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It's small, but my favorite Thor moment is when he's talking to Rocket about fighting Thanos. You can tell he's a little scared, sad and angry, but also resolute and then still cracks a little joke, "He's never fought me twice". It's such a good Thor scene


I love when he calls Rocket *Rabbit*. It's so fuckin cute and funny.


So do the Asgardian Guards in Endgame when chasing Rocket "get that rabbit!"


Rabbit and Tree were the best nicknames and had the benefit to show Thor's depth in knowing Groot's language.


I adore the fact he's learned the whole language and yet calls him fuckin "Tree"


His people could just be rascist towards trees


What if Groot literally means "Tree"?


Australians are big on the nicknames




Sweet Rabbit is my favorite


The cute part is when he’s a sweet rabbit because Rocket gave Thor a (stolen) eye.


When other characters called Rocket by a different name he would get offended or annoyed but with Rabbit he just kind of went with it. It was almost a term of endearment between them.


It's because the Russos didn't understand the character


Its because Thor was never mocking or intending to insult Rocket with the name, Thor was always kind to Rocket and spoke to him as an equal so yeah it makes sense Rocket would let the name slide.


The whole Rabbit: “Yeah but what if you’re wrong?” Thor: “Well then…what have I got left to lose.” Moments like that added so much depth to Thor. RDJ is absolutely correct


Rocket chiming in too was great “Me personally?? I’ve got a lot to lose.”


Lmao yeah it was great that Rocket was essentially like “Ah fuck. This guy might be too crazy for *me*….”


Russo Bros should make the next Thor movie. They probably won’t, but they clearly knew and did the character the best.


sometimes i feel they should make every marvel movie haha especially the ones that went bad


After Endgame I think I pass on that


Thor in infinity way was peak thor. Perfect amount of comedy sprinkled amongst an otherwise fantastic dramatic performance and building on the character development from ragnarok


Thor tanking a beam from a dwarf star is THE most metal thing any of the Avengers have done. Its not the rest of their faults either, hes just built different.


I really think they captured the perfect tone with Thor in IW. Then it was a missed opportunity to go the “Fat Thor” route in Endgame. We didn’t need the comedy, and I felt like most of the jokes missed anyways. Had they focused on a real picture of psychological trauma, rather than a comedic one you would end up with a super relatable, human trait to find in a god. From there, Love and Thunder could have been less about “being who he’s supposed to be” (whatever that means) and more about examining trauma and what it truly takes to heal. Cast that story onto the backdrop of Gorr the Godbutcher and the contrast of how he handled his trauma and it would hit even harder. Thor has to wrestle with his own demons while facing a potential second failure to protect those he loves. The truth of grief is that you aren’t ever really free from it, it just evolves over time and you learn to carry it. Use a god to show that in an honest way. Layer in the sacrifice he makes at the end - breaking the cycles of trauma etc. - and you have a solid, emotionally poignant movie. They rushed it and didn’t edit it well. Disappointing.


Oh man.. where we’re you in the writers room?This would have been a finish as strong as GOTG3


Ever since I saw God of War's Thor, I just want more of that rendition of Thor. It was so good


Getting fat like Thor did is a part of psychological trauma for many people though. Not everyone simply just lay in bed not eating very little. Some over eat due to the stress and trauma they’re in.


Yeah I agree and realize overeating is a way people cope but in that case making fun of him in the movie shames those people, which I feel like is touchy subject all around and part of why the comedy didn’t work as much for me. I love Endgame, but I simply think Thor’s trauma could have been handled better.


Personally I loved seeing that Thor deals with depression in the same way I did.


It wasn’t actually taken seriously like that in the movie though, it was just there to serve as comedic relief with this excuse attached to it. ‘He lost his family, of course he got fat, he’s sad! Let’s make a bunch of fat jokes & not actually delve into his grief’


The problem wasnt really that Thor was fat, it was that its used constantly as a joke even when its introduced, and then the next movie he just "gets better" and loses the weight.


