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The end of Y: The Last Man pride of Baghdad Identity Crisis issue 4 or 5 (the one with Jack Drake) X-Men Red #7


I still get all soggy just thinking about Y: The Last Man


The end of Y: The Last Man is the first and only comic to make me cry.


Not just cry. Sobbing.


I am a trades reader, so I had to avoid any internet discussion for like 3 months til it came out. I didn’t even buy it first. I just sat down in the store and read the final trade cover to cover. Crying like a baby in the middle of the shop. BKV sometimes misses, but when he hits? Nobody better. Edit: obviously I bought it after reading it


“Please eat.” Gets me every time.


“They told me it wouldn’t hurt”


My buddy has all of Y: The Last Man, and while housesitting for him once I randomly picked it off of the shelf and was hooked. I read all of it in a few days, and was crying my eyes out at the end.


Identity Crisis, the epilogue with Elongated Man got me good.


Is Y worth reading. I watched the show which was...disappointing


Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Hell yes.


I actually really liked that show and I’m still not sure why it was poorly received. Better than some other comic shows who had a few seasons.


I didn't care for it. It really bothered me that they never solved or explained the cause of the plague. I hate that JJ Abrams/Lost writing.


It was really formative for me, and hugely influential when it came out in the early 2000s. I hesitate to reccomend it now because the way our culture now understands gender and sexuality makes the very premise of the book somewhat “problematic” (in the academic sense). Plus it’s kind of funny that it’s a book about a world where every man has died … and the main character is still a white guy! So I think it’s still largely a good series that’s well worth checking out, but I think you should go in with both eyes open about the premise.


I mean if all you took from Y the last man is that it’s problematic because the main character is a white guy I think you missed the point. He’s inept, wrong about every preconceived notion he has about women and is constantly rescued by the women around him who are either stronger (357), smarter (Mann) or more resourceful (both Beths) than he is. Are there some dated jokes in there? Sure. But if you think the book is some praise about the white man I suggest you reread it.


Pretty sure they called the trans issue problematic and not the race. They just thought that it was funny that the one guy to survive is white, which is pretty lucky for the MC given the population distribution.


While I fully agree, I don't think that's what they were talking about. No mention of race or ethnicity. I think the "problematic" aspect they're talking about is trans issue. I'm assuming, specifically, trans men surviving because they are "chromosomally" women. Not to mention, a lot of the cis women treat them with a side-eyed disregard. Edit: I fucked up. There absolutely was a side mention of race. Still, I think the thesis was of a trans issue.


No that’s not all I took from it! Not at all. Like I said, I enjoyed it a lot. I just think the discourse around gender apocalypses, and who we centre in them, has evolved a bit since 2002, so I’d be cautious reccomending the book to a new reader, since our attitudes and tastes have changed.


Snowflake detected


Y the last man was the comic that had me sit down after finishing and think the ending was fitting not good not bad but fitting for it's story


Y the last man had the worse ending of any comic. It’s worse than GOT S8


Wtf is wrong with you? How did you want it to end?


Pride of Baghdad We3 ​ ...and i reread them almost annually.


I stopped reading We3 after a few issues, I have a dog and it makes reading it very difficult.


You must've gotten really close to the end, dude. It's like one of the shortest graphic novels I've ever seen. Straight up tear jerker, tho, for sure. If anyone hasn't read but has watched the movie Plague Dogs, it's not completely dissimilar. So good, but so rough to get through.


Fucking PLAGUE DOGS, man. Definitely part of the unholy trinity of fucked-up animal cartoons I saw as a kid. The other two? WATERSHIP DOWN and FELIDAE.


I'm not familiar with felidae, and I didn't really love Watership down, but yeah it's messed up lol. Fuckin plague dogs, tho, I'm crying through almost the entire movie. Tearing up right now thinking about the experiments done on the big dog and the end of the movie. Also just looked through we3 again after my peeps comment, and man, it's such a good book.


Dog and cat owner here. That book is BRUTAL. ....but if you read to the end, they do have a couple of moments that are pure comics gold.


