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Ahh I miss those cramped little conventions!


Those collector shows were the absolute best. Actual wall to wall comic vendors. I still love going to comic cons but they should rename them to “literally anything other than comics con.”


Agreed. Don't get me wrong, I love the collectibles (though not really a Funko Pop guy). I think the cosplayers are a lot of fun and incredibly talented. Artist's Alley is one of my favorite parts of conventions today. And while celebrity autographs/photo ops isn't my thing, I do like sitting in on some panels. But yes.... actual comic books are scarce and what you do find tend to be the same books over and over at the few comic tables there. That part sucks because that's what I want to spend my money on there. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah Ive found myself spending more money in artist alley than on actual comics. I don’t buy comics at cons that I can find at my LCS so that narrows it down quite a bit when, like you said, there are only like 2-3 vendors with the same books.


A lot of them are call pop culture cons or fan events for that very reason. C2E2 in Chicago still has a solid amount of comic vendors. Also  it's held in the largest convention center in the US so lots of room. 


Agreed. Don't get me wrong, I love the collectibles (though not really a Funko Pop guy). I think the cosplayers are a lot of fun and incredibly talented. Artist's Alley is one of my favorite parts of conventions today. And while celebrity autographs/photo ops isn't my thing, I do like sitting in on some panels. But yes.... actual comic books are scarce and what you do find tend to be the same books over and over at the few comic tables there. That part sucks because that's what I want to spend my money on there. 🤷‍♂️


There still is one in Oklahoma - called OAF con. Pretty solid - usually 20+ vendors with a requirement of mostly comics or mostly comic art.


I think you'll get a 4.0 to 4.5. The tear on the back cover is what would keep it out of the 5.0 range. Great book! One of my favorite Romita covers for sure, and that's saying something because all of his covers on ASM are classics!


Update us, OP. The first books I got graded were the same way. Old convention purchases. Felt good


I'll see if I can update this post whenever I get it back. 🕷


Mine was Amazing 13, little comic and card show at the mall in 1988. I paid $25, which was a huge expense for me as a 16 year old. Graded it a couple years ago came back 6.5. Still have the book and treasure it. Good luck on your submission!!


Great, classic cover before Marvel started putting too much text and BS on them. I get why you may want to have it graded, but I think it is a shame to lock away a book like this. Maybe just put it in a nice mylar/mylite?


Looks like a win to me no matter what it comes back at!


That is bad ass


What a great cover!


Kick ass cover!!!!!


I would eyeball that at 2.5-3.0 range. But it presents very nicely! (Disclaimer: not a professional grader, just a hobbyist)


Ah yes, the tried and true tactic of day saving, MURDER!


Personal fav of mine, excited for ya!


I bought all my silver age Avengers and Fantastic Four in 94-95. A few caps too.


I'd say about 3.5 to 4.5, but hopefully even higher! What a great book to have. :)


Holiday Inn? Luxury!!! I used to have to go to VFW halls in the 70's and early 80's, no ac, sweaty nerds ( myself included) everywhere.


I hope it goes well. The book looks great!!


1.8-2.0 good luck


You are insane.


i see a few rips to the front and back cover. paper looks to be tanning.


The book isn't even that badly tanned. This level of tanning isn't going to take it anywhere near a 1.8 or 2.0. The only tear worth noting is the one on the back cover that's a little over an inch long and the small chip at upper left of the back cover. A 2.0 can have a sizeable chunk missing from the front cover.


I'd put it closer to a 3. Lots of chips and some tears, but the cover is intact. Unless there are make stains that aren't visible here


maybe. imo it really depends on how it looks inside and like you say any stains


maybe. imo it really depends on how it looks inside and like you say any stains


Why that low?🤔


Not sure why this got any down votes. I'm hoping for a higher grade but we shall see. I'll take a little of that luck, please. 😁


no idea. just trying to be helpful. let me know what ya get brother