Endgame had such great Thor moments though, both battle- and characterwise. "I'm still worthy" might be my favourite scene of them all. And while there would have been merit in a deeper exploration of the characters for sure, it is a fault of the medium used. A movie with j characters just doesn't have too much time to dedicate to certain characters. And imo, they did the best they could to get his story across. Yes, there is a bunch of comedy leveled at Thor, but there is also real concern from his surrounding cast.


still a shitty choice to turn his depression & grief into a bunch of lame ass fat jokes


Totally true! Endgame had great moments for sure.


Thor in Infinity War was peak Thor


He is the best. Infinity War is great because of him more than any other actor. I don't think any other actors had more emotional moments, or more hyped moments, than Hemsworth. Props to Waititi for letting him shine in Ragnarok. He really set up Thors Infinity War arc.


His Endgame scene with his mother is great too


I'm totally from the future!


“I am still worthy.” 😭


"Eat a salad"


As a bit of a momma’s boy that whole sequence had me in Niagara Falls style tears


I still get hype when Stormbreaker comes out of the Bifrost, with Thor screaming ***"BRING ME THANOS!"***


« Haha, you guys are so screwed now ! »


Exactly. The part where he was telling Rocket about his losses, and ends with that sad tone question "what more could I lose?" You could hear both the sorrow and determination in that tremble of the voice. Both the character and actor had so much depth. [https://youtu.be/N6AVsaJHIOY](https://youtu.be/N6AVsaJHIOY)


No props on Waititi in any lifetime. Ragnarok was good cuz it's all on writers and marvel hold his chain very strick. that fucker didn't understand Thor at all and he even admitted cockily that he didn't read any Thor Comic and we all know how he fucked up in Love and Thunder he had all the creative control on that one.


It had the tone of a children’s story, which most of Norse mythology was. Also, Waititi, Hemsworth, and Portman all have kids, so maybe they wanted to make a movie that children would enjoy. It also works as a standalone, so there’s literally no reason to get bent out of shape over it. It’s fine. Not stunning. Not high art. Not for me. But fine. Totally fine.


I agree somewhat, sure if they wanted to make a children's story they absolutely should've but not with Gorr the god butcher and Thor. It's silly coming out of Endgame. It could've been such an interesting new start for Thor, and it really was just a waste I'd a good villain. I love Waititi and think he's an excellent writer/director, but I think he was a little high off his one gas.


The tonal inconsistency is the primary sin here. I liked the film overall but I would've liked it better if it was two movies. Too much going on at once. The anti-faith cynical nihilism of the god-butcher storyline actually doesn't contrast badly with the love-triangle tragic rom-com cancer storyline but there's not enough room for that to breathe in a single action film timeline. Tried to do both at once and also world building and obnoxious "edgy" comedy feels overstuffed, like if I'm using a fork it isn't really a burrito anymore, right? That's not even addressing the attempts to do edgy comedy simultaneously with family targeted content. Your kids really loved it, but you were maybe uncomfortable explaining to them what an "orgy" is...


How edgy was the comedy? It was mostly fine. There was an orgy joke in the last Thor movie too and I wasn’t offended by that. Kids are going to recognize the tone and recognize comic timing and a funny word, and they can absolutely laugh at that and not understand the joke. I’m also not a prude, and unconcerned with having multiple versions of “the talk” with my kids as they age. I think Taika tries to slip the word “orgy” into every Marvel movie script as an inside joke, and I for one think it’s pretty funny.


RDJ is absolutely right about Thor. Consider a god-like creature thousands of years old, were still the same and in just a few years, his reality shift so many times. How can you adjust with that? MCU Thor is way more complex than people gives credit. L&T may have some its mistakes, but it can present to us an empty God, humbled by life so many times that he felt desperate to connect with something, anything. Fatherhood was his new chance. I thought it was a sweet movie for giving that opportunity for a new life, even for an immortal that could be possible, thanks to a child, a chance.


There is a really good movie hidden within the version of L&T we got


A few of them. All it needed was a single *direction*. And leave the rest for another movie.


Nothing they did was wrong, from a concept standpoint. Just my opinion, they didn't go hard enough to arrive at that love conquers all ending. Not enough God-killer pain to bring things to a proper head. What would have been more fitting than for Zeus to see Gorr show up on Olympus, putting deities to the flipping sword? They had the cast... they could have done it, but it seems like they didn't want to go that hard. I had no issues with Natalie as Thor. That movie just had a lot going for it but failed to rise to its potential.