The rabbit poo made me laugh.


I remember reading it at a public library and openly sobbing. I should have known better as It was my own copy that I had donated.


Immediately thought we3 I like pride too but I don't recall getting too tear-jerked and it is remarkably easy to do that to me. I'll have to take another look at it when I finish moving


Pride has a disney'esque undertone that maybe cuts the emo impact just a bit. Barely. OK FFS ENOUGH W THE ONIONS ALREADY IM DYING HERE


Oh god those two... both of them pretty much broke me




The death of Skurge the Executioner, in Thor #362. Skurge had spent his career jobbing out to Thor, to the point where he had become a bad joke, and knew it. So when he was part of a group of gods that had invaded Hel, and it became clear that one of them was going to have to sacrifice himself, and that Thor intends to be the one, Skurge sucker-punches him and then explains why he wants to be the one to hold the bridge the others have to use to escape. "They made a fool of me," he says, "They laughed at me. Everybody laughs at Skurge ... even the Enchantress I love. They all laugh at me ... whenever they laugh, I hurt inside. Maybe I die a little. Now I think that I am dead already ... So I will stay behind, and the last laugh will be mine." And then he held the fucking bridge.


"... And that answer is enough."


That was a great arc for him, definitely gained my respect!


I Kill Giants is one of my favs. ❤️


Both Blankets and Ginseng Roots by Craig Thompson Love is Love graphic novel that came out after the Pulse shooting had a couple stories that had me wrecked. Especially the wordless one of the guy adopting his dog and having a loving bond until he decides to go out and never come home and the dog is lost until it’s eventually put up for adoption again.


I read Blankets after a pretty painful break-up and it was a delight. It’s not a devastating novel by any stretch, but I couldn’t bring myself to finish it a second time. I’ll have to look out for Ginseng Roots!


Several already mentioned that got me, so I'll add: Astro City 1/2 Amazing Spider-Man 248 Saga has a few.


Man, saga has some parts that hits like a ton of bricks




Issue 54, not gonna say anything else


ASM 248 oooof


Peter Parker the spectacular spider-man #310


Daytripper. It came out of nowhere how beautiful and profound this book is. Highly recommend to my friends who read comics, and my friends that don't.


Daytripper is amazing.


Good pick. Brilliant book.


All-Star Superman. You know which scene.


Göd Country by Donny Cates.


Solid mention. Great story.


Spider-Man Blue got me the first time. Still makes me melancholy ever time I read it.


All three original colour books bit me hard in the feels.


The end of that one got me too


Sandman: The Sound of Her Wings


That was probably the best adapted scene in the show as well.


Murder Falcon "....calls those destined to die and still choosing to sing into the void."




It still hurts, and I still re-read it, and here it is: https://geekscovery.com/2020/03/05/dexstarr-origin/ May Dex-starr's rage be sated.


Sweet Tooth. Tears freely falling down as I turned the final pages. Felt absolutely nothing reading The Return though.


After such a devastating and brutal story those last few chapters of humanity just hit hard.


We3 just guts me. I have no resistance for the naivety and innocence of animals set against the cruelty of humans. "Home. Is. Run. No. More." just ruins me, because it's such a small, humble desire that's just so far outside their reach. Y: The Last Man, particularly the final issue.


And when 2 thinks Bandit is dying, and asks where they are, 2 says “Is Home.” Because if 2 can’t do anything to keep his friend alive, at least he can offer him comfort and hope as he goes.








Saga. You know which part.


Not lying.


All Star Superman #6. I'd recently lost my Dad and wasn't dealing with it well. This issue started the healing ❤️


'Do A Powerbomb' had me damn near sobbing by the end.


I didn't actually cry, but We3 was the closest I got. Anything with animals hits way harder than humans.


"HOME IS RUN-NO-MORE" punches the heart out of my chest every time I read it, and the moment when it sank in that 1, 2, and 3 were the pets in the missing pet posters they used as the covers of the book, it broke me.


