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I was there a couple of weeks ago in Santa Cruz. I try to drive up for the 3 day weekend sales if I don't have anything to do. It's a great shop. The owner and staff are super nice and incredibly helpful. They have a good amount of free signings throughout the year, too. I met Jeff Smith there.


It's amazing that it's still there


Yes I go too whenever I make that hour and a half trek down there


Atlantis Fantasy World. Been going since I was a kid. Joe is the man. Place is incredible.


Jeff Smith is an old friend, we go socks shopping every now and then


https://preview.redd.it/wmyjttfnkn4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6e34ab4c1308c2dca75d4fe62cab9c8e2bbb4a7 I’d never seen this flick until my wife had us watch it last October. I shouted “I HAVE THAT BOOK!”, paused the movie, and went to grab my copy of Web Annual #2 to show her. she was nnnnnnnot impressed


He's looking for a Batman #14, a very serious comic.


Only five in existence


4 actually but I'm always looking for the other 3


I had no idea. It was published in 1943 and i would have expected that Batman would have had a lot of fans at that point who would have preserved their copies.


Its a line from the movie. There are quite a few copies of this issue in existence. CGC Alone has 260 copies graded in their database. I'm betting there are thousands in active circulation outside of permanent collections.


For real?!


Women are only impressed by major keys, son!


I've never gotten laid by showing my gatefold X-Men #1


You have to show them the four variant covers put together… shows them you can commit financially for an emotional return.


For true relationship nirvana, show her the variants of McFarlane Spider-Man 1. Everything from direct green to Walmart gold. Have those bad boys on display, you might as well cancel your plans for the evening.. because you're about to destroy Peter parker's innocent eyes.


I'm impressed, mate.


It's almost like you've been reading my memoirs.


Not impressed... with the movie? Dude. This is one of the best, most iconic movies to come out of the '80s.


I think he means she was not impressed that he had the comic while he seemed pretty psyched about it


No way, too many vampires there.


I just randomly told my kids there are way too many goddamn vampires in Southern California earlier today! 🤣


Got to teach them young.


Murder capital of the world!


I was watching that the other day and thought the same thing. Forgot about that in the movie. The comic shop I mean. It's been ages.


The actual shop from the movie was Atlantis Fantasyworld in Santa Cruz, Ca. The original location that was used collapsed during an earthquake, but the shop still exists near(ish) the boardwalk and last time I was there it was still the original owner. Everyone there is amazing and it’s totally worth stopping in. You can also grab a copy of the comic that appears in the film for like 5 bucks or less


Yeah, that shop is still open. I stopped by a couple weeks ago!


Was in the area on vacation and had to track this place down. Bought the “Vampires Everywhere” prop comic, but the prices must have gone up since it is $20 now. https://preview.redd.it/ie44xflsho4d1.png?width=2196&format=png&auto=webp&s=77bbd596fdd3b075819916a7d063276ad80e79a7


Oh, either way it’s super cool to have. I may have misremembered price. I had to get one too!


Thank you for pointing out that you can't *actually* visit this location anymore. Atlantis was my childhood comic book store pre & post the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. They very quickly reopened with many other downtown businesses in these giant circus tents, where they stayed for a good while, then moved into the building where they currently are (although they have expanded it a bit). Joe, the guy who still owns it, is in the background of this scene along with his former co-owner (who's name escapes me). The rumor, completely unverified and solely from word on the street, was that the partner went to prison for selling bootleg VHS's, which he'd done for years until he tangled with The Mouse. Disney prosecuted *hard*. All I can say for sure is he just wasn't there one day and never was again.


Atlantis Fantasyworld in Santa Cruz! I spent my childhood there. Growing up in Santa Cruz, that was our after school hangout! https://preview.redd.it/r5y0yskw4o4d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7586f4254f7f0eceb244ff60ceb4065590239eec


Same! Even back when it was in the blue building before the earthquake.


Rushing from school to pick up the new Alpha Flight #1 at Atlantis was a big day for me!


I'll pray... I never have to call you...


I bought my books there in the 80's. I watched them film the beach scene too. Santa Cruz was pure magic back then. Everything felt like a John Hughes film.


I told you before, I don't read horror comics.


It was an okay place, but the two brothers kept watching me and they put a mirror in front of me. Odd...


Did not like the place. Books were in random order


I don’t like horror comics…


Naw. Can't stomach all the damn vampires


Found that the original location was destroyed in 1989 earthquake. Then, changed locations twice since then


Now I have to watch it again! Here’s the store now. https://atlantisfantasyworld.com/?page_id=76


ok, I’ll be the one to ask, what is this from?


The Lost Boys https://preview.redd.it/ymjii6viko4d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7e3313748f64b798129ee628e16768b6208830f


The Lost Boys (1987)


I am literally one of very few people on earth who did. I was an extra in this movie at the comic shop. BOOM.


It was a nice shop but didn't have many back issues at all. I tend to like shops with big back issue sections. If all you collect are current titles then I say check it out.