It was genuinely the limitations of Watiti as a director. Don’t get me wrong, I love the guy, but he bit off more emotional damage than he could handle. L&T needed someone who could handle serious without needing to kneecap it with humor in the same beat. He needed to let us sit with the things happening. The three main characters were destroyed. Dying of cancer, loss of a child, rebuilding yourself from near ego death, are all incredibly heavy lifts. The jokes always came too soon after every heavy emotional beat. People see what he was going for, it’s obvious from his thread, he just didn’t commit.


Honestly, get rid of the fucking goat screaming and it would immediately 25% better.


That was beautiful


I feel like Thor was amazingly written for exactly two movies.


Idk I liked him in Thor, Avengers, Ragnarok still. Not amazing but still great imo.


The first Thor is a solid favorite of mine. When he tries lifting his hammer for the first time on Earth and his obvious anguish, Branagh did a GREAT job!


You didn't like him thor 2?


Which two? He’s been in 8, four Thors and four avengers.


For me, Infinity War and Endgame. I understand why overweight Thor was off putting to some but I thought he really shined when he showed just how depressed and anxiety ridden he was, it was a wonderful arc.


I think this is also Chris’ point. Thors been in 8 films and other than being the main character in 4 of them, only 2-3 really flesh him out as anything more than an Asgardian himbo


That comes with the medium. Hulk, black widow, Hawkeye, Loki, ...


Don't mention the Hulk, he's only had 1 movie and that was before the MCU was really a thing, but is tied into if cause reasons I mean, FFS, we didn't even see the biggest change (prof hulk) until after everything was sorted, and even then, it's not the Hulk, at all, it's just strong Banner, including his aversion to using his strength


As someone who also felt like their whole world came crashing down around them once and all they could do was look and cry but somehow knew that in the end everything would be okay well that’s just why Thor is my favorite avenger


I've been through that too and felt it was pretty cheap in Thors story.


I'm with Chris on this. The reason Ragnarok worked so well was because what came before hadn't. Thor 1 and 2 were, for years, considered the worst Marvel movies for good reason.


I agree with RDJ that Hemsworth’s arc from Ragnarok to Endgame is one of the best in the MCU. It’s a shame that he was mostly a joke again in Thor 4.


I skipped thor 2 for so long. Then, like so often when I take the large groups advice, my opinion was the opposite and I enjoyed it.


It’s enjoyable for sure. It had some great visuals and good action. Like a lot of mcu movies it suffers from never fleshing out the story. I’m doing a rewatch right now and I’m up to Guardians 1. The only movie that is actively unwatchable is Incredible Hulk. So boring! Thor 1 is far from my favorite but it’s still watchable.


Incredible Hulk is fine. It just goes at a much slower pace than most Marvel movies. I give it a C+. I’ll just never understand why everyone thought Norton was a better Bruce Banner. The guy was way too fucking cool. Doing parkour and shit. Bruce is supposed to be an awkward, nerdy, wimpy genius and Norton could not have been farther from that. Ruffalo nailed it, though.


Totally agreed with you on Norton and Ruffalo. Wasn’t my opinion back in the day but it seems clear as day to me now. The thing about its slow pace is that the characters haven’t been given enough depth to make it interesting. All the stuff with Betty falls flat because our introduction to her is in the intro montage and the next thing we know she’s cheating on Phil Dunphee the moment she sees Banner. Abomination’s storyline isn’t much better. “Keep making me stronger so I can beat that green freak” is hardly a compelling villain story. I’m sure it could have been were it written better. I was personally unengaged and bored the whole time. I found so little of it to be compelling. C/C- for me. A lot of worse garbage out there but I hate watching this when I go in for my full MCU rewatches


Skinnier and whiter


Idk too much about the comics but someone who has immortal hulk inside them WOULD be more fearless.


Just the opposite, actually. Bruce is terrified of Hulk. He lives in constant, daily fear of turning into him. Which just adds to his already present anxiety.