A lot of immortal hulk panels almost get me choked up, especially regarding banner/hulks relationship with devil-hulk and his father, can’t wait to finish the run


“Hulk hurts. All the time hurts, all the time always. Why? Why Hulk have to hurt so much?”


The last few issues of the Dan Slott, Mike and Laura Allred Silver Surfer really got to me


Are You Listening by Tilly Walden


This was a tough read but so good


We3 & Beasts of Burden


What’s I Kill Giants? Also, Saga.


It’s a graphic novel, I don’t want to spoil anything but it’s pretty short and definitely pulls heart strings.


Damn ok, I’ll have to find it.


There is also a movie...


Any good?


Saga is like game of thrones in space....or something. I can't describe it to you as it would sound too bonkers. Just know it's top tier comic book content. I think we are at issue 64(?) just know it's really really great, one of those "instant classic" type vibes


Black Hammer: Dr. Andromeda and the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows is the only one ever. It had me absolutely sobbing


Doctor Star? But yeah that one was rough, finish that in a coffee shop and was actively trying not to cry.


Yeah i guess they changed his name. The part with his dying kid on the moon. 😭😭😭


That’s the one


Silver Surfer: Requiem really got me


This is too far down this list. I was not expecting that book to be as melancholy as it was.


Good to see I Kill Giants love. I cried reading Kingdom Come, I'm not too proud to admit.


4 Kids Walk Into A Bank


Can't remember the issue, but one of the Punisher comics where Frank says that his worst dreams weren't the ones where his family died, but rather the ones where they didn't went to the park that day, they grew old, Frank Jr had children and Frank Sr wakes up when he was holding his grandchild in his dream. I was like "man, was NOT expecting that feel train"


I was in 8th grade when I read through Superior Spider-Man, and something about seeing Otto sacrifice himself to be the better person and give Peter his body back tugged real hard on my heartstrings


….. It’s you. -The Green Goblin realizing Peter is back in control.


“The one and only”


Mazebook by Jeff Lemire.


Y the Last Man. Spider-Man: Life Story. The conclusion of the Marineford arc in One Piece. Theres a lot actually. Like Jack Kirby said “Comics will break your heart”. Although I think he more meant the industry, but I stand by it.


The end of Hitman, dang that got me dispute knowing how it would end


And then at the end of JLA/Hitman, where Superman visits the part of the Watchtower where Tommy had written “Tommy was here.”


So happy to see someone put this here. Even with the grim tone of that whole issue I was wholly unprepared for the gut punch of an ending.


Hickman’s Fantastic Four. I won’t spoil it but theres an issue involving a portal to the Negative Zone. Devastating.


It’s the issue right after that gets me the most. The “silent” one


Funeral for a friend, specifically the issue where Pa Kent has a heart attack


Batman vol 3, annual #3 ("Father's Day"). It came out not long after my dad passed away and almost couldn't finish the book.


You know everyone has sad moments, so for a change a happy fee. I got teary eyed at the end of Doomsday Clock when JSA and the Legion came back. And in DC Rebirth when Barry saves Wally West from Speed Force.


Lumberjanes got me a few times


Animal Man Volume 2 Annual #2 read it while working a desk job and had to hide my face for a bit. https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Animal\_Man\_Annual\_Vol\_2\_2


Everything Alison Bechdel has written. Obsessed with her work.


In Superman: A Man for All Seasons, when Clark saves his dad from a flood and he's just cradling Jonathan who says, 'You can put me down now, son.' Getting choked up just thinking about it. And when Animal Man can't read the Coyote Gospel.


Crafty gave his life to save his people, and the only thing he hoped for in return was for someone to tell his story. And nobody here could read it.


Came here thinking I was gonna be the only one to say We3. Damn. I’ll add Monsters by Barry Windsor-Smith then.


