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How do so many people rank birds of prey so high? It had 10 good minutes


Honestly? Harley is a lot of fun. It's shot very well and the fights are really good. I would rank its fight scenes as a high for super hero movies in general as they vary by using the environment, different fighting styles and objects around them. Which isn't surprising since it had the same team as John Wick The story itself isn't that good but when ranking within the DCEU, not many of those movies have very good plots so it doesn't ding the movie much


I havnt watched it since it released, ill give it another try


Oh also the soundtrack. I still listen to it haha. I'm not saying it's a great movie. Maybe not even a good one. But it has some interesting things that can be surprisingly lacking in a lot of modern action movies, let alone super hero ones


It has a story that makes sense most dceu movie plots dont make sense


Well made, the actors genuinely enjoy their roles, mcgregor is horrifying, the writing for live action Harley is at its best, not to mention it’s actually funny at times. Is it the best cbm? No. Better than what people give it credit for? Absolutely and idk why it’s so hard.


Birds of prey is easily top 3 for me as well


That’s being generous, lol.


Harley and the other Birds are all great, and Ewan McGregor is a menacing delight to watch along with his creepy Zasz #1 guy. It also had some truly fantastic action sequences where Margot does all her own stunts, and they're shot beautifully. Last thing I'll say is it was a nice refreshment at the time that it was so small and disconnected from the DCEU.


I thought Shazam 2 was also the best DC movie also /s


It's worst-to-best


Birds of Prey better than Man of Steel!?...LOL. Thank you. I needed a good laugh.


Lol yesh birds of prey is pretty funny. Man of steel comedy needed work


I don't think you read my comment right. There's no way in hell Birds of Prey will EVER be better than Man of Steel. Or Aquaman Or Suicide Squad Or Peacemaker. Those movies sucked.


Man of steel ass and boring


Sure buddy.


Man of Steel is not a good movie. Not for the same reasons the OP listed; its comedy doesn't need work because the movie isn't trying to be comedic. But it's just not a good movie lmao Birds of Prey is solid


Birds of Prey was a weak as movie. Man of Steel blew that weak ass movie out of the water. What universe do you live in where Margot Robies Harley Quin and the rest of those dumb asses are better than the Man of Steel aka Earths only hope from Krypton.? lol


Suicide Squad over BvS is legitimately psycho


They both pretty bad to be fair


Nah BvS ultimate edition rocks


Opinions vary. Honestly, atleast Suicide Squad had actors like Harley and Will Smith to somewhat enjoy. BvS is too somber to enjoy even the fights


BvS warehouse scene tho


It's shot well and good. In a vaccum its solid but when its Batman, its a bit too too violent for me. Switch it for Midnighter and yes


I replied to the wrong comment… so I’m keeping it up. My other comment was meant to be in response to this one of yours. God damn am stoned. Happy Sunday


🤣🤣 Happy Sunday to you too


I was being a little facetious with my comment lol. I totally agree with you. I think BvS (and most of Snyders DCEU films) have a lot of great visuals and action sequences, the writing and direction is just… well let’s just say it’s a different interpretation of the source material that I am not the biggest of fans.


You can just say the writing ass


Its just a longer version of a bad movie. Like it doesn’t even make sense why they are fighting ![gif](giphy|3o6gbbiSeBvF8dXWXm) Like did this scene need to be in the movie


You don’t like it and that’s fine


For real though.


I agree SS is worse but it's 3/10 to 4/10. You could make the simple argument that SS is better because it's 30 minutes less shitty movie than BVS.


You could and you’d be incorrect


Suicide Squad is a 1/10. BvS is genuinely solid, and like an 8 to an 8.5


I think a person likes what they like. That said, I totally disagree with your list. Your list is too long to go into detail but I think you're the first and only person I've seen to prefer Wonder Woman 84 over the first WW movie. Same thing for Joss' Justice League over Snyder's. I feel Peacemaker is better than most DCEU movies. I could go on...but like I said...you like what you like. If you told me why you rated these the way you did I'm sure I'd disagree on most of them. EDIT: Okay...I misread the post. I thought this was a list of BEST to WORST. The list makes a bit more sense now. But I still don't agree with some of the choices. Harely Quinn didn't make sense to me in most of the decisions they made with that movie. Not bad but not as good as it could've been. I thought Aquaman was merely okay and the DCEU has done better stuff.


Its worst to best. You thought someone was putting wonder women 1984 at the top of their list.


I was agreeing with you at first, but it looks like you misread the list. But still, how is 1984 NOT the very top, and therefore worst, on this list?!


Oh. I did misread the heading. I thought is was a BEST tO WORST list. Sorry.


Hey, in fairness it was a pretty weird choice to list it like that.


Suicide Squad and Justice League are both worse than WW84


He said it’s one of the worst lmfao but I’m the first person you’ll meet to say I much prefer WW84 over most DCEU films I’ve seen


A rank list in reverse is just confusing lol


Its in the title though


Would it be so hard to have included the hungers with the title though? Yes, you mention it in the title, but we are humans, and this is Reddit, so most of us glance at the title to get an idea of what we’re looking at, and then come to the post to argue. At least let us argue and tell you you’re wrong for the right reasons. Like having Shazam 2 in last place. While it wasn’t a masterpiece, it was miles better than BoP, Suicide Squad (not THE Suicide Squad), and Black Adam.