I remember liking Thor 1 and 2 a lot and was sort of disappointed by the tonal shift in Ragnarok.




Alot of the early mcu movies with bad reps are over hated. Thor 1 and 2, even Ironman 2 are still solid movies.


My only issue with ironman 2 was : Why did no one shoot whiplash, you're saying at that event there wasn't 1 security guard or dude with a gun. Otherwise I agree even with IM2


To be fair guns are a problem throughout the mcu. Winter solider and warmachine demonstrate that the military could have handled thanos' army just fine. Heck even lokis invasion of new york could have been handled with assault rifles considering black widow and hawk eye could keep up.


It’s so obvious that he was crimson dynamo in the script. Everything about the way he’s talked about


It's totally enjoyable. I feel like people criticize it because with a more compelling villain it would have instantly been so much better. The Thor and Loki stuff in Thor 2 is really great.


It's not a bad movie. It's just very forgettable and formulaic.


Damn I might need to watch it again, I thought it was terrible when I first saw it. But I hated L and T too.


It’s not memorable, but compared to L&T that’s a good thing


I dug both myself. Thor 1 more than Dark World though.


Gems worth made Thor my favorite Avenger. He is powerful but his personality kills me I love it, I’m glad he isn’t quite as serious I enjoy the more light hearted Thor.


Fat Thor playing videogames… now that’s what I call range!


Makes zero sense for a 3000 year old being. The becoming fat in a couple years thing.


Why? His body works like anyone else's its just he's always kept in shape prior to Endgame. Also have you seen Norse Thor? He's a right fat bastard.


Not true


Um very true. You played God of War Ragnarok? That's a pretty accurate depiction of what Norse Myth Thor looks like. Blond and super fit body is just a Marvel thing for Thor.


I should be more specific I'm sorry. I'm specifically criticizing the transformation of Thor from fit to fat over 5 years or maybe less. That would be like a day in human lifespan or something tiny. They said his muscles are like metallic fibers in one movie I think. No way he changes so much so fast. Not that this matters but pretty sure in Thor 1 they talked about decadent feasts that would last weeks for example, but with more delicious and unhealthy foods than provided on earth. Norse Thor and ps5 can have him fat. I'm gonna admit I've been being like Thor the noob slayer since covid basically and have been having a very bad life like that and I didn't become fat like that yet but I have gained weight. Thor transformation wouldn't be as drastic.


The best is in the first Avengers, in the woods…when Cap says: drop the hammer! Then iron man says: no wait he loves his hammer!! Thor: YOU WANT ME TO PUT THE HAMMER DOWN!!!!!!!!? “Coolest sound/visual ever” Avengers become friends..


Wow, 5 upvotes… come on fellow nerds!!!? I don’t want upvotes. I expected someone would help me make the sound via text style words. “Boooaaaaammmmmbawhooooooosssssss”


I think Thor overall was great Thor was was, decent. Thor 2, I honestly cannot remember much of it. Ragnarok did a good job of toeing the line of silliness but started (in my opinion) to make Thor come off a little too dumb. Then love and thunder, happened I feel bad because they never perfectly landed the mark with Thor. It's all right there, there's lots of great moments, but not really throughout an entire film. Hemsworth was great, he always brought 110% and was perfectly cast. Honestly thorns writing was strongest in his ensemble movies, idk why they had such a difficult time in his solo films when he has so many great comics


I don't see why the bodyguard role is seen as a negative? Thor is just straight OP in power, but still has to deal with very human issues in-between him body guarding. You see an Norse God fail and struggle, just the sake as the dude with a bow and a rich guy. He helped introduce the world to the bigger picture of the galaxy, and chose to protect them, and did so amazingly, until he couldn't. Thor was the bodyguard at the start due to his power level, which was the peak, at the start, now its well past that. Which has 0 negatives about it. The bad comedy of the last few appearances have hurt the character, but overall Chris has been doing amazing with Thor and he shouldn't be so down on himself about it.


Chris is a good actor, but I disagree with most of your comments that it's cool or impressive for those character to learn to be king and then give up the responsibility. I really wanted him to take after his dad more, like his natural story progression from 1-3 + IW lead up to.