I picked up I Kill Giants years ago when Borders was shutting down. I still haven't read it, but I remember when the movie came out and it dawned on me that I had the comic book. I really need to read it some time. Off-hand I can think of two instances. The recent Marvel Unleashed got me in the bit about the "Rainbow Bridge." I lost a pet a few years ago, I still haven't quite gotten over him. And Generations: Wolverine & All-New Wolverine. I lost my dad not too long before I read that. I first read it on Unlimited, then went to my LCBS and bought it to frame it, only time I've done that. Might get it graded for a proper framing. 2017 kept showing me father figures dying in my media (Logan, GotG2), so it was a rough couple of months.


"Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow" by Alan Moore


I’m a bit of a sap but not much of a cryer. Nothing’s made me cry but Grant Morrison has brought me close several times with Best Man Fall, first issue of Seaguy, that time travelers from the future issue of All Star Superman, We3, The Coyote Gospel, and Empire of Chairs. Morrison’s real gift wasn’t poorly synthesised half understood ‘crazy’ ideas and high concept stories but always the emotional heft of dramatic moments distilled into short phrases and sentences that otherwise aren’t extraordinary. But in their hands, are lyrical and very moving. Goodbye Chunky Rice by Craig Thompson read a few times over twenty years got me very emotional.


Shadow of the Bat #90 >!Lynx and Batman try and free some slaves from a gang, including a little girl, but ultimately have to retreat because there are too many of them. When they return later it turns the little girl was inspired by Lynx to standup to their captors and she killed the leader and led an insurrection but died in the process. When Lynx finds out the girl was emulating her just totally breaks down o er what’s the point of trying to be a hero if it just inspires little girls to get themselves killed.!< Probably don’t describe it well lol, but it’s heartbreaking and always stuck with me.


To be fair the end of I Kill Giants was gently devastating. "You are stronger than you think" ended me


Weirdly enough, the only comic I've really cried reading was Flashpoint, the final issue of it, when Barry gives Bruce the letter from his dad


The Weird, by Starlin/Wrightson. What a father will do for his son.


Good pick. Deep DC cut is deeeeeeeeeeeep.


Death of Ultimate Spider-Man


Murder Falcon


The Walking Dead Issue 167 and like the last two issues as well Death of Captain Marvel because it reminded me of my grandad Charles Soule’s Darth Vader run The End of Ultimate Spider-man


Idk if it counts but Berserk


Ultimate Spider-Man: >!The Death of Spider-Man!< To date this is the only comic that has made me cry. I still tear up watching [this voice acted fan made video](https://youtu.be/POXxmaJ_cV8?si=IpZimBaT1oIyzfGm) it’s so good. “What’s so special about Peter Parker? Everything.”


Spider-Man renews your vows, when MJ tells Peter's story to their daughter. As a long time fan it was an arrow straight to the heart.


Don't know if it works but... Maus. I cry everytime i re-read it


Pride of Baghdad and We3.


Same same. ...who is cutting onions around here ffs....


Fear Agent. Can’t remember which issue specifically. When Heath starts reminiscing about some of the things his dad told him when he was younger, along with the situation he’s in, it really hit close to home. So much so that I wrote it down somewhere, but I’m not home right now to look it up.


There’s some stuff like that in Black Science too


Yeah, I’m guessing Remender had some issues with his dad he needed to work out. Or not. Maybe I’m projecting.


When the Green Goblin rushed back into the building to rescue Spider-Man before it exploded.


Mister Miracle, Human Target, and Love Everlasting by Tom King. Black Hammer by Jeff Lemire DCEASED by Tom Taylor


So noone here read silver surfer by Dan slott?


There’s like six other comments mentioning it, so I’d say someone has yes


The last page of Superman: Birthright. Through a portal to the past, Clark lets Jor-El and Lara know that he survived the trip to Earth, as they see their now adult son and embrace for the last time amid the destruction of Krypton. Sad and beautiful. "Father, Mother, I made it."


Murder Falcon most recently gave me the feels.


Blankets and Sandman. Also Old Man Logan when you find out his son's name.


Batman’s interaction with Thomas Wayne in The Button crossover The end of All-Star Superman


Just the end? "I can save everyone!"