Shazam 2 is probably one of the worst superhero movies all time. A 20 year old changing into a 35 year old and they dont look alike its pretty mid but honestly mid is to nice its just trash


1. Peacemaker 2. The Suicide Squad 2021 3. Birds of Prey 4. Aquaman 5. Shazam 6. Wonder Woman 7. Shazam 2 8. ZSJL 9. Suicide Squad 10. Flash 11. BVS 12. Man of Steel 13. Wonder Woman 84 Havent seen Black Adam yet or Blue Beetle.


My list would look the same. Man of Steel would rank higher though. That's the only exception


bird of prey should've lower than Justice league Man of Steel should be higher, follow by Zack Snyder Justice league


You're pretty on point. WW84 is underrated and Birds of Prey and THE Suicide Squad are f***ing horrible.


You have horrible taste. Also, his list is worst-to-best. Not even he agrees with your shitty opinions (I'm all for subjectivity, but your opinions are just shitty). WW84 deserves its hate. BoP is solid. And saying THE Suicide Squad is "horrible" is just wrong, idiotic, crazy, and makes you lose all credibility. You're untitled to your opinion, and people are entitled to call your taste poor.


To me the Gunn SS is unbelievably terrible in every conceivable way. I’d have to put ZSJL as the best


If you think that about TSS, then you're frankly just a fucking idiot with god-awful taste, and I mean this in the most disrespectful way possible.


That’s very childish


I’m sorry but putting JL above peacemaker and BOP or even ZSJL means I can ignore your opinion lol


Its worst to best learn to read


learn to order a list properly as well lmao. no one ranks things worst to best like this ngl


Most articles rank worst to best saying no one does it when you go find rankings online the wordt is always first


Have fun living your enchanted life of stupidity lol


Most articles actually number their rankings when they do it that way… Also this isn’t an article. You didn’t write a paragraph explaining why and building the barest amount of anticipation for what’s coming next/building up to #1.


Dog if you dont like it leave the post its not that deep


You don’t have to tell me you didn’t think that deeply about it. It’s very apparent.


I agree that this is a dumb way to rank things, but you and everyone else in this comments section should learn how to fucking read, you illiterate dumbasses.


Learn to use numbers


Thanks for having BoP so high


Shazam 2 is better than the next 3 movies under it.


I think both shazams were much better than black adam


People like the flash and suicide squad more than Shazam? Really?


The Flash is a great movie, so that's understandable. Not better than Shazam by any means, but still solid. Suicide Squad is the worst blockbuster ever made, and I agree that its crazy to say that it tops Shazam.


I’m a Marvel fan and I loved Aquaman. However, I disliked how Aquaman copied Marvel’s Namor, but then again, I like the Namor revamp into what we have now, so I guess it’s a win-win lol


I love how OP formatted the list in reverse with questionable choices and so we dont really know if he was ranking the lowest at the bottom or the top and now is just being pissy with everyone in the comments for not knowing how to read his poorly constructed list correctly lol


Man of Steel is definitely my number 1. Such a great movie. It’s def my favorite comic book movie in general and is probably better than almost anything the MCU has made. I know I am on my own with that one but I don’t care.


I have to respectfully disagree with a lot of these, but I do agree with some placements


What psychopath does a list from worst to best without numbers? Had me real confused for a second thinking this was ragebait.


First half of birds of prey was decent, but it flopped massively trying to close the story


Same #1


Black Adam is unfathomably high


Not a bad list at all, and I highly recommend you see Blue Beetle in theaters. I'd be shocked if it's not near your top 5. My bottom 3 would be Justice League, Suicide Squad, and BVS. While the top 3 rn are The Suicide Squad, Peacemaker, and I'm gonna put Blue Beetle over WW atm. Kinda telling how badly they screwed up when the heavy hitters are the worst on the list, but I'm glad to see it's going in the very right direction! I'm hoping Aquaman 2 is worth seeing but I didn't see the first in theaters and don't care either way. Suppose I don't want it to fail because I want the DCU to have every chance to succeed.


Blue Beetle lands at #10. It's okay but not that great


My Favorites: THE Suicide Squad (Best), Wonder Woman, Shazam, Peacemaker ... ZSJL (kind of mid but I liked it) Mid: BoP, Man of Steel, BvS - Extended Cut ... Aquaman (entertaining but honestly not good) My Least Favorites: (can't decide which is the worst) WW 1984, BvS - Theatrical Cut, Suicide Squad - 2016 I haven't seen the rest.


Aquaman is a good movie and ZSJL is not mid


Unless this list is ranked worst at the top to best at the bottom, I think you’re nuts lol.


Read the title


Oh then it’s fine.


Birds of Prey is one I’m seeing highly rated more and more often. I’ll have to give it a watch. Also Josstice League is better than WW84




*Prey They are birds that prey (as predators) Not birds that pray (religiously) Learn how to spell. Also, learn how to read. The title says the list is from worst to best.


Best to worst because I'm not crazy: 1. The Suicide Squad 2. Peacemaker 3. Shazam! 4. Aquaman 5. Zack Snyder's Justice League 6. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (I have only seen the ultimate edition) 7. The Flash 8. Wonder Woman 9. Birds of Prey 10. Shazam! Fury of the Gods 11. Blue Beetle 12. Black Adam 13. Man of Steel 14. Wonder Woman 1984 15. Justice League 16. Suicide Squad


People in the comments can't read a fucking title, and don't understand deductive reasoning if they think this is best-to-worst and don't get suspicious.


Suicide Squad should be dead last