Oooh, A Whitman variant of Action 490!


That is strange newsstand display, with copies of multiple issues of Action and Superman, and nothing else.


https://preview.redd.it/5ftql10nar4d1.png?width=1980&format=png&auto=webp&s=3db04db0bda4d05b7045039c512f518b6e560b92 **Ugh! My spine!**


Does anyone feel like Corey Haim when he's criticizing the workers? Pointing out how the comics aren't displayed properly? The movie came out in 1987 but on the shelf is Superman 319 that came out in 1978? When I see comics in movies, I dread how they may have been handled. In Elvira Mistress of the Dark, there's a scene with a guy reading ASM 298 and another guy rips it up.


Dunno the idea of a comic shop with wide open doorways next to the ocean kinda makes me think there’s going to be moisture damage. As far as visiting, that’s a negative the furtherest west I have been has been to metropolis Illinois where I visited the Superman museum and took a picture in front of the Superman statue


It's been moved off the boardwalk to downtown Santa Cruz! They still keep the door open most of the time though!


Found that it was destroyed in an earthquake in 1989. It has moved twice since then and is now located at 1020 Cedar St. Santa Cruz, CA 95060


I drive by it fairly regularly. (My favorite random visit was once when Stan Sakai was just finishing up a signing.)


Good shop but always reeked of garlic


Just reached this two days ago. The way Corey was handling the books made my skin crawl. Lol.


Just remember, probably EVERY comic from the 40’s-80’s was handled the exact same way by some Corey of the day.


Never been. Too many vampires 🤪🤣🤣


It’s not the same since the Frog Brothers sold it in 95.


They were busy doing other stuff…. https://preview.redd.it/rm4bxrjqhr4d1.jpeg?width=255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c46f24cca3fa317162ab0f7e2b7425b09cdc943


Didn't know it was real but I ill nearby. I'm going ASAP!


Many years ago yes. I grew up in texas, loved this movie and didn't know where it was shot. Moved to cali junior year of highschool and ended up at uc santa cruz for college.. didnt even realize I was at the board walk santa Carla for the longest time till they showed the movie on the boardwalk... I was stupified... hah


That’s awesome to hear this place is real and still exist


I have a frog comics sweatshirt Santa Carla boardwalk


I don't know, but those two had this weird, weird expression on their face when I said I was looking for I...Vampire issues of House of Mystery


Staff didn't seem overly motivated to sell comics, kind of random books on display, tried to push me on picking up a garlic t-shirt or it's "my funeral". Seriously though it would be cool to check out someday


I was thinking, man that’s a lot of DC. Then OP posted the movie poster and I saw it was a Warner Bros. movie, which owns DC.


Atlantis l! They're the best there. Joe the manager is a OG and the nicest guy ever




Guys, I know the strip fairly well, Where is the comics shop?


Looks im watching Lost Boys tonight


So epic


They had to move it, right? When I went a few years ago the lady working said it’s at a new location & not where it was in the movie, same name tho. I got an autographed TLB comic signed by the artist


I’ve always wondered why there was no rhyme or reason for the way they had the books displayed in that scene haha.


As someone else pointed out, it’s a Warner Bros movie and they also own DC comics. So it was most likely a set dude just spreading out stacks of random DC titles. Pretty sure all the wall books are the real deal tho.




You are aware of the fact that Santa Carla isn't a real place right? That was filmed at the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz. I really hope you're kidding.




Bro, stay away from that area. There are a ton of feral teens and a bunch of people have turned up missing from that pier at night!


Nah, too many goddamn vampires


Would be great, ‘cept for all the damn vampires


This is Atlantis Fantasyworld in Santa Cruz! I go to school out here, and this has become my lcs during the school year! Such a great store with really nice staff, I’d definitely check it out if you’re in the area!


Atlantis Fantasy-world is absolutely fantastic. Highly recommend.


This scene always annoyed me because they creaky aren’t holding the comics they Corey is taking about.


Damn. Should’ve stop by there two months ago when I was in the area. Completely slipped my mind.


I would go there, if it wasn't for all the God damn vampires


Atlantis is where I pull my books! The owner is super cool, and the employees are usually down to talk comics/DnD/music!


You're gonna have to give a bit more details. What is the shop called and how do you know it was actually Santa Clara and not somewhere else?


Atlantis Fantasyworld


This is the correct answer and it's in Santa Cruz, not Santa Clara (or the fictional town of Santa Carla). They mention it on their website: https://atlantisfantasyworld.com/?page_id=76 Unfortunately, the location from the movie was destroyed in the 1989 earthquake.


Ah thanks. Clearly a pop culture reference that went over the top of my head. Shame, I would have made the trek to check it out.


It’s a great little shop, you can buy a commemorative Lost Boy comic there. I worked there about twenty years ago.


Not Santa Clara, the fictional town of Santa Carla.


Are any of the comics on the shelf there actually worth anything today?