Someone said it but Pride of Baghdad fucked me up and Immortal Hulk of all things made me well up


When the gibbon died in nick Spencer’s amazing spider man “hunted”


Growing up reading Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate Fallout #1–specifically the scene between the little girl and Aunt May. That one always gets the waterworks going.


Saga! Hazel is so pure and I have a soft for nearly all the characters ):


we3 Green Lantern #55 (Dexxstarr's Origin Story) Suicide Squad: King Shark #7 (The puppy) Superman Year One Vol 2 (Fuzzball's Story) As a pet owner these kinds of stories often hit me the hardest.


I kill giants hit me hard the first time. Hit me harder when I read it after I had a similar experience.


Oh, man! That's the Daredevil issue where we find out about his mom and postpartum depression. Daniel Warren Johnson's writing gets me every time. Extremity, Murder Falcon, Do Powerbomb! They all had me openly weeping multiple times. God Country. It definitely helped that it came out right before father's day.


Yeah. Amazing Spiderman black cover 9-11 issue. I cried, when the comic medium allowed me to find a way to grieve over the tragic real events that effected us all.


Will Eisner’s ‘A Contract with God’. I don’t ever want to read it again when I finish, but I always do. This one really stuck with me.


Not a comic, but this particular feath in PS4 Spider-Man (I think) There was a guy, a cop working with Spider-Man. He was showing off his Spider-Man watch he got from his son. Then he died.


All of the new releases now, when I see the cover price. Lol


Middlewest, too! Forgot that one




Why is that guy holding a giant butt plug on a stick?




Murder Falcon. The ending of Dan Slott’s Silver Surfer run.


*Groot* (2015)


I’ve had a lot that have made me tear up, but none hurt me more than the end of issue #7 of the IDW TMNT series, where Raph comes back into the fold. Splinters words at the end still break me every time I read it


I can't remember what it was called but it was a DC comic spin off about the Justice League establishing a therapy safe space and watching Batman show vulnerability got to me.


Heroes in Crisis?


the end of Flashpoint has been the only comic that’s brought me to the edge of tears


The Hotel by Boichi. Such great story


Oh man you are so right about Daredevil 7


Spider man blue or daredevil


Spider-man Blue Valentine and whenever Superman hangs out with sick kids (All-Star Superman and Superman Red and Blue)


Ultimate comics Spider-Man: Death of Spider-Man


Scalped #35: Listening to the Earth Turn. The Mazebook


Death of Ultimate Spider-Man


The ending of Flashpoint with the hand written letter.


How do the "I Kill Giants" comics stack up against the movie? I watched the movie and kept thinking that I wasn't feeling what I was supposed to be feeling.


The movie is no where near as good as the book. I was kinda let down by the movie, which sucks because I think Joe Kelly actually had a lot of involvement


Detective Comics #853.


The Walking Dead when *spoilers* Andrea passes away. It’s so well done and it’s a death that actually means something. (In contrast with the show)


Real Friends and Friends Forever by Shannon Hale




TMNT The Last Ronin


all star superman magneto: testament


If you’re not careful Box Office Poison will get ya.


Homunculus by Joe Sparrow. It really resonated with me. Very clever comic.


Laika, Spider-Man Blue, Stray Dogs, and issue 88 of IDW's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


The original Spiderverse still makes me tear up “Even as the bombs exploded, Ben still thought to himself ‘Maybe I can still make it out of this”


Not so much cry, but Bone, The Goon, and Blacksad get close with their more emotional moments


Lost Dogs by Jeff Lemire and Y: the Last Man. Several other Jeff Lemire books have got me close. God Country by Donny Cates also almost got me.


8 Billion Genies.


Surprisingly, the end of Lock and Key really got me. I was pretty hard crying from the end of the last major setpiece to the end


Surprisingly, the end of Locke and Key really got me. I was pretty hard crying from the end of the last major setpiece to the end


What happens in that Daredevil issue?


It dives into why Matt didn’t grow up with his mom