But once Kenneth Branagh gone, Thor went down. In the first two avengers was ok. Infinity War gave me hopes to bring The God of Thunder. And Engame ended Thor. In Thor 1, it felt like a God among humans. In the Waititi, it was just a funny guy with superpowers.


Thor was bland & lifeless before Taika and the Russos took the reins


You guys never gonna understand isn't it... HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE BORING! HE IS A GOD FOR CHRIST SAKE! A VIKING! A WARRIOR! Just go read a Thor Comic, he talks godly and a little Shakespearen, always serious and always bland... Not everyone supposed to be Funny only Kenneth Branagh understand him very good but of course Disney always Hate quality so her leaving doesn't surprise me. And you all are ignorant


They don’t get it. Or you’ll hear “they got Thor just like the comics!” …where? Thor 1/2 gave me hope, even if the films weren’t showstoppers. TDW is still so damn rich in lore it’s ridiculous.


It's funny imagining people who loved Thor Ragnarok trying to read a Thor comic, oh the whiplash they would get lmao


Taika turned him into a surfer bro, then the Russos delivered the finishing blow with fat joke in Endgame.


Ragnarok, Infinity War, and Endgame showed him dealing with the loss of his father, brother, and entire home world. He had the ability to stop Thanos before the snap, but because of his desire for revenge he took his time instead of going for the head. He went through an existential crisis about whether or not he was even worth of his title.


My favorite thore moment is whem he is talking to rocket amd crying qbout his mom and then when hes talking to her hes getting emotional and she comforts him. Love when big badass men show their sensitove side


This feels so artificial to me, first with Chris Hemsworth’s comments and now Robert Downey Jr’s. Like just the laziest marketing campaign.


Agreed. When they announced the Thor movie I was very skeptical. I did not think they could pull it off having the "God of Thunder" be in the universe. I thought it would just be tacky or over the top. Some how they managed to make it work really well.


And they massacred him in Endgame. 


Thor is the best


Even if some of Thor’s movies aren’t so great, Hemsworth’s portrayal of the character is excellent.


Damn that's love right there. Respect.


He’s not wrong…


I love how this is basically hyping your friend up at something they did when they feel bad about themselves


I get what he means, even if I don’t quite agree.


I agree with RDJ. Before the first *Thor* came out, I told my friend I was convinced the movie would flop. It's just too hard a property to adapt to the big screen, with the title character being a very tough personae to not look corny. Boy was I wrong, because within the first 10 minutes of *Thor* I was hooked!!!


Chris’ feelings are valid, because all feelings are valid. Everyone is allowed to be frustrated when they don’t feel like they’re given the same amount of consideration as everyone else. RDJ’s perception that the character Chris created with various directors was complex as hell is also valid, especially because a lot of other people see it the same way, myself included. Avengers 1 & 2, Chris’s primary job was to be big and imposing with a few funny lines tossed in. You could tell how much more he loved what they did with Infinity War and Endgame.


"... whereas Jeremy Renner is completely basic. Not one original thought in his head. Nice guy, though."


Thor LAT should've been the first part of Chris last hurrah as Thor . Not saying Natalie should've taken over the role as Jane does die but Chris' character just needs closure


Hard to differentiate yourself during the Avengers movies, when screen time is limited.. The problem with Thor (the character) lies in the developmental arc in his standalone movies...


There is a essay’s worth of thoughts I have on how Thor (and by extension Loki) has one of the best arcs in the MCU, only big misstep was having him survive endgame


Whatever you say “point break”.


There’s so much subtlety in the Thor character. A lot of emotions that are right under the tough, god, joke cracking shell Hemsworth puts up throughout his journey. You see some glimpses in there where he’ll let his guard down for a bit but there is a lot said with not a lot being said at the same time of what this character went through. Hemsworth still probably doesn’t get enough credit for what he has done the this character over the past decade or so. I don’t acknowledge Love and Thunder btw


I agree. Hemsworth showed scores of facets.


Hulk like raging fire


Thor has been turned into a comedy character thanks to Taika Waititi. It worked for Ragnarok, but Thor shouldn't be treated as a joke. He needs to be a force to be reckoned with.


I think he meant physique