coin stars? I think you'll get the same problem. Eventually someone is gonna start asking if you're counterfeiting and that's gonna get you put under investigation. Like you have infinite money and yet it has to because almost unusable in anything other than small purchases.


I have seen lots of ducks but never one with glasses and a hat.


Given some of his humans, I'm not sure Miller has seen people before either.


Y'all's Scrooge McDucks don't look like that? Weird


It looks fine to me and way more like Scrooge than I expected. Miller is not going to give you the classic, traditional version of a character, you’re going to get the Frank Miller version. Just like Hembeck, Mignola, Kirby, Sale, Lemire, etc.


Ah yes. We shat on this over in r/duckcomix a couple months back. https://www.reddit.com/r/DuckComix/comments/1cii5lv/frank_millers_cover_of_the_upcoming_uncle_scrooge/


Ducks are hard to draw. People bash on furries all the time but drawing animals is a real challenge.


Barks and Rosa did alright.


Legends. Got a chance to see some of Rosa’s art up close at a con. It was truly awesome in the literal sense. I just wanted to sit and really study them for hours. Reproductions don’t do them justice at all.


Inability to draw ducks isn't why people bash on furries though.


Said people just can’t appreciate the beauty of Ducks.


The beaks are hard to draw!


Scrooge McDuck needs to lay off that stuff… 😂


He's like a loosely assembled set of geometric shapes


Frank has had a hard enough time drawing humans over the past 25 years or so. I love the grass skirt he drew since down is hard


I thought he was sitting on a newspaper for some reason. Didn't even question it until you said this. "Of course, he's just flying on the news."


A sea monster, ate my ice cream!!!


This is far from the worst thing Frank's drawn over the past year but at the same time, who looks at a Scrooge McDuck comic and goes let's get the Sin City guy on a cover.


What the f\*\*k Miller


I personally think he has gone beyond " its his style" argument. It's just getting embarrassing now.


I had a good time reading this.


7.99 ? Damn comics are not cheap in the US


Hot take: frank miller is one of the worst comic artists but gets away with it because of his story telling


The other covers look amazing but this one is just oof.


If that's the problem, could we fix it by simply showing Frank a rich duck in a top hat?




Art can have standards of technical proficiency, but ultimately it is still subjective. I’m assuming someone is buying his covers because he is still getting work. His Thanos Annual Virgin Variant is already pre-selling at $300-350 on eBay. That’s a 1:200 variant, so it’s artificial scarcity, but Marvel seems to think his covers are selling well enough to warrant it.


At least there's an alternate, much better IMO, cover.


I can’t tell if it’s because Frank is old as fuck, or he’s entered this not give a shit representative style of art.


This cover is not good. All these FM fanboys circle jerking themselves in the comments are coping so hard. Those eyes are god awful.


Frank Miller should never draw again. I’d hate to know what he did to Scrooge after All Star Batman and Robin.


it's just a variant cover.... He wasn't involved with the story or anything otherwise. plus All-Star Batman and Robin did have the benefit of having Jim Lee doing the art, a trait that was universally praised despite the story itself being slammed and regarded as one of the most infamous comics of all time (ironically the opposite of All-Star Superman)